No matter how everyone talked on Weibo or in real life, Jian Yi life had temporarily stabilized.

After the two went through the divorce procedures, Su Zixuan did not live with Jian Yi. On one hand, Jian Yi felt that since they were separated, they should be separated. On the other hand, she thought that Su Zixuan wanted to pursue her again, so he should show sincerity. There was no reason to divorce and live together.

Su Zixuan looked aggrieved. She clearly said that even if they divorced, it would still be the same as before, but he didn’t expect to be deceived.

After Li Zheya figured it out, he didn’t have any worries and moved directly to Li Zheya’s villa to live together. Because he didn’t have a job, he had plenty of time, and he basically brought the children with him.

Su Enran was very sensitive, he had long noticed the wonderful relationship between his parents, but seeing them sweet every day, their relationship seemed to be better than before, he did not have a big reaction.

But sometimes he would be puzzled. For example, his father didn’t sleep in the same house with them every night, but he ran to Uncle Zheya’s house. He felt very strange.

Once while eating, he asked, “Dad, why don’t you live with us?”

When Jian Yi gave him a warning look, Su Zixuan pursed his mouth, and made an aggrieved expression, “Because I did something wrong, this is my punishment, I can’t live with you, understand? I will definitely do that in the future. You have to listen to your mother’s words carefully, otherwise you won’t be able to live at home if you make a mistake.”

Su Enran covered his chest in fear and looked at Su Zixuan in surprise, then looked at Jian Yi in hindsight, almost forgot to swallow the food in his mouth. When he swallowed it suddenly, he coughed violently, obviously frightened.

Jian Yi hurriedly handed him the water and gave Su Zixuan a reproachful look, “Don’t listen to your father’s nonsense. Is your mother such a person? It’s your father who thinks that the scenery of Uncle Zheya’s house is better, so he is willing to live there.”

Su Zixuan smiled at An Ran, neither agreeing nor refuting.

Su Enran was suspicious, “When will dad come back to live with us?”

Jian Yi raised her eyebrows at Su Zixuan, and the corner of her mouth crooked before saying, “When he doesn’t like the scenery of Uncle Zheya’s house, he would come back naturally.”

“Then…why did my classmates say you and dad divorced? Does divorce mean separation?” Su Enran asked ignorantly. He didn’t quite understand the meaning of divorce, but some classmates in school would say that his parents were separated. Now, he must choose one of his parents to live with, but it seemed that his parents were not separated, but they did not live together at night.

“Uh…” Jian Yi looked at Su Zixuan, gave him a look, and wanted him to explain.

“How could Mom and Dad be separated? It’s all rumors made by others. Don’t listen to their nonsense, eat quickly, you still have homework to do after eating.”

After dinner, after Su Zixuan coaxed An Qi, he let her play in the small fence, asked the nanny to help guard for a while, and then went to the studio on the second floor to find Jian Yi.

As soon as he came in, he saw that she was seriously working on drafts. Recently, her fans have increased a lot. Many magazines wanted her publishing rights, but because she wanted to serialize on Weibo to gain popularity.Xia Jingjing was competing for superiority, so she did not agree.

Su Zixuan stood for a while, and when she stretched, he said, “Yi’an, I have something to tell you.”

Jian Yi put down the pen and pointed to the seat beside her, “Sit down.”

She knew that it should be what he wanted to do.

Su Zixuan looked at Jian Yi’s see-through expression and smiled, “I want to open a homestay, what do you think?”

He had been thinking a lot recently. Everyone said he was a workaholic and loved his work very much, but that was because he didn’t have a goal to work hard and strive for, so he wanted to put his passion and all his energy into his work.

In fact, he didn’t really like that kind of oppressive work. He used to be a person who loved freedom and yearned for it.

“Huh?” Jian Yi looked at him with a serious look. Wasn’t that what she thought of?

Su Zixuan moved the chair to Jian Yi’s side, pulled up her hand, and held it in the palm of his own hand. Her hand was thin and white, but recently, her fingers have grown calluses because she had been holding the pen.

“I want to find a place with beautiful scenery to open a B&B. We could watch the sunrise every morning and watch the sunset in the evening. There, you can enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest, and you can go out to collect scenery, and sometimes chat with guests about their lives, where no one is staring at us all the time, and no matter what you do, everything is beautiful.”

Su Zixuan described life in his imagination and talked about it. Slowly, Jian Yi was almost immersed in that kind of beauty.

“You can plant your favorite plants, and you can also raise small animals. Daha and Bailian could have fun there.” Su Zixuan squeezed her hand, and asked expectantly, “What do you think?”

Thinking of his words, Jian Yi slowly imagined that kind of life in her mind, “I think…” She had no expression on her face, which made Su Zixuan super nervous. After appreciating enough of his nervousness, she changed her expression, “Good, do you have a specific address?”