Su Zixuan pulled her into his arms, “Not yet, I wanted to tell you first. You agreed, so it’s not a problem.”

Jian Yi patted his chest, and then said worriedly, “But you really don’t plan to go back to the Su family? If your parents knew about it, they would definitely be unhappy.”

Su Zixuan let go of Jian Yi and looked out the window, “This time I will do what I want to do. As for the Su family…he is still young, he would manage it by himself.”

Jian Yi sighed, “Zixuan, I’m sorry, this happened because of me. If only I weren’t so hypocritical, the matter wouldn’t have developed like this.”

“No one is wrong in this matter, everything is arranged by God. Yi’an, don’t say such things in the future,” Su Zixuan put his arms around her, rubbing her shoulders, and the two enjoyed a rare quiet atmosphere.

Jian Yi originally thought that Su Zixuan would talk to her about moving back, but in the end, there was nothing other than the B&B.

When Su Zixuan returned to Li Zheya’s residence, Li Zheya just came out of the shower. Looking at him in a good mood, he raised his eyebrows and asked, “So happy, the proposal was successful?”

He didn’t go to work recently, and he had been trying to please Jian Yi, just to get her to agree to re-establish the legal relationship between them. Su Zixuan’s efforts were all seen by him.

Who would have thought that Su Zixuan shook his head, “I haven’t proposed marriage yet, it’s something else. Which of these places are better and suitable for retirement? I want to open a homestay.”

“B&B?” Li Zheya took the tablet that Su Zixuan handed over, and looked at the places he had chosen, “Aren’t you going back to the Su Mansion?”

“This is not the focus of today. The point is to quickly help me choose a good place. I will arrange it properly, and then I will solemnly propose, and then hold a wedding that she will never forget,” Su Zixuan said yearningly.

Li Zheya didn’t know what the two of them were doing. They divorced and then were going to get married. He had really seen such a kind of couple for the first time. But he still gave his opinion seriously, “This place is too high-dimensional, it is not suitable. This place, there are no tourists. This place is good, the environment is quiet, it’s a good place for tourism, and the weather is good all year round, suitable for retirement.”

Su Zixuan held his chin and watched carefully, and he thought the same way.

“Okay, then the place is settled. I’ll go check it out tomorrow.” Putting away the computer, Su Zixuan sat upright, looking at Li Zheya with a serious look, “There is one more thing I need your opinion about.”

Li Zheya looked at the excitement between his brows. Although he had given up, he still had a sour feeling in his heart, “What opinion?”

Su Zixuan was a little embarrassed, he rubbed his hands together and couldn’t hide his excitement, “How should I propose? At home? Or outside? Or hold a party and propose in front of everyone? It happens that An Qi’s birthday is coming soon. Here, you can take the opportunity to…”

The more he talked, the more excited Su Zixuan became. He didn’t give Li Zheya a chance to speak at all. He was talking all alone like a machine gun.

Li Zheya looked at him with an excited face. It was hard to imagine that Zixuan, who had always been calm, would be so passionate. He had always been calm and rarely was so excited. It seemed that he really found his own happiness.

Li Zheya smiled and patted Su Zixuan’s shoulder, “If you want to tell everyone, then make things bigger. But if you just want to propose a simple marriage, then buy a ring and propose directly, I believe Yi’an would definitely agree.”

Su Zixuan nodded, “I think so too, but it’s just a tangle. In fact, Yi’an doesn’t like lively occasions very much, but I want everyone to know my heart for her, and I want everyone to see our happiness. “

Although Yi’an sometimes said that she didn’t care about other people’s opinions, he could still occasionally see her unhappy expression when facing other people’s opinions.

Li Zheya shrugged, “I don’t have any good advice, after all, I don’t have experience either. But why would you take everyone’s mood into consideration? You didn’t tell anyone when you divorced carelessly. I think you think too much. In fact, as long as the two of you are happy, no matter what others say, it won’t matter. “

Li Zheya stood up and stretched, “Think about it yourself. By the way, uncle called me today and asked me to tell you to go back when you have time. He has something to tell you.”

Su Zixuan snorted, “I see.”

What was the matter with him? It was nothing more than ordering him to go back. He had already escaped from that cage, and he didn’t want to go back for the time being. He wanted to settle the marriage with Yi’an first, and then talk about the rest.