Raising his eyebrows, Su Zixuan put away the tablet, thinking about how to propose marriage. It would be better to check online to see if there was a romantic and warm way to propose.

Su Zixuan didn’t go back to the Su family. In the past few days, he was checking the location of the B&B. At the same time, he screened a lot of marriage proposals on the Internet. He was too busy.

He didn’t come back until he found a suitable place and negotiated the contract.

Unexpectedly, when he went back, he saw his father, whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, sitting solemnly in the living room of Zheya’s house, obviously waiting for him.

He looked at Zheya who gestured to him, then sat on the side without speaking.

Su Zixuan walked over with his handbag and greeted in a low voice, “Father.”

“Do you still remember that I am your father? Didn’t I ask Zheya to inform you to come back?” Su Zhiqiang was as serious as ever. He looked at Su Zixuan with a stern face. After half a month of running around, he tanned and lost a lot of weight.

But he didn’t show anything on his face, and his expression was still cold.

Su Zixuan’s mood was not as volatile as before. He sat calmly opposite Su Zhiqiang, his face was also expressionless, and he said indifferently, “I’ve been too busy recently, so I didn’t have time to go back. If you have anything, you could give it to me. Send an email, and if it’s urgent, you can call me. Now if there is nothing, I’ll go back to my room first.”

Su Zixuan nodded to him, then bowed politely and left.

Su Zhiqiang looked at his back as he left quickly and sighed. 

How did Zixuan become like this?! He really didn’t look like his son at all!

“Uncle, he…” Li Zheya looked at Su Zhiqiang, whose face was ashen, and couldn’t help but want to persuade him, but Su Zhiqiang stretched out his hand and stopped him, “Zheya, you don’t need to speak for him, he just thinks that his wings are too hard and wants to fly.” Su Zhiqiang stood up, tidied up his suit, and prepared to leave, “I have troubled you today.”

After Su Zhiqiang left, Li Zheya immediately ran to Su Zixuan’s room and gave him a thumbs up, “How did you have the courage to talk to your father like that? You are really not planning to go back?”

“I won’t go back. That kind of life is not what I want at all.” Su Zixuan looked at Li Zheya sideways in front of the computer, and then smiled, “You look down on my homestay. I found the environment after on-the-spot investigation was quiet, like Wonderland. For the two months you have taken me in, if you come, I will give you a 50% discount.”

Li Zheya frowned, “Shouldn’t it be free?”

“I’m not like you. You have a big company. I have a wife and children to support, so I can’t lose money,” Su Zixuan put his hands on the back of his head and smiled.

“That’s true, but don’t make a fuss with your father. In fact, he also cares about you.”

“I know that. After the homestay is completed, I will invite him to go on vacation, and he should be relieved by then.”

“That’s good. I’m afraid that after the two of you fall out…”

“I won’t make it difficult for you. Thank you for everything,” Su Zixuan said movedly, it was rare to have a good friend in life who helped him when he was in trouble.

“What are you saying? Don’t be pretentious, I’m not used to it, I’m going to rest,” Li Zheya listened to Su Zixuan’s sticky words, and quickly left.

Su Zixuan smiled silently. It was good to have a lover by his side, children around him, and expectations for everyday life.

A month later, the affairs were completely completed, and An Qi’s first birthday came as promised.

He invited all his relatives and friends to the B&B and held a grand birthday party.

The B&B was a little far from Nancheng, with beautiful natural scenery, warm in winter and cool in summer, with prosperous plants, and beautiful natural scenery everywhere.

When Su Zhiqiang and Liang Qin received the invitation from Su Zixuan, they didn’t think much of it, but after arriving at the hotel, they found that Su Zixuan, who had been unable to find anyone during the time, was actually handling the matter.

They didn’t pay much attention to him because of their anger before, but they didn’t expect him to set up a homestay quietly. The area was not small.

The birthday party was held outdoors, the grass was green, the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant, and the sunset seemed to be a little more beautiful than other places.

At seven o’clock, the night there came, the sunset was dim, and with the background of the lights, everything was like a fairyland.

When the guests arrived, Su Zixuan came out holding his little princess An Qi, and beside him was Jian Yi in a fishtail white dress.

The four people came to the hall and stood on the stage that had been set up.

When the lights on the stage shone, everyone’s eyes were gathered on them.

Su Zixuan took An Qi in his arms, walked to the microphone, and said aloud, “Thank you very much for coming today…”

After the opening remarks, he glanced back at Jian Yi, “In addition to An Qi’s birthday today, there is another thing I want everyone to witness–“

After he put An Qi on the ground and stood up, he motioned to Su Enran to help watch over her, then took out a jewelry box from his pocket, faced Jian Yi, knelt down on one knee, opened the box, and a ring sparkled inside.

“Yi’an, marry me!”

The audience roared.

(B&B is a system of accommodation in a hotel or guest house. B&B is an abbreviation for `bed and breakfast)