Before the proposal, Su Zixuan had already arranged the wedding. On the day of the proposal, although it was a bit rushed, it happened that all the guests were there. And Su Zixuan was mainly afraid that it would drag on, Su Zhiqiang would not be present on the wedding day, so when Yi’an said that she was willing, the staff who had arranged before rushed out to help her put on the wedding dress and hold the wedding.

Everyone was shocked, but they calmed down quickly. The birthday banquet became a wedding.

After the wedding, no matter what everyone thought, Su Zixuan and Jian Yian moved to the B&B, and An Ran also transferred there.

No matter how angry Su Zhiqiang was, or how Liang Qin persuaded Su Zixuan, he was determined not to go back, and he asked them with a smile to come to the B&B when they were tired to recuperate.

Su Zhiqiang was so angry, but he was helpless. When the child grew up, if he didn’t listen to the scolding, he couldn’t really do anything, right? So after the wedding, he left angrily.

In the quiet homestay, Jane Yian was lying on the cradle watching the sunset.

After marrying Su Zixuan, it had been two months since she moved there, and in these two months, except for the few days of marriage, she had been serializing comics almost all the time. After two months of hard work, her reputation had already spread. Whether it was popularity or discussion, she was on a par with Xia Jingjing, and there were even faint signs that she was surpassing her.

After all, with Li Yan assisting, and Jan Yian’s free serialization, the update speed could keep up, and under the push from various aspects, the popularity rose faster.

Under Jan Yian’s rapid update, the update speed had gradually surpassed Xia Jingjing’s “Spiritual World”. At the same time, people with a keen sense had noticed some similarities between the two comics.

That day, the reason why Jan Yian was laying leisurely in the yard watching the sunset was to rest for a while and watch how everyone on the Internet thought about that matter. Of course, before that, she sent several statements in succession to let her readers not check the other’s work, let alone compare two comics.

As soon as the author’s statement came out, some thoughtful readers paused for a while, but they couldn’t bear the feeling that Jane Yian was getting bullied by the other person’s readers, so they attacked in anger, and the battle between the two readers was ready to go.

From the first volume to the second volume, finally at the moment, the two finally made it to trending news.

Jane Yian looked at the sunset in the distance with a Buddha-like mentality, and she was in a light mood. This event came earlier than she thought, and even had more impact.

In society, with the deepening of people’s copyright awareness, the phenomenon of ‘plagiarism’ and ‘Intellectual property’ was almost a thing that all people discussed. Xia Jingjing’s readers in various anonymous forums and various marketing accounts said that Jian Yian’s work was suspected of plagiarism.

Things began to ferment, and slowly walked in the direction Jan Yian hoped for at the beginning. At first, Jan Yian’s behavior of restraining fans on Weibo was favored by the onlookers, but it was her statements that made Xia Jingjing’s readers begin to attack, thinking that she made that statement because of a guilty conscience. With a list of several seemingly plagiarized summaries, they began to comment on Jan Yian’s Weibo.

When Xia Jingjing saw Jian Yi’an’s comic, she felt panic in her heart. She was sensitively aware that this comic had some suspicious connection with the one she was serializing now. After reading it, she had a bold guess in her heart that the author must have come for her!

Although there was no evidence, she couldn’t make this conjecture come true. She finally took this opportunity to become popular, how could it be possible for people to make trouble for her at such a critical time for copyright? So after thinking about it, she took the chance to encourage fans to fight. Since she wanted to attack herself, then she would attack her first.

In the era of traffic, traffic spoke for itself. Sometimes, only by tearing up and getting out of the circle could they attract more fans. Economic fans, nothing more than that.

So, a war was brewing.

Jan Yian took her eyes back from the setting sun, swiped on Weibo, and the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but rise.

She had been waiting for this scene for a long time, waiting for her to fall into the trap.

The bigger the trouble, the more she was caught off guard by the reversal when she finally made a comeback.

In the end, this ‘plagiarism’ incident was only a matter of public concern, but in their eyes, it was Jian Yian who copied Xia Jingjing. After all, Xia Jingjing’s work was serialized first. In this war, Jane Yian was invisible and inferior. Some readers turned their back to her, and some firmly believed that she would not be such a person and were worried that she would stop updating.

After a few hours, things were about to settle down. Jian Yian didn’t seem to see all kinds of abuse in her private mailbox. She issued another statement: Fairness is in the hearts of the people. There are more beautiful things in life waiting for you to discover. As for this comic, I will not stop updating it, and I hope you can continue to read it happily in the future. For anything else, just trust me, okay?

After her final statement, the popularity began to drop, the people who liked her stayed, and the people that didn’t turned and left. And Xia Jingjing that day, because she won the first battle, the whole world celebrated and cheered, and she was relieved for a while. At that moment, everyone was on her side, so she believed that there should be no problems in the future.

As for Jian Yian’s statement, it was just to win over fans.

After posting on Weibo, Jian Yian received a call from Li Yan. With his persevering efforts, the two became friends not long ago. Because of copyright issues, Li Yan obtained Jian Yian’s contact information.

“Madam, are you alright?” In the circle, readers usually called her Da Da or Madam. Although she didn’t like it much, Li Yan had always called Jian Yian that way, and over time, she got used to it.

“Are you talking about the trending news? Of course it’s all right, don’t worry, I’m not that vulnerable,” Jian Yi’an replied with a smile. She vaguely heard the voices of Su Zixuan and An Ran, who came back from school. An Qi was rather noisy that day, so she was too tired to wake up.

“That’s good, they actually said you plagiarized, that’s really too much!” Li Yan said angrily, he didn’t think someone like Jian Yian would plagiarize, that was simply an insult to her.

However, when he learned that she was the famous Jian Yian on the Internet, he was really shocked. The person who divorced her ex-husband and got married immediately was really courageous. Could one say that he was worthy of her? Life was very dramatic.