“Don’t worry about this, by the way, about the animation copyright you mentioned before…” Before Jan Yian’s voice fell, Li Yan said excitedly, “You agree to hand over the copyright to me?” 

He hinted to her about that matter many times before, but to no avail. Suddenly, he wanted to thank Xia Jingjing a little bit. If it wasn’t for her, he would have to grind the copyright thing for a while.

“I’m thinking about it. You can bring the contract and a lawyer to discuss it tomorrow. I think the sooner, the better,” Jian Yian replied.

She had also been speeding up her pace to draw the next two volumes recently, wanting to finish before Xia Jingjing’s ending, which would get her off guard.

At present, it had been serialized on Weibo, but she had already drawn half of the third volume, and after one and a half volumes, it would be over. After the copyright issue would be resolved, she planned to update the entire content directly.

At that time, everyone would see whose time theory was easy to use, whether it was the person who published it first, or the person who published it last.

Anyway, she had prepared for this battle for a long time and must win.

“Okay, okay,” Li Yan was very happy. Recently, his insomnia got better. If he could cooperate with Jian Yian, there would definitely be opportunities for more cooperation in the future. For animation development, he would do his best to respect the original work and make it well.

“If you have anything else, let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

The next day, Li Yan arrived as promised. He looked at Jian Yian in surprise. She seemed a little different from what she looked like on TV. It was said that she was a more fashionable person, but now it seems that she was quiet and elegant, not quite like her in the legend.

But she was like what he imagined, her whole body was filled with the aura of an artist.

After discussing all the details for three hours, Jan Yian breathed a sigh of relief. She looked at Li Yan gratefully, “It’s a pleasure to work with.”

She knew that according to her own level, animation would be a matter of time, but because of her reputation, it would definitely not be so fast. Whether she could kill Xia Jingjing, this matter was quite critical.

“Happy cooperation. Thank you for trusting me, and I will definitely make it well,” Li Yan was also grateful to her. He didn’t say anything about his insomnia, because it was too miraculous, so he could only help her within his ability, “If you need anything, just tell me.”

“By the way, don’t publicize this matter first, wait until the other party discloses the sale of copyright, and then make an announcement, okay?” Jian Yian looked at Li Yan seriously and asked.

Li Yan nodded and said, “Of course.” Anyway, the comic wasn’t over yet, so it wasn’t difficult for him.

Although he didn’t know why she would target Xia Jingjing, the other party was a little too aggressive this time. If she could really attack, he would be happy to hear it.

After Li Yan and the lawyer left the homestay, Jian Yian collapsed in a chairIt took the lawyer three hours to confirm the details, so it was really tiring.

Su Zixuan came back from the front desk, holding An Qi in his arms, but An Qi wanted to come down, twisting her body like a silkworm baby that broke free from a cicada’s chrysalis.

“It’s done?” Su Zixuan took the opportunity to put An Qi down, approached Jian Yian, bowed his head and kissed her intimately. The sound caught An Qi’s attention.

Jan Yian closed her eyes and enjoyed the massage Su Zixuan gave her, “I’m done, I didn’t expect it to be so tiring.”

Su Zixuan pressed her shoulders, “I told you that I can be your manager, but you didn’t want to,” Su Zixuan was too aggrieved. He offered to be her manager to help her deal with these matters, but was cruelly rejected.

“Because I don’t want you to be too tired.” 

When she didn’t have a partner, Jian Yian felt that she would never say such cheesy words in her life.

Su Zixuan rubbed her shoulders from the front, bit by bit, then picked her up, took her seat, put her on his lap, and hugged her affectionately.

He kissed the tip of her nose,”You will make me happy.”

Jian Yian pouted, “Don’t you like it?” Like a little girl in love.

An Qi went to the sofa to find her toys by herself, but found that no one was following her. When she looked up and saw the scene of her parents hugging each other, she shouted with jealousy, “Mom! Mom!”

She was one year old, so she was no longer swaying when she walked. After she got the pink pig she wanted on the sofa, she immediately turned around and walked toward Jian Yian. At the same time, she stretched out her hand and said, “Hold, hug.” 

Looking at Su Zixuan, Jian Yian teased, “Okay, don’t be a bad example.”

Su Zixuan looked innocent and let go of his hand around Jian Yian, “How can I be a bad example? It’s natural for me to hold my wife, isn’t that right Qiqi?”

An Qi came over quickly, stretched out her hand to Jian Yian and said, “Hold.”

Jian Yian left Su Zixuan and hugged An Qi, “Okay, mother will hug you.”

She looked at Su Zixuan playfully, “She’s with you every day, why doesn’t she like to play with you much?”

“Because She’s tired of being with me every day, so…” Su Zixuan shrugged.

Jian Yian laughed out loud, “Then we can’t allow ourselves to be tired of being together every day, don’t you think so Qiqi?”

Su Zixuan’s face changed instantly, “It’s different, we are husband and wife, how can we be compared?” Joke, he managed to marry her again, but she had been busy drawing recently, and there was not much time for intimacy. If all the time he could take was taken away, he really…

Jian Yian looked at his panicked appearance and thought it was very cute. Holding An Qi and looking out of the window, the window was full of greenery. No matter what season it was, the scenery there was picturesque. Every time she saw the beautiful scenery created by nature, she couldn’t help but admire how there was such beautiful scenery.


She glanced at Su Zixuan, perhaps because of his existence, the scenery was even more beautiful.