After sending out a long Weibo, Jian Yian checked the comments.

There were many unknown people in the comments section, and many of them were people who helped her get Xia Jingjing back before, and more were angry people.

What Jian Yian said was well-founded, and her work ended before “Spirit World”. In addition, “Spirit World” was suspected of being unfinished. Some of the causal relationships in the story were not well sorted out, and there were many loopholes; but Jian Yian’s work was irresistible, not only could it justify itself, but also made people love the wonderful story.

In short, as soon as Jian Yian made a move, the popularity continued to rise, and Li Yan helped. He had a bit of a face in the industry. Under his face, many people were on Jian Yian’s side.

This war, unlike the previous one that ended in a rough and tumble manner. This time, it kicked off with vigor and vitality.

After Su Zixuan was busy at the front desk, he returned to the backyard, following Anqi, who didn’t like to be hugged after learning to walk.

The homestay was not as cold as Su Zixuan imagined at first. He didn’t know who did that, but after posting a set of photos of Su Zixuan and Anqi on the Internet, the homestay with peerless handsome guys spread out. The environment there was quiet, the boss was handsome, and the boss’s daughter was like a little princess.

Although under the oppression of Su Zixuan and the media, the photos did not show much, but the reputation started inexplicably. Generally speaking, the business was still very prosperous, and it also slightly promoted the business around

Su Zixuan glanced back at Jian Yian, and saw her holding the phone with her fingers constantly brushing, and the drawing board in front of her was no longer used. He quickly looked back at Anqi who was stumbling. When Anqi reached him, he picked her up directly, and stepped forward to Jian Yian’s side.

Anqi twisted her body in dissatisfaction, trying to get out of his arms, screaming and slapping Su Zixuan’s big hand with her little hand, “Go down, go down.” “

Jane Yan took the time to look up at her husband and daughter, and her eyes fell on the phone screen again.

“Okay, come down. “

Helplessly, Su Zixuan had to let Anqi down. She quickly slipped off Su Zixuan with her hands and feet, and ran over excitedly when she saw Daha outside the yard.

“Let her play. You took her to the front desk early in the morning, and didn’t let her breathe?” Jian Yian joked.

She sat next to Su Zixuan and leaned on his arm to brush Weibo. She was graceful and enjoying her posture. She also muttered twice because his arm muscles were too big. She found a good position again and leaned back. 

Su Zixuan looked at Anqi with his eyes, for fear that she would accidentally fall down again, and his hands were not idle. He stroked Jan Yian’s head, gently helped her press her scalp, and answered what she said just now, “It’s not because I want to leave you a quiet space that I brought her to the front desk, you have no conscience. “

Jian Yian glanced up at him, and then saw his aggrieved appearance. She stared for a long time, just when Su Zixuan thought he had said something wrong, he only felt a warm touch on his face.

He looked at Jian Yian blankly, this sudden kiss made him happy.

Jian Yian retracted her eyes and continued to swipe Weibo as if nothing had happened. Now public opinion on Weibo was falling on her side. As long as Xia Jingjing had no evidence, then she couldn’t turn over the table.

Thinking of the call with Xiao Li the previous night, Jian Yian sighed sadly. Xiao Li was really a hardworking and studious child, but fate seemed to always forget her, and her situation was not good.

“What are you sighing for? Huh?” Su Zixuan’s face was still filled with a happy smile, and when he lowered his head, he saw Jian Yian’s suddenly melancholy eyes.

Jian Yian sat up and looked at the backyard. Anqi was having fun with Daha. She said quietly, “Do you remember Xiao Li? My assistant before. Didn’t I contact her yesterday? Unexpectedly, she didn’t have a good time after she left.”

Thinking about it again, she was able to refuse Li Zheya with confidence about adopting her pets. Compared with Xia Jingjing’s behavior, her character was really super good.

“Is she in trouble?” Su Zixuan took her in his arms, let her lean on his chest, and asked curiously.

Jian Yian shook her head and nodded, “It’s not that she’s in trouble, it’s just her family.”

Every family had a difficult scripture. At the beginning, she was released from that cage by fate, but who knew that later because of her, Xiao Li returned to that cage.

“You can call her again and ask her to be your assistant. Aren’t you quite satisfied with her?”

“I mentioned that to her, but she said she needed time to think about it.”

With someone familiar by her side, she could feel much relieved, even if she was found out, it didn’t matter.

“Don’t worry, she will come. My wife is so good, how could she not come? “Su Zixuan said confidently.

Jian Yian smiled and slapped him, “Stop it! By the way, it is estimated that Xia Jingjing will fight back soon. You can contact Zheya and ask him to help control public opinion. “

Su Zixuan muttered aggrievedly, “Why can’t I help? Do I need to ask Zheya? “

Jian Yian blinked, looked at him who was jealous, and a word popped out of her mouth, “Old vinegar ghost. ” (m. Jealous person.)

Su Zixuan was taken aback, and instantly understood, “I’m not jealous, I just think I can help with this matter without bothering him,” then he touched his nose, obviously showing a guilty conscience.

Although he had already let go, as long as Jian Yian met Li Zheya, he would be nervous. This was not because he was not confident, but because he cared too much about her.

“You think about it, you are staying in the homestay now, how can you help?” Jan Yian said with a smile.

“Uh…” Su Zixuan was speechless, “I can also ask friends for help. “