“Okay, good boy, don’t be jealous, after this matter is over…” Jian Yian said, leaned into Su Zixuan’s ear and whispered something, the tips of his ears were flushed, and his face turned red.

“Really?” Su Zixuan asked in surprise, his eyes glowed like a wolf. He grabbed her shoulder and was very excited.

Unexpectedly, she, who had always been conservative, would agree to the previous proposal! Su Zixuan was flattered. When the two of them got married, he followed her flow, but he didn’t expect it.……

“Hmm,” Jane Yian nodded shyly. She was not the kind of stubborn person. When two people were together, they just wanted to be happy. Since he wanted to, she hadn’t tried it either, so she thought of trying it as a way to enhance their relationship.

“Thank you,” Su Zixuan took her in his arms and gently printed a few kisses on her head.

Unsurprisingly, when the heat rose, Xia Jingjing really came out to clarify. She held a press conference with a strong position and a lawyer.

When facing the camera, her flushed eyes could be clearly seen, and even with makeup on, one could still see her haggard appearance.

“I want to express my thanks to the media friends who are present today. Today’s press conference is mainly to clarify that I did not plagiarize…” Xia Jingjing calmly narrated what happened, and then turned the conversation around, “As we all know, I am a good friend of An Xiaojian. This work, as I said at the beginning, was made to honor her, and some details were discussed with her. Today, I invited Xiao Li, Xiaojian’s assistant during her lifetime to testify for me-“

She raised her hand and pointed to the girl who had followed her from the beginning. Her face was white from fright. Seeing the flashing lights, she seemed a little scared, and her body shrank slightly.

Xia Jingjing turned her head and said to her gently, “Don’t be afraid, tell the truth.”

As she said that, she nodded to her.

Xiao Li looked at the group of people staring at her in the audience, swallowed, and clenched her fingers tightly. thinking about Yian’s kindness to her before, and Jan Yian’s phone call the previous night, her head was in a mess.

On one side was Xia Jingjing’s temptation of money; on the other side was the condemnation of conscience, Yian’s voice and smile appeared in front of her. She closed her eyes in pain, her eyes turned twice, and she suddenly opened them.——

“I… I… I have never heard An Xiaojian and Xia Jingjing discuss it!”

Before the voice fell, the cameras in the reporters’ hands clicked. Xiao Li’s words surprised everyone, including Xia Jingjing.

She was completely stunned, staring at Xiao Li in a daze, in disbelief. Xiao Li actually treated her like that!

“Excuse me, Miss Xia…” Reporters in the audience frequently asked questions, but Xia Jingjing couldn’t hear them at all. She glared at Xiao Li with a smile at the corner of her mouth. She fell in Xiao Li’s hand, hahahaha.

Upon seeing that, Xiao Li ran away secretly. Since she was in line now, she could only go to Jian Yi’an’s place. Not only because she was kind, but in her, she could always feel a familiar feeling.

At the scene, only Xia Jingjing and her agent, who seemed to be in a state of epilepsy, were left.

In the homestay, Jian Yian finished watching the live broadcast, and the camera stopped on Xia Jingjing’s pale face. She put her phone away and breathed a sigh of relief, “This matter has finally come to an end.” “

After letting Zhe Ya deal with the rest of the matter at that time, the matter was successfully combined. She believed that Xia Jingjing would always live in fear in this life.

Su Zixuan hugged her and lowered his chin to her head, “Are you going to leave the rest of the time to me?”

Jian Yian raised her brows, turned around, and said jokingly, “Xiao Zixuan, what do you think?”

Su Zixuan picked up Jian Yi’an horizontally, causing her to scream. He smiled and said, “Naturally, I think it belongs to me. “

Anqi heard Jian Yian’s voice, looked back, and saw Jian Yian lying on Su Zixuan’s arms. She was stunned for a long time, stood up from the grass, grabbed Daha’s ear and walked in, “Mom? “

Jian Yian shyly pushed Su Zixuan, “Let me down, the child is here, tonight…” 

She blinked, Su Zixuan understood, and put her down.

Anqi walked in and kept calling her mother. After Jian Yian got out of Su Zixuan’s arms, she immediately picked her up, “Mom is here, don’t you want to play with Daha and the others?” Jian Yian helped her get rid of the grass clippings on her head and asked gently.

“Play together,” Anqi pointed to herself, then to Jian Yian, and said angrily, handing the little toy in her hand to Jane Yian.

Jane Yian took it over, “Okay, let’s play together. “

Su Zixuan looked at the harmonious scene and smiled sweetly. This was the happiness of his life.

It was nice to meet her.

He walked to their side and held both of them in his arms.

This was the happiness he could catch, right by his side. Thank God for letting him meet her.

He lowered his head and kissed the heads of the two of them, and said in a low voice, “Thank you for having me, I love you, wife. “

Jian Yian glanced up at him, and smiled, “I love you too. “