Chapter 114 Let’s go to your place

Chapter 114 Let's go to your place

Kan left the gang to board the bus back home as an unexpected visitor awaited him.

The bus ride was long and quiet as it was the afternoon, not many people were moving around as they would in the morning when everyone was rushing off to their place of work.

It was more similar to a busy Monday morning in those times. But as Kan alighted the bus, his eyes quickly caught a figure sitting on the bench provided at the bus stop.

As Kan approached the bus stop, he noticed a small sanctuary nestled amidst the city's ceaseless motion. It was a haven of simplicity, functional and impeccably maintained, a brief respite for travelers in need.

The structure revealed itself as a rectangular shelter, its roof forming a gentle slope that extended protectively over the seating area. It was fashioned from robust, weather-resistant materials, adorned in a neutral hue that seamlessly merged with its urban backdrop.

Examining the roof, Kan noted its composition, likely a blend of metal and composite materials. Time and the elements had left their marks, as evidenced by faint traces of rust and water stains. The incline of the roof served a purpose, ensuring rainwater swiftly made its exit.

A well-worn, wooden bench spanned the length of the shelter, a welcome sight for weary commuters. The years had etched their stories into the wood, leaving behind a subtle patina of countless sitters. Certain spots bore more weathering than others, a testament to favored positions.

At the bench's far end, a perpendicular plank of wood acted as a backrest. It offered a modicum of comfort, allowing tired passengers to lean back as they awaited their ride.

Mounted on a post adjacent to the shelter, a transparent cover shielded a bus schedule and route map. The fonts, bold and easily decipherable, ensured even the most hurried commuters could swiftly check the schedule.

A compact, robust trash bin stood nearby, its lid firmly sealed against any potential litter spillage. A faint aura of cleanliness lingered around it, signaling recent attention.

The pavement encircling the bus stop was a testament to meticulous upkeep. It bore the marks of countless footsteps, displaying slight wear in certain areas from the consistent tread of shoes and the occasional scuff of luggage wheels.

Nature hadn't been forgotten; a modest collection of bushes and flowering plants adorned the outskirts. They injected a touch of green into the concrete surroundings, softening the starkness.

Kan's attention was momentarily drawn to a familiar figure seated on the bench, her presence adding a subtle grace to the scene. Sabrina, her dark hair kissed by a gentle hint of purple in the afternoon light, swung her legs in a manner that barely reached the ground.

Simple, utilitarian light fixtures were securely fastened to the roof. As the day slipped into evening, they would illuminate, casting a welcoming, warm glow over the waiting area.

From this vantage point, the street stretched out in both directions, flanked by buildings of varying heights. The bus stop, a steadfast refuge, stood resilient amidst the dynamic pulse of the city, now graced by the presence of a familiar face.

From afar, Kan could tell already who it was. Her beautiful dark hair now in the shade of the afternoon sun had a purple taint to it.

Her form appeared distracted as her legs swung from the bench, unable to reach the ground fully.

Kan accessed his environment, seeing not many people around. The bus stop was one of the access points he knew to his house and everytime he passed, it was always busy. But then again, when he considered it, the times he passed were either too early or too late which to his knowledge were the times people would go out and would be returning.Never in the afternoon.

'Nurse Sabrina, she's so pretty!!' Kan thought as he approached her.

As Kan drew closer, he noted the distinct elegance with which Nurse Sabrina sat, her hair kissed by the gentle hues of purple. She appeared lost in thought, her gaze fixed on some distant point.

Kan's heart beat a little faster. 'Just look at her,' he mused, momentarily struck by her presence.

The surroundings were quiet, the afternoon sun casting long shadows. There were only a few people around, and they were gradually dispersing, leaving Kan and Nurse Sabrina in a small pocket of solitude.

With each step, Kan's anticipation and apprehension grew. He hadn't expected to encounter her here, and the unexpectedness of the moment added a layer of intrigue.

Finally, he reached the bench. He cleared his throat gently to announce his presence. "Nurse Sabrina?"

She turned, her gaze meeting his. Her eyes, warm and familiar, held a hint of surprise. "Kanakan," she greeted, her voice soft, carrying a melody that seemed to resonate with the quiet afternoon.

"So you found my place, how awesome is that?!" Kan said, showcasing a bit of your boyishness.

Now close enough, Kan could see Sabrina's hair and whole appearance wasn't as perfect as he had perceived from afar.

Her hair was a mess and so was the clothes she was putting on, a complete mismatch. Yet, her face did enough to hold Kan's glued to hers.

"How do you feel now, Kanakan?" Miss Sabrina asked, ushering in a path to converse.

As Kan answered, she reached into her red purse and brought out a small card, handing it over to Kan.

"There..." She said as she gave it to Kan. Kan in the process of collecting it had his fingers graze against hers and that singular contact sent chills through Sabrina's body as she held her breath.

'What is this? How can I go senseless over his touch?! Why do I want more than just a touch?!!' She asked herself, unable to provide any answer whatsoever.

Noticing the discomfort on her face, Kan arced his neck, taking a closer look at her and noticing that she was sweating. He also noticed how her hand was constantly pressed against her lower abdomen, close to her zipper region.

"Are you okay?" Kan asked as he could see she was going through something. The discomfort on her face was palpable enough not to be overlooked. Sabrina With a smile that held a touch of amusement, Kan couldn't help but feel a certain serendipity in the moment. "I just discovered a place yesterday. I could take you there. It's not far from this place!" he offered, finding the entire scenario rather amusing.

As they began to walk, their steps fell into an easy rhythm, creating a comfortable cadence in their conversation. Sabrina, her curiosity piqued, fired off questions, her desire for knowledge palpable. Kan, in his characteristic easy-going manner, fielded each query with an openness that seemed almost instinctive.

The sun cast dappled patterns on the pavement, filtering through the urban canopy. Sabrina's questions flowed like a gentle stream, weaving through various topics. She wanted to know about Kan's interests, his experiences, and the city he called home. Kan, for his part, responded with a casual candor, as if sharing pieces of his life was as natural as breathing.

Occasionally, a burst of laughter would punctuate their conversation, as if the universe itself were eavesdropping on their newfound camaraderie. The surroundings seemed to blur as their focus remained firmly on each other's words. It was a dance of connection, an exchange of stories and perspectives that unfolded with a seamless grace.


The market, nestled between the sprawling buildings, was a bustling hive of activity. Vendors hawked their wares, their voices blending into a lively chorus. The air was redolent with a medley of scents - from the earthy aroma of fresh produce to the fragrant notes of exotic spices.

As Kan led Sabrina through the narrow aisles, he couldn't help but be amazed by her efficiency. She navigated the market with the precision of a seasoned shopper, her eyes scanning every stall with keen intent. In seconds, she had gathered an assortment of fruits and vegetables, her hands moving deftly as she inspected each item.

Kan's internal dialogue couldn't keep up with the whirlwind that was Sabrina "Does she do this often? How can she pick so swiftly and yet be so sure of her choices?"

He watched in a mix of astonishment and amusement as Sabrina moved from stall to stall, her selections growing by the minute. Bags piled up, forming a small fortress around them. It was as if the market itself was unable to keep pace with her fervor.

"Sabrina, are you sure you need all of this?" Kan finally ventured, unable to contain his incredulity.

She turned to him, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of determination and satisfaction. "Trust me, Kanakan. This will barely last a week in my house. I'm known for my... voracious appetite," she confessed with a chuckle.

Kan couldn't help but chuckle along with her. It was a refreshing change from the often somber atmosphere at the gang's base. "Alright then, lead the way. Let's get these bags sorted."

Sabrina flashed him a grateful smile and began to organize the bags with a practiced efficiency. She seemed to have a system, categorizing items by type and weight. It was a sight to behold, the way she orchestrated the packing.

[Hmmm how is she going to manage all of these loads now, hmmm] Hela's intrusive voice ventured into the scene unfolding before kan's eyes. Kan already knew what the system was hinting at and made the move.

"Here, let me help you with some of those. You couldn't possible hold them all!!" Kan bent down to help Sabrina pack.

"Oh wow, I didn't think they would be this much. I might have actually gone overboard this time!" Sabrina said, laughing nervously as she realized her mistakes.

"It's fine, I'll help you take them home if that's alright with you?" Kan offered.

"That would be wonderful but aren't you tired from school? You are still in your..uniform" Sabrina said, her eyes inspecting kan's uniform. Kan immediately knew she was cursing the uniform in her mind but paid no mind to it.

"Don't bother about me. Let's me help get these home!!" Kan declared.