Chapter 278 - You are a wierdo

When Sky got a perverted man after a few changes, Sky warned him to behave. When he still tried to rub her back, Sky stepped her heels on his foot and drilled it with a smile on her face. Since her gown was floor-sweeping nobody could see it.

When Sky reached the next dancer, that man had fallen on the floor holding his leg. Sam and David noticed it and laughed. Arlo shot a glance at Ryan to deal with that man knowing what would have happened.

Sky didn't notice her dance partner was Milan until he spoke, "Ms.Barton, Why do you run away from me?"

Sky's lips twitched when she heard the voice, "Because you look down on a woman and you are a weirdo?"

Sky knew he wasn't a good man hence she tried to avoid him and she doesn't have to care about him either.

Milan was speechless for a movement. "Ms.Barton, shouldn't you think of yourself as lucky for meeting a prince charming?"

Sky wanted to laugh very badly. "This isn't a fairy tale to look for prince charming. And don't tell me you calling yourself as a prince charming."

Milan was tongue-tied again, "You are a difficult woman to talk."

"Thank you so much for the compliments." Sky pissed him more.

Milan had a complicated expression looking at Sky. But she didn't care and continued with the dance.

When waltz was near ending, Sky noticed how easily her movement matched with the dance partner, She raised her head noticed the person watching her. She subconsciously said, "Arlo" seeing his eyes.

After seeing the person's expression changing, "I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else." She cursed herself for thinking about Arlo just because eyes looked the same and apologized right away.

But the man left her hand went off the dance floor. Sky felt very embarrassed and was getting off, somebody twirled her to the center of the floor with the change of music saying the waltz ended.

Due to multiple spins, Sky felt dizzy and closed her eyes. When she thought she would fall, but a big palm held her both the hand and shifted her left hand on their shoulder and held her back.

A strong tobacco smoke entered her nostrils and she frowned. She opened her eyes and saw the man. The shock was written on her face.

She trembled for a second before looking calm. But her one second of anxiety was caught by the man and laughed.

Sky got goosebumps by his laughter but she spoke in a nonchalance manner "Sir, I respect your age but you should have manners to ask a girl for dance before pulling her on the dance floor."

Man's expression changed after hearing her taunt. But before he could speak, they were interrupted. "Excuse me, May I take my girl back?" It was a gentle voice with a doting gaze at Sky.

Sky didn't give time for the man to react and she excused, "Excuse me."

Sky held David's hand and moved a little aside and slowly moved for the music. After making sure the man left, Sky heaved a sigh of relief, "That was intense."

David smiled and remained silent. David and Sky left the dance floor after a few minutes. She took David to meet Daniel and then four started enjoying the buffet.


"Why did you run away from the dance floor?" Ryan asked as he ate.

Arlo gave him a death stare. Ryan dropped his fork and wanted to flee but he was stopped.