"Good." Ye Xiaoyan has no opinion.

Jun Chen listened to their conversation clearly.

His heart is inexplicably very irritable, very uncomfortable.

He really wanted to beat jack up so that he could never smile again!

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Jun AI noticed that his face was getting colder and colder and asked in doubt.

Jun Chen seems to smile rather than smile: "I am ok, I just hate abnormal!"

That Jack, it's very abnormal!

Ye Xiaoyan's face turned white.

He thought that Anson was talking about him

"Xiaoyan, what's the matter with you?" Jack asked him concerned, "you don't look very well."

Ye Xiaoyan quickly recovered his expression: "I'm ok..."

"Really OK?"


Jun Chen also seems to realize that he said wrong, he dropped the knife and fork, light way: "you slowly eat, I don't eat."

"Brother, where are you going?" Jun AI asked in doubt.

Jun Chen head also does not return: "go out to train!"

Jun Qi thinks that he is really training. He quickly finishes the rest of the food and goes with him.

Jack said with a smile: "they are really training maniacs, more diligent than you, Xiaoyan."

Ye Xiaoyan did not respond to him. He ate the food mechanically, and all he recalled was Anson's words.

I hate perverts.

I hate perverts

He is a pervert in his eyes.

He even hates him to this extent, even looking at him, will feel disgusted?

Ye Xiaoyan doesn't know what happened to him.

Clearly they are not friends, why he is still sad because of his words.

It's really sad

On this day, ye Xiaoyan was not in a good mood.

Jun Chen's mood is also bad.

When he and Jun Qi were training, the attack was very fierce, which made Jun Qi confused.

"Are you happy?" Jun Qi suddenly asked him.

Jun Chen light retort: "have no."

Jun Qi is very sure: "you are just not happy."

"I said no!"

"You can't fool me." Jun Qi's expression is very serious.

Jun Chen does not know what to say, this younger brother usually looks silly, very simple.

In fact, intuition is frightening.

They're twins again, telepathic.

He's not happy. He can feel it.

Jun Chen went to one side to sit down and took a bottle of water to drink.

Jun Qi also went over and sat down beside him: "why not happy?"

"I'm fine..."

"Because of the little words?"

"Puff --" Jun Chen a saliva spurt, almost choked.

He did not start, slightly embarrassed: "not because of him."

Jun Qi was a little confused: "really?"



"If I say no, it's not!" Jun Chen interrupts him, but Jun Qi just doesn't say anything.

After sitting for a while, Jun Chen got up and said, "go on."



After that day, ye Xiaoyan avoided Ansen in everything he did.

He would get up early and stagger breakfast with them.

I'll be back late again, just to stagger the time.

When training, he will find a place where he can't see them.

At first, Jun Chen didn't notice what.

However, he didn't see ye Xiaoyan for several days in a row, so he noticed something wrong.


He deliberately went out when ye Xiaoyan went out.

Ye Xiaoyan suddenly saw him, immediately don't open his eyes, quickly left.

Then he went to the canteen for breakfast. Ye Xiaoyan also found a seat far away from them.

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