He ate very fast and soon finished eating and left.

When Jun Chen and they go out of the canteen, he has already disappeared.

Jun Chen has been 100% sure that ye Xiaoyan is avoiding him.

Realizing that, he's not angry It's sad.

But he hid his sadness well and pretended to know nothing.

It's good to wait a little longer, maybe he can forget him completely

He really doesn't want to like a man. He really doesn't want to.


Before PK, ye Xiaoyan and Jun Chen had almost no intersection.

Ye Xiaoyan and Jack are getting closer and closer.

Jack is getting closer to him.

Jack, like a brother, tolerates him, guides him, and makes friends with him.

Although he couldn't trust him as much as he did to Anson, ye Xiaoyan still appreciated him and cherished his friend.

But whenever I think of Anson, there is a place in his heart that still aches.

The pain was more painful than the occasional stabbing pain in his chest.

So, he didn't care much about the prick in his chest.


In a twinkling of an eye, the day of PK is coming soon.

Everyone was nervous and didn't know who their opponent would be.

Ye Xiaoyan missed AI Xi a little at this time.

If only she were here.

When drawing lots, he can ask ashey to help and avoid PK with Anson.

He didn't want to fight them.

Early in the morning, Misha gathered them together.

There was a box next to her, and she said to them, "start the draw now. After the draw is finished, start PK. Today, we will select six excellent students. "

Her words made the atmosphere more solidified.

"Line up to draw lots." Misha doesn't talk nonsense. She just starts.

They lined up to draw their own number.

Which number and which number PK, already written out.

So which one he won is his number plate.

Jun AI drew the first lot. She took out a round sign with No. 4 on it.

Then there's Leshan. He's number two.

1 and 2, 3 and 4, and so on

Seeing Leshan's number plate, Jun AI is relieved and doesn't need to PK with him.

Jun Chen is No. 7, and they are relieved.

Then Jun Qi is No. 3.

He will fight Jun AI.

Jun AI immediately broke down and said, "how can I PK with my second brother?"

Jun Qi is also very distressed, "I'll smoke again."

Jun Chen stopped him, "everyone can only smoke once, no way, you and sister PK."

"But I'm sure I'll lose!" Jun AI cried, "I'd rather have a PK with Mike than with my second brother."

The second brother is more powerful than the elder brother. She is not his opponent.

Leshan was dissatisfied: "I'm better than you, OK?"

Jun love Du mouth, "not necessarily oh."

"Well, if you don't believe it, we'll have a discussion sometime."

"Well, you can set the time. I'm free at any time."

Jun Chen is speechless. Are you biased

Everyone finished smoking, only the last one didn't smoke.

That man is Ye Xiaoyan.

Jun Chen looks past, need not smoke actually, he is the last, the number card of the last 11 is his.

Number 12 is the new student.

The man is one year older than ye Xiaoyan, but he has been training on the island for three years and is strong.

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