Chapter 626: City full of dried corpses

Name:Apocalypse Gachapon Author:
Chapter 626: City full of dried corpses

Beside him was a rusty abandoned car. Ye Zhongming rolled behind it and was finally able to take a breath.

This long sprint, which forced him to go all out, was too much for Ye Zhongming, even with his stamina, and his chest felt like it was burning.

It had been rare for him to face such a situation since he evolved. Running while fighting tested ones limits.

But he could only suppress his breathing. That was because he saw enemies.

Although he had made his way out, those plants didnt retreat. They continued to dance like they were searching for him.

Ye Zhongming sliced many of these plants. The other leaves snatched those broken leaves, and the entire road was busy.

On the street behind him, Ye Zhongming saw a bunch of zombies.

They were dead, but they were in a very weird state.

Since the last life, he, or rather the entire human race, knew that the only way to kill zombies was to slice their heads or destroy their brain functions. After which, you would dig the demon crystals and use them to evolve.

But the heads of these zombies were intact, and their demon crys

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