Chapter 627: Death King Tree and Life Taking Carrot (1)

Name:Apocalypse Gachapon Author:
Chapter 627: Death King Tree and Life Taking Carrot (1)

It was from a part of the ruins that hadnt collapsed. He thought it was just a crack, even with how detailed Ye Zhongming was.

But it was a stone door.

Inside it, a pair of young teens were waving at him.

He hesitated slightly before rushing over. He entered the stone door, and then it closed, turning back into a natural crack.

How did you get in? Did you survive from the last Feasting Day?

Ye Zhongming entered, and he was in a wary state. He noticed that there was a tunnel made of many ruins. Nearby was a place that curved so he couldnt see too far. The sky was dark outside, so it was pitch black within.

But with his sensory ability, he knew the tunnel was safe and there were no dangers.

As for the people behind him, even if he wasnt in a good state, they werent a threat to him. This was why he dared to enter.

The pair of them were only three-star evolved.

When he heard the younger girl ask him that question, he was able to grasp a few problems.

First, there were people alive in Linhai City. Moreover, they knew those mysterious plants locked the city, so outsiders couldnt head in.

This lockdown was relative. There would be a Feasting Day where people could enter. But he didnt know if people could get out.

Seeing that Ye Zhongming didnt reply, they used the slight light to look at each other. The guy said, Lets get to know each other. I am Yang Yixi; this is my girlfriend, Mao Ying. We came here during the second feasting day and had been trapped since. We are both three-star evolved.

The footsteps got near. Yang Yixi gave Ye Zhongming a shushing handsign before pointing at the tunnel. His girlfriend and he led the way.

The people here mostly came from the second and third Feasting Days. The longest has spent more than half a year here. The shortest is around five months. You are the first outsider that we have led in.

Ye Zhongming listened carefully. Yang Yixi had a good attitude and a rare smile on his face.

Oh, that is where Mao Ying and I live.

Yang Yixi pointed at a house made of wooden boards. He opened the door and asked Ye Zhongming to enter.

It was simple and a little humid. There was also a slight ocean smell due to the bomb shelter.

Drink some water.

Yang Yixi passed him a cup, and there was a layer Two mouthfuls of water. Moreover, Ye Zhongming used the candle and saw that the water was murky.

That, this is all we have. He smiled awkwardly, You saw the situation outside. It is the world of those tree zombies, and it is tough to find water. There is underground water, but they are contaminated. We only have one purifier, so it cant purify much. The quality of which is what you see in your hands.

Ye Zhongmings eyes twitched, and he asked, Tree zombie?

En. Mao Ying replied. She tried to gesture how those zombies looked: "They are puppets controlled by the Death King Tree. You came from outside, right? You probably dont know about it. Not many have seen its true look, but it looks similar to the branches from the portion it showed. It would control those dried corpses, so everyone called it Death King Tree.

The tree zombies are zombies, mutated animals, humans. After the tree captured them, it sucked their energy and planted its seeds, turning them into the tree zombies that you see. They would often be left in the nest and only head out at night to search for survivors or mutated lifeforms.

Ye Zhongmings expression didnt change, but deep down, he was shocked.

This was the first time he heard of Death King Tree and tree zombies. As well as the weird controlling methods.

Can you tell me in detail? Ye Zhongming touched his pocket, and a silver Russian Wine Flash appeared. It had only a few ounces of storage. It wasnt wine inside but an energy drink from the wheel that helped to recover ones body. Two mouths were enough to provide three-star evolved with two hours of energy.