Qin Yufei did not say anything. Gu Yingjie didn’t bother to say anything either. He was getting excited and thrilled. He knew she really wasn’t the type he always liked, but he was now suddenly very sure that he liked her.

Just a moment ago, outside the restaurant, the moment he saw her, it had never been this clear to understand.

He liked her, perhaps in stronger terms. He liked her very much.

“Qin Yufei.” He called her name. Even just calling her name made him leap for joy.

Was the air in this restaurant sprinkled with the drug of ecstasy? The drug of love.

She looked at him, didn’t say anything, didn’t know what she was thinking.

“Qin Yufei.” He called her again.

Whatever trouble she was in, he would definitely help her, his heart was filled with a protective desire for her.

He had to let her know this. He had to let her know that he was willing to let her rely on him. He will have to find a chance to talk to her about his feelings later, he is not someone who can hide his feelings, he knows his feelings and wants the other person to understand. What’s more, the other party is Qin Yufei , without saying clearly, it’ s not sure when the next meeting can be. This conscienceless woman will not miss him at all.

He had to bow down to her, she guessed right, he was trying to pester her. Of course he didn’t think so before, it doesn’t matter if she believed before, what matters is that he wants to pester her now and see what she has to say.

She couldn’t  resist, the passion she felt for him couldn’t be concealed. There was an inexplicable magic between them, and that kiss at his house that day was so beautiful, she was so passionate that she was going to melt by him. It was never a mere sexual attraction, he knew that very well.

She had feelings for him. He knew it. Maybe she was just proud and felt that they hadn’t started well, that she didn’t trust him enough. Or maybe she was like him and hadn’t figured out what was going on, well, either she didn’t understand, or she just didn’t think about it that way at all. Thinking that it is impossible, naturally will not think much about it, just like he did.

Inexplicably resisting, silently avoiding, avoiding the “impossible”, thinking that as long as you do not care, it is really “impossible”.

It’s silly.

So he should have a good talk with her. Of course, he’d let her talk about what she wanted to talk about first. What had happened to her, what did she need him to do?

“Let’s eat first and talk afterwards.” Qin Yufei said, the words were following the words in Gu Yingjie’s heart, making him smile. This is considered a heart-to-heart?

Qin Yufei nervous and a little twisted, see Gu Yingjie has been laughing made her angry. “Why keep laughing and smiling, you forgot to take your medicine today?”

“Obviously you did not take your medication, very cranky ah.” Gu Yingjie smiled, facing Qin Yufei’s temper, he was really quite used to it. “Speaking of taking medicine, did you use those methods I told you about?”

Qin Yufei blushed, ” Are you a man oh? Why do you care about women’s kind of things?”

“How do I remember that you’re the one who doesn’t look like a woman, at the beginning when we just met and weren’t familiar you were talking about your period.”

“Hey, you have a very bad memory. It was obviously you who first said if it was my period coming and throwing a tantrum before I mentioned my period.”

“Is that so?” He cocked his head, in fact he really didn’t remember much about that time. He just remembered that she had her period at the restaurant and was so miserable and painful that her face turned pale, and he was the one who finally sent her back. Oh, at that time there was also Mi Xi around.

Qin Yufei glared at him, what a crooked head pretend to be handsome. Annoying!

“The point is did you listen and do as you were told?”

” Of course, No!” She answered quickly and gave him a look of how she could possibly listen to him.

Gu Yingjie leaned back and looked at her with his arms clasped around his chest, with a “you are really disobedient” look. Qin Yufei shot him a glance, play handsome? Acting prince oh? She does not buy this thing, okay? She turned her head to look out of the window, as if there was no such person in front of her.

After a while, the waiter served salads and appetizers. Qin Yufei turned her head back and ate very seriously, without raising her head. Gu Yingjie slowly and methodically stuffed food into his mouth, looking at her from time to time. Today Missy is in a bad mood, so is this not a good time to talk to her about emotions? But it’s not easy to see her, he’s not willing to confess over the phone, and the woman is not answering his calls. He is not likely to send a text message to confess his feelings, and his text messages to her have always been like a stone thrown to the sea.

Gu Yingjie’s heart was spinning, this woman must be difficult to handle, he had to think of how to start.

“What do you want from me?” It’s good to try it out first.

” Eat first.” She replied.

“Can’t we eat and talk at the same time?”



“I’m afraid I won’t have a good meal.”

“That serious?” He laughed lightly, making her glare at him. He added, ” Now you’ re equally unhappy without the chat.”

She continued to glare at him, she just likes to eat and then talk, can’t she? She was happy to be unhappy, can’ t she?

Gu Yingjie spread his hands under her glare, okay, you can do whatever you want, you decide.

Soon the main course came up, and Qin Yufei ate more seriously. Without raising her head, she finished her steak in one breath. Then a plate of fried fish fillet and a large portion of tomato sauce was silently pushed in front of her. She looked down and then raised her eyes to Gu Yingjie, who was chewing and slowly eating his baked rice. Noticing that she was looking at him, he said, “If you want to eat, eat it, if you don’t want to eat, put it away, I’ll eat it later.”

Qin Yufei looked, there was still a lot of his rice, he hadn’t finished it, so she should wait. She looked down and looked at the tomato sauce again, saliva secreted in her mouth, so greedy, wanted to eat. But she held back. The following words she was going to say made her reluctant to enjoy his thoughtfulness.

Gu Yingjie also finally noticed that things were not too good, it was not like her previous unhappiness. He finished his meal, took the fried fish fillet over and ate it one bite at a time. He does not like dipping sauce, the original flavor is crispy, without dipping sauce is delicious. Qin Yufei stared at him with a tolerant expression. Gu Yingjie didn’t care about her and wasn’t going to accommodate her ketchup obsession.

“Gu Yingjie.” Qin Yufei finally couldn’t help but speak up.

“What is it?” Gu Yingjie asked playfully, thinking she must be picking on him for eating without dipping in the sauce.

“Do you like me?”

Gu Yingjie almost choked on the fried fish fillet.

“Gu Yingjie, I think I like you a lot.” Qin Yufei said again.

Gu Yingjie was shocked. Hurry to drink a large mouthful of water.

“You don’t have to panic, I don’t intend to do anything to you. Won’t knock you out and drag you back to the cottage.”

“Pfft.” Water almost sprayed out, coughing furiously.

Qin Yufei quietly looked at his mess, no intention of giving him a tissue, pat his back or something. Gu Yingjie’s heart sank, how could he possibly like this kind of woman.

“Gu Yingjie.” She waited for him to stop coughing and called his name.

He wiped his mouth and looked at her.

“We ……” She paused for a moment and his heart lifted, was she going to steal the confession? Between her usual heartless, fierce, and unlikable, should he say yes right away or hang on to her and say he’ll think about it?

“Let’s not see each other anymore.”

Gu Yingjie’s mouth opened wide in surprise. If just now she took the initiative to say that she liked him out of his expectation, then now she was really completely out of his expectation when she said that they shouldn’t meet again.

And, wait, didn’t she the one who asked him out? Asking him out to meet and then saying “let’s not meet again” is a trick on him? They hadn’t actively met before either, those were just chance encounters, weren’t they?

Gu Yingjie closed his mouth and frowned.

“I’m seriously talking, don’t make that face.” Queen Qin was not satisfied with his reaction.

Gu Yingjie raised his hand to scratch the corner of his brow and asked, “Why can’ t we meet?” He refused to be played with like this.

Qin Yufei didn’t answer right away, she lowered her eyes, staring at the fried fish fillets, and finally couldn’t resist taking one and dipping it in the tomato sauce and sending it into her mouth. The tomato sauce was sweet and sour and soothed her heart. She swallowed all the fish fillets, wiped her hands, and then said, “Gu Yingjie, I have a lot of problems.”

“I know.” Gu Yingjie replied honestly.

Qin Yufei gave him a glance and continued, “You know about me. As for me, that relationship was really all-out, I thought I could give everything, I thought I would marry him, I introduced him to all my friends, I even thought of taking him back to my parents. But, but this is how it ended up. Gu Yingjie, there is something wrong with me, I know, and I find it hard to devote myself wholeheartedly to a relationship anymore. I’m suspicious, and I have a temper, and I’m bossy, and I’m ……” she stopped, seeing little children make her abdomen ache , and she didn’t dare tell him.

When in the United States, she dared to tell him about the ugly history and the bad things, but now she did not dare. She knew that she did fall in love with him.

Qin Yufei lowered her eyelids and took two deep breaths.

Gu Yingjie frowned and stared at her, couldn’t help but speak:

“I ……” but just started a head and was interrupted by Qin Yufei.

” Don’t you say anything yet, let me finish first.” She hardly mustered up enough courage, she had to finish in one breath.

Gu Yingjie had no choice and closed his mouth.

Qin Yufei continued, “Gu Yingjie, actually you are quite good. But you’re too womanizer.”

“I’m not a womanizer.” Gu Yingjie is unpleasant, it is impossible to shut up, he does not accept such an accusation.

“You’ve had so many girlfriends, how come you’re not a womanizer.”

“Every breakup has a reason.”

“One or two is fine, but there are so many, it must be your problem.”

“There are not so many.”

“Anyway, several.”

“Some breakups aren’t initiated by me.”

” It’ s still a breakup.”

Two people stared at each other.

“Look, we haven’t done anything yet and still we can argue.” Qin Yufei glared for a while, she lowered her eyes and went back to the tomato sauce, then she reached for another fish fillet, dipped it full of sauce and put it in her mouth, feeling better.

“Gu Yingjie, you don’t have to be upset. You’re such a womanizer!” The tone of voice firmly accused him.

“I, am,not!” He just wasn’t convinced.

“Then you say, these girlfriend of yours, how many have you brought home and how many of them you plan to talk about getting married? Your beautiful models and celebrities, will your family agree? Can you really marry?”

Gu Yingjie opened his mouth, there was really none of them that make him fall in love to the point of bringing them home to meet his parents to talk about marriage, and they broke up. His family does have requirements for family background, but he thinks the most important thing is his feeling. If he likes then he would insists, his family certainly can not oppose. “Every relationship I’ve ever had has been serious.” That’s all he could say. ” The breakup in the end was not all my problem.”

“So on Young Master Gu’s side, it’s also hard to find true love.” Qin Yufei sarcastically snapped at him.

Gu Yingjie frowned, for the first time he felt weak.  Falling in love, and love each other, it’s good for both of them are happy. What else? Which step can be taken, don’t you need to let nature take its course and see? Every time he was in a relationship, he didn’t go as far as discussing marriage. It should be like this, right?

“Gu Yingjie.” Qin Yufei then said, “I’ve thought about it, we really don’t suit each other. I have so many problems, and you know all my bad things, how can you not mind? We fight every time we see each other, and if we were together, you would soon be unable to tolerate me. And I would be suspicious that there would be something else behind the smile you give to other women, I would guard against you reaching out to my friends, and I would lose a lot of friends because of it. My life would be a mess, I’d be suspicious and unhappy every day, and then we’d argue and resent each other.”

She stopped and looked at him.

“I don’t want it that way.” She said.