Chapter (Arc 3) 61: Regicide

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter (Arc 3) 61: Regicide

I dont think I heard properly. You want me to assassinate a princess? Vir asked as he clutched the chairs armrests. His knuckles had turned white.

I will not lie to you, Vir. This will not be a simple task. It will require everything you have learned, and then some.

There was only one thought running through Virs mind: Is this a joke?

One look at the man told him that no, this was no joke. Riyan didnt joke.

If I ask why, Im guessing you wont tell me?

I, Riyan said, pausing, this is not a topic I have ever discussed. With anyone. Even after all this time. I once served in the Hiranyan army.

What happened?

Riyan leveled his stare at Vir, but his eyes were elsewhere, looking at memories of another time. She slaughtered my wife and daughter to command my obedience. That is all I will say on this matter. Vir, do this for me, and you may consider your debt settled.

She killed your family? For disobeying her!?

For the first time in the half year Vir had known the man, he saw fear and regret on Riyans face. For a moment, he looked like a frail, broken man. But then it was gone, his fierce predatory gaze regained in an instant.

I would rather not speak of it, Riyan whispered. Then he cleared his throat and continued as if nothing had happened. For half a year, I have given you food, shelter, and training that you would never have otherwise had. I saved your life and the life of your friend in the Godshollow. I believe this is a fair request, is it not?

I dont know, Riyan, Vir said, hesitating. This is a lot to ask.

Virs debt was a heavy one. That fact had weighed on him for months. He'd always suspected Riyan was training him for something devious, but to kill royalty?

Riyan sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. Vir, I am an old man. My glory days are long gone, and I would rather not resort to distasteful measures. Do you really want me to use Maiya to ensure your cooperation?

You would do that? Vir whispered, his face taut. Youre bluffing.

And if I am not? Can you afford to take that chance?

Vir jumped out of his seat. If you lay a hand on her, I will kill you!

Oho? You? Kill me? Riyan said, roaring with laughter.

There was no time to react. One moment, Riyan was relaxing in his chair, and in the next, Vir asphyxiated against the mans monstrous grip, his throat slowly crushed as he dangled in midair, struggling to comprehend what had just happened.

You cant kill me, boy. You cant even injure me! Riyan threw Vir back into his chair before leisurely returning to his seat. If you try, I will first kill you, and then, once Maiya has completed her task, I will end her too.

Vir stared into the mans eyes, and for the first time, he understood. In those eyes, he saw desperation, rather than malice. The obstacle course, the excessively harsh training, Riyans threats it all made sense now.

This was his last chance. Riyan needed his plan to work, and so hed done everything he could, using the regimen he thought worked best. Hed trained Vir to the highest level possible, and hed tried to convince Vir the only way he knewthrough force. To Vir, the mans previously aggressive actions now just looked clumsy; they were the actions of a man who had known a life of brutality and tragedy. Who had lived by the blade, and who would die by the blade.

But even so, Vir thought, massaging this throat. The fact remained; Riyan was mercilessly exploiting his connection to Maiya. And now that she was gone, there was nothing Vir could do to counter him.

Does he know we were planning to escape tonight? Vir thought in alarm. He must have. Vir didn't know how, but the timing was far too convenient otherwise. If they were together, they could've fled, but by splitting them up, Riyan had essentially forced Vir's cooperation.

A realization dawned on him. Those hunters in the forest. They were Princess Minas men, werent they? Vir said, his gaze full of scorn for the man.

They were. So, you see, Mina has already made an attempt on your life. There is no escaping her now. On the other hand, if you fail to kill her, she will no doubt hunt you for the rest of your days. I am not your enemy, Vir. You would do better to direct your hatred at her.

No wonder he kept it a secret. If Vir had known, he mightve guessed at Riyans intentions. If he knew a princess was trying to assassinate him, he absolutely wouldve fled with Maiya.

This is suicide.

Riyan reclined in his chair and crossed his legs. I ask nothing of the sort. If you are successful, then all is well. If you fail, then so be it, as long as Mina realizes she came within an inch of death. You might think me petty, but I am a realist. If she cant be killed, I will settle for whatever I can get.

Whats stopping me from agreeing and disappearing the moment I walk out that door?

I have eyes and ears in Daha. I will know if you have made an attempt on her life.

Vir wondered if that was true, or if it was another bluff.

Whether I succeed or fail, Id be a criminal. Id be running from the authorities for the rest of my life.

That depends on the skill with which you execute this mission. But, Riyan said, stroking his beard, I can help you disappear afterwards. Hiranya has no power in many other countries. Whether you flee to Rani or the Altani, I can aid you.

Vir didnt like it. Though he held no affection for Hiranya, the idea of him never being able to return irked him. There had to be a better option.

And there was one. Instead of assassinating the princess

The Ghost of Godshollow shook his head. Nothing so tangible. Killing a humanand living with it afterwardrequires a type of mental toughness that simply cannot be taught. It is the type of toughness that will serve you well in life. Such a thing is necessary in this world, Vir, no matter what anyone tells you. Especially for an Ashborn like you.

I cant say I understand, but I suppose Ill know when the time comes, Vir replied. Do you know anything about the princess that might give me an edge? Id hate to walk in with no information at all.

It is best that you do not underestimate that girl. She is far more clever than someone of your age. She is a Greater Mejai Sorcar for a reason.

Whats her Balar Rank? Vir asked.

About the same as you, as you currently stand. Around forty, last I heard. Though I would not be surprised if she is concealing her true might.

Vir didn't like the sound of that at all.

Vir, listen to me. You may bear no love for the kingdom that robbed you of your father, but I very much do. If left alive, that princess will assassinate her brothers and see herself crowned queen. But I fear that the day that she rules Hiranya is the day this country falls.

If you thought life in Brij was difficult, life under her rule would be apocalyptic. Ashborn would be slaughtered on sight. Prana scorned, or those with weak affinities would be rounded up and sold into slavery. Thousands will die for no crime other than existing. You must eliminate her before that happens.

Riyan took a breath to calm down. Vir had never seen the man this agitated before.

I have a contact in Daha. He will approach you when the time is right. Leverage him to establish inroads within the city. By working together, you will have a far better chance of accomplishing your mission. Also, you might think of joining up with the Brotherhood of Mercenaries. Their information network is not to be underestimatedI imagine they will be of use to you.

Youre telling me to infiltrate the royal castle? Vir asked incredulously. That sounds impossible, even with my disguises.

That is certainly one option. A difficult one. You would have to develop relations with the more suggestible members of the castle staff. Such things take timeeven the most vigilant cannot be wary over weeks and months, after all. Time lowers people's guard.

That still sounds near impossible, Vir replied, Even if I fake being Sawai, theyll find out immediately once they check their records. Id have to gain a legitimate reason to enter the castle, and I doubt Id have much of a chance after, even if I could somehow get in.

As I said, it would be a difficult option. Lucky for you, Princess Mina is an odd girl, known to sneak out of the castle to wander about the city. Often alone. I suggest tailing her on these outings. If you can locate her, you could lay a trap. But I will not lie to you. No simple solution exists. If it did, I would have ended her long ago. She keeps tabs of every person of strength in Daha. Shell need to be hit from a blind spot. By someone shed never expect to be dangerous.

Like a prana scorned newcomer like me, Vir said, comprehending.

Riyan nodded slowly. I will give you one word of warning, however. Choose the path that involves the least amount of combat. You are strong, yes, but against the Hiranyan Royal Guard, you will be mincemeat before you even notice them. Do not engage in a confrontation with the castle guards. Do you understand?

Vir nodded.

The princess has a personal bodyguard. Watch out for her. She used to be a soldier under my command; I can attest to her skills. Her Balar Rank should be around one hundred.

Every detail Riyan revealed made this task harder and harder. It was a suicide mission, and Riyan must have known that. Worse, Vir was beginning to wonder just what he'd be able to give Mina if she wasn't as bad as Riyan made her out to be. With the resources at her disposal, what could hea would be assassin sent by her enemyoffer that would get her to trust and value him?

And you said my Balar Rank would be around forty? Vir asked. Riyan had to have known this. It severely limited Vir's options.

Closer to thirty, I think. I would put your friend at around forty. Her magic is already potent, and she will only grow stronger.

Of course, Riyan didnt know about Prana Vision or Dance of the Shadow Demon. Vir suspected his rank was a fair bit higher than 30.

Understood, Vir said after a moment. I suppose I'll go pack my things.

He stole one last glance at the picture frame on Riyans bedside before leaving the man alone in his bedroom.

Riyan waited for Vir to shut the door behind him before retrieving an oversized orb from under his robe. To say it was his most precious possession would be an understatement. This single orb could easily buy him a dozen homes.

I take it there were no issues on your end? he said, speaking to the orb.

Tanyas voice came back a moment later. None, General. Maiya did not resist. Luring her with the promise of power was a stroke of genius sir.

And yet, you have not done as I asked, Riyan said with a heavy voice.

What does it matter? Maiya will bring you great benefits, even from Sonam. At least here, shell be safe.

If she passes her exam. You have taken a gamble on my part, Tanya. I only hope it pays off.

It will, General. I swear it.

Good. See that her infiltration goes smoothly. She will be a valuable asset for us in the future.

Of course, sir. It will be done. Did all go well on your end?

As well as it could have. The boy is hesitant, though this is understandable.

Will he betray us?

He won't, Riyan said. Right now, he questions the veracity of my claims. But once he finds out the truth about that woman, he'll have no choice. Revenge will drive him, even if his debt to me does not.