Chapter 62: Ekavir Goes To Daha

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 62: Ekavir Goes To Daha

The night passed without Vir having gained much sleep. He lay awake, wondering about his task and agonizing over Riyans words. The man had literally saved his life. He had trained him and housed him, and for that, Vir was beyond thankful. But sending him on a mission that might very well impact the rest of his life?

Virs morals warred with his self preservation instincts. His angst warred with his gratitude.

But Riyans words changed that calculus entirelyif Mina really was the one who put Head Priest Harak in powerthe man who had ordered the killing of three of the most precious people in Virs lifethen how could Vir ever join up with her?

Isnt it worth the risk to kill her? Isnt that worth dying for?

A small voice whispered in the back of his head. A dangerous voice. Because what if Riyan was in the wrong? The man had never shared the secrets of his past, after all. Who was good in this picture? Who was evil? Vir knew desperate men did desperate things; even if Riyan wasnt outright lying, was he twisting the truth for his benefit? These questions ate at Virs mind.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

They were all questions without answers. After hours of turmoil, he realized the only way hed find peace was by making that decision for himself, and that meant he had to learn more. About Riyan. About Mina, and their history together.

A part of him knew that Riyan had little reason to deceive him. But another part desperately wanted to deny that fact. Because if Riyan was wrong and the princess was right... it'd make Vir's dilemma so much simpler. He knew it was stupid to feel that way, but he just couldn't shake it off.

Maybe he killed the princess, maybe he didnt. But when that time came, it would be his decision. Not because he was ordered or blackmailed to do it. After all, he was the one whod live with the consequences, not Riyan.

But Riyans task wasnt the only reason he couldnt sleep. He spent the hours worrying about Maiya. Where was she? Was she as safe as the man had said?

He clutched her beaded bracelet. It was simple, yet beautiful. Typical Maiya. To think shed put all this effort into crafting this just for himit was special in a way that only Maiya could be.

Which was why he couldnt fathom why she hadnt at least left a note behind. If shed said where she was going, he could have followed. But now

Now he had no choice but to journey to Daha. The journey would take him east, to the Saran-Daha highway, then south to the capital.

Even on Ashva, the journey would take a day and a half of hard riding.

Vir gazed at his empty rucksack, then relented and finally hauled himself out of bed, eyeing the empty one across the room where Maiya slept. The thing wasnt going to pack itself.

The room was still darkdawn was still a few minutes away, but It would be best to leave early. There was nothing left for him here anymore.

Neel snored peacefully on Maiyas bed. The bandy had appropriated it the moment he saw her leave.

Packing his rucksack was not as simple of an affair as it seemed. The bag had limited capacity, and while Bumpy had panniers, hed already filled most of those with water and his thick, heavy blanket. Besides, it was best to keep the essentials on him, lest he get separated from the beast.

Hed already prepared everything beforehand, so all that was left was to pack them.

Vir began by stuffing his three sets of disguise clothing into the bottom of the pack, followed by his maska recent addition to his suite of disguisesa tinder bundle, some flint, and steel. All things he wouldnt need immediately. He worked his way up, packing small jars of cloves and neem leaves to use as antiseptics, as well as a needle and thread, packing it all in with socks and other squishables.

Nuts, dried berries, fresh fruit, and a couple of sandwiches came next, along with Neels food. Finally, his makeup kiteasily accessible in case he needed to hastily reapply it. That was especially important, as hed applied makeup to his hands and forearms as well to give them a more normal pigmentation.

Lets go, Neel, he said, coaxing the bandy awake.

As he walked through the silent hall lit by the warm glow of Magic Lamps with Neel, he realized he wasnt alone. Riyan stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the front door.

How long has he been standing there? Vir wondered.

I see you are ready, the big man boomed. Have you packed enough provisions?

All the essentials, plus my weapons and my paint kit, of course.

Over the past months, Virs training had shifted to focus less on combat and more on mastering the art of deception through face painting, body language, and speech. He now rivaled even Maiya in that area.

Yes, about that, Riyan said, picking up a cloth-wrapped package by his feet. Take this.

Vir carefully unfolded the cloth, revealing a gleaming steel katar within a leather holster. While it looked well used, sporting knicks on the hilt, its blade was pristine, with no signs of rust at all.

My old katar. While basic, its steel blade is sharp and sturdy. This weapon has served me well. May it aid you in your endeavor.

T-thanks, Vir said, tying the holster around his right hip. Now he had katars on both sides of his waist. Three iron chakrams were draped around his neck, with a half dozen chakris worn as bracelets on each arm. He was as armed as hed ever been.

The only thing he lacked was armor; his fabric trousers, white full-arm, and woolen jacket wouldnt do much to protect him in combat. While his agility-based fighting style didnt really require armor, he was planning on buying something light at Daha. Once he could afford it, of course.

Would you, uh, be able to spare any coin? Ill need a place to stay for a few days before I can find a means to earn for myself.

Riyan threw Vir a scowl. What of all the coin youve stashed in those caves? Id imagine you would have more than enough to cover costs, wouldnt you?

He knew!? Vir did his best to hide his surprise, but failed.

Come now, did you really think I wouldnt notice coin and supplies disappearing from my own home? You steal from me, and now you ask for coin? he roared. No. I will not punish you for this, but you will have to fend for yourself. I think you are more than up to the task.

Vir pursed his lips and nodded, shameful for stealing from Riyan, and grateful that the man had let him off so easily. Then again, taking action against Vir would only hurt his own goals, so the mans hands were tied.

He swept one last gaze across the home. Though hed only spent a half year here, it had felt like so much longer. Hed experienced so many memories here, with Maiya, with Neel, and even with Riyan. The journey to Saran, to Brij, these were memories hed cherish for the rest of his life.

Burning every last detail of the home into memory, he stepped outside with his trusty friend in tow. He doubted he would ever return here again.

I guess this is it, then, Vir said as he mounted Bumpy. Neel hopped up onto the rear passengers saddle and made himself at home.

Goodbye, Vir. May Vera be with you.

Riyans prayer surprised Vir. The man had long ago given up his faith in the gods, after all.

The sky was just beginning to glow as he set out, bound for the caves to the south of the abode. Riyan had been exactly right. Over the past half year, Vir and Maiya had both snuck supplies and coin out to the cave stash. They thought theyd been discreet about it, but clearly not discreet enough to avoid Riyans hawk-like attention.

Cmon boy, he said. Neel hopped down and nuzzled his shin.

Vir walked into the cave, Prana Vision guiding his steps. Neel stuck close to Vir. The bandy was nearly blind in this pitch darkness, but Vir hadnt been idle these past few months. Hed trained Neel to the level of those attack bandies in the Godshollow. Part of that training was operating in darkness. So long as his body brushed up against Virs legs, Neel could navigate well enough.

Arriving at the cache, Vir moved the rock that covered their hidey hole.

The moment the wagons stopped, men, women, and children jumped out the back. The kids scurried around, eager to stretch their legs after what must have been a long journey, while the adults set out cloths.

Seems like they had the same idea. Nothing seemed suspicious about the group, so he continued packing his things.

Hed just finished feeding Bumpy some water and was about to head out when one of the caravaners left their group to approach him. The man wore white robes, and a white hooded headdress that covered his face. A common outfit for desert travelersit shielded him perfectly from the sun. Vir had donned a similar hood to keep himself from sweating overly much.

Mounted atop Bumpy, Vir stared at the man, his right hand discreetly resting atop a chakri on his left wrist. If needed, he could throw the disk before the man had a chance to react.

Ho there, traveler, the black bearded man said. He appeared to be in his forties, of moderate build, with a round belly. Vir concluded that this man was no warrior.

Do you have business with me? Vir asked the man, who held his palms up in a show of peace.

Friend, I am called Param. We are merchants bound from Saran to Daha, seeking rest on our long journey. I hope you do not mind our presence here? If so, please say the word and we shall move.

Vir shook his head. No, its fine. I was just about to leave myself.

Oh? Could I convince you to linger? Ser, er

Neel, Vir replied. Just Neel.

The man smiled. Neel, then! We passed you earlier, after you daringly saved that wagon from those highwaymen. Truly a noble thing you did back there. Whats more, you clearly know your way around the art of combat. And that bandy of yours! Magnificent. Those are no mere bracelets, I see.

I can handle myself, yes. And? Vir replied, growing suspicious. What does this man want?

Why dont we ride together? Tis a lonely journey, and I can assure you, we are quite good company, he said, gesturing back to his friends. Vir spotted women and children there too, which certainly reduced the mans threat level.

Vir wasnt convinced. The last time a traveler accosted him on a road, itd ended up with him and Maiya behind bars.

Sorry, not interested, he said.

Even Even if theres coin in it? Param said, throwing Vir a fabric sack.

Vir caught the pouch and peered inside. All coppers, and by the weight, around ten. It wasnt much at all. Barely enough for a single nights stay in Daha. He cocked a brow at Param.

We could use an extra bodyguard, but as you can see, he said, pointing at his caravan, we are not all that lightly guarded. Im afraid this is all we can offer you.

Why bother, then? I could be a criminal, or someone who would take advantage of you.

Param smiled wryly. I would have been driven onto the streets long ago if I could not read people accurately, he said. As a merchant, I am quite confident that we can rely on you. And the more guards, the better. Hiranya isnt the country it once used to be, after all.

Well, theres money on the table, Vir thought. He could never have enough of that.

Besides, unlike during his trip to Saran, he now had an array of Talents at his disposal. Even if they tried anything funny, he could always slip into the shadow realm and escape with Neel, or Leap away if it was cloudy. But a glance up at the sky showed not a single cloud at all.

Alright, but Ill keep my own camp tonight.

The man bowed and lowered his head. Of course! Welcome, friend, to my familys caravan.

Your family? Vir asked, looking at the group of nearly a dozen people.

Trust is a precious commodity in this world. Who better to trust than your own family?

Vir couldnt really refute that. He idled on Bumpy while the caravan finished their break. Though hed agreed to travel with them, that didnt mean he was going to get into their affairs. When they started again, he rode at the front, with Param and his petite wife Ravali.

The pace was slower, though not by all that much. Itd be easier on Bumpy and was probably the right speed for the injured animal. Hed realized belatedly that hed been pushing the beast harder than he ought to have.

So, who is your furry friend, sleeping happily over there?

Uh, hes Neel, Vir replied awkwardly. I really shouldve picked a better alias.

Neel? Is that not your name? Param asked.

Itits a family tradition to name ones bandy after themselves, Vir said, lying through his teeth. Creates a special bond, you see.

Oho? An interesting tradition indeed! Param replied, buying Virs lie.

Occasionally, a kid would peek out and stare at him. But whenever he waved back, theyd go back and hide, which made him smile.

They are shy, but they warm up eventually, Param said.

And when they do, youll wish they hadnt. You wont be rid of them! Ravali added with a chuckle.

Vir smiled graciously. So youre based out of Saran?

Param shook his head. No, Daha. We are returning from a local run to Saran. Soon, we will be bound east for the Kinjali capital of Sonam.

Oh? It meant Param likely knew a great deal about the city. Hed be a chal to let an opportunity like this slip by.

So, tell me about Daha. Whats it like?

Youve never been? Param asked.

First time.

A grin spread upon Params face.

Oh, do I have stories for you, friend! I think our trip is going to go quickly. Yes, indeed!

When Ravali gave Vir a look of deep pity, he realized hed made a horrible mistake.

My ears are going to regret this, arent they?