Chapter 222: Saunak’s Tower of Terrors

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 222: Saunak’s Tower of Terrors

We dont need to beat them, Vir shouted. We just need to escape!

The spiders proved challenging opponents, not because of their strength, but due to their sheer numbers. They poured from every hallway, and they even emerged from the very walls themselves, appearing from holes that hadnt existed just moments prior. They dropped from the ceiling, and they even materialized from the floor.

Aye, lad! But how? the giant roared back. Not exactly an easy way out of this place.

Despite Balancer of Scales weighing them down, slowing them, their resilience made them tough foes to defeat.

When Cirayus swung mighty Sikandar, a dozen would go flying, but often, theyd simply slam against some wall unharmed.

The elevator! Vir shouted, narrowly dodging a spider Automatons slash. To the elevator!

Itd do a lot more damage if he could swing it freely, Vir thought as he returned the favor, sending the spider thatd attacked him flying with Blade Launch.

Cirayus held Sikandar in three hands and a regular greatsword in another. The halls, though generously sized, still werent quite wide enough to allow a full swing of the enormous weapon. The greatsword, while backed by Cirayus prodigious power and Balancer of Scales, didnt have the same impact.

Comparatively, Vir had an easier time dealing lethal damagetheir Imperium metal armor was thinner than the humanoid Automatons, and his Artifact Chakram made quick work of them.

Blade Launch and Prana Blade were also effective, but even with all that, it wasnt enough. When Vir killed one, three would appear in its place.

Shan did what he could, but his claws simply werent strong enough to deal lethal damage to the spiders. He did kill several, just not fast enough to make a difference. Realizing this, the Ashfire wolf instead darted around, attempting to confuse the enemies.

A valiant effort, but one that ultimately failed. Deeming Shan a low-priority threat, they mostly ignored him, much to his frustration.

These automatons werent living beasts, nor did they behave like them. Lacking self-preservation instincts of any kind, they were more than content to throw themselves upon the enemy in droves, regardless of the damage incurred.

Just how many of these things does Saunak have?Or rather, how many does the tower have?

It was almost like an automated defense mechanism by the tower itselflike it was attempting to purge its intruders.

Which was why Vir thought his plan might work. The tower wanted to eliminate them, but if it couldnt kill them, perhaps it was smart enough to

Together, they fought their way to the elevator, with Cirayus laying down a suppression field as Vir pressed through the hallway, carving a path. Theyd then switch, with Cirayus taking the lead, blasting the critters away, allowing Vir to press on, and so forth.

In this manner, they slowly made ground, though they werent killing the spiders as much as hurling them back. Eventually, the mass of enemies grew too thick to make any more progress. At times like these, they were forced to turn aside, navigating a different hallway.

Eventually, they made it back to the central, circular room where the elevator sat. The room had a single entrancea long corridor.

Vir ran to the elevator, hoping against hope that its doors would open for them.

They did.

Cirayus! The lift works! Vir cried, about to enter it.

Cirayus concentrated Balancer of Scales in the hallway directly in front of them before retreating to Vir and Shan. Applied over such a small area, its force grew tremendously, bringing the spiders that pursued nearly to a halt.

They piled up over one another like a slowly moving wall.

The ability granted them a reprieve, but they both knew it wouldnt last long.

Cirayus grabbed Virs shoulder, stopping him from entering the lift.

Lad, you said the spiders were a defense mechanism, yes?

Vir nodded. Its trying to get rid of us.

Then wouldnt this lift be a perfect opportunity to do exactly that?

It wasnt crashing they needed to worry aboutit was the elevator coming back up to smash them to pieces!

Cirayus placed his hands against the shafts wall and roared.

Vir witnessed the deluge of Earth and Life affinity prana flood into Cirayus tattoo. Life from the air, and Earth from walls of the shaft.

And then, the unthinkable happened.

The four-armed giant slammed the elevator back down.

Ordinarily, Cirayus ought to have gone flying. Vir couldnt guess how heavy the giant was, but he doubted it came anywhere near that of the elevator.

Of course, Cirayus wasnt just a giant demon. He was a giant demon with Clan Bairas ultimate bloodline tattoo.

Imperium metal crumpled under the awesome force as Balancer of Scales activated, simultaneously making Cirayus as heavy as a boulder and the elevator as light as he could make it. The impact was so strong that the mangled elevator reversed course and shot down several paces before finally screeching to a stop.

Vir had barely a split second to activate Light Step before he collided with the top of the wrecked lift.

With so little time to prepare, he missed the timing, grunting in pain as the force traveled up his legs and spine. The mistake wouldve splattered a normal human. Vir simply shook off his prana-engorged legs, and he was as good as new.

Well, talk about killing two wyrms with one Imperium elevator! Cirayus chortled, pointing through the translucent tube. I do believe weve found our exit.

Vir followed Cirayus gaze and saw that the elevator had come to a halt some thirty paces above the atrium floor, where theyd entered the tower.

That was luck. Right? Right? Vir asked. Please tell me that was sheer dumb luck.

If he planned it all It meant Cirayus was far more competent than Vir thought possible.

Ah! But was it? Cirayus said, flashing him a toothy grin. Let us make haste. Id rather not linger in this lair of Saunaks. Who can say what other traps that madman has in store for us?

Agreed, Vir thought, feeling a pang of regret. It was such a shame. Saunak could have been such a powerful ally. If only he wasnt so

Deranged, Vir thought wryly.

The force of Balancer of Scales had mangled the walls, weakening its integrity. Thankfully, like the lift itself, it wasnt protected by a preservation inscription, or the damage would already have been undone.

Virs Artifact Chakram made quick work of the material and they jumped down to the atrium floor minutes later, Leaping to the entrance garage.

Cirayus bounded past, but Vir found himself lagging, staring up at the two enormous Guardian Automatons that stood inert in their berths. A railing, suspended fifty paces above the ground, surrounded them on three sides. It was what Saunak had used to mount and dismount the gargantuan machines.

Whats the matter, lad? Wed best leave. Lest these Automatons follow us.

Thats just the thing, Vir replied, coming to a halt. What do you think Saunak will do when he wakes up? For all we know, he might already have awoken.

Cirayus scratched his head. Cant really predict that ones actions. Doubt theres anyone alive who can, lad.

Sure. But in the worst case, wont he come after us? Vir asked, his lingering anger toward Cirayus warring with his desire to tell the demon he was sorry for doubting his words about Saunak. Yet now was neither the time nor the place for such feelings.

Aye. Which is why we ought to put as much distance between us as we can manage.

Vir shook his head. Youve seen how fast these Automatons move. Even at full speed, theyll outpace us. And unlike us, they dont need breaks or food or sleep.

Spit it out, lad, Cirayus said, his eyes narrowing. What are you really saying?

Why dont Vir gulped. He knew what he was about to say was as mad as Saunak himself. He said it anyway.

Why dont we steal one?