Chapter 223: Grand Theft Automaton

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 223: Grand Theft Automaton

Apologies, lad. These old ears must've misheard, Cirayus said, concern furrowing his brow. You wish to steal it?

I do, Vir replied, determined.

An Automaton constructed by the gods... Cirayus said, trying to gauge whether Vir was joking.

The giant ignored the pursuing spider Automatons and gave Vir his full attention. Determined, confident eyes stared back. This was no joke.

I believe its possible, Vir said. Knowing what I now know about prana, and after watching Saunak manipulate his Automatons on the way here and within the tower I think I might be able to copy it.

Shivers rippled down Cirayus' back. Were those words uttered by anyone else, or even by young Vir just a few weeks ago, hed have brushed them off as reckless and foolhardy.

Hes been to Mahdi. Hes learned from Goddess Ashani herself.

When Vir had stepped through that Ash Gate, hed changed, and it wasnt just his power that had grown. His knowledge of prana had soared, and he used strange terms he obtained from the goddess when she imparted her wisdom to him.

While that all might have contributed to his change, the boy had undergone some fundamental shift in that realm. As a person.

Since then, Vir had taken charge more often, taking the initiative and seeing his plans through. While hed never been passive in the past, hed always looked to Cirayus for direction. Even when hed suggested plans, theyd been tainted by rose colors of naivete. But now? Cirayus found himself considering the boys plans more and more.

While the recklessness remained, they were now tempered by the weight of experience and the wisdom of knowing his own limits. Tempered by the weight of responsibility that he now seemed to have accepted.

Ekavir had entered as a boy. Sarvaak returned a man.

And yet, despite knowing all of this, Cirayus had kept him in the dark about the circumstances of his birth. Hed hidden the story of how the Chitran had rallied the other demon clans specifically to eradicate him.

He saw it in Virs eyes. The hurt. The anguish.

Cirayus sighed. No one lived as long as he had and remained a stranger to such situations. Hed have to apologize to the lad the moment they were free. Thered be a lengthy conversationone that Cirayus had hoped to avoid until Vir was ready to shoulder the burdenand then, hopefully, Vir would forgive him.

But this was neither the time nor the place for such a conversation.

Cirayus shelved the thought, looking up at the enormous Automaton that towered above them.

Deigning to commandeer a creation of the gods sounded impossible to him. It sounded blasphemous. And yet, hadnt Saunak done exactly that? The gods hadnt seen fit to strike him down. Tragic, that.

Saunak was no great warrior. He wasnt even at the standard of the average demon. He was pitifully weakbut what he lacked in physical strength, he more than made up for with his knowledge. The same sort of knowledge that Vir had glimpsed at Mahdi.

If we succeed Cirayus dared not grow excited at the prospect. Hed experienced too much to allow such a fools hope to fester in him. Hed believe it when it was done. But if it could be done What an incredible advantage that would give them! Theyd no longer have to flee from any Ash Beast horde. Perhaps not even from Wyrms!

And if they could take it back to the Demon Realm

Cirayus shook the thought. He knew exactly how impossible it was. Theyd need an Ash Gate large enough to fit itan event about as likely to occur as the Ashen Realm suddenly vanishing. If it was possible, Saunak would no doubt have returned to the Demon Realm commanding one. If for no other reason than to show off.

Youre confident you can do this? Cirayus asked hesitantly. It was as if he was afraid Vir would say no

I can, Vir replied. Just give me fifteen no, ten minutes!

You have five, Cirayus said, thinking even that would be difficult. If you dont have it by then, we run.

Understood. The boy nodded, then jumped up to the railings that surrounded the monstrously tall Automatons at shoulder height.

Cirayus turned to the enemies pouring through the tubes and chutes embedded into the walls. Spider Automatons. Neither as strong nor as intelligent as their larger humanoid brethren, but faster, and in far greater numbers.

Swinging Sikandar lazily, Cirayus multiplied its weight tenfold for the briefest of instants, sending a half dozen of the critters slamming against a wall fifty paces away.

Against this horde of godly creations Cirayus cracked his neck, pointing Sikandar directly at them.

Come ye. Come to your deaths. Old Cirayus here will keep you company for a spell.

Five minutes!? How in Yumas name am I supposed to get this working in five minutes? Vir thought as panic crept into his mind.

The prana blasted into the Automaton, fueling it until it could be fueled no longer. The sudden torrent of energy overloaded its systems. Its arms and head blew off like a pressure cooker, venting steam and the Imperium creation fell overdead.

Huh. Thats curious. Can you do it again so I can study you? Saunak asked.

Vir moved to attack, but Cirayus grabbed his arm, stopping him.

Best you dont, lad.

Cirayus? Saunak shouted. Showing mercy!? To me!?

Make no mistake, Saunak, Id like nothing more than to kill you for what youve done, Cirayus said, smashing another Automaton aside with Sikandar. Saunak had only two humanoid guards left ignoring the army of spiders he commanded.

So why dont you? Saunak taunted.

Because I know you. Id bet a seric that youve set traps to bring this place down, even if the lad hadn't told me already. I'd also bet your lackeys would pursue and destroy anything that harms you, even if we escape.

Saunak cocked a brow. Smart. And quite correct!

So how about you let us go, and we won't cripple you, Cirayus offered, implying the opposite was also true. That if they were going to die in here, he'd take Saunak with him.

It was a fair offer, Vir thought. Saunak knew just how strong he and Cirayus were, but he knew it wasn't enough.

Hmm. Its tempting, but no, Im afraid, Saunak said casually. He turned to Vir, appraisingly.

You're smart, Saunak, Vir said slowly. Incredibly smart. Which is why your actions make no sense to me. You must know that making an enemy of me isn't in your best interest. Just... just imagine what you could achieve in the future if we worked together.

Lad? Cirayus asked worriedly. You don't seriously mean that, do you?

Interesting. Interesting. Yes. Indeed, Saunak said, his wild grin turning into maniacal laughter. The demon doubled over, wiping tears from his eyes. Look, I never intended to harm your little wolf. And the thing earlier? That was just a test! As I said! You two overreacted. The truth is, I would like to work with you, and in fact, I was hoping to give you useful tips on how to improve your combat efficiency, based on the data I'd gathered. But, well... that's all fallen to pieces, hasn't it? Perhaps, hmm. Perhaps together... Ah, yes!

Saunak's words trailed off, as if he was talking to himself.

I said I'd be willing, but I'm no fool, Saunak, Vir said. That was before you attacked us. You'd have to do something pretty spectacular to regain my trust.

Hed have liked nothing more than to prove Cirayus wrong. To show that Saunak could be, if not a friend, at least a useful partner for the hardships ahead.

But now? How was he to trust the madman? No, that bridge had been burned. Vir would not make the same mistake twice. There was nothing he could possibly do that would

You want that Automaton, yes? Saunak the Deranged said, pointing up at the towering behemoths. He continued to wave his flag with his other arm, though the exertion was clearly winding him.

Uh. Yes? Vir replied, thrown off-guard.

Very well. Its yours.


Vir narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Youre just... giving us a creation of the gods...

Well, you said it yourself, didnt you? Saunak replied. How better to regain your trust?

This has to be a trap, Vir thought, exchanging glances with Cirayus, who nodded. But if it buys us some time

Whats the catch? Vir asked.

Saunak held up a finger. You have to let me watch.

Um, sorry? Vir struggled to find some deeper, hidden motive behind the demon's words.

You can take it. But only if you let me watch while you learn to take control.

Alright, Vir agreed, slowly, failing to sense any deception in his voice.

Still, he couldn't be sure. Vir would play along. And then, before Saunak could make his move, they'd jump him. Who knew? Maybe they'd actually manage to steal one of the mythical creations along the way.