Chapter 228: Orientation Camp, Part One (Maiya)

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 228: Orientation Camp, Part One (Maiya)

Maiya was once again surprised by the vastness of the Childrens resources. For an organization that relied primarily on donations from its members to survive, they certainly had deep pockets.

Which just means there are more crazies in this world than people think, Maiya thought with a shudder.

Maiya stood with her cabal at the central plaza of an abandoned town that lay at the southwest of Kinjals territory, near its border with Rani.

Once a thriving trade stop for merchants crossing the vast plains between Avi and Sonam, traffic had shifted when Jalasa rose to prominence. Since then, the backwater town of Bahurai had fallen by the wayside. Now, all that remained were crumbling buildings and overgrown grass. Hardly a place fit for habitation.

Which meant it was just about perfect for the Childrens purposes. The downtrodden grass formed trails between the buildings, and theyd done the bare minimum to make the buildings fit for human habitation.

Guided by Children ushers, Maiya, Yamal, and the Silent One entered what used to be an old barn, along with fifty other initiatesabout forty more than the barn was ever designed to fit.

Thankfully, the Sisters of Gray had prevented the fanatics from painting the walls and ceilings with blood. It was something of a signature of the Children. Should anyone stumble upon the town after theyd left, itd only cause problems. And, unlike the Pagan Order, the Children of Ash had no redeeming qualities whatsoever. No agreements with the heads of state to tolerate their presence.

Children fanatics had been slaughtered whenever they crossed the line. Which happened too often, in Maiyas opinion. The organization truly trod on thin ice.

Maiya spotted some familiar faces in the crowd. The group that had bullied her last time kept stealing glances her way, as did several others.

So. Word of that incidents gotten around, has it? Great Maiya thought, envisioning the heckling she was likely about to receive. The Initiation Camp was the perfect opportunity for people to mess with her. Not that it mattered. She had both the elements of surprise and superior means. They had no idea who they were up against. In fact, Maiya even looked forward to ititd been too long since her last fight.

Up in the loft, a bald Rector wearing a black robe and a hood spread his arms.

Welcome. Welcome, all! He spoke in a soft voice that nonetheless shushed the whispering crowd. You have done well to pass Initiation. All of you standing before me today have gained the favor of our god. You have potential!

This guy sounds more coherent than the other priests, dont you think? Yamal whispered into Maiyas ear.

She nodded. It was odd to see a Rector make this much sense. Then again, the priests had a habit of shedding their sanity at the first opportunity, so she reserved her judgment.

Yet that is all it is! the Rector said. Potential. To unlock it, you must all work diligently to rise through our ranks. And what better opportunity than this very camp? Those who do well shall soar to great heights! Here, you will form the bonds that will carry you. Grow, together, and become close to the Ash.

The Rector paused to revel in his own words.

Through a series of competitions, you will be evaluated along three categories. Knowledge of our Hallowed Doctrine, Closeness to the Ash, and Devotion. Come, Initiates! Your time to be bathed in the blood of our god is nigh!

With that, the Rector ended the speech, stepping down.

What do you think? Yamal asked.

Well, at least its not all a surprise, Maiya replied. By now, the priests fervor hardly even fazed her anymore.

By overhearing conversations between the Sisters of Gray, Maiya had gleaned some nuggets about the camp. Like how the first Trial would be the knowledge of doctrine. As such, all three of them had practically lived in the Children bases library, poring over the insane ramblings of the cult.

Despite the tedium, Maiya had hoped to glean some morsel explaining why the Children hated the Primordial to such a degree. It wasnt just lore to her anymore; the being they hated was none other than Vir, and any knowledge she came across might help him.

So many mysteries remained. Who was the Primordial? What was their purpose?

Shed learned a lot about blood ritualshow to slice open Ash Beasts to consecrate objects with their blood, how to execute a proper chantbut the only mention of the Primordial had been in relation to their god. The Prana Swarm said to lurk deep within the Ash.

The scriptures said that it was by their gods hand that the Primordial would die and that his very existence posed a threat to the world.

Sadly, knowledge of the Primordial wasnt what theyd be tested on. It was much more likely to be about the minutia of their rituals and the countless other mindless tasks. Knowledge that theyd all tediously memorized.

As for the other two topics

What do you think theyll have us do? Yamal asked.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

The Silent One shook his head, his expression grave. Maiya felt similarly. She had this sinking feeling that their Devotion test would follow the Ash Beast encounter theyd had earlier.

We cant know, and theres no point speculating. Looks like well find out soon enough Maiya said, pointing to a lesser priest who cleared his throat.

The Trial of Knowledge shall commence immediately! the priest announced. All Initiates, follow me!

Good luck, Yamal said, his expression grim.

And to you, Maiya murmured.

How many goblets of blood must be poured upon the corpse before the Ritual of Purification can begin?

Five, Maiya replied immediately. Unless the ritual is being performed on the seventh, fourteenth, or twenty-first day of the month. In which case eight. One for each prong in the hallowed symbol of our god.

The priest nodded slowly. How many times must we circle the holy sacrifice and in what

Maiya sat across from the priest on the ground, cross-legged. The room was bare and empty, apart from the two of them.

The priest, like the others, smelled as though he hadnt bathed in months. His robes were tattered, and Maiya swore she saw caked blood on his skin, though she spotted no obvious injuries. His teeththe ones that hadnt fallen outwere black.

Also seven. Counterclockwise.

C-correct. The priests brows knitted, but then he suddenly smiled smugly. On which day of which month did the first Blessed Chosen

Fourth day, fifth month. He never returned from the Ash.

The mans smirk vanished.

What does our god guarantee to those of rank Rector and above?

Trick question, Maiya fired back. Our god guarantees nothing. Only by proving our devotion to the cause may we one day earn his divine blessing.

Say, can I ask you something? Maiya said. The priest didnt reply.

All these Trials. All this rigamarole. Its for finding candidates to send to the Ashen Realm, isnt it?

L-Lies! the priest spat immediately, his eyes wide with panic.

Maiya cocked a knowing brow. Please Even if Id been bluffing, your expression just gave it away. I wasnt, by the way. Bluffing.

The priest went silent. How do you know of this? Only our priests are trusted with this knowledge. How are you so well versed in our doctrine?

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Maiya gave the filthy man the prettiest smile she could muster. Why, Ive always been such a believer!

Yamal turned and ran, and the Silent One followed.

It was only when they arrived at the scene that Yamal breathed easily.

Thank goodness! The fight hasnt started yet. We made it in time!

His relief lasted right up to the moment Maiya's lips parted and she spoke.

Youll not speak unless spoken to.

Huh? Yamal swore his misheard.

Youll jump when I say jump and youll bark when I order you to.

What is she saying!? Is she mad? At this rate, theyll

Yamal exchanged a look with the Silent One. The big man stared at Maiya, a look of intrigue on his face.

We need to go! Yamal hissed. We have to help!

And in return? Maiya said, I promise not to slaughter all of you right now.

Yamals heart threatened to jump out of his throat as he saw the goons brandish their talwars, maces, daggers, and spikes.

On second thought, a dark-haired boy at the front snarled. I think Im just going to kill you instead.

The gang rushed forth and then Maiya disappeared.

One moment she was there, and the next? Gone.

Yamal had never seen anyone move so quickly in his life. It wasnt human. It was as if Vera herself had possessed the girl, blessing her with divine agility.

He only found her by the scream of a man who was sent stumbling. His head hit a brick wall, and he slumped over. Whether dead or merely unconscious, Yamal couldnt say.

Another soon followed. Then another. Through it all, Maiya was nowhere to be seen.

When Yamal finally found her, he found twin daggers in her hands, which she wielded like a master seamstress did her sewing needles.

Maiya poked, slashed, and cut with such finesse and speed that Yamal almost mistook her movements for a well-practiced dance.

He couldnt even tell when and where her strikes landedher motions so fluid that it all just looked like a whirlwind to him.

Yamal stood frozen as the goons were cut down. Bones crunched. Figures slumped, and through it all, Maiya moved with deadly grace.

Before long, there was only one left. The boy from before. The fool whod announced so daringly that hed kill Maiya.

KillMaiya?Her? Yamal thought wryly. What an absurdity.

Maiya approached the boy slowly, twirling a dagger in her palm.

So, Camas? What were you going to do to me, again? Im just a dumb, weak little girl, you see. My memory is just so fleeting. Can you help refresh this girls memory?

A dark splotch appeared on the boys pants, and an acrid smell filled the air, punctuating the existing smells of urine and dung.

H-How? M-Maiya? Is it really

Is it me? Maiya laughed derisively. Not the helpless little girl you thought I was, huh? Is it so hard to believe? Well, I cant blame you. Even I wouldnt believe me if you told me Id end up like this a year ago.

Please dont kill me!

Kill you? Why, Id never! No, death would be too easy for someone like you. Your punishment must be more severe! Much more severe.

Yamal gulped. Was this truly the same Maiya he knew? She had every right to be as callous as she was, but hed thought her gentler. Incapable of such brutality.

W-wha-what w-w-will y-you d-d-do

What will I do to you? Well, for starters, how about this?

Maiya slammed her leg down on Camas shin, breaking it with a crisp snap.

The boy howled in pain.

That was for me. For saying all those nasty things, and for looking at me like I was beneath you.

For looking at By Adinat! Yamal gulped. Is this my fate if I anger her?

Maiya stomped up to Camas, placing her boot between his legs.

And this? This is for Vir.

The boys eyes shot wide in terror.

No! N-no! PLEASE!

His scream tore through the alley, and Yamal was sure it reached the farthest reaches of town. For it was the most terrible wail of pain that Yamal had ever heard.

Yamals whole body shivered as a cold sweat broke out. Oh, Yuma! Oh, Adinat! She isnt a woman. Shes a beast wearing human skin!

Maiya was simply far too dangerous to grow close to. Yamal understood that now. To do so would spell his doom.

At the same time, he pitied her. People like Maiya were forever destined to be alone. For what freak of nature would ever be comfortable being friendly with such a monster? With The Crusher.

He couldnt think of a single sane individual who would.

Maiya left the boy there, clutching his crotch, and walked over.

Oh, hi, Maiya said casually with a wave. Didnt notice you guys there. How about we grab a bite to eat? Im famished.

Yamal fell to his knees, laughing like a broken doll.

Maiya didnt need help. She hadnt ever needed their help. For what use were normal people like him and the Silent One, next to a highly accomplished mejai like her?