Chapter 229: Orientation Camp Part Two (Maiya)

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 229: Orientation Camp Part Two (Maiya)

Maiya? What in all the realms

Not now, Maiya said, cutting off Yamal. We should leave before people start asking questions.

Arent you worried theyll just tell everyone what happened here? Yamal asked, looking at the pile of groaning bodies on the ground.

While Maiya hadnt killed anyone, shed certainly roughed them up. Many would require medical treatment.

Not in the least. Can you imagine what people will think of them if they admit they all ganged upon a helpless girl and lost? Maiya asked innocently.

Yamal took a half step back, prompting her to roll her eyes.

Im not some feral beast, you know? I dont bite. Well, I wont bite you, she said with a wink, walking over the bodies.

Yamal exchanged a nervous glance with the Silent One before following their mistress.

Maiya hastily departed the alley, ensuring to flip up her hood. Attacking the group had been a risk on her part, but overall, it fit with her goal. If she could take control of Camas little posse, itd give her additional arms and legs within the organization.

Now I just need to make a favorable impression on the Sisters Wonder how Ill pull that off.

The clanging of a bell in the distance cut off her thoughts.

We should probably check that out, she said.

Attention. Attention! A priest was on a raised platform in the towns central square, waving Initiates down. The platform was a simple wooden affair that looked like itd been erected specifically for this camp.

Your next Trial will begin momentarily. Please form up!

To be honest I thought wed catch more of a break between these Trials, Yamal commented. We barely just got done with the last one. The way theyre going makes you think theyre in a rush.

Guessing theyre trying to minimize the time theyre here, Maiya said. Longer they linger, the more likely the Children will be spotted by passersby. Or at least, thats what a rational person would do. Who can say with these people?

True. So, er, howd you do? Yamal asked. On the Trial, I mean?

Maiya smirked. What do you think? No issues here. How about you two?

The Silent One nodded confidently.

Maiya realized he mustve written down his responses. It was a good thing he was literate, or his life wouldve been much harder.

To this day, shed learned very little of the man. He only wrote his thoughts when absolutely necessary, generally preferring to stick to basic gestures to communicate his intent.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

That didnt fool Maiya for an instant, however. From the way he carried himself to how his eyes seemed to size up every situation before them, The Silent One was intelligent. Perhaps incredibly so. Well trained in the art of combat, too. Many mysteries abounded around the man, and Maiya was determined to get to the bottom of them.

I think I did alright, Yamal said. Your study sessions helped greatly. Id surely have failed, otherwise.

I dont really think you can fail these Trials, Maiya said. Theyre using them to determine the pecking order. Thats all. If you do poorly, youll likely be relegated to a janitor. Or those people who have to dye the walls with blood.

Yamal paled. Ill be sure to give it my all.

It only took a handful of minutes for the rest of the Initiates to form up before they were led out of the square, and then out of the small town entirely.

You dont think thisll be like the death march in Jatan Forest, do you?

Maiya shrugged. It certainly looked like they intended to march them somewhere.

Theyve covered Knowledge of Doctrine already, which leaves Devotion and Closeness to Ash. A death march certainly sounds like it could be a test of devotion.

You dont sound convinced, Yamal commented.

Maiya pursed her lips. It was truewhat was the point in having them repeat the same exercise? No, she suspected this Trial would be something else entirely.

The group of about fifty Initiates continued their long march, though Camas and his lackeys were conspicuously absent.

Soon, their destination became apparent. Past a copse of treestoo small to be considered a forestrose a tall cliff that shone brightly under the harsh sun. The prominence was the only one of its sort, rising a hundred paces above the nearby flat scenery.

Sure enough, the priest began circling the cliffs, hiking up its gently sloped backside, until theyd arrived at the very top.

Pretty up here, Yamal commented, taking in the sweeping views. Though not especially tall when compared to the mighty Bulwark Range that separated Kinjal from Rani in the southwest, the relative flatness of the nearby terrain did offer quite a commanding vantage.

Grassy plains and gently rolling hills stretched all the way to the horizon, and Maiya could just barely make out the ghost town of Bahurai in the distance. She still had no idea why they were there.

Surely, they dont expect us to jump? Not even the Children would be that crazy.

Welcome to the Trial of Devotion! the priest announced, raising his arms to the sky. The Childrens priests were quite fond of that gesture, Maiya noted.

This is the simplest Trials you shall face. To prove your faith You must jump!

Frantic whispers broke out.

Fear not! If you have formed a group, you may choose a champion for this task! Only one of you will have to brave the Trial. Note that groups are limited to four or smallerHmm?

Someoneanother priestrushed up to the man and whispered in his ear.

Ah, apologies! Rejoice, for our god has smiled upon you today! There shall be no champion. You will all participate in our glorious trial!

Actually, Maiya thought, clutching her hair. They really are that insane.

So, were going through with this? Yamal asked, fidgeting.

We are, Maiya replied, her expression grim.

The Silent One simply looked at Maiya, who nodded. The big man nodded back and continued on as usual.

Not bothering to hide it any longer, she brought it to her leg as Yamal and the Silent One watched, then activated it.

She knew itd worked, because the pain multiplied, forcing her onto her knees. Maiya gritted her teeth and hissed as the orb worked its magic.

No one commented about how she just happened to have an incredibly expensive Life orb on her.

Where is this? she asked, partly to distract herself from the pain. Partly because she was dying to know. The cavern theyd fallen into was unlike any shed seen. The intricate stonework on the floor showed a great deal of care had been taken in crafting this place.

Id pay seric to answer that, Yamal answered.

Looking up, Maiya saw the shaft theyd fallen through. It resembled a large well, though there was no water at the bottom. Only a trickle of light filtered from the opening in the copse abovethe trees blocked most of the sunlight.

The light of the Magic Lamp orbs Yamal and the Silent One carried showed the tunnel was a perfect archnot jagged like a mineshaftand it spread away, into the distance.

Kinjal had no knowledge of any facilities buried beneath these plains. Had they stumbled upon ancient Kinjal ruins? Or perhaps something even older?

Yamal lowered his voice, despite them being alone in the tunnel. The Silent One scouted out the tunnel ahead and, er


Were not alone. He spotted some Children cultists.

The Silent One retrieved his notebook, thrusting it in front of Maiya.

Four guards. Large door. Locked.

Her pain faded as the minutes passed, and Maiya finally stood. Her chest still hurt, but it wasnt anything that would kill her. Or compromise her ability to fight. Rather, what remained was anger.

They tried to kill us! Maiya knew better. No, they'd tried to kill her. But who? And why? Was someone within the organization aware of her true identity? Or did someone take offense to her rise? Maiya thought immediately of Camas, but dismissed the idea. He'd been cowed. He was no longer a threat.

Lead the way, she said, gesturing down the hall. Whoever it was, she'd have to investigate later. For now, they needed to escape.

It didnt take long for them to reach the corner just before the room The Silent One had written about. There were no branching passages, nor did they see any stairs up or down, and the Magic Lantern braziers on the walls made navigation simple.

I think you may want to handle this, Yamal, Maiya whispered. If there really were elements in the Children who wished her harm, then having Yamal as their spokesperson might be a better idea.Tell them you got lost and you're looking for a way out.

Yamal nodded, straightened his back, and walked around the corner.

Hello, there! So happy to see you, Yamal said, feigning relief. I seem to have gotten lost! Would you be so kind as to show me the wayMaiya, help!

Without hesitation, Maiya blurred around the corner.

The first guard was down even before hed registered her presence. He'd been about to stab Yamal with a dagger. The second saw only a dark blur, and nothing more. The third and the fourth helpfully stared agape at their fallen comrades, allowing Maiya to dispatch them both at once.

By the time Yamal and The Silent One rounded the corner, all four guards lay in a heap, and Maiya was already rummaging through their robes for the key to the door.

Found it! she announced.

Yamals mouth hung open. What are you? No, truly. Id like some answers. First, you take down all those thugs on your own, and then you miraculously save us from that fall? You casually whip out a Life orb, and now these guards? Maiya, just who are you? I feel as though everything youve told us is a lie!

In due time, Yamal, Maiya said, meeting his gaze. Look, I understand you want answers. And I havent been honest with you. I admit all that. Ill tell you everything. Just not now. Not here. Okay?

Yamal frowned, then nodded. I shall hold you to that. Assuming we make it out of here alive.

We will.

Maiya turned her attention to the heavy wooden door. Whats in this room that theyre protecting so closely? For them to attack us on sight... It must be something precious.

The key clicked into its slot, but of course, it was also locked magically.

Oh, well, she thought, retrieving a Wind Blade orb. She placed it against the lock and fired And then there wasnt a lock anymore.

Maiya swung the door open and stepped in. As such, she failed to notice the looks of amazement on her friends faces.

But Yamal and the Silent One were the last thing on her mind. The gnarled, low-roofed room commanded all of her attention. Dark green branches spread like vines across the floor. There were no walls; the vines snaked their way up, forming the ceiling itself. And at the very center sat a thick green tree trunk. But unlike most trees, the trunk was composed of dozens of small snaking branches, creating a ridged surface.

Maiya wasnt quite sure what it was.

Have you ever seen anything like this? Yamal whispered.

No, Maiya replied, edging up to it.

Thin wisps of dark, black energy wisped from the tree trunk, emanating great power.

This is prana, Maiya realized. Ash prana! For me to see it... It must be so dense.

The quantity was nearly unbearable. The oppressive weight reminded her of when shed trained near Ash Tears. She felt there was something else, though. Some other power, lurking within that trunk. If only she reached it. If only she could harness it

Maiya? I dont think thats a good idea, Yamal said from far behind. I think you should come back.

Maiya turned, surprised to see her two companions a half dozen paces behind her.

When did I walk all this way?

She shook her head. Its fine. Profound confidence filled her every pore. She knew this was right. It had to be. Part of her recognized these feelings as alien. That she'd she really ought to be feeling scared, anxious. But whatever sensibilities she had seemed to be slipping away. Suppressed by some unseen force.

The tree was close now. So very close.

Maiya walked slowly up to it, her arm outstretched. She felt a presence from the tree. It was calling to her. Beckoning to her.

No! Stop!

The voice in her head was overruled, as her body moved on its own.

Unable to resist, her fingers crept closer... and finally touched.