The cicadas screamed through the window with screened windows, and they kept screaming when they knew it. Every sound was condemning this exceptionally hot weather in midsummer.

Last second, Ji Xiao was still wearing a thin sling, sleeping with a fan, praying with the cicadas that this summer will pass quickly, and in the next second she felt the cold surrounding her go straight to her Tianling cover.

The room was as cool as if the air conditioner was turned on. The mint scent fell on Ji Xiao's skin with the chill of the air conditioner. The refreshing irritation instantly wiped away the stickiness on her skin before going to bed.

Ji Xiao didn't think about why there is air conditioning in the dormitory. He slept on the pillow under his head again, and went on to sleep comfortably.

It's just that the comfortable cooling that slowly made Ji Xiao feel uncomfortable. The mint smell permeated her body through the skin, and the blood that was still comfortable began to become restless.

Ji Xiao felt that her heart was beating faster and faster, a group of irritating fire gathered in her heart, and an inexplicable tingling sensation came from the back of her neck, as if something was about to come out of her body. generally.

"Miss, wake up, miss..."

An unfamiliar voice came from Ji Xiao's ears.

The voice was cautious and full of fear.

Ji Xiao didn't know who the voice was calling, closed his eyes and sniffed a few more breaths of cool mint, trying to suppress the unwarranted enthusiasm in his heart. But it became more and more that this mania was difficult to restrain, as if something was flowing out of the back of her neck, her collar was wet with greasiness.


Ji Xiao remembered that she was wearing a sling belt.


The cautious voice rang again, this time with a hand.

It patted Ji Xiao on the shoulder a few times, and then quickly retracted it.

This next season Xiao knows who the voice is calling.

But even greater doubts arose in her heart, miss? When did a poor student in her senior year become a young lady?

Ji Xiao opened his eyes unclearly, only to find a cloud of pitch black in his vision.

"Miss, post this first."

As the voice said, she leaned to Ji Xiao's side. She also adapted to the darkness in her sight at this time, barely seeing the outline of the person in front of her and the condition of the room.

The one who was talking to herself was a maid dressed in a maid’s costume. She was very respectful towards herself, and even some fear...

This room does not have the air conditioner she thinks, and there is no window for ventilation. It feels cool to even a little bit cold because of the room's own...

What I was in was not the small bed in the dormitory, but a soft chaise couch. They are not wearing suspenders, but smoky purple satin pajamas that are a little irritating...

The feeling of restlessness was still running around in Ji Xiao's body, her mind was messy, and the clues were in front of her, but she couldn't infer anything.

At this moment, an unidentified object was stuck on the back of Ji Xiao's neck by the maid.

Ji Xiao didn't know what was wrong. She had never been so agile. The moment this thing touched the back of her neck, she shrank her neck vigilantly, and pinched the hand of the maid's approach with her backhand.

The maid was pained by Ji Xiao, and quickly explained: "Miss, I'm just posting a suppression post for you."

"Suppress... Posting?" Ji Xiao's brow furrowed deeper.

She knows this, but not from the world she lives in, but from a novel that she confiscated from a girl in her class who secretly read novels during her evening study—a recently popular abuser abo novel.

The classmates all regarded the heroine of this book as Bai Yueguang. Ji Xiao watched them cry for the heroine, and did not hold back the temptation, and turned over the novel before going to bed.

In that world, the gender of human beings is not only male and female, but also three secondary attributes: Alpha, Beta, and Oga.

Bate is similar to ordinary people and accounts for the majority of humans, while Alpha and Oga are relatively rare and have pheromones, which can be used to attract each other.

So Ji Xiao saw that the male and female masters who were obviously restrained, because of the primitive impulse caused by the pheromone, the heartbeat speeded up, and the feelings that had never been seen before...

This restrained and impulsive setting made Ji Xiao want to stop, staying up late to read the entire book, and shed a tear for the heroine's final happiness.

—I have to say that the heroine of this book is really too miserable.

The daughter of Tianzhi, who had always been placed high hopes by her parents, was disappointed and split into the weakest Oga. The heroine's parents also died in a car accident shortly afterwards, and the inheritance that should have belonged to her was also embezzled by her father's friend Ji Qingyun.

In this way, the heroine was forced to live in Ji's house, and was abused and humiliated by the first female Alpha villain in the book. She was forced to temporarily mark her not the next time. In the end, the heroine was even completely marked by her.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao's heartbeat missed a beat, and a bad premonition spread in her heart.

She clearly remembered that the name of the perverted Alpha female villain in the book was exactly the same as hers.

Duplicate name...

Wear book...

You wouldn't be so unlucky, would you?

"Miss, it's getting late. If we don't deal with Wei Qingyu, let's go to rest."

The maid stood aside as she spoke, and Ji Xiao realized that there was another person in the room.

The young girl was sitting paralyzed in the center of the room, her chest undulating slowly and violently, as if she was going through something difficult.

With every light tremor of her body, there will be a smell of mint coming out, cool and refreshing falling on Ji Xiao's body, sticking to the back of her neck, and stimulating her fragile glands again and again through the restraint. body.

Ji Xiao realized that the mint smell that had just caused her to lose control in her dreams was radiating from this young girl.

And this mint taste is exactly the taste of this girl's pheromone.

The girl looked uncomfortable, as if she couldn't support it at any time, but she stubbornly supported her and refused to let herself fall.

Weakness and stubbornness are intertwined on her body, and Ji Xiao's heart is twitched.

Don't let her know which **** it was that imprisoned and tortured such a delicate and beautiful girl.

Let her know...

[Ji Xiao watched the twinkling hope in Wei Qingyu's eyes light up and extinguished time and time again, and despair and hatred gradually filled those clear turquoise eyes, which was very interesting in her heart.

She knelt down, looked at Wei Qingyu who was struggling weakly in front of her, and preached with interest: "Wei Qingyu, do you want it? Please me."]

Ji Xiao was stunned, and the content of the book that she had read before going to bed penetrated her mind like an emotional reminder.

She looked at the scene in front of her, which was exactly the same as the one written in the book, and her head banged.

The maid just now called this girl, Wei, Qing, Yu.

Ji Xiao was horrified to find that the **** one seemed to be him!

She seems to be wearing a book!

I really wore the perverted Alpha female villain with the same name and surname as me!

In the original book, Ji Xiao's ending is very hate-free.

After Wei Qingyu became an upstart in the upper class and regained the inheritance left by her parents by the Ji family, she would imprison Ji Xiao in the small dark room where Ji Xiao once imprisoned her.

After that, Wei Qingyu would personally cut out Ji Xiao’s glands, feed the tortured half-dead her to the sharks raised in the male protagonist’s aquarium, and finally washed her remains into the sewer, leaving no hairs...

The glands behind Ji Xiao's neck seemed to have burrowed into countless mint pheromones, and she couldn't help shaking from the cold.

"Miss, miss?"

The maid's voice rang again, and Ji Xiao blinked wildly, withdrawing his mind from the bad news.

Ji Xiao looked at this dark place, and twitched his mouth.

Isn't this the small black house specially built by the original owner for Wei Qingyu, and also the place where he will be imprisoned and tortured to death? !

"Miss, if I want to tell you, it's better to leave her here, and grind her temper, and see if you dare to bite you in the future!" The maid suggested next to Ji Xiao, "It's just a shabby settled in Oga, and dare to follow Our young lady robs the inhibitor, and dares to bite our young lady. I really don't know what is good or bad, I don't know whether to live or die..."

"Shut up!"

I don't know if the character of the original owner still has some afterimages on Ji Xiao's body. Ji Xiao listened to the maid's chattering, a little irritable, and glanced at the maid obliquely.

She hadn't got a whole body in Ji Xiao a few years later, and she couldn't get rid of these servants!

"Miss..." The maid was taken aback, looking at Ji Xiao in confusion.

Ji Xiao understands that he is used to being arrogant and domineering, and the maids speak according to their own tempers, and cannot blame them.

What's more, according to the original book, Wei Qingyu's biting of himself would be the first time he was temporarily marked as humiliating.

Ji Xiao sat on the chaise longue and looked at the girl who was not capable of fighting not far away. In front of her, she would lie down in that place like this in the future, even worse than she is now...

Ji Xiao's heart trembled again, and the words "temporary mark" did not dare to appear in her master's mind.

She helped her forehead and waved her hand at the annoying maid beside her, "Forget it, you can go out."

"But miss, this Wei Qingyu is very scheming. She was just now..." The maid was worried that Ji Xiao was alone in the small black room. After all, Wei Qingyu had already attacked Ji Xiao before.

"Get out." Ji Xiao repeated, with an Alpha ruthlessness in his low voice.

Even though the maid was a Bate, she was frightened by Ji Xiao's voice, nodded hurriedly, opened the door and left.

Large swaths of light fell in from the door that was invisible if you didn't look carefully, and the golden seemed to be connected to another world.

Sitting paralyzed, Wei Qingyu sensed the light source and reluctantly raised his head and looked towards the door.

The light hit her face impartially and enveloped her whole body. The white dress was hanging loosely on her body, because too many slender shoulders could not support the complicated fold design. The soft satin slipped from her shoulders and piled up on her body. There were large white and tender skins. The long hair loomed, and the pheromone adhered to her long hair and brought out a silver thread, which wetted the material on the back of her neck.

Holiness and decadence are intertwined.

The scent of mint lingered around Ji Xiao, even though a new suppression sticker was attached to the back of her neck, she felt that she couldn't control herself a little.

no! no!

Ji Xiao reminded himself over and over again that the end of the game would be to have the glands removed, and picked up the last Oga inhibitor that the original owner placed on the cabinet.

"Wei Qingyu." Ji Xiao lightly called and walked towards Wei Qingyu.

Xu Wei Qingyu turned his head and looked at Ji Xiao when he heard someone calling his name, or he noticed someone approaching him.

The sweat on that forehead wetted Wei Qingyu's long bangs, and her thick and slender eyelashes hung on a few teardrops that she secreted out of her control. The turquoise pupils covered with a layer of moist mist were filled with Oga's fragile vigilance during a fever period, and every blink made people feel extremely distressed.

Ji Xiao felt a little pain in her heart, and cautiously squatted next to the girl who was tortured during the fever period, and softly calmed down: "It's okay, Wei Qingyu, you are safe now."

Who would have imagined that Ji Xiao was reaching out to inject Wei Qingyu with an inhibitor for the next second, but she was thrown to the ground by a sudden force.

The pain of the heart spread from Ji Xiao's back to her body. Fortunately, there was a small carpet where she fell, and the back of her head did not directly hit the ground, otherwise she had to go to see King Yan.

Ji Xiao didn't have time to rejoice. Riding on the menthol pheromone that could not relieve her desire, she wrapped her fiercely and fiercely.

The stack of white clothing shrouded Ji Xiao's sight, and a pair of fan-like hands were exposed from it, tightly pinching her arms and binding them to the top of her head.

And just above her sight, Wei Qingyu was sitting on her body and looking down at her, the beautiful turquoise pupils gleaming, and the dampness spreading across her body through the flimsy cloth.