A faint scent wafted abruptly in the scent of mint, Ji Xiao felt that her palms were moist, and the dampness spread quickly on her body, and the broken glass shards in the peripheral light flashed with a faint light, as if announcing something. s failure.

The last inhibitor shattered because of Wei Qingyu's sudden impact.

Ji Xiao was desperate for a moment. She had acted well, but she had forgotten Wei Qingyu's hatred of the original owner.

The result was self-defeating and wasted the last shot of inhibitor.

I knew I left the maid just now...

It's just that Ji Xiao's annoyance didn't last long, and there was a tight tingling from her neck, as if something stuck on it was removed.

Ji Xiao's heart suddenly tightened, she knew that her restraint sticker was bitten off by Wei Qingyu.

It's just that she and Wei Qingyu are closely attached to each other. Only Wei Qingyu's long soft hair can be seen in her eyes, and she can't see what she is going to do to herself.

This situation invisibly magnified Ji Xiao's sense of touch, and then she felt a soft and damp thing covering her glands.

Like the tip of the tongue.

Oga who enters the fever period usually ask for pheromone from Alpha to relieve their original impulse.

But this is usually achieved by Alpha injecting pheromone into Oga’s glands, how come it’s now...

Wei Qingyu's long hair slipped from her shoulders, and a small gland was exposed to Ji Xiao's sight without any cover, interrupting her thoughts.

This gland is filled with a layer of nectar-like liquid, exuding a clear and strong mint smell, refreshing and restless, tempting Ji Xiao, a novice Alpha, to uncontrollably release her pheromone.

When Ji Xiao first arrived, he never deliberately remembered the method of controlling the pheromone in the article. Not surprisingly, he smelled a hint of brandy in this mint-scented space.

It's just different from the brandy you drink on weekdays, and there is a hint of peach aroma in this very aggressive taste.

It is like a pink peach, falling into the purest water of life, soft and gentle, making people want to stop.

Wei Qingyu, who was entering the fever period, seemed to feel the same way.

Little by little, the tip of her tongue curled up the sweetness secreted by that tiny gland, and greedily asked for it.

This kind of action is undoubtedly fatal for Alpha.

The smell of mint in the room engulfed Ji Xiao, and she felt as if she was going to be drowned in the seabed full of mint. Alpha's original impulse hit again and again, and the beast trapped in her heart seemed to be about to break through the cage in the next second, turning over and pressing down the Oga who was repeatedly plucking in front of her.

But Ji Xiao still pinched his palm, trying his best to restrain his original impulse.

This is the Oga heroine who is out of control by the original owner! Mark her wanting to die!

I don't know if Wei Qingyu is satisfied with her request for pheromone, the clinging tip of the tongue finally left her glands, and the small and delicate tip of the nose shrugged on her neck as if she was looking for something.

Before Ji Xiao had time to speculate, a tingling pain came from the left side of the neck.

Wei Qingyu used action to tell Ji Xiao the answer—she was looking for the pheromone-carrying blood vessel on her neck, and following her Oga's original impulse, she stabbed it in with her canine teeth without mercy.

She did not withdraw the tip of her tongue when she was satisfied, but because she was not satisfied.

The girl's pale lips kissed Ji Xiao's delicate skin, bringing blood and pheromone into the owner's mouth.

Mint and peach brandy entangled in the quiet little black room, covering every part of this small room.

It feels like giving you a gentle kiss in a squally rain, the warm breath blows into your mouth, turning into mint, and the stimulation of brandy amplifies your nerves at the same time, willing to indulge while feeling pain.

Alpha could have made Ji Xiao slowly flip over his wrists, seeking soothing buckle with Oga in front of him.

Finally, at a certain critical point, the gust of wind and rain faded.

The mint pheromone that was almost out of control in the room gradually calmed down and was quietly wrapped in the smell of peach brandy.

Ji Xiao felt the pressure of clenching his neck and shoulders released a little bit, and finally after a slight pain, Wei Qingyu raised his head.

The hazy mist in her eyes faded, the lingering feelings also disappeared, and the turquoise pupils regained her original clarity and loneliness.

Ji Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that Wei Qingyu had come out of a fever that was almost out of control.

"Wei Qingyu, you didn't..."

At the moment when Ji Xiao made his voice, Wei Qingyu released the hand that was tightly clasped with Ji Xiao.

Then she fell into Ji Xiao's arms like a butterfly with broken wings.

The girl was too light to feel pain in Ji Xiao's arms.

It's hard to imagine what kind of power she burst out just now to suppress Ji Xiao's Alpha.

Ji Xiao looked at the girl who was limp in his arms, her pale cheeks were glowing with strange redness, and the blood-stained lips were dry and cracked, which made people feel distressed.

She wanted to tidy up the messy hair lying in front of her face for Wei Qingyu, but the back of her hand inadvertently wiped her thin cheeks. The hot temperature made her startled.

Wei Qingyu has a fever!

I don't know if this small dark room located underground is extremely cold, Ji Xiao feels Wei Qingyu's forehead is hot.

Ji Xiao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was afraid that it would not kill him if he burned it like this!

She didn't care about dealing with the shameful wound on her neck, so she hugged Wei Qingyu sideways and rushed out of the small black room.

There are dozens of steps in a row, and the light belonging to the outside world becomes stronger and stronger.

Ji Xiao came up from the small black room on the basement floor, unable to open his eyes by the strong light in the room.

"Miss, you are..." an unfamiliar voice came.

Ji Xiao blinked a few times, only then did he recognize from the light that this was also a maid.

She immediately ordered: "Go to the doctor."

"Where did the lady get hurt? Or was she hit by this ignorant thing?" Maid A became nervous when she heard it.

Maid B also gathered around when he heard the sound, and hurriedly said, "What, did the lady bite by her again! Is it serious?"

"You are blind!" Ji Xiao didn't suppress the original owner's temper for a while, holding Wei Qingyu who was in a coma with a high fever and roared, "If you ask you to go, you go!"

Maid A was frightened by Ji Xiao's roar, and the three souls went to Qipu, and nodded hurriedly: "I, I... go now."

Ji Xiao didn't waste any more time, and walked towards her room with Wei Qingyu in his arms, but she stopped after two steps.

She didn't even know where Wei Qingyu's room was!

Ji Xiao looked back at maid B behind him, and said, "You, follow me to Wei Qingyu's room."

"Yes." Maid B immediately walked to the front of Ji Xiao, and reached out to open the door of the room on one side for their young lady—Wei Qingyu's room was in the utility room on the first floor not far from the small dark room.

Ji Xiao looked at the messy room, the damp and moldy air made her frown.

Where is this place to live?

Ji Xiao held Wei Qingyu and raised his foot to the second floor, and ordered: "Clean up a guest room."

"Is the guest room next to Miss's room okay?" Maid B especially said. Although she didn't know what happened to their young lady and Wei Qingyu in the small black room, she saw that Ji Xiao was very affectionate to Wei Qingyu. His attitude is clear in my mind.

Ji Xiao glanced at her, had no objection, and gave a simple "um".

Soon Wei Qingyu was placed in the room next to her bedroom by Ji Xiao.

Maid B gave Wei Qingyu a simple scrub, and replaced the white silk skirt stained with inhibitors and blood. She was resting on a soft pillow, her long black hair like seaweed quietly resting on the side of her face, revealing a thin but refreshing face.

The moonlight outside the window softly spilled into the room, falling on the girl's body, gentle and beautiful.

If you ignore the dazzling bruises on her bare skin and the wounds covered with ointment.

Even though Ji Xiao had read the original text and knew the torture that Wei Qingyu had suffered, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the wounds all over her body.

There was hardly a good place in Wei Qingyu's body, more than one inhibitor was broken, and more than one wound cut by shoving while competing with the original owner.

It seems that because of Oga's dependence on Alpha, Ji Xiao's hand has been held tightly by her since the time when the maid wiped Wei Qingyu's body.

On the surface, Ji Xiao calmly looked at the heroine who unconsciously relied on her Alpha, with a complicated mind.

Which part of the story has the plot developed now?

Before the heroine came back the next day, the hero brought a knife to kill himself, right?

The most important thing is, can she recover all this? !

Ji Xiao, who got the **** script as soon as he walked through, searched his brain, but he didn't remember a little bit of the story before the timeline from the brain of the original owner.

"Doctor Chen is here."

At this moment, the family doctor Chen Shi of the Ji family came.

The little old man was dragged up by maid A anxiously, his decent flower hair was blown by the wind, revealing his wise forehead, which was extremely funny.

"Miss, how is Miss Wei?" Chen Shi asked maid A's instructions all the way, cautiously.

Ji Xiao had to withdraw his thoughts and said: "She seems to have a fever, you can show her."

"Hey." Chen Shi replied, carrying his medicine box and sitting by the bed.

"37 degrees 2 is a little low-grade fever... The previous measurement was 39 degrees, then 38 degrees 5.... Well, it doesn't look like a cold." Chen Shi observed, sank, and asked, "Miss, Miss Wei is Have you just gone through a fever period?"

"Right." Ji Xiao nodded.

"Injected an inhibitor?" Chen Shi asked again.

Ji Xiao: "The inhibitor was broken, but it was not injected."

She hesitated.

If Wei Qingyu bit him, these servants would use their own name to criticize Wei Qingyu again.

She hasn't figured out where the plot is going now, so stop accumulating hatred for herself.

Ji Xiao: "I guided her to drink some blood containing my pheromone."

Chen Shi stared, "Is it convenient for me to see the wound of the lady?"

"Okay." Ji Xiao nodded and lifted his hair.

There were two human tooth prints on the white and slender neck, especially one of the dots with blood beads, which made the maid onlookers take a breath.

It's too deep.

"This woman is too ignorant! How can she bite so deeply! Why not tell her to roll downstairs and kneel down!"

"Miss, you are too indulgent to her! How could there be such a savage Oga!"

Sure enough, the maid in the house rushed to crusade Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao turned his head and glanced at the few people without saying a word. There was a bit of sorrow hidden in the gold-orange pupils, and the maids immediately silenced their voices in fright.


Don’t you know it’s illegal to abuse minors?

Are these people afraid that their young lady's death would not be tragic enough?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao was taken aback.

These servants have always been watching people order the dishes, wouldn't the original owner abuse Wei Qingyu in this way, right?

Wei Qingyu's hatred for himself won't be full, right...


Before Ji Xiao had time to think about it, the cold touch with a sudden tingling brought her erratic thoughts back, and she couldn't help but take a breath.

Before Ji Xiao said anything, Maid A's voice rang: "Doctor Chen, can you be lighter? Didn't you see that the lady hurts so much!"

Look at this arrogant attitude, look at this doggy look, it really is the maid next to the original owner.

The little old man was yelled at by maid A, his movements became lighter, and the pain in his neck was not so strong.

Chen Shi quickly applied medicine to Ji Xiao and put a gauze on her left neck, saying: "Miss has a deep wound, and it is hot in summer. Be careful not to get wet or exercise vigorously to avoid sweat soaking. Wet. Every night I will come to change the dressing for the lady, wait until the scars fall off, and then apply my special ointment to ensure that no traces will be left in the future, and..."

Ji Xiao nodded patiently as he listened to the chatter of the little old man.

After living for more than 20 years, this is the first time she has been told so carefully.

Ji Xiao lowered his head and touched the gauze on his neck, and looked down embarrassedly, but saw Wei Qingyu's still unconscious face.

Didn't you call Chen Shilai to treat Wei Qingyu? Why did you get around yourself again?

Do you treat the heroine like this?

Ji Xiao grabbed Chen Shi who was about to leave: "Where is she?"

Chen Shi glanced at Wei Qingyu and preached as he tidied up: "It may be that your S-level pheromone reacted in Miss Wei's body that caused her body temperature to rise, but these are normal conditions. Miss Wei. Not only is there no serious problem, but because your S-class Alpha's blood body is stronger than before."

Ji Xiao watched Chen Shi continue to pack things, his eyelids twitched.

That's it? There are two sentences in total, and the last sentence is not to rule out a compliment to myself.

She is so injured as Oga, doesn't she even need to take medicine?

She knew that Wei Qingyu in the original text was despised by the Ji family, but she did not expect to be despised to such a degree.

"Don't you need to take medicine? I think her body is really not good." Ji Xiao asked.

Others don't know how terrible Wei Qingyu will become in the future, but Ji Xiao knows.

And on Wei Qingyu's unknown hatred of her, trying to make up for it.

Chen Shi was a little surprised. He thought about it and said, "Ms. Wei's health is indeed not good. How about I prescribe some Chinese medicine for Ms. Wei to recuperate?"

Ji Xiao nodded in approval after hearing Chen Shi's words.

This is a good idea. She can restore Wei Qingyu's body that was ruined by the original owner, and increase her affection for herself.

After tossing this lap, it was already one o'clock in the morning. Ji Xiao watched maid B send Chen Shi out of the villa. He also wanted to get up and go back to the room to have an intimate hug with his bed in this world, but found that his hands were still caught by Wei Qing. Hold the language in your hand.

I don't know if this Oga sensed that Alpha, who had brought her a sense of security, was leaving, and the hand holding Ji Xiao's wrist tightened a bit.

"Miss, I'll help you." Maid A, upon seeing this, came forward and tried to pull Wei Qingyu's hand.

"Stop!" Ji Xiao stopped hurriedly.

With such a rude treatment of Wei Qingyu, wouldn't the maids in this house take pity on Yu?

The same doubt appeared on the maid's face.

Think about it, too, the original owner must have staged this kind of thing many times in front of these maids, and they just learned how to see and see.

Now that he makes such a move that does not conform to the original owner's setting, it will definitely make them feel that something is wrong.

Ji Xiao cleared his throat, learned his own tone in the original text, and asked arrogantly: "Do you have an opinion?"

"Don't dare." Maid A lowered her head hurriedly.

Ji Xiao deliberately lifted his waist and lost his anger at Dantian.

Xiang said, who didn't spit dirty words, she scolded the first dirty word in her life: "Go away."

So the maid A really walked away in Ji Xiao's sight.

The room quieted down immediately, and the fear of Wei Qingyu was more deeply intertwined in Ji Xiao's brain.

Ji Xiao didn't dare to use brute force when he escaped Wei Qingyu's restraint. Several attempts were basically in vain.

With a hazy moonlight hung in the dark night sky, sleepiness finally conquered fear. In a daze, Ji Xiao, who was sitting by the bed, gave up and fell asleep.

The next day, the sun was fine and the weather was fine.

The bright sunshine cast into this huge guest room, Ji Xiao dreamless all night, stretched out comfortably on the bed and opened his eyes.

A delicate face suddenly appeared in Ji Xiao's sight at this moment, and those cold cyan eyes were watching her quietly.

"woke up?"

The corners of Wei Qingyu's mouth twitched slightly, and there was a touch of tenderness in that cold voice.

She didn't know when she had already woke up, a pair of long legs separated Ji Xiao's side, and once again pressed her defenseless under her.

The remaining light mint aroma evaporates in the room, as gentle and ambiguous as the summer morning light mixed with mint.

It's fine if you don't have a pair of shining silver medical scissors between your neck.

Ji Xiao thought.