Under the scorching sun, there was a strange coldness in the huge room.

Ji Xiao stood at the door and didn't know which leg to walk in for a while.

"Miss, what's the matter?"

A familiar voice broke the weirdness, and the maid B who would wink last night walked over.

She rushed over when she heard the sound of things breaking up from the building, and saw Ji Xiao also look nervous here.

"You ask them." Ji Xiaoang raised his chin and motioned maid B to ask maid A and maid C in the room.

It's ridiculous to say that the two maids who were still in the room domineering Wei Qingyu last second saw Ji Xiao coming, and instantly silenced their voices. They stood to one side respectfully, shy and timid. Quail without hair.

Maid B understood Ji Xiao's meaning in an instant, and sternly asked: "What's going on! Why is even the lady alarmed!"

She is a little older, and her uniform is obviously different from those two maids. She should be a housekeeper.

After hearing the sound, the two maids hurriedly evaded: "Aunt Wu, it's Wei Qingyu! It's not us."

"Yes, not only did she not drink the medicine that Dr. Chen prescribed to her, but she also dropped the bowl!"

The two maids pointed at Wei Qingyu angrily, and Wei Qingyu had already stood up from the ground at this time.

She sat on the chair with her back straight, and even though she was framed by others, her pale face was still indifferent, and she didn't seem to intend to defend herself.

Wei Qingyu was used to it, anyway, Ji Xiao never believed what she said, and even had reason to continue torturing herself for this reason.

Why should she bother to speak so much that she appears embarrassed instead.

There was a chuckle in the silent room.

Ji Xiao leaned on the door frame and watched the two idiots pile all the wrong things on Wei Qingyu's head.

If she didn't know that Wei Qingyu was walking on thin ice in Ji's house, she would have believed that righteous indignation.

Aunt Wu's lips, which was meant to be uttered, pressed back tightly after Wen Xiao, Zhi Qu'er standing beside Ji Xiao did not speak.

Ji Xiao: "Do you think I believe it?"

The book had a rather cool voice, and the two maids lowered their heads in a panic, feeling guilty in their hearts.

"Don't learn some clever means to tell the right and wrong, Aunt Wu, kick them out. I won't dangle in front of me all day and make me upset." Ji Xiao learned the tone of the original owner, and sent it willfully and casually.

The last thing she needs now is this kind of servant who countercharges herself.

"Miss, this..." Aunt Wu hesitated.

Although these two people are stupid, but Ji Xiao's heart is the most favorite, why do they suddenly get bored?

Ji Xiao glanced at Aunt Wu, threatening: "What? You want to leave too?"

"I didn't mean that." Aunt Wu hurriedly denied, she had one hand in each hand, and she took them away without even giving the two maids a chance to beg for mercy.

Their young lady has always been cloudy and sunny, and I didn't know what happened to Wei Qingyu in the small black room last night.

It seems that Wei Qingyu cannot be taken lightly in the future.

Ji Xiao: "Wait."

Aunt Wu hurriedly stopped when she heard the sound.

Ji Xiao pointed to the messy ground, "Send someone to clean up and fry a bowl of medicine."

Aunt Wu: "Yes."

In fact, Ji Xiao wanted to clean up these broken glass pieces in the past, but there is no reason for her Miss Ji to clean up the house for Wei Qingyu, which does not fit her personality.

So Ji Xiao continued to tilt Erlang's legs, watching the new servants clean up Wei Qingyu's room like an overseer, and even ate the melon seeds that the servants held.

The sunlight shifted slightly, and people who were burning before noon couldn't open their eyes.

Although it wasn't that Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were alone in the same room this time, Ji Xiao was still a little scared looking at the quiet environment and the servant who was silently cleaning.

Wei Qingyu still sat straight, holding a heavy book in his hands, her long black hair hanging down her face, pale and gloomy, exuding a dangerous and fragile morbid beauty from the inside out.

Ji Xiao secretly stared at it, and the speed of eating melon seeds slowed down.

Suddenly, Wei Qingyu's turquoise eyes lifted up unexpectedly, and slammed into the sneaky Ji Xiao.

Disgust was written in those eyes, vigilance was written, and even heavier hatred for himself was written.

The central air conditioner was operating quietly in the room. It was obvious that the cool breeze didn't pass directly by him, but Ji Xiao felt a pain in his heart.

She hurriedly retracted her gaze, thinking that if it weren't for the Ji family, Wei Qingyu was afraid that he would hold the scissors in the next second and stabbed herself to death without mercy.

The servant quickly cleaned up Wei Qingyu's room, replaced the carpet stained with Chinese medicine, and replaced a pure white plush carpet.

Wei Qingyu didn't wear shoes, and hung his bare feet on the carpet. His slippery instep was wrapped in soft plush, white and snowy.

Ji Xiao had a lingering fear, and he hurriedly withdrew his gaze after only two glances this time, lowered his head and continued to knock up the melon seeds.

Without the sound of servants doing things, the room was terribly quiet.

Wei Qingyu held the "Les Miserables" in his hands, but didn't watch it attentively. Her attention is always distracted by the Alpha that exists in the room.

Ji Xiao didn't know which gust of wind he had been pumping, and even fired her most powerful prosecutor maid, and he even stayed here now.

What does she want to do?

Does it really depend on whether you drink the medicine or not?

Wei Qingyu frowned, further confirming the inference that the medicine that came up later would be problematic.

The pages of the book in her hand were so soft that she had burrs, and her toes touched the soft carpet, and she might really have to sacrifice another carpet later.

"Miss." Aunt Wu quickly brought the Chinese medicine with the right temperature, and respectfully brought it to Wei Qingyu, "Miss Wei, drink it while the temperature is right, otherwise the effect will not be as good when it cools down later. ."

Wei Qingyu raised his eyes lightly, with a flat tone: "Let it go, I'll drink it later."

Ji Xiao immediately stopped eating melon seeds, keenly aware of Wei Qingyu's intentions.

She was wary of everything she gave her, otherwise, under the supervision of the two maids, she would not consume the medicine until it was cold.

It's just that this medicine is really used to condition her body.

If I don't clarify now, what if Wei Qingyu writes an unnecessary sum for himself?

Ji Xiao feels so difficult.

She waved her hand to Aunt Wu and said, "Go down first."

Aunt Wu nodded slightly, put the medicine on the table closest to Wei Qingyu and left.

"Drink." Ji Xiao pushed the medicine bowl, learning the tone of the original owner and commanded.

Sure enough, Wei Qingyu ignored it.

She still lowered her head, looking at the book in her hand with no distraction, her voice indifferent: "I'll drink it later."

"Why, suspect that I poisoned you inside?" Ji Xiao used the radical method, "Am I so despicable?"

Wei Qingyu paused when he turned the page, and raised his eyes contemptuously, splitting his eyes to Ji Xiao.

She was about to break the can, and it was not bad to resist this time.

The turquoise eyes were calmer than ever before, and they looked like a pool of stagnant water.

Ji Xiao read two words in it-yes.

Looking at Wei Qingyu's indifferent lowered head, Ji Xiao felt that his hatred in Wei Qingyu's heart rose by a point.

The problem of the original owner has not been solved yet, and the bad idea I thought stumbled first.

Ji Xiao looked at the bowl of medicine in front of him, if the original owner would pinch her mouth and pour her down.

But now, where does she dare to do this, not to die? !

Ji Xiao thought for a while, and lightly licked her lower lip.

Chen Shi said yesterday that she could decoct this medicine after the susceptibility period was over to maintain her body. I expected that drinking Alpha would not cause any problems.

So Ji Xiao's heart was crossed, and he took the bowl of medicine in Wei Qingyu's line of sight, raised his head and took a big sip.

Quandang made up for himself.

Ji Xiao's brows were frowned when this bowl of tan Chinese medicine was just approaching her. The bitterness spread at the moment she touched the tip of her tongue, passing through her throat with a strange tingling sensation. The violent impact hit Ji Xiao's stomach.


It's really bitter!

Ji Xiao was so bitter that he lost control of his expression, but after realizing that Wei Qingyu was still in front of him, he tried his best to control his expression.

She pushed the medicine she had tasted in front of Wei Qingyu, and forced her arrogance, "I said it's not poisonous!"

Wei Qingyu looked at the slight ripples in the medicine bowl in front of him, his expression stunned for a second.

What is Ji Xiao doing?

Test the medicine personally, just to prove to yourself that there is no problem with this bowl of medicine?

"Yes! You are not as good as this lady."

Speaking of this, Ji Xiao subconsciously took out a candy that she had just copied from her pocket, took a picture in front of Wei Qingyu, and strode out of Wei Qingyu's room before she lost control of her expression again.

The room was completely quiet now, and Wei Qingyu watched Ji Xiao's leaving behind, a trace of ridicule flashed across his eyes.

What tricks is she going to play with herself?

The warm medicine slowly radiated its heat, and the white mist floated in the air, and was quickly dissipated by the cold air emitted by the central air conditioner.

Wei Qingyu got up and took the bowl of medicine that Ji Xiao had proved to be no problem, got up and poured it into the green plants aside.

Even though this bowl of medicine is okay, she still can't let go of her guard against Ji Xiao.

The empty bowl refracted a light, and then it landed on the candy wrapped in pink streamer paper, dazzling Wei Qingyu's eyes.

Wei Qingyu stood at the small table indifferently and wanted to throw the candy into the trash can, but put the candy in his hand in a wicked manner.

The faint smell of peach wine slipped from the gap in the sugar paper, and the little girl's immature voice sounded from her ears.

"Hey, give you a candy, my dad said that after eating candy, it won't hurt!"

In this way, the time came to the beginning of school, and Ji Xiao stood in front of the mirror and sorted out his school uniform, still quite emotional.

The last time she stepped into the gate of high school, she was an intern math teacher, and now she has become a sophomore in high school.

Re-experiencing youth, thinking about it, still have some expectations.

After breakfast, Ji Xiao got into the car with his schoolbag.

Outside the car window, Wei Qingyu also carried a white canvas schoolbag, and stiffly skipped the car she was in, and walked towards the path in front of the villa.

Under the shadow of the tree, the dark green checkered skirt swayed gently, the length of her knees just right to reveal her slender calves.

The delicate skin reflects the white light of porcelain in the hot sunlight, and the unhealed wound on the knee is looming under the skirt.

Wei Qingyu heard the sound of the car starting behind him, and after a few seconds, Ji Xiao's car passed her without surprise.

The sunlight fell on Wei Qingyu's face through the leaves, and indifference was written on his turquoise eyes.

She was about to forget that she used to go to school in this kind of car.

Suddenly, the car in front of Wei Qingyu's eyes flashed to a halt.

Ji Xiao pushed open the car door, and when she rushed behind the car, she raised her chin, "Get in the car."