The temperature of the end is still scorching the earth, and Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who was drifting away in his sight, keenly aware that her walking posture was a little reluctant.

As the car passed by Wei Qingyu, a breeze lifted the hem of the girl's skirt slightly.

A reddish-brown blood scab appeared on his knees impartially.

The leg injury caused to her by the original owner has not healed yet, and now she is going to walk to school again.

How could Ji Xiao think that she could not ignore her and walk away like this, and ordered the driver in front: "Stop."

The driver heard the sound and quickly stopped the car steadily, with a jade-white arm protruding from the black body.

Ji Xiao leaned on the car window, and Wei Qingyu behind him raised his chin, "Get in the car."

A suspicion flashed in Wei Qingyu's eyes, and he stopped where he didn't mean to get in the car.

Ji Xiao has become accustomed to getting along these days.

She leaned on the seat, like a second-generation ancestor who looked like a fool: "This lady is in a good mood today, hurry up."

There was some impatience in the arrogant tone, as if she had let herself in the car really on a whim, and her conscience had discovered it.

Wei Qingyu temporarily assessed the incident as not risky, opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in.

Ji Xiao was a little surprised at Wei Qingyu's move, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with a sense of joy.

Even if she was allowed to sit in the car, she didn't have to sit in the back row with her. Is this a blessing for her not to abuse the hostess these days?

The arrival of Wei Qingyu made the already quiet car even quieter.

She sat more upright than the driver of the car, her straight shoulders propped up her white school uniform shirt, and her thin back was blocked by a long hair. Everywhere was exuding a sense of loneliness, like driving on a cliff. Maple leaf clematis.

The air conditioner in the car was running slowly, and the cold wind blew to Ji Xiao's side with the scent of mint.

She looked at the retreating street scene outside the car window, and she wondered why the original owner was so hostile to Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao feels that it is not cost-effective to wear a book. Not only does she lack other people's golden fingers, but she does not even inherit the memory of the original owner.


Thinking of this, Ji Xiao sighed slightly.

Wei Qingyu's drooping eyes lifted slightly when he heard the sound, and calmly glanced at Ji Xiao in the rearview mirror.

The black hair combed into a ponytail pours down from the top of her full skull. The upright nose has a clear compromise under the brow bone, like a knife cut. It looks a little bit sharp when it is quiet. Heroic.

It's just that the slightly drooping pupils seem to move gently with the master's thoughts, and I don't know what torture people are thinking about again.

Wei Qingyu folded his eyes with a sneer, and closed his gaze back.

The car quickly stopped at the gate of the High School Affiliated to Normal University where Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were studying.

Although the High School Affiliated to Normal University is a public high school, it is recognized as a gathering place for the children of rich families in City A.

Many students in the school were sent to school by family drivers, and few came with their schoolbags on their backs like Wei Qingyu.

There were already a lot of private cars parked at the door at this time, and it was a long string of them.

Ji Xiao thought he was about to get out of the car and picked up his schoolbag, but the driver still turned a blind eye and drove towards the nearest school gate.

A pair of twin lights flashed, and a Ford Ruiji not far away hurriedly started the car and drove away with a kick of the accelerator.

The driver blankly parked the car in the parking space facing the school gate. For the first time, Ji Xiao felt that it was great to be a rich man in the top class.

After the car stopped, Wei Qingyu didn't wait for Ji Xiao to enter the school together. She put her canvas bag on her back and walked straight into the school gate.

A ray of sunlight passed through the plane tree behind him, and fell on Ji Xiao's eyes, who got off the car.

She looked at Wei Qingyu's distant figure, and then remembered that most of the money her family spends now comes from the inheritance left to her by her late parents.

The good mood is not good for a moment.

"Hey, why did Sister Xiao come here with Wei Qingyu today?"

A ridiculous voice came from behind Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao looked back and saw that a girl with a skirt rolled up to her knees and a palm length was walking towards him with another girl smiling. The long hair curled like seaweed floated slightly by the wind, like a fire.

When Xiao Xiao used her mobile phone to make up for the relationship between the characters around the original owner during the summer vacation, she noticed this girl who often took selfies in the space.

Her name is Qi Qi, she is Alpha and the best friend of the original owner.

The girl next to her is Fang Yiming, who is also an Alpha, and a friend of the original owner second only to Qi Qi.

"No way?" Ji Xiao asked rhetorically in the tone of the original owner.

Qi Qi: "Of course it is possible. I have persuaded you a long time ago to be nice to others. If you have an Alpha anyway, you can't take pity and pity on jade?"

Ji Xiao was crazy in his heart.

Why didn't this original owner listen to Qi Qi's persuasion, and treat Wei Qingyu better. In this way, I don't have to live the frightening days now.

"I will be divided into classes later, how is the review?" Qi Qi asked.

"That's it." Ji Xiao said perfunctorily.

The original owner didn't care about the exam at all. She also saw the notice in the class last night to find out that there was a placement exam today, and she didn't have time to review it.

The comprehensive language, mathematics, science, and literary comprehensive, a total of four, can be compressed in one day.

Because there is no composition in the language, so the score will be ranked the next day after the test. The top thirty-five students of Ji Xiao's science grade will enter the experimental class, which is the so-called top class, and the remaining students are equally divided into the remaining 12 science parallel classes.

In fact, it's just like the high school in my original world.

For the first time, Ji Xiao, who was far from home, felt some kindness from this world.

Fang Yiming: "This time is the examination room ranked according to the comprehensive science scores of last year. Guess who is the first one in the examination room?"

Qi Qi: "Do you still use guessing codes? Who else can be besides Wei Qingyu? She is the first in every exam, and her overall score is definitely the first!"

Fang Yiming: "When you say this, there is no suspense at all."

Qi Qi: "There is definitely no suspense. She can get second place by more than 50 points every time. We might as well guess who is in the first seat in the second examination room this time."

Ji Xiao followed silently listening to the conversation between the two of them, saying: The heroine is indeed the heroine, even if tortured by the original owner, she can get the first grade.

The three of them stopped at the stairwell of the teaching building. Qi Qi and Fang Yiming's examination room were on the second floor, while Ji Xiao was on the first floor.

Qi Qi stood on the stairs and patted Ji Xiao on the shoulder, and said, "Sister Xiao, come on, don't count down this time."

"Okay." Ji Xiao waved his hand, turned and walked towards his examination room.

Isn't it a shame that she is a high school reserve math teacher who counts down in the exam?

Ji Xiao looked at the distribution list of examination rooms in his mobile phone, and came to the door of the first grade (1) class of high school.

I don't know if she came a little early, but in the examination room there was only a white canvas bag on the first row of the first row.

She was a little puzzled. She glanced at her examination room in the phone, stepped back and wanted to quit to see the class card hanging in front of the class.

But I didn't want to, his back was sturdy and soft.

Ji Xiaoyu immediately realized that she had done something embarrassing, and was about to turn around to apologize to the person she hit, but instantly felt that she was holding two knives behind her back, and the mint smell penetrated her back. , Let her spine chill.

Ji Xiao suddenly felt that the schoolbag in the first row of the first row was inexplicable.

As soon as he turned his head, as expected, Wei Qingyu held a glass in his hand and looked at himself indifferently.

The atmosphere suddenly became darker than before.

The embarrassment turned into a wind rising from the ground, slapped Ji Xiao presumptuously on the face.

"What a coincidence, it was you." Ji Xiao smiled, trying to ease the embarrassment of the atmosphere.

Wei Qingyu looked at the smile on Ji Xiao's face, thinking that she was mirroring what happened just now as before, and teasing herself about it made her face darker.

"Unfortunately." She replied blankly.

After that, she passed Ji Xiao and went straight to the first seat of her examination room.

The wind blowing from inside the classroom to outside of the classroom made Ji Xiao feel cold.

The four words "I'm sorry" stuck in her throat and couldn't get up.

Ji Xiao felt like he had stepped on Wei Qingyu's thunder again.

After a while, the examination room was filled with people one after another, and the examination started step by step.

The original owner in the book is an unlearned dude, perverted and ill. Not surprisingly, Ji Xiao sat in the last position of the examination room. She looked up at the other side of the classroom, Wei Qingyu still sat with his back straight. over there.

The soft sunlight fell in through the glass window, hitting her lonely body, covering her with a faint golden light.

She wrote the paper carefully and attentively, her thick eyelashes slightly curved upward, blinking and blinking, they were exquisite and beautiful.

Such an excellent person should not suffer the cruel torture of the original owner in the original text.

Ji Xiao lightly sighed, and his fear of Wei Qingyu was mixed with a little sympathy and pity.

The exams for the first three subjects by Ji Xiao went well. The content of high school students in this world is similar to her original world. The ancient poems that must be memorized in Chinese are still those, and the price of English listening is 9 pounds and 15 pence, and the idea of ​​solving big math problems is still a proficient step.

Ji Xiao has always been a good student with excellent academic performance in the original world. She couldn't accept the reciprocal results of the original owner. She traded hard and planned to use her experience in helping students majoring in education in various courses to substitute for lessons. Shame before the snow.

It's just that when he got to Lizong, Ji Xiao was caught.

And it wasn't physics or chemistry that caught her, but the biology that she couldn't understand even if she had helped her roommate in biology pedagogy prepare lessons.

[Xiao Ming’s father is Beta colorblind and has the color blindness gene BaOCc, and his mother is Oga, and has the color blindness recessive gene Oab. Is there a chance that Xiao Ming will differentiate into Alpha? The possibility of Xiao Ming's sister being color-blind, and wrote the reasoning process. 】

Ji Xiao felt that his brows were frowning, and he still couldn't understand the subject.

Why do genes become so complicated when creatures have the abo attribute added!

As the sun sets, Ji Xiao's back is particularly bleak in the twilight.

Her humiliating ambition was defeated by the biological hammer.

"Why, don't you think this is a good test?" Qi Qi swept over the dejected Ji Xiao with one arm, and he almost fell.

"Don't be too frustrated, I didn't write the two big problems at the end of my mathematics." Fang Yiming soothed.

Ji Xiao glanced at Fang Yiming and said, "My creature, optimistically, the score should be in the single digits."

Fang Yiming and Qi Qi were dumb. They only knew that Ji Xiao hadn't studied well at first, but they didn't expect to be so bad this time.

Qi Qi could only comforted dryly: "There is no need to be so pessimistic."

Ji Xiao smiled bitterly, as long as she answered that the creature might not be as good as the original owner.

She waved with the two of them, and got into the car where they came to pick her up.

The driver saw Ji Xiao coming in and immediately started the car.

Ji Xiao was taken aback, seeing that she and the driver were the only two in the car, and waved his hands: "Wait for Wei Qingyu."

"Ms. Wei walked back just now, are you going to chase her?" the driver said.

When Ji Xiao heard the driver say this, he was relieved for no reason.

She was in a bad mood now, and didn't want to face the big devil at all, and waved her hand to signal that the driver could go home directly.

In fact, the villa area where Ji Xiao lives is very close to the school, only a ten-minute walk away. In addition to the traffic jam at the evening rush hour, Ji Xiao got off the car and just happened to run into Wei Qingyu coming from behind.

Her walking posture was still a bit reluctant, and a small layer of fine sweat spread on her forehead along the way.

Ji Xiao's bad mood has eased a bit, and now seeing Wei Qingyu doing this, he feels a little bit sorry.

She remembered what happened in the morning, and remembered that she still had to apologize for Wei Qingyu.

So when the two stood together in front of the door, Ji Xiao was holding a bit of the original owner's arrogance, and said: "Hey, what happened this morning, sorry."

Wei Qingyu was stunned. In the six months since she came to Ji's house, she had only heard Ji Xiao's strong words, and she had never heard her say "sorry" to herself.

Wei Qingyu recalled what happened in the morning, wasn't she deliberately making fun of herself at the time?

The avoidance of contact allowed the taste of peach brandy to evaporate in the heat of late summer.

For the first time, Wei Qingyu's speculation on Ji Xiao was biased. He didn't know how to answer her for a while, and opened the door without saying a word and walked into the room.

"Xiaoxiao is back?"

At this moment, a strong Alpha male voice came from the room.

Ji Xiao looked up and saw a stiff man standing in the living room opposite the hallway.

The man is wearing navy blue striped trousers, and the light gray shirt is meticulously pierced into the waistband, looking like a successful person with good looks.

Before Ji Xiao recognized who the person in front of him was, Wei Qingyu greeted that person one step ahead of her: "Hello Uncle Ji."