Ji Xiao stood behind and realized that the man in front of him was her cheap Alpha father in this world, Ji Qingyun, the hypocrite who had perfidiously left the inheritance of his friend to his daughter as his own.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu sideways, but saw that her eyes were calm, and half hatred was seen in her turquoise eyes.

After an unsentimental greeting, Wei Qingyu didn't speak any more, and went straight upstairs with his schoolbag on his back.

Ji Xiao watched Wei Qingyu leave behind, somehow feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Xiaoxiao, did you come back with Qingyu today?" Ji Qingyun asked with concern without noticing Ji Xiao's psychological changes.

Ji Xiao looked at the man in front of him, his heart was full of disgust for him, and he didn't want to bother. But due to her current status, she had no choice but to answer: "No, I ran into it when I came back."

"It turned out to be like this. I saw you two come in together just now, and I almost thought that I was back when I was a kid." Ji Qingyun smiled, with some regrets in his tone.

Ji Xiao was a little surprised. Hearing what Ji Qingyun said, the original owner had some overlap with Wei Qingyu when they were young, and the relationship should even be good.

As expected, since Ji Qingyun is a close friend of Wei Qingyu's parents, the original owner and Wei Qingyu must have known each other when they were young.

But why did the relationship become what it is now?

Ji Xiao tried hard to remember, to no avail.

Ji Qingyun sat next to her naturally: "Dad also returned to China today and heard that you fired Xiao Ai and Xiao Ci. What's the matter, they upset you? Tell your father."

Ji Xiao looked at the strange man next to him, his body stiffened. Brother, did you get too close?

And who are these Xiao Ai and Xiao Ci?

Could it be that maid A and maid C?

Ji Xiao was a little speechless thinking of these two people who had counter-charged him, and said perfunctorily: "It's nothing, it's annoying."

After speaking, Ji Xiao realized that his tone of behavior was a bit disrespectful to people. The opposite of her was her cheap father.

Ji Qingyun frowned when he heard the sound, sank a moment, and waved his big hand: "If you are annoying, change it. Tomorrow I will let Aunt Wu pick a good one and use it."

He didn't care about Ji Xiao's disrespect for him.

Ji Xiao was taken aback for a moment, only then did he remember that Ji Qingyun was a daughter slave in the original book.

He who lingered in the flowers did not marry his daughter for life, so he spoiled Ji Xiao lawlessly, arrogant and arrogant.

Ji Qingyun: "This time it is better to choose two grades. Aunt Sun just picked a few good servants into the house in those few days. They are all very good, and they are just right for you."

Hearing Ji Qingyun's words, Ji Xiao waved his hand quickly: "No need."

In the original text, this Auntie Sun is the only lover with a surname around Ji Qingyun.

Although she is a Beta, but because of Ji Qingyun's heart, she has become the longest person by her side these years.

Ji Xiao used his toes to figure out what it looked like when this auntie Sun picked the person into the house.

She is a law-abiding underage Alpha that is not blessed to enjoy.

Ji Qingyun was puzzled, "What? Are you worried about the people on Dad's side? They are all the best."

Ji Xiao shook his head, and declined to excuse: "I want to be quiet and clean recently, and I don't like so many people in my house. This villa is only two and a half stories, so I don't need so many people."

Ji Qingyun suddenly realized, nodded, "That's it, we grow up Xiaoxiao and have our own ideas, and Dad doesn't object."

Speaking, he took out the phone from his pocket again, and while operating it, he preached: "In this way, I will increase your monthly allowance to 300,000 yuan. You decide what you want to eat and play, and happiness is the most important thing. "

Ji Xiao heard a sound of gold coins pouring into her pocket in her head. She felt that she might not be able to see so much money at once in her life.

Is this the life of the rich?

Seeing that Ji Xiao didn't answer, Ji Qingyun seemed to understand something: "Well... 300,000 is less, or 666,000, auspicious."

Ji Xiao was relieved from the huge sum of 300,000 yuan, and almost fell into the four sixes in Ji Qingyun's mouth.

She is an ordinary college student who can survive a month without saying more than three thousand. It is really no blessing to endure so much, and she hurriedly blocked her: "Dad, I really can't use so much."

Ji Qingyun was a little surprised by Ji Xiao’s sudden refusal. He thought it must be his daughter who had grown up and knew that he had saved it. He was particularly moved. He did not hesitate to transfer the money to Ji Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, don’t give it. Dad saves money. Dad’s money will be yours in the future. You don’t need to be so polite to spend your own money. Recently, the market conditions have been good, and the new projects at home have made a lot of money, so you can spend it with confidence."

Looking at Ji Qingyun's boldness, Ji Xiao couldn't help twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Dad, this new project is actually the legacy of Wei Qingyu's parents, right?

You occupy the magpie’s nest, don’t you have nightmares at night when you spend other people’s money?

Just when Ji Xiao was complaining about Ji Qingyun, Aunt Wu came over and said, "Mr. Ms., dinner is ready."

"Okay, let's eat first." Ji Qingyun nodded and said with concern: "I heard that the placement test was conducted today at the beginning of school. How did Xiaoxiao take the test?"

Ji Xiao felt a sword pierced his heart, and followed Ji Qingyun perfunctorily: "That's it."

When Ji Qingyun heard, put a hand on Ji Xiao's shoulder, softly comforted: "Don't have too much pressure, you are still young, just splitting up, don't study too tired, just take your time."

The man's hands were heavy, and it was full of damp heat on Ji Xiao's shoulders, and Ji Qingyun's tenderness of the fierce man made her especially uncomfortable.

Ji Xiao nodded, and walked to the dining area to sit down first.

Ji Qingyun only regarded her daughter as hungry, and didn't take it seriously, sitting across from Ji Xiao.

Soon the servant arranged the dinner, and Ji Xiao looked at the two sets of cutlery on the dining table, gave a ghostly glance at the closed door on the second floor, and felt a little bit delicate.

No one in the family cares whether Wei Qingyu eats or not, but today after such a day of high-density and rhythmic examination, she is hungry and hungry, not to mention Wei Qingyu, this Oga.

I'm afraid I won't be able to stand it without dinner.

Ji Xiao looked at Ji Qingyun, who was sitting across from him. It might not be appropriate to ask her to come down for dinner on this occasion.

Later, I will find a chance to send someone up to give her something.

Ji Xiao secretly decided to pick up his chopsticks and put himself a shrimp.

But Ji Qingyun spoke at this moment: "Aunt Wu, why don't you ask Qingyu to come down to eat?"

Aunt Wu bucked and said: "Miss Wei seems to be a little uncomfortable."

Ji Qingyun frowned: "If you feel uncomfortable, you have to come down to eat. Go, add another pair of bowls and chopsticks, and call her down."

"Yes." Aunt Wu nodded slightly and went up to the second floor under Ji Xiao's gaze.

Ji Xiao looked at the father across from him, and suddenly felt that he still had some conscience.

In a moment, Wei Qingyu's room on the second floor was knocked open, and Aunt Wu's voice came over: "Miss Wei, Mr. told you to go down to dinner."

Wei Qingyu looked at the two father and daughter sitting facing each other in the dining area downstairs, frowning slightly, "I am not feeling well, so I won't go."

Aunt Wu smiled: "Mr. said, it is because Ms. Wei is unwell that she has to go down to eat. She is uncomfortable. What can I do if she doesn't eat?"

Wei Qingyu was speechless. She knew that Ji Qingyun had made up her mind to go down by herself, so she let go of the doorknob and followed Aunt Wu down.

The solid wood stairs made a light click, and Wei Qingyu walked behind Aunt Wu and stretched out his hand to re-press the suppression sticker on his gland to make it stick more closely.

"Qingyu, long time no see, let's sit down and eat." Ji Qingyun watched Wei Qingyu go downstairs, his face a little more kind.

Wei Qingyu said "Um", and under Ji Qingyun's ardent gaze, he ignored the set of chopsticks deliberately placed next to him, and sat next to Ji Xiao.

Ji Qingyun didn't feel annoyed, and said to herself: "Why talk is better with Xiaoxiao."

Ji Xiao twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard the sound. She didn't know what was going on, she was extremely surprised and terrified of Wei Qingyu being by her side.

She looked at Wei Qingyu who was eating silently, wondering why she, who hated herself so much, would sit next to her.

The dining table is a bit quiet, and Ji Qingyun often talks to himself. Ji Xiao didn’t like him that much, so he was pampered and perfunctorily. Wei Qingyu didn’t even look up. Every time Ji Qingyun talked, she would just put a bite of rice into her mouth. , As if it was an eating machine without emotions.

I don't know since when, the atmosphere on the table gradually became weird, and even at a certain moment, Ji Xiao smelled an exceptionally abrupt aroma.

It was like the musky smell of a stag, but it was not pure enough, and it smelled a little disgusting.

Ji Xiao's heart became irritable for no reason, as if being provoked by someone.

She raised her head with a confused expression, but noticed that Ji Qingyun looked at Wei Qingyu with an unruly smile on her face.

The low-purity scent of stag musk radiated from him.

And this irritable taste in Ji Xiao's heart is Ji Qingyun's pheromone.

Alphas are mutually exclusive, so when they smell the pheromone emitted by other Alphas, they feel irritable.

After that, it often turns into a fight.

Ji Xiaoqiang endured the irritability in his heart, and finally knew why Wei Qingyu would rather sit next to him than with Ji Qingyun.

Cooperating with her, who looks like a cheap daddy, is actually a pervert who covets his friend's daughter!

And he didn't worry about Alpha's daughter sitting in front of him at all!

Scum! abnormal! Stinking rogue!

I said how you were kind, you were waiting here!

Ji Xiao frantically scolded this grandson Ji Qingyun in her heart, but there was a "da" sound from chopsticks tapping the plate.

Wei Qingyu lowered her head, her long hair hanging down to cover half of her face. The right hand leaning on the table vacantly held the chopsticks, and the green fingers were trembling slightly.

Ji Xiao knew that she was affected by Ji Qingyun's pheromone.

Ji Qingyun: "Why, whispering seems really uncomfortable? How about uncle take you to the hospital, right?"

Ji Xiao suddenly felt tight, she didn't know what he was thinking about Ji Qingyun.

This grandson wants to take Wei Qingyu out and do something wrong!

With that said, Ji Qingyun was about to get up and walk with Wei Qingyu, who was unable to resist. Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao hurriedly raised his hand and held Wei Qingyu's arm.

"Where are you sick? Why didn't I see it?" Ji Xiaoyang said.

Wei Qingyu looked up at Ji Xiao with great difficulty. His cyan eyes were filled with cold vigilance, and even Ji Qingyun was stunned.

Ji Xiao rolled his throat abruptly, and bit the bullet and continued: "Hey, don't pretend to be pitiful here! I still have some questions to ask you for the exam today! You have to explain everything to me! Don't even think about it. Dress up and hide away!"

Ji Qingyun was puzzled by her daughter's intentions, and asked softly: "Are you really all right, whisper?"

Ji Qingyun's pheromone seriously affected Wei Qingyu's thinking, and she could not discern the purpose of Ji Xiao's words. It's just that instead of following Ji Qingyun to the so-called hospital for physical examination, it would be better to be forced to stay in a home she is more familiar with by Ji Xiao.

Wei Qingyu held up his voice forcibly, and said "um" in his usual intonation.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "Then I won't go back to your room and prepare to go! I don't have the patience to wait for you to think about it for a long time before telling me."

"Okay." Wei Qingyu gritted his teeth and got up from the chair.

She is an S-class Oga and is easily affected by Alpha pheromone. Now she has weakness in her hands and feet, and she has to use her strength every step of the way.

Wei Qingyu supported the stairs leading to the second floor. Although she was struggling to walk due to Ji Qingyun's pheromone, this time it was not as bad as before.

After getting away from Ji Qingyun's pheromone, she recovered quickly, and now most of the suffering in her heart has disappeared.

Wei Qingyu subconsciously touched the restraint sticker on the back of her neck, and the restraint sticker was only slightly wet. She had never been in a situation like this before.

It's as if there is another Alpha pheromone in the body, struggling with Ji Qingyun's pheromone to protect himself from his influence.

Another Alpha pheromone...

Wei Qingyu fell into deep thought, and walked away without paying attention.

She felt her feet slip, and the feeling of weightlessness passed through her heart, and she was about to fall on her back.

In the next second, a pair of delicate hands was placed on her waist, holding her firmly in his arms.

It seemed to fall suddenly on the soft cushion, arousing the taste of thousands of peach brandy hidden in it.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu expressionlessly, and said, "For the sake of you giving me the topic, I will go up with you to draw a range for you."