The quiet stairwell was lit with bright yellow lights, reflecting the surprise in Wei Qingyu's pupils.

She looked sideways at the arm that held her, wondering if Ji Xiao did it intentionally. The only thing that clung to her waist was her wrist, and her green hands were slightly concealed, and none of them touched her.

The thin school uniform shirt conveyed the temperature of the girl, and the smell of peach wine fell on his shoulders.

Wei Qingyu clearly heard a small "bang" in him.

"You stand by yourself, I can let go." Ji Xiao reminded.

Wei Qingyu calmly retracted his gaze, and said softly, "Thank you."

"How you walk is the biggest thank you to me, don't always trouble others." Ji Xiao said, slipped her hand into one pocket, and left without looking back.

Wei Qingyu looked at the back of Ji Xiao walking upward, and for the first time a different emotion flashed in his turquoise eyes.

After sinking, she also walked up the stair railing.

Ji Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of gentle footsteps behind him.

The hand holding the pocket liner finally released.

Some people are obviously cool when they leave, but their back pockets are covered with sweat.

She was worried that Wei Qingyu would be affected by Ji Qingyun's pheromone, so she found an excuse and left the table.

Fortunately, it came in time, otherwise Wei Qingyu would definitely be taken away to the hospital by Ji Qingyun.

With Yu Qing in heart, Ji Xiao opened the door of his room and sat down at the desk.

But when he thought of following his own words to live with Wei Qingyu in the same room, Ji Xiao withered.

Even after getting along for so long, Ji Xiao is still afraid of the heroine who will kill her in the future.

She randomly took out a paper for today's exam from her schoolbag, drew a few random circles on it, gritted her teeth, and knocked on Wei Qingyu's door.

A soft footstep approached and stopped abruptly, the sunlight poured out from the room, and Wei Qingyu opened the door to Ji Xiao blankly.

She still had her back straight, and she opened the door with ease, and she seemed to have completely recovered from the influence of Ji Qingyun's pheromone.

"Please come in." Wei Qingyu turned sideways slightly, letting Ji Xiao in.

Ji Xiao was slightly relieved and walked into the room.

When sitting on the chair, Ji Xiao raised his legs in order to increase his momentum, "Look first, I'll play for a while."

After that, he photographed the paper in front of Wei Qingyu.

This rude gesture made Wei Qingyu faintly dissatisfied between his brows, but it quickly dissipated.

What Ji Xiao brought was a math paper. Wei Qingyu's math was pretty good. Besides, she had already done it. She glanced at each question and came up with an idea.

Only when Wei Qingyu turned the test paper to the second one, the turquoise eyes stopped, and his eyes were fixed on the last question for a long time.

Ji Xiao didn't notice this at all, shaking his legs and looked at Wei Qingyu's room.

If the original owner’s bedroom filled with various animation posters and piled up with various dolls is a typical second generation ancestor's house, then Wei Qingyu is a typical female main house.

The monotonous clock hung on the pure white wall, the bedding on the soft bed did not have any wrinkles, and the whole space was fresh and clean. Even the sunlight coming in from the same direction, Ji Xiao felt particularly gentle.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's exquisite night light by the bed, with emotion in his heart.

Even in the harsh environment, Wei Qingyu still maintained the decentness of the past and did not give up his life.

It is also very admirable.

"can you start it?"

Wei Qingyu's voice came from Ji Xiao's side indifferently, and Ji Xiao quickly retracted his sitting posture, preparing to be a well-behaved machine for listening to Wei Qingyu's topic.

What Ji Xiao did not expect was that Wei Qingyu’s first sentence was not the corresponding problem-solving step, but a question: "This problem, are you sure you won’t?"

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's second-to-last multiple-choice question, cardiac arrest.

It's really dying, what she got is actually the most perfect math paper she answered.

Ji Xiaoqiang supported the anxiety in his heart, looked at the blank face, nodded and asked, "Yes, why not?"

Wei Qingyu didn't speak, those turquoise eyes looked at Ji Xiao as if they could penetrate lies.

She took out the second paper with her backhand, and her fingers fell on the last big question like a jade knot, "Then tell me, how did you work out this question."

Ji Xiao's heart suddenly thumped.

She has the habit of keeping the volume of the answer sheet neat and tidy, and the big problem calculations will be written briefly on the paper first.

Wei Qingyu glanced at Ji Xiao, and said mercilessly: "Don't pretend, you know all these questions. What do you want to do, let's talk about it."

I just want to help you get rid of the scumbag Ji Qingyun, do you believe it?

The quiet needles in the room were audible, and the clock hung on the wall clattered, torturing Ji Xiao with every click.

The original owner was so bad to Wei Qingyu before, even if she told the truth, she would not believe it.

Maybe I still feel like I'm playing tricks again.

Ji Xiao looked at the problem-solving steps on the paper in front of him, and realized that he had pitted himself once again.

This paper is not a Chinese medicine, and she can't prove her innocence even if she eats it.


There were two knocks on the door in Su's room.

Aunt Wu stood at the door: "Is the young lady here? Mr. has something to leave. Miss go down and send it off."

Ji Xiao suddenly grasped the straw for life-saving, and stood up abruptly, "Okay!"

For the first time, she felt that the scumbag Ji Qingyun was useful, and Fei fled.

It's just that the paper that was forgotten by her is still in Wei Qingyu's hands, and the girl's eyes towards Ji Xiao's departure have also become obscure.

Wei Qingyu clearly realized that this paper was made by Ji Xiao herself, so he was even more puzzled about why she would use the paper that she can do to tell her the topic.

Is it just a whim to humiliate yourself?

Then why would you be speechless when you dismantle her?

Rather than slap yourself in a violent slap as before?

Thinking about it carefully, Ji Xiao's request to tell her the topic by herself was made by Ji Qingyun when she wanted to take her away from home.

At that time, Ji Qingyun, the shameless Alpha, released his pheromone, and the purpose of taking away himself was not pure at all.

Wei Qingyu was deeply disturbed by it, and she could be sure that Ji Xiao, the Alpha, definitely smelled Ji Qingyun's pheromone.

Release pheromone, drive himself away unreasonably, Ji Qingyun's plan fell through...

Wei Qingyu gently held the test paper with her fingers and stopped, she couldn't believe her inference.

—Ji Xiao asked herself to talk to her, as if to help her out.

The next day, the sky was clear and clear.

After Ji Xiao finished her breakfast alone, she took her schoolbag and sat in the car. The girl looked at the co-pilot with expectation and anxiousness, but did not see Wei Qingyu, who had disappeared early in the morning.

Driver: "Miss, Miss Wei has gone to school again."

Ji Xiao breathed a sigh of relief first, and then fell a little bit for no reason.

Is Wei Qingyu disgusting himself even more because of yesterday's events? Don't even want to ride in a car with yourself?

Ji Xiao had nowhere to speculate and waved his hand to let the driver drive.

Soon the car stopped at the school gate, and Ji Xiao glanced at the gate expectantly. Did not see Wei Qingyu, but saw Qi Qi and Fang Yiming.

These two people knew their own car, and when they saw that they were coming, they waved to themselves from afar.

"Good morning!" Qi Qi still smiled brightly and openly, saying hello to Ji Xiao.

"Good morning." Ji Xiao also showed a particularly vigorous smile.

She hadn't laughed like this for a long time, as if she had really returned to high school.

"Hey, Sister Xiao is in a good mood today, how can she digest herself?" Fang Yiming joked from the side.

Ji Xiao was poked to the painful place unsuspectingly, and returned to Fang Yiming with an extraordinarily gloomy expression.

"Let's go, I heard that it has been put on the list, whether it is alive or dead, let's go and see if we know it."

As Qi Qi said, she dragged the two people towards the announcement on the first floor patio.

The three of them came a little late, and there were already many people in front of the bulletin board. Fang Yiming squeezed for a long time before squeezing to the last column.

Ji Xiao was unsure of his grades, so he and Fang Yiming searched for his name in the last column.

It's just that the eyes are skipped on the row by row list. Ji Xiao's eyes are dizzying, but he hasn't found his name yet.

At this moment, some rustling conversations came from behind Ji Xiao's ears.

"Is it her?"

"It seems so... Would you like to check it out?"

"I'm going to die, I won't go."

"Isn't she not studying? Why is the exam so high?"

"I don't know, it's not cheating anymore..."

"Then it's too obvious that she cheated. Biology only scored 7 points..."

The more Ji Xiao listened, the more he felt that he was talking about herself, looking for the voice and looking back, she saw that the two Oga shook for a moment when they were looking at each other.

Is he so scary?

Before Ji Xiao had time to think about how scary his face was, Qi Qi’s voice came from the other end of the bulletin board: "Hey! Ji Xiao, it’s a young birthday! How the **** did you get into third grade? Fifteen, you are going to the experimental class!"

What? !

Ji Xiao stood still, startled.

She hurriedly walked towards Qi Qi, but saw that her name was indeed written after the number 35.

Her grades are exceptionally beautiful, with 81 in Chinese, 147 in Mathematics, 123 in English, 91 in Physics, and 76 in Chemistry, which is second only to Wei Qingyu.

It's just that the **** creature, who scored a math fraction of 7 points, stood naked among a bunch of schoolmasters, looking very abrupt.

"Did you go in with your phone?" Qi Qi poked Ji Xiao.

"If I took the phone, my biology would not have 7 points in the test." Ji Xiao looked at his score, not knowing whether he should cry or laugh.

"Yeah, how stupid would she be if she took the phone and still scored 7 in the test?"

"Could it be that there was not enough time when I arrived at the creature, so I took this test..."

"How is it possible? You don't know that our school has signal shielding facilities, which will be opened when the exam comes. Where does she go to search for answers."

"What if it's copied from people around you?"

"Big brother, she is the last one, and the people around her are also the last. You see how good she is in math, the TMD is 3 points out of perfect score!"

The people around heard Ji Xiao's words and started talking, and jumped back and forth between the one she got through the exam and the one who cheated.

At this moment, an Oga came over from the teaching department. She pulled Ji Xiao's sleeve and whispered: "Ji Xiao, Director Liu wants you to go to the teaching department office."

The sound fell, and there was silence around.

Director Liu is notoriously rigid and rigid in the school, and he is especially aimed at the unlearned dude like Ji Xiao.

Especially this time Ji Xiao also got such a strange result, I don't know how he will embarrass Ji Xiao.

In a moment, the iron door of the teaching office made a heavy "creak".

Ji Xiao opened the door and walked in.

Director Liu was sitting at the desk, and on the sofa beside him sat a few teachers who Ji Xiao was not familiar with.

Several pairs of eyes stared at her, and the unfriendly breath rushing toward her.

The teachers present were the same as Director Liu, and they had the same suspicion of Ji Xiao as his classmates just now. Even if the monitoring did not find out the possibility of Ji Xiao cheating, they didn't believe it.

"Ji Xiao is here, come over." Director Liu, headed by him, motioned to Ji Xiao to come over.

"Okay." Ji Xiao nodded, and sat on the chair without being humble or arrogant.

Perhaps the girl was too upright, and the room suddenly quieted strangely.

A female teacher gave a light cough and said, "Ji Xiao, based on your results this time, we may need to do a test on you. You can follow the original class for the time being when you change classes, and wait a few days for the results to come out before you go to the experimental class. Thing, is it okay?"

She was extremely tactful, but Ji Xiao could understand.

I just don't trust myself and don't want my "rat shit" to spoil the good porridge of the experimental class.

Ji Xiao had an internship in school and was familiar with school rules.

Knowing that they must have checked the examination room monitoring, they also had a meeting to discuss their results.

She thought that since the grade department announced the results rankings, she recognized her results.

But why test yourself in the end?

Hang out his grades, let all the students know about it, and doubt himself grandiosely.

Don’t you worry about hurting the self-esteem of a minor?

Ji Xiao looked at Director Liu, who was sitting calmly drinking tea, and instantly understood that he did not trust himself in essence.

He had determined that his grades were fraudulent, and he wanted to slaughter him and clean up the school spirit.

"Wait a few days?" Ji Xiao asked back.

"This..." The female teacher couldn't tell, she turned her head to look at the other teachers.

"If I take the test again, how should I evaluate the results? If my level is at the level that can enter the experimental class, how can you compensate for the criticism of other students that I have experienced while waiting for the results?" Ji Xiao Continue to ask.

Several teachers were a little dumb, but Director Liu snorted disdainfully, "The children now really think they can hide any tricks from adults."

The lid of the teacup tapped the mouth of the cup and made a clatter. Director Liu raised his eyes and asked, "Ji Xiao, is this really your test?"

"Yes." Ji Xiao replied confidently.

Director Liu laughed and patted Ji Xiao on the shoulder, "However, no one can prove it."

"Student Ji Xiao, you must be ashamed. Don't think that your cleverness can be hidden from everyone. The stolen results are not only a stain on the file, but also a stain on moral quality."

As soon as this was said, the office became quieter.

The wind in late summer and early autumn was a bit cold, and the wind brushed Ji Xiao's arm along the open window.

She looked at Director Liu in front of her, with suspicion written on her solemn and just face.

She has always been excellent and has never suffered such humiliation.

Could it be that the original owner's poor reputation in the school can deny a fact that can't find a problem after repeated research?

"I can prove it."

A cold voice came from the door, and Wei Qingyu was standing at the door with a paper in his hand.