The eyes of all the teachers in the office were surprised, and even Ji Xiao couldn't believe his ears.

The sunlight projected from outside the window fell radiantly on Wei Qingyu's body, steaming a mint-scented heat wave.

Under the pouring black hair, there was half a pure and white face, and the green eyes were hidden in it, calm as a pool of water.

Wei Qingyu calmly walked into the office under everyone's gaze, and repeated: "Teacher, I can prove the authenticity of Ji Xiao's results."

Director Liu frowned. He did not expect that the good student he had always loved would testify for this poor student who cheated, "You said you can prove it, how can you prove it?"


With that said, Wei Qingyu put the paper in his hand in front of Director Liu.

It was the math paper that Ji Xiaoluo left in Wei Qingyu's room after running yesterday. On the second page of the big question, she also wrote her simple steps to solve the problem.

Wei Qingyu: "This is the math paper that Ji Xiao took yesterday. The handwriting on it can prove that this is her thinking process. If it is cheating and plagiarism, there is no need to make traces on the paper that she can take away."

The voice was cold and dull, but powerful.

The feeling of isolation and helplessness in Ji Xiao's heart suddenly dissipated, and several teachers looked at the paper in front of them and began to play drums in their hearts.

"Oh, I said the director, how come the list was released so soon? Didn't you say that we will discuss it when I come to school?"

At this time, a man's voice also came from the door.

A man with a shirt half tucked into his pants and a loose tie appeared at the door of the office lazily leaning on the door frame.

He looks a little shaggy, and his hair is messed up like a bird's nest.

This is Feng Ming, the head teacher of the experimental class where Wei Qingyu works.

"Xiao Feng?" Director Liu was a little surprised, "I thought you were not coming."

"How could it be possible that I contacted the teacher to help read this child's paper last night and made it a bit late, and got up late this morning." Feng Ming yawned undisguisedly when he said that, strangely it looked so shabby on the surface. A man from, exhales a faint smell of cologne.

"Come, whisper, you brought this paper, for you." Feng Ming said.

Wei Qingyu nodded, and continued to analyze where Feng Ming interrupted: "We can look at the first question of the last question of the paper. She used this formula first, omitting the step of proving the verticality, and then substituting this. The two formulas directly show the length and angle of this side, which are completely different from the steps found on the Internet..."

Wei Qingyu's voice was soft, organized and rational.

Ji Xiao quietly raised his head to look at Wei Qingyu, the first time he didn't see the vigilance and disgust in her eyes when he was there.

The turquoise eyes are full of concentration and earnestness.

She rigorously and calmly proved herself under Director Liu's almost strict gaze.

The breeze blew the hair of the two of them, bringing a faint smell of mint.

This is the first time Ji Xiao feels how reliable Wei Qingyu is.

"Then biology. I've seen it. This kid's biology didn't hand in a blank paper and only scored 7 points. Her answer sheet was full of words." Feng Ming said that he smiled.

Ji Xiao felt that he was stabbed by an invisible knife twice in his heart.

Feng Ming: "I asked Teacher Wang last night. It was very interesting. The answer to all the essay questions of this child only listed the simplest male Beta and female Beta, and the other combinations were not included. This led to She only got 7 points."

"You can't do this. I only remembered the easiest for reviewing homework. This year's exam is very dangerous." Feng Ming said that he rubbed two hands of Ji Xiao's head without any effort. Edged.

Director Liu looked at the facts before him and sat back in his chair with his lips pressed tightly, as if he was still planning something in his heart.

Upon seeing this, Feng Ming added: "Furthermore, the director, this time not only Ji Xiao but also Liu Meina has made great progress. …"

Director Liu heard Liu Meina’s name and hurriedly interrupted: “I know her situation. During the summer vacation, her mother hired a tutor for her, and she had tutored...Xiao Feng, we still have to trust the students.”

Looking at Director Liu's appearance, Feng Ming knew clearly.

Ji Xiao was also keenly aware that such a disturbance in her own place seemed to be related to Liu Meina.

Director Liu, Liu Meina...

What is the relationship between these two people...

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao sneered unabashedly.

Director Liu heard that the sound was about to break out, and Feng Ming followed what he had just said: "Since the director has said so, if you want to trust the students, why not stop this matter?"

Director Liu pursed his lower lip, looked at Ji Xiao's paper in front of him, and nodded sternly.

"Yeah." Feng Ming said as he took Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu out of the office.

The bright sunshine is spreading on the corridor, and the people who are basking feel at ease.

Feng Ming yawned and said to Ji Xiao: "You go to the new class first, and I will go back to the office for a night's sleep. I can stay up all night for you kid, so I can be better in my class in the future."

Ji Xiao was grateful that Feng Ming had just proved himself, and nodded readily: "Teacher, don't worry."

Feng Ming nodded, raised his foot and walked towards the other side of the corridor. Only Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were left in the corridor.

The leisurely wind slowly passed through the corridor and lifted Wei Qingyu's long hair. She was still cold and lonely. She looked at the road ahead without squinting, and gradually opened the distance of the same Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao looked at the shadow of the two who kept moving apart, with mixed feelings.

Although she didn't know why Wei Qingyu came to help herself, she knew that Wei Qingyu still had a grudge against herself.

How can the scars of abuse and torture be easily healed because of the protection of my own pain and itching these days.

Ji Xiao pressed her lower lip lightly, looking at Wei Qingyu who was about to leave, and stared with the arrogance of the original owner: "Hey, thank you."

The sound came quickly and was exceptionally faint, like a dandelion that was suddenly blown into the air by the wind.

But it fell in Wei Qingyu's ears, but her steps were noticeably paused.

Wan Fang is as arrogant as Ji Xiao, and he will say "thank you" to himself one day.

Wei Qingyu blinked his eyes lightly, and suddenly couldn't understand the person in front of him.

Ji Xiao keenly noticed that his somewhat deviating behavior made Wei Qingyu suspicious.

She copied her pocket with one hand, raised her chin, and said, "What? This lady said thank you to you. Are you still not satisfied?"

Wei Qingyu frowned slightly: "You don't have to thank me, I just repay the favor you helped me yesterday."

The voice was indifferent, and his eyes didn't share Ji Xiao's half.

Simply clean up the non-existent friendly relationship between the two people.

Ji Xiao was taken aback when he heard the words.

Sure enough, she noticed that she helped her escape Ji Qingyun yesterday.

Is she too keen?

Ji Xiao had the illusion that she would see through when she stayed with Wei Qingyu. He shook his hand, dropped the phrase "whatever you want," and strode away.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's back gradually away, with an obscure expression.

She just didn’t want to owe Ji Xiao anything. She didn’t want yesterday’s favor to be an excuse for Ji Xiao to torture herself with a knife. So when Feng Ming said about it, she immediately took the paper and went to the teaching office. .

But is it really just that?

Such a voice suddenly appeared in Wei Qingyu's heart, and then disappeared with the wind.

Ji Xiao looked for the class number and went to the experimental class on the first floor. As soon as he reached the door number, he saw Qi Qi and Fang Yiming behind them, three Alpha boys holding books, walking towards the back door of the classroom.

"Why are you here?" Ji Xiao was a little surprised.

"I'll change the classroom for you." Qi Qi said, "We both firmly believe that you took the test yourself, so we plan to start first."

Fang Yiming: "Yes, even if Director Liu doesn't recognize your grades, we must stay in this experimental class!"

"Moreover, we both reasonably suspect that Liu Meina's grandson must have said something to her uncle. Director Liu is known to be strict with others and lenient to herself. Do you know that under your name is Liu Meina, Although she is not as bad as you, she is usually in the middle and lower reaches." Qi Qi reasoned. "I think it's because they did it themselves that they suspected that you did it too!"

"Maybe I wanted to enter this experimental class this time, but I was cut off by you, so I made trouble for you." Fang Yiming added, "Don't be afraid, the class teacher of the experimental class is my uncle. Let him keep you."

Ji Xiao became more and more familiar with the name Liu Meina, but couldn't remember who this person was.

Besides, when she looked at Qi Qi and Fang Yiming's hatred of the same enemy, she couldn't help but feel warm, no matter where she was going to take care of Liu Meina.

Ji Xiao grabbed Fang Yiming's neck and smiled: "Thanks!"

"Come on, move the book in." Ji Xiao said and entered the classroom.

Ignoring the curious gazes of all the classmates in the experimental class, she pointed straight to the empty seat in the last row by the window, "Let's go there."

"What are you doing in this corner? You were really taken out of the experimental class by Director Liu?" Qi Qi asked nervously.

"Put your heart back in your stomach, this lady is now a serious experimental class student." Ji Xiao patted Qi Qi on the shoulder, "This position is where the protagonist often sits in anime."

She desperately needs to borrow the aura of this position to continue her life.

The classmates in the class began to discuss it, and Fang Yiming’s face was even more surprised and happy. He pulled Ji Xiao and asked: "Ah, you tell us what's going on, how does Director Liu believe you? ?"

Ji Xiao coded the book on the desk, suddenly a little embarrassed.

She glanced at her classmates secretly, and it turns out that even the gossip soul of the experimental class has not disappeared.

Ji Xiao: "Let's go out and talk."

The three of them walked outside the classroom, and Ji Xiao told them what had happened just now. Qi Qi and Fang Yiming were shocked for an instant, and both eyes were surprised.

"What! Wei Qingyu?!"

Fang Yiming: "She's crazy? If you want me, I wish you were badly remembered by Director Liu and kicked out of school."

Qi Qi: "Say! What happened between you and Wei Qingyu!"

Ji Xiao smiled bitterly: "I want to know what happened between me and Wei Qingyu, she hates me so much."

Fang Yiming only pretended not to remember when Ji Xiao, and started counting with his fingers: "I don't know who it was last semester. I broke the 2B pencil and deliberately knocked out the meal they had prepared."

Qi Qi continued to add, "There are also putting people in the toilets and pouring cold water, hiding the white down jackets they put in the classroom in the snow on the playground, and..."

"Okay, let's stop." Ji Xiao listened to a panic, and his neck was aching.

Stop talking, besides, my heart can't bear it anymore.

In this way, Wei Qingyu is willing to come to testify for himself today. He is really a kind person!

Looking at the regretful expression on Ji Xiao's face, Qi Qi joked: "Why do you feel distressed? Knowing that what I did in the past was not about human affairs?"

"Did you two really happen during the summer vacation? Hey, I've heard that Oga will change his attitude towards Alpha because he is obsessed with Alpha's pheromone." Fang Yiming gave Ji Xiao an ambiguous look.

Ji Xiao: "..."

Obsessed with Alpha's pheromone?

Are you so obsessed with you that you almost killed yourself?

"Hey, I haven't asked you yet, what's the matter?" Qi Qi said, pointing to the gauze on Ji Xiao's neck that was blocked by the collar, "Is it summer vacation, you and her—"

Ji Xiao's heart tightened, and he hurriedly covered his wounds that were not yet complete. "It's not her, she doesn't, don't talk nonsense!"

If this tooth mark were discovered by them, they would not be able to clean it thoroughly.

"Tsk tusk, who is she~"

"Does her pheromone also fascinate you~"

"Fart!" Ji Xiao denied.

She clasped her neck tightly with her hand, pretending to be disdainful and threatened: "Wei Qingyu that broken pheromone won't work for me!"

Suddenly, Ji Xiao felt a cool breeze rushing behind her, the piercing mint smell clinging to the glands behind her neck.

Wei Qingyu walked from the corridor and stood expressionlessly behind the three of them, his expression even colder than when he was just talking to him.