It has been a long time since no one has said "good night" to Wei Qingyu, and no one has been so kind to Wei Qingyu for a long time.

Ji Xiaoyin was uncertain, arrogant and arrogant. Wei Qingyu was the first person to put her into **** after falling into the trough of life, but he was also the first person to reach out to her.

What kind of person is Ji Xiao now?

This time, Wei Qingyu put a question mark in his heart.

The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, Liu Meina and Director Liu's treatment came down.

Liu Meina was detained for probation and punishment, and Ji Qingyun was pressed, and the Liu family could not do anything about it. This stain will be printed on Liu Meina's archives forever. As a useless abandoned son of Liu Meina's mother, Director Liu was dismissed from the school for investigation and expelled from the teaching team forever.

The morning sun shines through the long and narrow floor-to-ceiling windows, shining brightly and tenderly into the room.

Ji Xiao sat at the dining table and looked at the phone, with long legs on the table legs to let the front legs of the chair hang in the air, a whole cynical eldest lady.

She was still reading the bulletin on the school's official website yesterday, her oblate eyes smiling crookedly.

Such a delightful thing, no matter if you read it several times, you won't get bored.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from the stairwell not far away.

Wei Qingyu wore a light blue dress and walked downstairs.

Her long jet black hair hung smoothly and shinyly on her chest, and a small silver brooch dazzledly appeared under the black hair.

She was still expressionless, her fine eyelashes drooping, covering her turquoise pupils, unable to distinguish her expression.

Wei Qingyu has almost no sense of presence in this home, and Aunt Wu doesn't even care when she sees her continue to do her work.

Ji Xiao found that she was carrying a bag on her shoulder, as if she was going out.

"Hey, Mid-Autumn Festival, where are you going?" Ji Xiao leaned back in the chair, looking at Wei Qingyu who had skipped him.

"Sweep the grave." Wei Qingyu replied lightly.

Ji Xiao was taken aback, and then he said "Oh".

She seemed to remember that the book said that Wei Qingyu never missed the Mid-Autumn Festival because her mother's birthday on the lunar calendar was on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This year is the first year that Wei Qingyu's mother died, and it is also the first time that she has visited her mother's grave for her birthday.

The Mid-Autumn Festival was originally a day for family reunion, but Wei Qingyu had to go to the icy tombstone to pay homage to his parents. He felt sore after thinking about it.

The cemeteries in City A are all in the suburbs. Although it takes more than ten minutes to drive on the highway, if you want to get there from the city center, you have to go around and reverse.

This is a big holiday, it would be nice if Wei Qingyu could be there at noon.

Ji Xiao rubbed his nose lightly and waved: "I am in a good mood today. I will ask the driver to take you there."

Wei Qingyu's shoe-changing action was startled, and then she changed another shoe without a trace, and coldly refused: "No need."

Ji Xiao knew that Wei Qingyu wanted to say this, and was used to Wei Qingyu's attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

She put her tone a little more arrogant, and said solemnly: "When I told the driver to send you off, the driver would send you off. Why do so much nonsense!"

After saying that, Ji Xiao no longer gave Wei Qingyu the opportunity to refuse, and said: "Aunt Wu, go ask the driver to prepare and drive the best car in the garage!"

"Yes." Aunt Wu replied respectfully, and quickly put down her work and contacted the driver.

Early in the morning on the Mid-Autumn Festival road, there are vehicles going home and reunion. In this busy traffic, a Maybach Landaulet is speeding past.

The dazzling and pure white body instantly made all drivers silently give way to it. All drivers and passengers cast fiery and novel eyes on this luxury car, but only a small piece of exquisiteness was glimpsed in the back row. Profile.

Wei Qingyu sat quietly in the comfortable rear seat, still surprised by what happened now.

She looked at the tall buildings that were receding in her vision, and the Ji family in the villa area had long since disappeared.

Ji Xiao sent the best car in the family to herself, just because she is in a good mood today?

As the car drove onto the bridge, the bright sunshine reflected on the lake, the sparkling dazzling Wei Qingyu's eyes.

She didn't understand, she just closed her eyes and let it go.

With the luxury car buff as a backing, Wei Qingyu came to the cemetery in less than fifteen minutes.

This is the second time she has been here after six months.

Wei Qingyu got off the car, and the blue sky showed no sign of rain.

The violent storm in the memory alternated with the sunny and bright in reality. Wei Qingyu stepped on the clean slate steps, still remembering the muddy feeling under his feet that day.

The girl came to the tombstone holding a bunch of hyacinths that both parents liked very much, knees close together, and knelt down slowly.

When she saw the photos of her parents on the stone tablet, hot tears filled her turquoise eyes.

Wei Qingyu looked at his mother's forever gentle face on the tombstone, and stretched out his green fingers to dust them off the photo.

She pressed her lips tightly, raised a smile, and whispered in a trembling voice, "Happy birthday, Mom."

"I've had a good time, you don't have to worry about me."

Wei Qingyu spoke, plain white face with a smile that would make all parents feel at ease when they see it.

It's just that those eyes are getting redder.

At the end of the two sentences, the surroundings became quiet in an instant.

The wind gently blew the petals of the hyacinth, and a round teardrop fell into the stamens.

The girl's thin body trembled violently, and she buried her face in her arms, trying her best to prevent her parents from seeing her out of control.

The wind fell on her back, picked up her long hair, and gently fell on her back, as if embracing her.

"Quietly, I knew you would come today."

Suddenly a man's voice fell from the top of Wei Qingyu's head, and Wei Qingyu hurriedly wiped off the tears on his face and looked up.

Ji Qingyun stood aside in his suit and leather shoes, his tall body shielding a large swath of sunlight.

Wei Qingyu was shocked, "Uncle Ji..."

There was a touch of red at the end of the girl's eyes, and Ji Qingyun was very itchy when she looked at it.

He smiled slightly and put the flowers in his hand on Wei Qingyu's mother's tombstone, "Manlin is birthday today, I will come to see her too."

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu replied and stood up from the ground, calmly keeping a distance with Ji Qingyun.

"Let's go, it's almost noon, my uncle will take you to dinner, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family will be reunited." Ji Qingyun said, he was going to pull Wei Qingyu's arm.

Wei Qingyu took out his mobile phone unintentionally and avoided Ji Qingyun's hand: "Then I will send a message to Ji Xiao and let her come too."

Ji Qingyun lost her hand and took it back angrily, and asked suspiciously: "Have your relationship with Xiaoxiao improved again?"

Wei Qingyu did not answer him, but really sent a message to Ji Xiao: [Uncle Ji is taking us to dinner, please prepare. 】

Then she looked at Ji Qingyun and said, "Where are we going?"

Looking at the news Wei Qingyu had sent to Ji Xiao, Ji Qingyun smiled awkwardly, and then said: "Don't worry, let's go to your previous home first. We will go through the program auction next week. I asked for a few. My friend, if I got this opportunity, I will invalidate it if I don't go today."

Wei Qingyu's originally calm eyes were instantly filled with shock.

She knew that because of Ji Qingyun's structure, her house would be auctioned off one day sooner or later, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

She didn't want to be alone with Ji Qingyun, but only Ji Qingyun could take her in.

The clouds drifted past the sun heavy, blocking most of the light.

Wei Qingyu silently looked at Ji Qingyun, who opened the door for himself, and got into the car she was driving.

She must go to see the place with the best memories of her family for the last time.

Although the Wei's house in City A cannot be said to be a top-notch mansion, it is the one with the most beautiful atmosphere.

With red bricks and white tiles, and luxuriant camphor branches and leaves in front of the door, Wei Qingyu stood behind the courtyard wall covered with rose vines. He only felt that the days when he and his parents lived here were yesterday.

Wei Qingyu stood in the living room and looked around. Everything here remained the same as when he was kicked out of the house.

There was just a strange smell, not like moldy or pheromone, so Wei Qingyu frowned.

"Qingyu, you have lost weight." Ji Qingyun stood beside Wei Qingyu and looked up.

"Uncle Ji..." Wei Qingyu took a step back alertly, keeping a distance from Ji Qingyun.

"Quietly, uncle really wants to hurt you well." Ji Qingyun's eyes were real, with a sincere expression, "Why don't you just follow Uncle, Uncle will give you everything."

"No need...I don't need it." Wei Qingyu felt sick when he heard it, and put his hand into the skirt pocket as he stepped back.

"As long as you want, I'll photograph this house for you." Ji Qingyun tempted, reaching out to hold Wei Qingyu.

"I don't want it!" Wei Qingyu frowned and shouted. The hand that copied his pocket tightly held an opened portable inhibitor and waved it towards Ji Qingyun.

The sharp needle slammed Ji Qingyun's unscrupulous arm, and a bloodstain burst into existence in an instant.

Ji Qingyun was holding her arm in pain, with a pained expression, and bright red blood flowed out from the seams of his hands.

Wei Qingyu looked at the blood stains on the brown-red floor, his brain buzzed, and he raised his leg in a panic and ran upstairs.

The strange smell in the room became more and more intense, and Wei Qingyu was horrified to find that there was something wrong with his body.

The gasp began to become hard, and the footsteps began to become heavy.

Wei Qingyu looked at the door of the room close at hand, put his hand on it and tried his best to open the door.

It turned out that Ji Qingyun had set a trap in this room early, just waiting for himself to throw himself into the net.

The sense of light began to fade in Wei Qingyu's sight, and the smell of inferior musk swept across her body from all directions.

The world was spinning, Wei Qingyu leaned hard against the door of the room, shaking his hands to lock the vulnerable door.

Her five senses were amplified, and she clearly heard the footsteps of Ji Qingyun from the stairwell.

Step on her heart every time.

The window lattice divided the sky into several parts, and Wei Qingyu looked at the golden sunshine with a sad smile at the corner of his mouth.

The only person she could think of at this time was Ji Xiao.