The sun was shining over the small villa, and green and yellow leaves fell rustling on both sides of the road in front of the door, looking a little lonely from a distance.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's leaving back, suddenly a little uneasy.

The bacon omelet in front of him still exudes a tempting smell, Ji Xiao always feels like he has forgotten something, and he is too annoyed to eat.

The neighbor next door ushered in another daughter who came back to visit her, which made Ji Xiao frowned slightly.

——I said it was the Mid-Autumn Festival, but I couldn't reunite with my real parents.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao's uneasy mood became a little irritable.

The eldest shook off the fork, got up and walked towards her room.

From some perspectives, the original owner actually fits well with Ji Xiao.

It's like the layout of this room fits Ji Xiao's wishes.

In Ji Xiaoruo's large bedroom, there is a full wall of display cabinets, all large and small figures are placed inside.

She watched the things she didn't want to buy in this original world appeared in front of her one by one, and they belonged to her, and her uneasy situation improved a lot.

After taking a closer look, there is a place that Ji Xiao is particularly concerned about.

——In the middle of the display case, there is a red gold velvet box placed between Saber and Glitter.

The delicate buckle buckled the box, the light fell, and a delicate golden light flashed through Ji Xiao's eyes.

Did the original owner put any secret treasure in it?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao curiously took the box out of the showcase.

The box wrapped in red gold velvet was placed on the girl's white palm, and the fine fluff was softly scratching Ji Xiao's palm.

Ji Xiao carefully examined this small box, and the light fell on the flannel, forming a sense of agile flow.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but wow in his heart. Such good fabrics are definitely not something you can get with money.

She felt as if she had really discovered some incredible treasure hidden in the room by the original owner.

After looking at it for a while, Ji Xiao held his breath and opened the box cautiously.

But at the moment of opening, there was a bit of loss in those golden orange eyes.

The brown-red box was empty, with only a red braided rope hanging a small peach basket lying quietly in it.

The light brown walnut grain is smooth and round, and the basket is full like a bell.

Ji Xiao looked at him and couldn't help but slander: Is this something valuable?

Immediately, he denied this idea again.

She had seen this thing in the original world and carried it on her wrist until the internship.

It was her grandma who asked her from a famous temple on the mountain, saying that it was worshipped in front of the Buddha to drive away evil spirits and avoid demons.

Although this little peach basket looks mellow and simple, it is a bit simpler than the one I have always carried.

Judging from the patterns carved on the nuclear basket, it does not appear to be made by famous artists.

Could it be that which elder of the original owner gave it to her to drive away evil spirits and avoid demons?

But according to the original owner's arrogant and domineering character, he would definitely disdain this kind of stuff given by the elders, so why put it in the showcase and let Saber and Jin Shining guard it?

Can't figure it out.

I really can't figure it out.

Ji Xiao looked at the little peach basket in his hand, always feeling that this thing had a special meaning to the original owner.

At this moment, the phone she placed on the table vibrated, interrupting Ji Xiao's thoughts.

In this world, Ji Xiao doesn't have many people who care, only one person has special care.

——Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao neatly unlocked the phone lock screen, a little strange why Wei Qingyu would send her a message at this time.

But after seeing the message Wei Qingyu sent to him, his pupils tightened.

[Wei Qingyu: Uncle Ji is going to take us to dinner, please prepare. 】

How could Ji Qingyun be with Wei Qingyu? Did he also go to visit Wei Qingyu's parents?

What a coincidence?

Whether it happened or not, it was a very dangerous thing for the three words "Ji Qingyun" to appear next to Wei Qingyu.

Although in the original text, Ji Qingyun tried many times to conspiracy against Wei Qingyu without success, he had to be wary.

Especially last time Ji Xiao had seen Ji Qingyun's despicableness and unscrupulousness with his own eyes.

There was a sound of cars driving into the yard of the house, and Ji Xiao saw that the white Maybach who had sent Wei Qingyu to the cemetery had returned.

But Wei Qingyu was not in the car.

There was a thud in Ji Xiao's heart, and her bad premonition was a little bit magnified in her heart.

She finally understood the reason for her upset after Wei Qingyu left—the grandson Ji Qingyun wanted to start Wei Qingyu again today!

No wonder he, who has always been a slave to his daughter, didn't come here early in this day of family reunion. It turned out that he had set up a trap elsewhere.

This **** scum, bitch!

Ji Xiao scolded Ji Qingyun fiercely in his heart, hurriedly packed some necessary items into his pocket, and rushed out the door.

Aunt Wu looked at Ji Xiao anxiously calling the driver to turn around and send her off, and hurriedly chased him up: "Miss! Miss, what are you going to do! Mr. will come to see you today!"


Ji Xiao took a loud sip in his heart, and when he said that he had something to go to Qi Qi, he opened the car door and sat in.

The car slowly drove out of the villa area, and Aunt Wu's dumbfounded face was no longer visible.

The driver looked at Ji Xiao, who was still gasping in the back, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"What are you going to say?" Ji Xiao had already noticed the driver's strangeness and asked coldly.

The driver had never seen a lady like this before, lightly licked his lower lip, and said, "Miss, Miss Wei was taken away by her husband..."

He was threatened to come back by Ji Qingyun, whose intentions were wrong, and his mind was full of things that had just happened.

Wei Qingyu, who was half forced to get into the car by Ji Qingyun, was still a minor girl, and the driver's conscience couldn't make it through.

Ji Xiao glanced at the driver, looked at this man as if his conscience was not extinguished, and asked: "Then do you know, where did you take her?"

The driver felt that there was a door, and said hurriedly: "I vaguely heard that I went to Wei's house."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Xiao frowned.

The only things that can make Wei Qingyu give up protecting himself are related to her.

After all, all the things her parents left for her were eaten by Ji Qingyun, and she must cherish everything that hasn't been taken away.

Ji Qingyun pinched Wei Qingyu's weakness.

This bastard.

"Go to Wei's house." Ji Xiao ordered.

The driver also wanted to say something to Ji Xiao. He raised his eyes and glanced at Ji Xiao in the rearview mirror, and instantly closed his mouth.

This was the first time he had seen a young lady so angry, with terrifying flames in his golden-orange eyes, even if he was a beta, he couldn't help but feel his heart palpitations.

As the car was speeding on the endless stream, Ji Xiao looked at the bustling city with tall buildings outside the window with a complicated mood.

At first, she just thought that in this book, eating and waiting to die, it was enough to restore her impression in Wei Qingyu's heart to the finale.

But now she is being pushed forward, and her sense of morality makes her resent people like Ji Qingyun, and even more disdain to associate with such people.

A scum like him who is treachery and covets the daughter of his deceased best friend does not deserve to have such a good life.

The hideous bone buried in Ji Xiao's body was awakened by the golden orange flame.

The s-level alpha has never been resigned to others, and the rebellious mentality is ready to move.

Ji Xiao: "Since you told me this matter today, it would have ruined my dad's good deeds today. If he knows about it, he will see you as a thorn in his eyes. In the future, can you still rely on the driver as a professional to have a full meal? I’m not sure. If you don’t want to be expelled from him and lose your job, you know and I know about this. From now on you can only follow me, understand?"

When the driver listened to Ji Xiao's words, the sweat in his palms could not help wet his white gloves.

Looking at Ji Xiao's cold eyes in the back seat, he nodded and said, "Understand."

As soon as the voice fell, the car fell into a quieter state than before.

Ji Xiao supported his head, looking out the window with his eyes out of focus.

After a while, the driver couldn't restrain the hesitation in his heart, and asked cautiously: "Then...Miss, what shall we do later?"

"Act by chance."

Ji Xiao missed four words and did not raise his eyes to look at the driver.

She hadn't thought about how to rescue Wei Qingyu from Ji Qingyun's hands.

The original text only briefly stated that Ji Qingyun, a scumbag, had never succeeded in coveting Wei Qingyu once, but why it was unsuccessful, but never said it once.

She deeply suspected that the author couldn't figure out the reason, so she took it over.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao exhaled an impatience breath from his nose.

The driver couldn't help but his hairs stood up, and his hands clenching the steering wheel tightened again.

The car quickly arrived at Wei's house, also in the city center, and Ji Xiao saw a red-brick bungalow from a distance.

Surrounded by greenery, the historical charm that could not be hidden came out, so that she could not think of Wei Qingyu's elegance from the inside.

"Miss, that's it." The alley was narrow and difficult to navigate, and the driver slowed down and warned.

"Okay, you put me down from the door and find a place to hide." Ji Xiao didn't know if there were anyone with Ji Qingyun here, and carefully told the driver, "I will call you if necessary."

"Yes." The driver nodded and stopped the car at the door of Wei's house.

Ji Xiao didn't say more, and got out of the car neatly.

She walked through the overgrown courtyard, and just stood in front of the door, she smelled a very familiar musk scent.

Ji Qingyun's provocative alpha pheromone flowed out through the gap between the door of the Wei family and the door frame.

Out of the original impulse of alpha, Ji Xiao felt an inexplicable irritability rushing back and forth in her body, knocking the glands on the back of her neck again and again, and the taste of peach brandy almost rushed out.

Ji Xiao felt his heart beating suddenly, and it was beating even more crazily.

She put her hand on the doorknob, pressed down effortlessly, and the door that had been in disrepair was instantly opened.

At this moment, the inferior stimulus came out of the house.

Xun De Ji Xiao couldn't open his eyes.

"Fuck, what is it?" Ji Xiao lowered his head and sipped.

She looked upwards where the flavor was richer, picked up the baseball bat placed in the stairwell and walked towards the second floor.

She doesn't need to look for Ji Qingyun's location room by room, she just needs to follow the smell of the inferior musk to find Ji Qingyun's location.

As a result, Ji Xiao heard the knock on the door accompanied by Ji Qingyun's familiar and hypocritical voice before reaching the corner of the stairs.

"Why are you doing this softly, please open the door to uncle. I think you seem to be really uncomfortable."

"Quietly, I know that Xiaoxiao is not good to you on weekdays. You should follow me instead of following her. What can't uncle give you?"

"Uncle has liked you since he was a child. Have you forgotten? Xiaoxiao has it. When did uncle give you less."


Standing at the top of the stairs, Ji Xiao felt sick when he heard these words.

Originally, she only thought that Ji Qingyun didn't know what the original owner did, but now she understands that his Ji Qingyun knows very well, but she has been conniving the original owner's excessive use of Wei Qingyu.

Only in this way can he use his "uncle" status to the greatest extent to tempt Wei Qingyu to choose him when he wants to close the Internet.

He cut off all her retreats and forced her into this dead end step by step, becoming a dodder who can only depend on him.

What kind of gentleman, what is expensive, what is courtesy and righteousness.

Ji Xiao bitterly looked at this unscrupulous scum who was releasing his pheromone, and only felt that there was a capitalized and bold "shame" written on his back.

Ji Xiao even felt that the original owner's sudden change of attitude towards Wei Qingyu in Qi Qi's mouth was also related to this scumbag.

"Quietly, uncle just wants to take good care of you, really. Uncle is over forty years old, and just wants to find a clean girl like you to live the rest of my life..."


Spend the rest of my life together?

If you want to spend the rest of your life with others, what are you hiding in your villa in the suburbs? !

Sweet talk is nothing but his deceptive trick.

When Ji Qingyun ate his hunting object contentedly, he turned around and discarded it.

The inferior musk spurred Ji Xiao's heart to rush to his brain.

She could no longer contain the anger in her heart towards Ji Qingyun, clutching the baseball bat in her hand, she strode in.

Before Ji Qingyun finished a sentence, he felt a cool breeze passing behind him, and he stopped his hands vigilantly and looked back.

Ji Xiao didn't give him a chance, and waved the stick in his hand high, and waved at her so-called father with all his strength.


There was a terrible muffled noise in the room.

The brand new baseball bat flashed a dazzling light under the bright lights in the aisle.

Before Ji Qingyun could see the second person in the corridor clearly, he fell straight to the ground.

The unfilial daughter Ji Xiao looked at Ji Qingyun, who had died on the ground, with disgust and coldness in her eyes.

The toad wants to eat swan meat and does not take photos of itself with soaking urine. Do you really think that your musk pheromone is very valuable?

Ji Xiaochu held a baseball bat, raised his hand and stroked her long black hair, and the pheromone affected by Ji Qingyun secretly spilled out.

The smell of peach brandy spread in the air, and the inferior musk sensed the more pressing pheromone, and became uneasy.

Without the master's arrogance, the flamboyant that had just turned into shivering instantly, pressing down on the ground closest to the ground and fleeing toward the house in a dingy manner.


A faint sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded in the silent corridor.

Ji Xiao suddenly looked towards the door that Ji Qingyun had just hammered through. She clearly heard the sound coming from the room.

And in this room is Wei Qingyu!

Ji Xiao kicked away Ji Qingyun who was blocking the door, and was shocked in a cold sweat instantly.

The door handle that Wei Qingyu was hitting against had already been pried loose, and she pulled it open with a strong pull.

In an instant, the strong mint smell in the room floated uncontrollably in this bedroom.

Ji Xiao could feel the deep fear contained in these pheromones.

Ji Xiao squeezed into the bedroom through half of the door that was barely pushed open, and saw Wei Qingyu kneeling on the ground with exhaustion.

The girl's messy long hair clung to her face, her thick eyelashes hanging weakly, covering her beautiful turquoise eyes.

She supported herself to the body feebly, her thin body struggling to get up from the ground to press the door again, but it was always to no avail.

Ji Xiao looked at her heart being twisted fiercely, and stepped forward to help Wei Qingyu up.

The strange breath suddenly came, and Wei Qingyu's loose nerves tightened.

Just as Ji Xiao was about to reach out and hug Wei Qingyu, she swung his arm away with difficulty in the next second.

The girl's strength was soft, and Ji Xiao squatted beside her without being pushed by her.

Instead, she fell to the ground again because of lack of energy.

The mint-flavored coolness stuck to Ji Xiao's heart, and she felt a pain in her heart as she watched Wei Qingyu's stubborn and weak look.

She cautiously approached Wei Qingyu, embraced her who was unable to resist, and said softly, "It's okay, it's okay, you're safe."

But Wei Qingyu was like a frightened little milk cat, struggling desperately.

The slightly longer nails crossed Ji Xiaoxue's white skin, instantly bringing up a blush.

Because of the struggle just now, she loosened a few buttoned collars and slid down her shoulders, and a curved collarbone was exposed in Ji Xiao's sight as if it were hidden.

There was a reddish color in the delicate snow white, and it faintly exuded the sweetness that any alpha would get out of control.

Ji Xiao's heart throbbed for a while, and the irritability that was finally suppressed was hooked up again.

The mint-flavored pheromone also invaded Ji Xiao's body along the cut skin at this time, continuously interfering with this alpha out of control.

She resisted the urge in her heart, reminding herself over and over again to temporarily mark Wei Qingyu's glands by her.

After that, he comforted Wei Qingyu with his softest voice: "Wei Qingyu, you are really safe, trust me."

The wind blew from the open window, and the faint smell of peach brandy enveloped Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu's misty eyes were slightly startled, she seemed to have heard these words a long time ago.

It was also this gap that made the girl feel the warmth of the person after she came from her tense emotions.

The alpha pheromone slowly flowed into her body, soothing her panic.

Gradually, Wei Qingyu's struggle became weak, and his soft cheeks were quietly resting on Ji Xiao's legs.

She felt the warmth and security from that piece of skin to her, and her teardrop eyelashes blinked gently.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu with his back to his spine and heaved a sigh of relief.

She took out the portable inhibitor that she had just put in her pocket when she left home, and unpacked neatly.

The crystal liquid dripped from the tip of the needle, Ji Xiao cautiously placed the tip of the needle on Wei Qingyu's arm and pierced it in.

Perhaps feeling the sudden pain, Wei Qingyu's body lying on Ji Xiao's leg trembled uncomfortably.

Ji Xiao felt the trembling of the people under him, pushing the injection with one hand, and gently patted the girl's thin back with the other.

Perhaps because of the sense of security that that palm brought to him, Wei Qingyu's hand tightening Ji Xiao's clothes loosened a little.

The legs that overlapped under the hem of the light cyan skirt slowly bend upward, and even the girl's always stiff back also shrank.

After a shot of inhibitor, Ji Xiao felt a gentle and rhythmic gasp from his knee.

Wei Qingyu slept with her pillow on his lap, curled up.

It is said that this sleeping posture is a posture for people who lack safety.

Because this look reminds them of how they feel when they are in their mother's womb, and mothers have always been the person who can bring their children the most sense of security.

Ji Xiao looked at the mess, and looked at Wei Qingyu, who was falling asleep and clutching his clothes tightly, with a gloomy expression.

She hoped that when she went to the grave-sweeping day, she would just accompany her with one more mouth.

Why didn't she think that Ji Qingyun, a bastard, would pick Wei Qingyu's intentions this day...

Ji Xiao looked at Ji Qingyun who was lying on the ground and passed out, with layers of hatred in his eyes.

She must think of a way to make Ji Qingyun, a scumbag, completely dare not touch Wei Qingyu again.

She will explain the things that are not clearly explained in the original text.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao embraced the sleeping Wei Qingyu and walked to the soft bed in the room.

She has to put her in place first, and then deal with the scumbag Ji Qingyun.

No one has been in this house for half a year, and the original room still retains the breath of the owner when he left.

When Ji Xiao carefully put Wei Qingyu on the bed, he could still smell the faint fragrance that remained in the room.

She looked around this small bedroom, simple and delicate.

Many small details can tell the similarities between this room and Wei Qingyu's bedroom in Ji's house.

She is doing her best to get herself back to this home that has always brought her a beautiful life.

Looking at Wei Qingyu's sleeping face, Ji Xiao felt a little astringent in his heart.

She sighed and felt that she couldn't stay any longer, so she decided to get up and deal with Ji Qingyun.


Xu Ye felt that the person who had brought him a sense of security was about to leave, and Wei Qingyu let out a soft hum.

Without the coldness and loneliness of the past, she was fragile and left with soft milky gas.

Those green fingers gripped Ji Xiao's hem tightly, and even hooked into her pocket.

Ji Xiao remembered that the first night she had just walked through, she was holding herself in this way, not letting herself go.

Only when she loses consciousness, the softness that belongs to the girl will appear.

Ji Xiao looked at the piled hill between Wei Qingyu's eyebrows and sighed.

She took out the mobile phone in her pocket and sat on the side of the bed just like the first day to accompany Wei Qingyu for a while.

The soft sunlight passed through the glass and fell into the quiet room.

Wei Qingyu put Xiaoban's face on Ji Xiao's waist and fell asleep deeply, clutching her clothes pocket.

The girl still has the unfading feeling of love remaining on the girl's body, and the light and slow breath is tightly attached to Ji Xiao's waist.

The thin fabric could not stop any temperature, and the mint wrapped in the scorching heat spread wild on Ji Xiao's heart.

Ji Xiao was stunned, and the short video on the phone was slipped to the bottom by her.

With a ghostly messenger, Ji Xiao shifted his gaze looking at the phone to Wei Qingyu's body.

The girl's small face was trapped in the soft pillow, and her pale pink cheeks were full of cuteness that shouldn't have existed on her.

The rosy lips reveal the gleam of water, like a full and delicate fruit, exuding alluring sweetness from top to bottom.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but his throat rolled up and down, and a faint mint smell entered her heart.

Will it smell mint if you kiss it?

Ji Xiao thought secretly, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

I don't know if it was a guilty conscience, she was like a frightened cat, and her whole body trembled.

For a long while, she held her mobile phone and looked around sneakily, knowing that no one saw her like this and straightened her back, muttering in her heart: "Is there any guilty conscience? Do you whisper to sleep?"

"Not breaking the law..."

Thinking about this, Ji Xiao turned on the phone and checked the culprit who frightened him——【Qiqi: Yes, what's wrong? 】

And the last piece of this news was just sent to her by Ji Xiao: [Sister, do you know a few buddies who are mixed? 】

Ji Xiao intends to teach Ji Qingyun a lesson and needs some "manpower".

Ji Xiao: [Can you help me ask if they are free now, come to Yanluxiang immediately, one thousand per person, the more the better. 】

Qi Qi just now sat upright and immediately sat upright: "Damn, Sister Xiao, have you run into something? 】

Ji Xiao simply replied: [No, I want them to do me a favor, so I can use it with great momentum. 】

Seeing that Ji Xiao was reluctant to talk, Qi Qi didn't ask any further, but said: [OK, I'll help you ask, they can definitely agree to a thousand. 】

Ji Xiao sent a [Thanks] to Qi Qi, and then looked at Wei Qingyu beside him.

She seems to be in a much better condition now, and the frown between her eyebrows has disappeared.

The sunlight softly spilled into the clean bedroom, falling on the girl's fan-like eyelashes, peacefully and softly.

Ji Xiao tried to take out the hand that Wei Qingyu put into her pocket, and carefully took advantage of her to relax and took her hand out of her pocket.

Ji Xiao couldn't help frowning while holding the girl's slender wrist in that lush white hand.

He was so thin that Ji Xiao held Wei Qingyu's wrist in his hand, and even felt that his fragile wrist bone would be broken if he applied a light pressure.

At this time, Ji Xiao found that Wei Qingyu's cold white skin had a few dazzling scars.

The mark was rough and savage, consisting of several fingerprints that were much longer than his own.

It must be Ji Qingyun!

Ji Xiao sighed heavily and immediately contacted the driver who was waiting downstairs.

"Miss." The driver ran up quickly, just in time for Ji Xiao who was about to get out of the room.

"Come here and help me transport my dad down." Ji Xiao glanced at the driver and walked into Fang Cai's room.

The driver was full of doubts about Ji Xiao's words, but he still followed Ji Xiao neatly.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ji Qingyun lying on the ground, his eyes were full of surprise, "Sir, this is..."

Ji Xiao did not explain, but said: "Go on."

"Yes." The driver knew that he and Ji Xiao were tied to a rope, and he had no choice but to pick up Ji Qingyun from there and walk down.

I don't know if it's because of the long interval or the violent bumps when going down the stairs.

Ji Qingyun was put on his shoulders by the driver, his head slightly lifted as if he was about to wake up, struggling to clasp the driver's shoulders.

The driver's heart was gripped severely.

Ji Xiao followed, and upon seeing this, he unceremoniously picked up the baseball bat and gave Ji Qingyun another stick.

Ji Qingyun's mouth was slightly open, and when he was about to open his eyes, he fainted on the driver's shoulder before yelling "Ah" from his mouth.

The driver's face was full of astonishment and surprise. He looked at the young lady who walked in front of him, facing the sturdy baseball bat, and did not dare to say a word.

As soon as they walked out of the Wei's courtyard, they saw a few teenagers in fancy baseball uniforms standing not far away.

This group of people was mad, and they still held weapons comparable to the baseball bats in Ji Xiao's hands, which made people feel disregarded when they looked at them.

The driver's heart just let go of it came up again.

Isn't this a tribulation?

While the driver was still whispering in his heart, Ji Xiao raised his hand and greeted, "My buddy, here!"

The group of people immediately looked at Ji Xiao when they heard the sound, and walked over aggressively.

The driver had never seen this battle, and was a little scared.

"Are you that friend of Xiaoqi's?" the man in the lead asked, accidentally revealing the dragon tattoo on his arm.

Ji Xiao didn't have any fear, only that the tattoo on the man's arm was familiar.

She nodded and said, "Yes, are all our brothers here?"

When the man saw that the little girl in front of him was not afraid of himself, he felt a little bit interesting, and kindly pointed to the back and said, "There are still a few blocked in the road."

Ji Xiao said "Oh" and looked at the people present.

There are a total of five men, all of whom are strong alphas.

Especially the headed man, with a dragon tattooed on his arm, a whole body of tendon flesh.

It can be compared with the bodyguard next to Ji Qingyun.

Ji Xiao is very satisfied: "Time waits for no one. Brother, you can tell those people not to come first, let's go first."

The man raised his hand: "Say okay first, we are not responsible for beating people for this thousand."

Ji Xiao put on a smile on his face and said: "Of course not. It's not good to hit people. We don't hit people."

The man was puzzled, "Then what are you looking for us for?"

"It's inflatable." Ji Xiao said, looking at the black business lane parked in the yard: "How many brothers can you drive?"

"Here." A yellow hair in a denim jacket held up the driver's license in his bag.

"Great." Ji Xiao said and pointed to Ji Qingyun, who had passed out on the driver's body.

The five looked at each other, and they couldn't understand what tricks the little girl in front of him was doing.

But the one-thousand-yuan reward was too tempting. Several people took over Ji Qingyun from the driver, adhering to the courage and starvation.

"You will stay here later, no people are allowed to enter." Ji Xiao watched the five people get into the car, and told the driver, "If Wei Qingyu asks you what's going on, you just say that my dad has something in advance. I'm leaving, I'm asking you to come and take her home."

"Why didn't the lady tell Miss Wei the truth?" The driver was even more puzzled.

Ji Xiao glanced at the room on the second floor where Wei Qingyu was located, with deep eyes: "You don't understand."

The original owner has never been a enthusiastic person to help others, so how can I let Wei Qingyu know about things that go against her personality.

Huang Mao blew his horn several times to signal Ji Xiao to get into the car, and Ji Xiao got into the car under the watch of the driver.

The noon sun was shining brightly, and the pitch-black car was speeding along the road towards the eastern suburbs woodland that originally belonged to the Wei family.

Ji Xiao looked at the high-rise buildings that were retreating rapidly.

Let her learn from Lei Feng this time, and do good deeds without leaving a name.

After Ji Qingyun regained consciousness, he felt that the back of his neck was terribly painful, and the temples on both sides also bulged.

The cold and damp sensation continued to invade his body, and the smell of mud followed his cheeks into his nose.

The dull cloth feeling clings to the skin of the face, tightly squeezing the back of the head.

Ji Qingyun tried to open his eyes to see the environment clearly, but no matter how he blinked, there was a cloud of darkness in his sight.

After realizing something, Ji Qingyun couldn't help but bang in her heart.

Is this kidnapped? !

He twisted his body to get up, and found that his arm was tied behind his back with a rope, unable to move.

Even the leg was tightly fixed in a bend, so that he had a brute force but couldn't get rid of it.

Ji Qingyun refused to admit his fate and began to struggle.

He twisted his wrist vigorously, and the violent veins on his arm could be clearly seen through the sunlight through the white shirt.

He worked very hard, but also very hard.

It's just that he thinks so.

All this is in the eyes of those who watched his performance with cold eyes, only that he was like a maggot stuck in the mud.

Dirty and funny.

"Okay, you have earned fifteen minutes, and the rope hasn't even raised the root hair." Ji Xiao squatted in front of Ji Qingyun, holding a voice changer and reminded with a man's voice.

When Ji Qingyun heard this sound suddenly sounded, his heart suddenly became cold.

Did he see the way he was struggling just now?

"Who are you?!" Ji Qingyun asked nervously and scaredly.

"Where are you from, don't you know?" Ji Xiao reminded.

Ji Qingyun instantly remembered that he had lost consciousness in the Wei family.

When he almost succeeded.

Thinking of this, Ji Qingyun's heartbeat suddenly stagnated, he couldn't believe it and looked in the direction of the voice and raised his head: " belong to the Wei family..."

"Count you acquaintance." Ji Xiao said, motioning the man on the side to pat Ji Qingyun's face.

Ji Qingyun was slapped by the rough palm of the man's hand, and the panic in his heart was even worse: "Impossible... The Wei family is already overwhelmed! There should be no one else..."

Ji Xiao sneered: "Do you really think this is the case?"

She still remembered that although Ji Qingyun got most of the Wei family's property in the original text, it was not very popular.

It was also because of this that Wei Qingyu had the opportunity to connect with the old people who had been loyal to the Wei family one by one, and when he became an adult, he took back what belonged to her from Ji Qingyun's hands.

Ji Xiao put the baseball bat in his hand on Ji Qingyun's shoulder, and warned condescendingly: "Ji Qingyun, don't think that there is no one in Miss's family, and you just want to do something to her!"

The familiar "Miss" made Ji Qingyun's heart tense, and the darkness in front of him silently magnified the fear in his heart.

He insisted on questioning: "Who are you on earth!"

The elder brother next to Ji Xiao heard the sound and gave him a kick, "What attitude!"

Ji Qingyun was kicked and beaten by the strength of this elder brother's feet.

The white shirt was full of mud, the open neckline was not as cool as it was at the time, and the wrinkled ones were all embarrassed.

The muddy ground was filled with gangster stones, and Ji Qingyun, who was kicked out, felt painful all over his body.

These two sounds were obviously not made by one person, and the latter sounded more crude and powerful than the previous one.

This makes Ji Qingyun have to think that this person is that person's bodyguard.

In other words, the person standing in front of him should not be a small person.

At the time, there were many high-class people who had made friends with the Wei family, and many had received the favor of the Wei family.

Someone is secretly protecting Wei Qingyu...

Ji Qingyun couldn't help being frightened. He changed his tone and said, "Brother, let's discuss things if we have something. The Wei family has a good relationship with me, and the whisper is also my half daughter..."

Hearing Ji Qingyun's words, Ji Xiao sneered, and said sarcastically: "Shoot your daughter, Ji Qingyun, you are really a scumbag! You never thought about letting your daughter know about this kind of thing, what does she think! You are not afraid that I will tell your daughter all these things!