The afternoon sun fell on the girl's body gently, and surprise was reflected in the cyan eyes.

Wei Qingyu couldn't remember what happened after he hid in the room.

She didn't know how Ji Qingyun disappeared, she didn't know how she got out of danger, let alone how this thing came back to her.

This little peach basket was the birth gift that her mother gave to her and Ji Xiao. The gift was light but full of her deep love for the two children.

She didn't know how many days and nights she took to carve the round and plump peach basket. The red braided rope was also personally obtained by her from the temple.

Only later, the little peach basket that Wei Qingyu had always worn on his body was lost after his parents had an accident.

She rummaged all corners of the house until she was driven out by the court, and could not find it again.

Who knows, it actually returned to his own hands in this way today.

Wei Qingyu looked at the family portrait of three of them on the fireplace in the living room, his eyes darkened.

She thought it must be her parents who were blessing her, and let her escape today.


At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

Wei Qingyu hurriedly collected his emotions, opened the cabinet vigilantly, took a Western-style sharp knife, and looked at the door against the wall.

The person here was not Ji Qingyun, but the driver who sent himself to the cemetery today.

He looked sneaky, as if looking for something wandering on the first floor, gradually approaching him.

Wei Qingyu stepped forward at the right time and hit the driver's neck with the knife.

She said coldly: "What do you want to do?"

"I...I want to borrow the toilet, Miss Wei..." The driver froze, a little bit cried but not tearful.

He guarded Wei Qingyu outside the house for three hours, and his bladder exploded.

But she didn't dare to go to the public toilet at the alley to release her.

Helpless, he had to push the door and walked into the villa.

Who knew that the toilet could not be found, but Miss Wei pressed the wall first.

Wei Qingyu frowned slightly, and asked vigilantly, "Where is Ji Qingyun?"

"Sir..." The driver remembered Ji Xiao's instructions to him before leaving, and said: "Sir...Just after arriving at the villa, he received an emergency call and left. He, he, he asked me to pick you up."

Wei Qingyu slightly loosened his brows when he heard the words.

It turned out to be like this...

Wei Qingyu didn't ask anything more, and raised his other finger to the hidden door at the entrance, "The toilet is over there, you're going the other way."

After that, Wei Qingyu raised his wrist slightly, and set the knife farther away from the driver's neck.

Upon seeing this, the driver tensed his body and moved out sideways, and then ran to the toilet.

It was like an occasional ripple on the lake. With the sound of the driver pushing the door and closing the door, the first floor was quiet again.

Wei Qingyu walked under the fireplace blankly, holding the little peach basket in his hand and looking up at the photo in front of him.

In front of the flower wall full of roses, the little one held the hands of her mother Xu Manlin and father Wei Linyu.

The three members of the family have their own smiles, and the crooked eyes are bright and bright.

At that time, Wei Qingyu thought that their three members would never be separated for a lifetime, and would always be happy like this.


It's a lifetime.

Like all people who are sons of man have to go through, she wore a black dress to send away her parents on that rainy day.

It's just that she was not an adult.

Wei Qingyu grabbed the little peach basket in his hand again, rubbed the back of his index finger with his thumb, and forced himself to suppress the sadness in his heart.

Mom is gone, and Dad is gone.

Her home will soon be auctioned.

She can't cry, let alone be weak, she should take back all the things her parents left for her.

"Miss, I'm all right, shall we go back now?" the driver asked respectfully when he came out of the toilet.

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu nodded, and brought the lost peach basket back to his wrist.

After the fall, the sun became more and more lazy, and it was less than six o'clock that the dusk of the sun shrouded the earth.

There is a white sun hanging on one side of the sky, and a bright full moon has been drawn on the other side.

Looking at the rare sky, Wei Qingyu took out the key blankly and opened the door.

The house is still extremely quiet. Aunt Wu is preparing for the Mid-Autumn Festival reunion banquet tonight in the kitchen, and another servant is helping the kitchen.

No one cared about her coming back, and no one cared about how she came back so late.

No one cared about the thrills that happened with Ji Qingyun in that red-brick bungalow.

Wei Qingyu sat on the sofa in the living room silently, and poured a glass of water for his thirsty himself.

The heat steamed through her eyes, warming her cold body with warmth and moisture.

"Oh, I'm exhausted! Come here and help!"

With a violent door opening, Ji Xiao appeared at the entrance of the door.

Everyone was taken aback.

Wei Qingyu put down the cup and looked at the hallway, while Aunt Wu and another servant even put down the Huo Fei in their hands and ran over.

After seeing Ji Xiao's dress clearly, several people opened their eyes in unison.

I saw Ji Xiao still wearing the white T denim shorts that morning, but a pair of muddy sneakers under her feet.

The delicate hand was carrying two big pockets of fruits and a whole Jinhua ham that I didn't know where to buy, and they turned red.

"My goodness, what are you doing, miss?" Aunt Wu couldn't help exclaiming.

Ji Xiao was hurt by Aunt Wu’s sharp sigh, and he said, "What is all the fuss about? Didn't I tell you I went to Qi Qi?"

"This is a holiday gift from a brother. I will make it later." Ji Xiao kicked off his shoes and pointed to the whole Jinhua ham.

I have to say that Xie Yong, the eldest brother, is too interesting.

After Ji Xiao gave him double the appearance fee, he turned around and took himself to his own store, fruit and bacon, and gave himself a lot.

If he hadn't gotten a taxi when he went out, Ji Xiao would be afraid that he would not be able to carry his small body.

"You can't eat more of this thing, I'll make a pickled fresh, there are still some spring bamboo shoots in the refrigerator." Aunt Wu said.

"Either way, all right." Ji Xiao waved her hand perfunctorily, and when she was exhausted, she ran to the sofa in the living room wearing slippers.

But when he saw Wei Qingyu sitting on the sofa with his back straight, his body straightened up.

The soft incandescent light poured down from the roof and fell on the little girl's face, which was covered by dark hair.

The cold white skin radiated jade-like luster, the eyes under thick eyelashes were calm and energetic, and the fragility curled up in his arms was gone.

The light cyan skirt was tightly fastened with the top button of the neckline, and the small silver brooch was pinned right on her chest.

Ji Xiao leaned on the sofa, sat opposite Wei Qingyu, and said, "Are you back?"

Wei Qingyu glanced at Ji Xiao, who was dirty on the sofa, and let out a soft "um".

She picked up the cup and took a sip of water, her moist lips pursed and pursed, still unable to hold back, and asked: "Did you fight?"

Ji Xiao paused, thinking that she pretended to be a cronies of the Wei family to warn Ji Qingyun that this incident must never be discovered by Wei Qingyu, and followed her words and nodded: "Ang, can't it?"

Wei Qingyu frowned when he heard Ji Xiao's breath.

She felt ridiculous that she cared about Ji Xiao, so she didn't intend to ask any more, and she said "Yes" and ended their conversation sloppily.

The atmosphere was a bit stagnant, and Ji Xiao noticed a trace of dissatisfaction from Wei Qing's tone.

She secretly glanced at Wei Qingyu, and saw that she was still drinking water as before, but her turquoise eyes became a little bit colder.

Did you reverse the scoring just now?

Ji Xiao felt annoyed, but suddenly stopped when he was about to look down.

Wei Qingyu's left wrist was tied with a red rope, and a delicate little basket of peaches hung on her slender wrist.

And why does this little peach basket look so familiar?

A memory flashed in Ji Xiao's mind. She remembered that she ran out immediately after receiving Wei Qingyu's message.

And the little peach basket that was just discovered by himself seemed to be slipped into his pocket by himself at that time.

It wouldn't be so coincidental...

Ji Xiao's heart jumped wildly, and he hurriedly touched his clothes pocket.

In the end, a lot of sugar paper was found, but the little peach basket she put in her pocket in a panic disappeared!

Ji Xiao's eyes fixedly glanced at the little peach basket on Wei Qingyu's wrist, and he didn't understand why Wei Qingyu would put himself on the little peach basket in Wei's house on his wrist.

Could it be that I misunderstood it?

Your own one is actually still in the room?

The afterglow of the setting sun threw straight into the room through the French windows behind Wei Qingyu, stabbing Ji Xiao's eyes.

The second after she raised her head and retracted her gaze, she met Wei Qingyu's gaze from her side.

The turquoise eyes contained a layer of vigilance, and Ji Xiao's heart shook.

Wei Qingyu glanced at the little peach basket on his wrist that Ji Xiao had been staring at for a while, and his voice was faint: "What?"

Ji Xiao pursed her lower lip, and said, "No...nothing, I just feel a little familiar..."

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu let out a chuckle in his heart when he looked at the doubtful girl sitting opposite him.

She gently rubbed the little peach basket on her wrist, and said, "My mother gave you one when you were born. You may have forgotten it now."

The voice was exceptionally flat, without a trace of emotion.

But it made Ji Xiao feel that his heart was covered with a layer of coldness, and a trace of Yu Qing.

So Wei Qingyu should have one of this little peach basket, and then she recognizes her own as hers?

Is this the blessing of saving the heroine...

"I'm tired, and I'm back to the room."

Wei Qingyu stood up and left, interrupting Ji Xiao's happiness.

Looking at the sudden realization on Ji Xiao's face, she felt a little bit worthless for her mother, and felt even more worthless for her father to hand over a scum like Ji Qingyun.

Outside the window is a hazy evening scene, with tree shadows swaying in front of the window.

A full moon rose brightly into the sky, making Wei Qingyu extraordinarily lonely.

Ji Xiao watched her disappear into the stairwell in silence like this, with a complicated mood.

Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival, a day for family reunion.

And both of them are people who have no home in this world...

"Miss, the husband called just now, saying that he has something to do with the reunion banquet tonight and cannot come." Aunt Wu walked to Ji Xiao's side and preached.

Ji Xiao calmly retracted his gaze and let out an indifferent "Oh".

The scumbag is now going to the surveillance to find evidence, and is about to find the so-called Wei family cronies who scared him to pee his pants.

However, as long as they are not captured by the surveillance, Ji Qingyun has turned the sky around in city a and it will not help.

Besides, even if he was really found out, it would be a big deal.

Anyway, she is a dude, he is a daughter slave, and he doesn't do anything to himself.

As long as she can escape, she can guarantee that Xie Yong and the others will also escape.

Aunt Wu: "Then let's tonight..."

"There is no need to cook one dish, and I will arrange all moon cakes and pastries." Ji Xiao watched the bright lights of the neighbor's house next door, and the family was reunited, and ordered, "We can't live without the atmosphere that other people's homes have."

Aunt Wu didn't understand what Ji Xiao was selling, and she nodded her head obediently: "Okay, miss."

As night fell, the full moon hung brightly above the sky, shed a bright and clean world.

Wei Qingyu finished washing up early and sat on his bed to rest.

The joy of the world has nothing to do with her.


At this time, there was a light knock on the door.

Wei Qingyu sat up from the bed and said, "Who?"

"It's me, Miss Wei, Miss let you go down to the reunion banquet." Aunt Wu was warned by Ji Xiao, and she was very respectful towards Wei Qingyu.

Hearing the words "Reunion Banquet", Wei Qingyu couldn't help but frowned.

She replied coldly: "Thank you Miss, I am tired and can't go anymore."

Aunt Wu hurriedly said: "Miss Wei, our young lady said, I will be fired if you don't go down, so please show your face."

Wei Qingyu listened in the room, still indifferent.

This group of people didn't care about her own life and death in the past, but now she still cares about them?

Aunt Wu saw Wei Qingyu's delay in speaking over there, and she squeezed her hands and said, "Our young lady also said, that...that ‘bastard’ didn’t come..."

Wei Qingyu was slightly moved when he heard this expression.

She didn't know why, she was convinced that the "jerk" in Ji Xiao's mouth was Ji Qingyun, and she felt a touch of pleasure for the words in Ji Xiao's mouth.

Aunt Wu waited nervously outside the door, her palms full of sweat.

She can't use force, and she has said everything she can, and the young lady has always said one thing.

She never thought that her destiny would one day be held by Wei Qingyu.

Suddenly, a bright light was cast from the room inside.

Wei Qingyu appeared at the door wearing a simple white skirt: "Let's go."

Aunt Wu nodded repeatedly, ecstatic, and walked in front of Wei Qingyu as a doggie to lead her.

She just went downstairs, but instead of walking straight to the restaurant as usual, she walked towards the glass door leading to the backyard on one side.

There was a heavy push and pull sound from the glass door leading to the backyard, and Aunt Wu respectfully made a pleased gesture to Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu hesitated, not knowing what Ji Xiao was up to, and cautiously raised his foot and walked towards the backyard.

The ancients said that the moon was scarce, but Wei Qingyu, who was standing under the night sky in the backyard, saw the stars.

The little white lanterns that were specially hung on the trees flashed, bright and beautiful like stars.

The full moon of Mid-Autumn Festival draped its brightest moonlight unreservedly on the girl standing in the middle of the courtyard.

Standing in front of the dazzling dinner party, Ji Xiao opened his arms to Wei Qingyu, his gold-orange eyes filled with bright smiles.

"Wei Qingyu, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival."