The cool night breeze blew across the hem of the girl's skirt, drawing a curve like a flower petal.

Wei Qingyu's gaze fell on Ji Xiao's eyes that were brighter than the stars, and his hands hidden behind the skirt unnaturally twisted the cloth.

"What are you doing in a daze? Come over and eat." Ji Xiao saw Wei Qingyu standing at the door in a daze. He hurriedly greeted him and sat on the main seat, "Aren't you hungry?"

Wei Qingyu silently retracted his gaze, twisting his skirt and sat in the auxiliary seat on Ji Xiao's left hand.

Ji Xiao looked at the table full of delicacies and said, "How is it? Isn't it rich?"

Those eyes were shining brightly, and for the first time, the color of the kumquat was not intimidating, it was more of ardent expectation.

Wei Qingyu blinked his eyes unnaturally, then moved his gaze to the dining table in an instant.

She was surprised that she had made a positive evaluation of Ji Xiao in her heart, and nodded in response: "Yeah."

After getting Wei Qingyu's affirmation, Ji Xiao smiled.

She rolled up her sleeves, picked up the knife and fork, and said: "Then start eating, there are no such rules tonight. For the holidays, how do you want to come. This lady won't care about you!"

After all, Ji Xiao didn't wait for Wei Qingyu to pick up the knife and fork, and he couldn't wait to attack the Aolong in front of him.

She was overloaded with exercise all day today, and her wrists still hurt even now with Ji Qingyun's sticks.

Just now when she was instructing Aunt Wu to set up a dinner, her belly couldn't help but protest loudly in temptation.

If it weren't for the desire to survive and the conscience pressed here, Ji Xiao had even moved before Wei Qingyu, and killed the dishes on this table alone, leaving her late to eat the leftovers.

I have to say that Aunt Wu's character is not good, but her cooking skills are still outstanding.

The lobster meat is fresh and tender, the milky aroma and the charcoal grilled taste perfectly blend together, which perfectly covers the salty taste of fresh seafood, and bursts out a more wonderful delicious taste on the tip of the tongue.

Ji Xiao ate a half of the lobster very enjoyably. He didn't move what Wei Qingyu belonged to, and silently shifted his attention to other battlefields.

From Wellington steak to marinated and fresh, from Western food to Chinese food.

Ji Xiao's alpha is like a gust of wind passing through the border, and he eats extremely fiercely, and doesn't look like a lady at all.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's two bulging cheeks and sips the drink at hand.

This look is exactly the same as the little hamster she had raised before that crazy hides the nut breadworm.

Litchi-flavored sparkling water slowly bloomed on the tip of Wei Qingyu's tongue, leaving a slight irritation in her mouth.

She remembered that when she was a child, she often came to Ji's house to play with Ji Xiao and the little hamster.

At that time, they didn't have the concept of life and death, and they all thought that little hamsters would run through their lives.

In less than a few years, the little hamster was scared to death by thunder on a thunder and lightning night, just like their friendship.

"Hey, what do you think? My brows are frowning."

Ji Xiao's voice suddenly rang from Wei Qingyu's ears, and a small square box with delicate packaging came towards her in her sight.

Wei Qingyu hurriedly reached out to catch it, and a puppet bunny was printed on the golden box.

As one side of the carved packaging box is pulled open, the pink and soft ears of the little rabbit will be shrugged, looking extraordinarily cute.

"I heard that some moon cakes were specially supplied to the palace in the past, and I will give you a taste." Ji Xiao didn't know when he sat on the edge of the wooden flowerbed at the back, looking unruly.

Wei Qingyu had long been used to Ji Xiao's appearance, so he uncovered the plastic seal in the box and took a bite of this golden moon cake.

It is said that it was specially supplied to the palace in the past, but it tasted no different from ordinary moon cakes.

Wei Qingyu chewed lightly, the yolk of the egg flowing densely on the tip of his tongue, but the filling was more delicate on the left, not as good as the mooncakes in the old shop on South Street.

Wei Qingyu looked at the box made by the palace printed in front of him.

Sure enough, these years have passed, and this person's taste still hasn't grown in the slightest, floating on the surface.

Wei Qingyu thought about it and looked up at the moon in the sky. He couldn't help but think of a poem in his heart...

"Today people don't see ancient times and moons—"

Ji Xiao chanted Li Bai's verses in a special tone.

She wondered if her parents and friends in another world today are also admiring such a beautiful moon like her.

There was a wave of waves in Wei Qingyu's pupils.

It was this poem that she was about to chant in her heart just now.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao in surprise, and listened to the second half of her chanting slowly: "I used to look like the ancients this month!"

A gust of night wind stroked the surrounding leaves, swaying the brightness of the moon shadow.

After Ji Xiao said, he raised his leg and stepped on the wood, his black and long hair rising in the wind, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were dusty and unrestrained.

The taste of peach brandy floated slightly in the night sky, and it was burning in Wei Qingyu's heart.

She has to admit that she has an inherent narrow impression of Ji Xiao.

The withered maple leaf floated down from the tree and landed on the path between the teaching building and the basketball volleyball court, paved with golden yellow.

The Affiliated Middle School's autumn sports meet is also coming this October as scheduled.

There are no attributes for males and females in high school, and everyone is very enthusiastic to sign up.

In the second and third grades of high school, because basically all the students are divided, there will be more alpha, oga, and beta groups in the sports meeting, and those who actively participated in the rankings before they were divided are often divided into alpha, how to mobilize physical strength The weakest oga participating in the sports event has become a nightmare for every sports committee member of the second- and third-level high school.

Especially the experimental class that counts down every sports meeting.

Because Director Liu was fired and the new director has not yet taken up his post, the headmaster personally hosted the sports meeting and actively called on oga to participate, requiring at least one person in every oga project in every class.

For this reason, Feng Ming specifically handed over the task of registering for the sports games in the class to the small sports committee and Ji Xiao, the stab head of the past department.

"One thousand five hundred, do you want to give it a try? I think this one suits you well."

"Actually, 1500 is not tired at all. I will follow you the whole time and cheer you on."

"Try it, just in case."

Wei Qingyu just came out of the office with the math papers and walked to the door of the class. He saw Ji Xiao in the class standing at the desk of an oga classmate, saying something sincerely.

"Qingyu, is this your math paper from last week's quiz? Can you let me take a look at it when I'm in sports? I won't bother you to do the questions."

At this moment, a girl walking from the direction of the boiling water room stood beside Wei Qingyu and asked cautiously.

Wei Qingyu hesitated for a second.

Because Ji Xiao, the mathematics god, is still an alpha in the class, most oga in the class ask her to borrow papers to read.

Why did she actually abandon Ji Xiao this time, and ask her to borrow papers for reference?

It's just that Wei Qingyu didn't want to speculate on other people's psychology, so he agreed without asking anything, "Okay."

The girl looked at the paper Wei Qingyu handed over to herself, "You are so kind, I dare not go to Ji Xiao to borrow it now."

Wei Qingyu was not dissatisfied with the girl's tone of retreat, but asked: "What?"

The girl sighed and waved the 1,500-meter registration form that Ji Xiao had stuffed: "It’s not because of that woman’s oga 1,500-meter, and no one in the class reported, Ji Xiao is worried. I’m afraid I’ll go. Looking for her, she dragged me to run for a thousand and five..."

When Wei Qingyu listened, he turned his attention to Ji Xiao, who was still lobbying tirelessly in the class, with a complicated expression.

It is one thing to agree to the task assigned by Feng Ming.

Being able to persevere and gnaw off hard bones is another matter.

How could she, such a accustomed person, be rejected so many times and haven't given up?

Even if Ji Xiao insisted on doing this successfully.

According to her past temperament, she will also randomly pull a hapless person from the class, force her to fill out the registration form, and turn in the matter.

How can you be extra patient to persuade oga classmates like this?

"Hey, I remember going to Young Language, didn't you run 1,500 meters first? Wouldn't you go? It's amazing to get another first place!" the girl urged.

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu calmly looked away from Ji Xiao in the classroom, and preached indifferently: "She didn't look for me."

Sunlight passed through the thick clouds, covering the girl's hidden gaze.

She walked into the class and saw a deliberately forgotten registration form on her bookcase.

Ji Xiao lobbied for a while and sat down on the steps outside the corridor dry-mouthed.

It was cloudy today, but she felt that the sun was still particularly dazzling.

Qi Qi and Fang Yiming's class walked by carrying three cups of milk tea, and from a distance they saw Ji Xiao sitting beside the porch worrying.

"What's wrong, worrying like this?" Qi Qi said, passing the milk tea in her hand to Ji Xiao, "your favorite taro ball roasted immortal grass."

Ji Xiao thanked him and took a sip of the milk tea.

After the sweetness of the taro **** relieved her bitterness, she said, "It's not because of the sports meeting."

Fang Yiming sat next to Ji Xiao and said, "Why, the issue of your class's sports meeting list has not been resolved? It's all afternoon, and all other classes have reported."

"We have done everything else. I'm on the alpha's 1,500, which is the oga girl's 1,500. I have been persuaded for a lap, and no one reported it." Ji Xiao said in anguish.

"I don't know which **** it is, I came up with oga to run a thousand and five, why not get rid of this project?" After that, Ji Xiao took another sip of milk tea.

Qi Qi said: "There is no way. Who said this year's new women's oga world record of 1,500 meters was created by our country? Of course, the school also pays more attention to this project."

Fang Yiming nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, she patted her thigh and said, "Hey, simply, you can just pull an oga from your class to deal with it and it will be over."

Ji Xiao knew that this was the tactic used by the original owner, but now she refused to agree with this tactic, and immediately denied: "Now in a society under the rule of law, we can't play the compulsory trick."

Ji Xiao: "People's oga is inherently poor in physical fitness. You forced them to advance. What happened, wouldn't the conscience be disturbed?"

"That's right... forget it then." Fang Yiming sighed and gave up the idea.

"I remember that last year's girl in your experimental class was not Wei Qingyu's 1500? It seems to have won the first place?" Qi Qi suddenly remembered, "Isn't she going this year?"

"I didn't look for her." Ji Xiao shook his head, making excuses for Wei Qingyu to push away, "She is not in good health, so I put her on the 1,500-meter qualifier list."

"Yeah? Are you using power for personal gain?" Qi Qi said, bumping into Ji Xiao's shoulder.

"Why use power for personal gain, she is not the only oga in our class who is excluded from bad health." Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi's ridiculous eyes and denied.

Although each place has to be reported to someone, the unsuitable candidate just can't be forced, in case something happens, it will be bad.

She is a reserve teacher, and she should have such a mental awareness.

Besides, how long has it been since Wei Qingyu was tortured by the original owner, and it is still unknown whether Ping has recovered from the loss of his body.

Although she usually scores well in sports, she really doesn't want her to take this risk. If something goes wrong, if you put the blame on yourself and make a note of it, you won't lose money.

"Wei Qingyu's hand injury hasn't been clear yet, do you guys who don't understand Alpha Lian Xiangxiyu?" Ji Xiao said again.

"But what's wrong with running?" Fang Yiming preached leisurely.

"Yes~" Qi Qi echoed.

Ji Xiao couldn't bear the shifting eyes of these two people, and said loudly: "Oh, who do you think of me! You don't look at Wei Qingyu's small body, you can't look at it. Just in case. When things happen, I will still be responsible to her! I'm so annoying!"

"Ji Xiao."

A soft call sounded after Ji Xiao's high tone.

Under the shade of the green and yellow trees, a neat application form with personal information fell from the top of Ji Xiao's head.

The golden light traced the hand in the center of her sight. The skin was like fat, white and slender, and the side of the index finger and **** pressed by the signature pen still had a light red mark.

Ji Xiao looked back at the person standing behind him, the white shirt outlined the lonely height of the girl as before.

Wei Qingyu's thin lips lightly opened, and said, "This is my application form for 1,500 meters."