The French phoenix tree above the line of sight divided the blue sky into several parts, and the scorching sun pierced the girl's eyes shiningly.

Ji Xiao stared at the girl who was pressing on him in a daze, and clearly heard his heartbeat beating wildly.

The thin clothes transmit body temperature to the other person's skin, and the high temperature after running with mint-flavored pheromone adds to Ji Xiao's heart sturdily.

The shadows of the two young girls on the ground are closely attached to each other, creating a feeling of living together and dying together.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu in surprise. In such a crisis situation, she would take the initiative to protect herself.

The same goes for Wei Qingyu.

The girl's cold eyebrows were still not adorned with emotion, she looked at Ji Xiao who was in her arms with no expression on her face.

Surprised at his reaction at this moment.

Long black hair hung messily in front of Wei Qingyu, revealing the glands attached to the restraint paste.

The smell of brandy wrapped in peaches came out in the morning breeze.

Wei Qingyu rolled his throat and let go of Ji Xiao's wrist with a cold face, "Are you okay?"

The temperature clinging to the body was pulled away mercilessly, and a gust of autumn wind wiped the ground and blew onto Ji Xiao's body.

She shook her head and said, "No."

The most fragile head was taken up by Wei Qingyu's body as soon as he was about to fall back, and it didn't hit a bit, let alone another place.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu who was standing in front of him, and felt that she should be the one who should be affected.

"I'm sorry, little girls."

At this moment, a rough voice sounded beside them, interrupting Ji Xiaogang's organized concern for Wei Qingyu.

A tall man like a Russian brown bear pushed his mountain bike onto the sidewalk from the road, and his tendon trembling slightly when he exerted force.

Wei Qingyu heard the sound and looked at the man, his always calm eyes trembled.

Shock and excitement are intertwined in those turquoise eyes, converging into incredible.

"Is the little girl not hurt? I didn't look at the road carefully just now, and accidentally rode on the curb. This is a mountain bike, and it rushed up directly. I'm really sorry..." The man turned the car to the tree without changing his face. Damn, I asked Ji Xiao who was almost injured by him.

Ji Xiao didn't know what was wrong, he always felt that this man was uncomfortable with his smile.

It's just that she didn't think much, shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

"That's really lucky, you're so lucky." The man smiled, turned around and held Wei Qingyu's hand with gratitude, "Little girl, this is really thank you."

As soon as the man's rough palm came into contact with Wei Qingyu, a solidly folded note was stuffed into the palm of her hand.

The movement was so smooth and flowing, people couldn't see any flaws in the performance.

Then the man politely and quickly let go of Wei Qingyu's hand, still exaggerated gratitude, and preached to Wei Qingyu: "If it weren't for you, I don't know how much money I will lose today, maybe this little one The girl had an accident today. The side of this flowerbed is a stone."

"You should pay more attention when you ride a bicycle." Wei Qingyu gripped the note in his hand for a few minutes and kept calmly replying.

"Of course." The man nodded and looked at Ji Xiao again, "Little girl, uncle go to the cake shop in front to buy you a cake and be shocked, the cakes over there are delicious."

Ji Xiao looked in the direction of the man's fingers. There was indeed a high-end cake shop not far away, and Aunt Wu often bought cakes there.

But when Ji Xiao heard the words, he shook his head and declined: "No, the servants at home have already bought a lot. Uncle will just pay attention next time."

After all, Ji Xiao also showed a harmless smile to the man.

It would be better if this smile was not mixed with fear.

—Just now, she saw the man handing a note to Wei Qingyu.

How could Wei Qingyu, a person who doesn't like others touching his body at will, tolerate a man shaking hands with her.

Ji Xiao originally wanted to step forward to stop him, but she accidentally saw such a picture.

The sun gradually rose to the sky, and the ground was warm, but Ji Xiao's heart was full of cold.

She finally understood why she thought this man's smile was so awkward just now.

This was not a smile from his heart at all, but a disguised smile that had to be shown to those who hated him.

The accident that happened just now, I'm afraid it was not a simple accident.

The man wanted him to hit himself on the stone edge of the flower bed just as he had just hypothesized to Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao thought that fortunately, Wei Qingyu pulled him over in time, and the man had no chance to continue to do anything to him.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will bleed from the back of my head, and I am urgently sent to the doctor.

No matter how lucky he was, he was killed on the spot, and he was still dead.

Her life is terrible.

Not only will Wei Qingyu in the future kill himself to feed the sharks, but now the cronies of the Wei family will also kill himself.

But she obviously wants to be a decent role now!

"In this case, uncle will leave first, the company still has business, our boss Chen returns to China today." The man interrupted Ji Xiao's wailing in his heart and preached to the two people.

If it were the original owner, he would definitely curse what the man was talking about, and who was interested in what their boss's name was.

But now Ji Xiao kept a mind and remembered this surname.

Ji Xiao can infer from Wei Qingyu's facial expressions that this man and the "Boss Chen" are definitely trusted followers of the Wei family or a reliable subordinate around them.

As stated in the original text, Mr. Wei is generous and elegant, and has many friends all over the country.

It's just that the Ji family is the only one who is closest to their family in city a.

Ji Xiao watched the man plunge into the crowd on a mountain bike, his eyes deep.

It seems that the person who can help Wei Qingyu out of the current predicament is about to appear.

The streets were still busy, light passing through Wei Qingyu's empty sportswear, hazy outline of the girl's thin body.

Ji Xiao remembered what she thought when she was at the sink yesterday, now she has a chance.

She is not the original owner, and will not let Wei Qingyu fall into a hell-like predicament.

She wants to help Wei Qingyu to contact these people who can help her in the future.

After the episode, the streets resumed their original busyness, and the morning exercises between Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu were interrupted by the sudden appearance of the man.

Both of them were in a tacit understanding and didn't mention it any more, and went back home one after another.

As soon as she sat on the dining table, Aunt Wu walked down from the second floor with a smile, still carrying two schoolbags in her hand.

Not only did she help Ji Xiao take down the schoolbag, she also helped Wei Qingyu take down the schoolbag.

Ji Xiaozheng was surprised by Aunt Wu's behavior, and heard her weasel saying New Year's greetings to the rooster: "Mr. said that the Wei's house is going to be auctioned this afternoon. Ask Miss Wei if she is interested in going there."

As soon as Ji Xiao heard the word "Mr.", he pricked his ears vigilantly.

She looked at Wei Qingyu who was sitting on the opposite side hesitant, and before she could answer, she asked, "Why doesn't Dad call me?"

Aunt Wu: "Mr. said that she was not stable when she entered the experimental class, and she still focused on her studies. Mr. bought the figure that Miss had always wanted. It will be there at noon today, so I can’t go to the auction right away. Unpacked."

Ji Qingyun played this trick beautifully.

He squeezed the weakness of his daughter's preference with Wei Qingyu, not only to please his daughter, but also to get the opportunity to be alone with Wei Qingyu.

It's true that Miao Frog's neutron eats Miao crispy corners, and arrives at Mickey Miao House, Miao is home.

Ji Xiao saw all of this thoroughly, deliberately pretending to be savage and willful, and preached to Aunt Wu as in the original text: "This is not good, the hand can be removed at any time, and it won't break. Dad can't be partial. If you don't let me go, Wei Qingyu can't go either."

Aunt Wu heard the sound, her face full of embarrassment: "Miss, I think I should ask Miss Wei for advice..."

"Why, I can't speak well now, am I? You all have to listen to Wei Qingyu, right?" Ji Xiao feigned angrily and interrupted Aunt Wu.

"No, Miss." Aunt Wu's face was filled with injustice in an instant, "That's not easy to explain to your husband. The husband has repeatedly ordered that this is Miss Wei's home, and you must let Miss Wei see it in person if it is auctioned."

Ji Xiao sneered inwardly.

Ji Qingyun wanted Wei Qingyu to watch her house being photographed by his **** with his own eyes, and to give her hope, let this house become his weapon to threaten Wei Qingyu in the future.

It's a pity that Ji Qingyun's abacus slapped, and the last one was unsuccessful.

In the original text, Wei Qingyu failed to go to the auction site with Ji Qingyun, but was locked into a small black room by the original owner and tortured severely.

And at that auction, a mysterious person would also appear who took the Wei's villa at the price that crushed Ji Qingyun's psychological highest price.

This mysterious person is Chen Linji who later got in touch with Wei Qingyu with the help of the hero, and the heroine will return to the upper circle in the future.

In his early years, this man was funded by Wei Qingyu's father to start a company, and he has developed all the way abroad and is well-known.

He is also a person who knows his gratitude, knowing that something has happened to the Wei family, he has been trying to contact Wei Qingyu, but he is always disturbed by Ji Qingyun.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao's eyes lit up.

Is this the "Boss Chen" that the man just said?

Is this what is written on that note?

Ji Xiao felt that the matter was inseparable, and he felt a little shaken in his heart.

If I didn't obstruct Wei Qingyu from going to this auction like the original owner, would I be able to get her to contact Chen Linji in advance?

It was just a flash of this thought, and it was quickly denied by Ji Xiao.

She still couldn't risk letting Wei Qingyu agree to go with Ji Qingyun.

Without herself, Ji Qingyun is likely to do anything unexpected.

Even if Ji Qingyun's coveting Wei Qingyu did not succeed in the original text, she did not dare to take the risk.

"You don't have to be afraid of being difficult to explain. Just tell my dad what I say." Ji Xiao was bitten to death, but he didn't agree.

She looked at Wei Qingyu, who was sitting on the opposite side and was silently eating a sandwich, and decided not to talk to Aunt Wu any more, and said to Wei Qingyu proudly: "Take what you didn't eat, and go to school with me! "

Wei Qingyu's eyes calmly followed Ji Xiao's words and stood up from his position.

She had seen Ji Qingyun's true face a long time ago, even if she faced Chen Linji's secret invitation, she would never agree to it.

Now that Ji Xiao helped herself push away the annoying Aunt Wu, of course she went out with her.

By the way, she also helped Ji Xiao pick up the sandwiches she hadn't finished eating.

The car slowly drove out of the villa area, and the two girls bit the sandwich in their hands and looked out the window.

The withered branches of the roadside flew by, and two different brains were running at high speed.

"I" still has one morning, so he can definitely come up with a surefire way.

At noon, the campus was silent, and the breeze blew across the concrete road covered with dead leaves, making a soothing rustle.

The sparrow stopped on the branch, and it was ready for winter, it was fluffy and round.


A harsh dragging sound of iron objects sounded in the northeast corner of the campus, and the sparrow resting on the tree was startled, chirped angrily, fluttered its wings and flew towards the sky.

Ji Xiao was also hurt by the sound, and the sugar in her mouth was crumbly broken by her.

She walked in the direction of the sound, and saw a familiar figure lightly stepping on the table as expected.

The loose long hair was blown by the wind around him, revealing a cold and firm face.

The navy blue checkered skirt clung to the cold white thighs, drawing beautiful muscle lines.

Power and beauty are intertwined, and do not fit any weak definition imposed on oga.

It's a pity that the girl didn't have the experience of overcoming the wall, and the skills were not enough. Several climbs ended in failure.

Ji Xiao watched Wei Qingyu have been doing useless work, and couldn't help but walked over from behind her: "You can't turn it out until the year of the monkey."

With a "boom," Wei Qingyu stepped on the desk with a heavy step.

She pretended to look calmly in the direction of the sound, but saw Ji Xiao copying his pockets and looking at herself.

What does she mean by this?

Has she seen all of her own failures just now?

"When did you come?" Wei Qingyu jumped off the table and asked calmly.

Ji Xiao: "When you drag the table."

Hearing this answer, Wei Qingyu's hand on the side of his skirt tightened slightly.

For the first time, the girl's always calm cheeks became slightly hot.

Just thinking about how to get over the wall, Ji Xiao didn't notice.

She unbuttoned the buttons that bound her by her neckline, and said to Wei Qing: "You are optimistic, you have to go over the wall like this to make it easy."

When the voice fell, Wei Qingyu felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him.

The girl's slender legs crossed Wei Qingyu's sight, and stepped onto the chair lightly and forcefully.

Then the hands steadily grabbed the head of the wall, and with a little force, he pressed his skirt and sat on it.

A set of movements flowed out, clean and neat.

The noon sun fell on the wall, hitting Ji Xiao like a spotlight.

She raised her hand to lift the broken hair in front of her, and she was full of unrestrained and unrestrained expression.

Wei Qingyu was like an audience standing under the wall, looking at the girl's brilliant eyes trembling slightly.

She hadn't seen Ji Xiao like this for a long time.

"Come on, give me your hand." Ji Xiao lowered his body slightly as he said, and naturally stretched out his hand towards Wei Qingyu.

Wei Qingyu was about to raise his arm when he heard the words, but stopped in the next second.

She didn't know if she should believe in Ji Xiao at this critical moment.

She didn't even know why Ji Xiao appeared here, let alone what she was planning.

Ji Xiao watched Wei Qingyu's hesitations, and knew clearly that Wei Qingyu did not trust him.

She can rely on herself instinctively when she is unconscious, but she cannot give herself to someone who has tortured her for half a year when she is clear.

"Can you still believe this lady? Can you still fall? I will give you one minute to think about it."

Having said that, Ji Xiao pretended to be displeased, propped his head and closed his eyes, and counted down loudly as if to give Wei Qingyu a chance.

"59, 58, 57, 56..."

Time was lost every second in Ji Xiao's countdown, Wei Qingyu silently looked at Ji Xiao sitting on the wall with a complicated expression.

Even though she looked impatient, her well-proportioned slender arm kept stretching out in front of her.

"10, 9, 8..."

Ji Xiao's countdown slowed down, and his relaxed heart also sank.

She thought it was a good start to meet Wei Qingyu, who coincided with her plan here, but she didn't want this good start to be caught in the first step.

"3, 2..."

Ji Xiao bit the last three numbers, and his heart was full of frustration.

Even after experiencing so many incidents with Wei Qingyu, she still doesn't trust herself.

Just the second after Ji Xiao spit out the number "1", a tight warmth suddenly came from the palm of her hand, pressing the sigh back again.

Ji Xiao opened his eyes abruptly, and Wei Qingyu didn't know when he had already stood on the top of the table.

And that light white hand was on his own, and it smelled of mint slightly cool.

"Hurry up." Wei Qingyu preached to Ji Xiao with a calm expression.

She still gave herself to her.

The corners of Ji Xiao's mouth rose uncontrollably.

Regardless of Wei Qingyu's consideration, being able to give herself to someone she didn't trust was a milestone improvement for Ji Xiao.

The autumn breeze slowly blows across the French plane trees behind the wall, with a touch of mint aroma intertwined with the taste of peach brandy.

Wei Qingyu felt the warmth from Ji Xiao's palm, and with her help, he finally sat on the wall smoothly.

The breeze floated, picking up the broken hair from the girl's sideburns.

Wei Qingyu looked at the distance between the sky and the mountains, but Ji Xiao's profile appeared in Yu Guangli.

She was also looking into the distance, but there was no focus in the gold-orange eyes, and she didn't know where it fell.

Wei Qingyu gently rubbed the fingers that had just been gripped by Ji Xiao.

She thinks this is really a rare moment of harmony between her and Ji Xiao this year.

"Cici, come and chase me!"

"You run slower! I can't catch up..."

At this moment, two little girls ran out across the street.

They wore almost the same skirts, one after the other, chasing and playing.

The little tugging with bow knots squeezed a tower, and the sound of copper bells resounded throughout the street.

Wei Qingyu watched the two little girls quietly, his eyes deep.

A long time ago, she and Ji Xiao had also done this.

Carefree, as if tomorrow’s nightmare will never come...

"Let's go down?"

Suddenly, Ji Xiao's voice sounded, interrupting Wei Qingyu's thoughts.

Just now the driver sent a message to her saying that he was about to arrive.

This time, Ji Xiao prepared a little more than Wei Qingyu.

She thought early in the morning that Wei Qingyu was penniless and would definitely take a bus to the auction venue even if he crossed the wall, so she asked the driver to prepare the car in advance.

After all, help people to the end and send the Buddha to the west.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao didn't wait for Wei Qingyu to answer, and jumped off the wall first.

The action was chic and neat and extraordinarily clean.

Ji Xiao patted the palm of his hand that took up the dust, and turned around under Wei Qingyu's comment, "Come down, I'll follow you!"

The wind blew Wei Qingyu's cheeks, dazzling her long hair.

The girl below her sight opened her arms to herself, her golden orange eyes filled with brilliant stars, firm and reliable.

I don't know if it is the trust that she has just given, or the blessing of the beautiful memories of the past, or the sense of security she feels at this moment.

This time, Wei Qingyu jumped down without hesitation.

The sense of weightlessness gathered in Wei Qingyu's body in an instant, as if pulling her soul out of her body, making people panic.

The tiles on the sidewalk quickly magnified in Wei Qingyu's sight, and at the moment when she felt that she was about to lose her footing and fell in embarrassment, she fell into a tender embrace.

The smell of peach brandy rose from the girl's body and fell on the tip of her nose.

The fierce tenderness paralyzed the pain in her knees and feet just before landing, so she could only feel the sweetness of peaches.

The soft fingertips clung to her waist, and through the thin shirt conveyed a sense of security that was unique to her.

Just as she promised herself, Ji Xiao caught herself steadily.

Suddenly a vague picture flashed across Wei Qingyu's head, which made her suddenly feel familiar at this moment.

It seems that when someone almost fell, the person in front of him also protected him like this.

But, when is it...

The girl subconsciously buckled the red rope on her wrist, and a missing jigsaw suddenly appeared in her always clear memory.

She sensed that she seemed to have forgotten something in a certain period of time.


A sudden, casual voice interrupted Wei Qingyu's busy and confused thoughts.

Wei Qingyu hurriedly looked up, but saw that Ji Xiaozheng raised his hand and threw something to him.

Once again, she subconsciously reached out and took what Ji Xiao threw to herself, and her soft palm was caught off guard by a hard object.

"Your feet are numb." Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu, raised his chin and motioned, "Slowly eat something sweet."

The noon sun fell on the palm of the girl's hand, and a candy was lying in it as expected.

The streamer paper refracted the faint sunlight into different colors, lightening her cold eyes little by little.

Wei Qingyu: "Thank you."

The voice was soft, but it was rare to have less cold temperature.

Ji Xiao smiled and looked back at the news.

In fact, she didn't know how she lost a candy to Wei Qingyu somehow, but she knew that her feet would numb when jumping off the wall and her knees would hurt, so she threw it to her.

It's as if her body is always used to putting a few candies in her pocket.

Ji Xiao and the driver arranged everything, and put the phone in his pocket.

She beckoned Wei Qingyu, who was standing next to her, and said, "Follow me."

Wei Qingyu heard this and looked at Ji Xiao warily, "Where are you taking me?"

Before the words were over, a heavy truck passed the narrow road.

The rumbling noise swallowed Wei Qingyu's voice and separated her from Ji Xiao.

Mingming Wei Qingyu should stay alert and leave Ji Xiao's vision in the opposite direction, and then take the bus leading to the auction.

But when she saw Ji Xiao who was on the opposite side of the road and beckoning to her, she followed in obedient steps.

There is an old paulownia tree on the opposite side of the road. One of the thick black trunks has fallen out, and the dense branches have a black net in the Sky City.

Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao stood together under this net.

Looking at Ji Xiao who didn't know what she was planning, she asked again in a calm voice: "Where are you taking me?"

Ji Xiao was about to answer, and in front of the two people stopped a small white RV that had never been seen in Ji's house.

Wei Qingyu was vigilant about the origin of the car, and there was an extra cold white arm in his sight.

Ji Xiao took the initiative to step forward to Wei Qingyu and opened the door for her: "Where else can I go? Of course it is to the auction."