The autumn afternoon is quiet, and the warm sun shining down gives a special comfort in the world.

There was not much traffic on the road at this time, and a small RV was speeding along the wide asphalt road.

Wei Qingyu looked at the retreating street scene and downtown, and the side face of Ji Xiao sitting on the other side was reflected on the bright glass.

She was looking down at the phone, and the buzzing noise in the quiet car showed her chatting with people.

Wei Qingyu watched Ji Xiao calmly, his pupils filled with inability to see through.

She had already rejected Aunt Wu's affairs in a wayward manner in the morning. Why did she change her mind at noon?

If it is understood that she is jealous of Ji Qingyun and is partial to herself, so she has to go, then why is she willing to help herself just over the wall?

Various questions lingered in Wei Qingyu's mind. She pressed her lower lip lightly, and asked plainly, "Why are you taking me to the auction?"

Ji Xiao paused for a while with Qi Qi's words. She brewed her emotions for a while, and then asked, "Why, don't you want to go to the auction?"

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao, who was anti-visitor-oriented, and calmly replied, "I want to go."

"That's right." Ji Xiaoang raised his head and took out an arrogant look that he had done nothing wrong, and continued: "You won't be able to jump over the wall if you are stupid. Don't take a taxi and let people run away. This lady is kind and handy. Can't I give you a ride?"

Wei Qingyu frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said, "Yes, thank you."

After hearing this, Ji Xiao pointed to the back half of the RV with the curtain: "If you really want to thank me, go to the back and change your school uniform, and then pick a piece of clothing to change. Wear this to the auction. Not enough to lose me."

Wei Qingyu took a look at his school uniform, and it was true that this kind of clothes was not suitable for auction.

She was only planning to go to a nearby mall to buy a decent dress to cope with, but she was worried that she wouldn't be able to buy decent clothes with that little money.

At that time, I was afraid that I couldn't think of it. Ji Xiao would solve this problem for myself.

The girl silently obeyed Ji Xiao's order and walked back. Ji Xiao leaned on the back of the seat and looked at Wei Qingyu's back, which was reflected on the phone screen, and breathed a sigh of relief for her smooth passage.

She looked at the driver in front and exhorted: "Drive the car more steady."

"Yes, miss." The driver replied respectfully.

The sun fell on the lake, and the wind gently blew a layer of light golden waves, and a shadow slowly passed over Ji Xiao's head.

In a moment, Wei Qingyu stepped on the short-heeled leather shoes that fit the feet and walked to Ji Xiao: "I'll change it."

The bored Ji Xiao put down his phone and looked up at Wei Qingyu, but his eyes could not help but hesitated a little.

Wei Qingyu held his head slightly in front of him, her long black hair pouring down her full head.

Those turquoise eyes glowed like gems against the sparkling water behind him.

Just pass the window impartially and hit her on this simple cyan long dress, which outlines a less sloppy figure.

The straight back stretches the loose shoulder design, and a pair of delicate collarbones bulge out of the exposed white, elegant but not vulgar.

She stood calmly in front of Ji Xiao, from the inside out, what she had been soaked and cultivated was the nobleness and high coldness she had cultivated since she was a child, just like a pearl falling into the mortal dust. Will burst out a dazzling light.

She licked her dry lips lightly, but accidentally caught a slight mint smell.

The cool feeling moved Ji Xiao's heartstrings. Ji Xiao originally thought the idiom "beautiful and delicious" was an exaggeration, but now he just feels that it is not enough.

Suddenly, the girl in her sight lowered her head slightly.

In just an instant, the turquoise pupils broke straight into Ji Xiao's sight.

Indifferent, lonely.

At the same time it is clear and pure.

Ji Xiao clearly heard a thump in his chest, quickly as if it was a rabbit discovered by a hunter, and quickly avoided the hunter who had misunderstood Wei Qingyu.

The street lamps and telephone poles with the sun passing by flickered on the girl's face.

With a beating heart, Ji Xiao pretended to be calm and commented: "Sure enough, people rely on clothes. You look like this when you dress up."

After all, Ji Xiao quickly got up and walked towards the back of the carriage.

Wei Qingyu looked at the redness behind Ji Xiao's ears that continued from the earlobe to the upper part of his neck, and the corners of his lips rose slightly.

The word duplicity, the interpretation of the alpha strength in front of him is perfect.

A few minutes before the auction started, the car steadily stopped in the building where the auction was located.

Ji Xiao took the ticket that Secretary Ji Qingyun took from Ji Qingyun, and showed his identity as Miss Ji's family, and brought Wei Qingyu into the scene smoothly.

Ji Qingyun was sitting in the third position of the third row in the middle, and the two positions near the aisle were vacated.

He wears a tie, reveals his millions of watches, from the back he looks like a gentleman.

Ji Xiao didn't want to sit with Ji Qingyun, but when he thought of holding down Ji Qingyun and not bidding with Chen Linji, he took Wei Qingyu to the row where he was.


A crisp and sweet call came from Ji Qingyun's ear.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, Ji Xiao's smiling gloomy face suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ji Qingyun looked at Ji Xiao in surprise, and said, "Xiaoxiao? Why are you here?"

"Dad can let Wei Qingyu come, can't I come?" Ji Xiao said and sat down next to Ji Qingyun in a willful manner.

"Of course I can come." Ji Qingyun said with a petting smile on his face.

In between, he noticed that Wei Qingyu was still behind Ji Xiao, and said: "...It's just that the position of Qingyu is not clear, do you want to sit by Uncle's side?"

Ji Xiao hurriedly said, "She has a place to sit, so she can pick something."

Facing Ji Xiao’s collision, Ji Qingyun was not at all annoyed, and only said: “I still have to choose a good or bad vision. Come on, come and sit down here, uncle. This is about to begin. The first one to auction is the Wei family. villa."

On the face of it, it was an invitation, but it was actually a threat.

It's just that Wei Qingyu has Chen Linji as his backer this time, and the weakness of Wei's villa does not exist.

She sat on the aisle with her back straight and said, "No need for uncle."

The voice was soft but firm.

A bit of displeasure flashed in Ji Qingyun's eyes.

After sinking for a few minutes, Ji Qingyun tilted her body slightly, and whispered to Ji Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, don't treat Qingyu like this. Although Qingyu is your sister, you should let her as an alpha. Dad didn't tell you. Ever, her parents have passed away, and Dad wants to treat her like you."

The man's warm voice fell on Ji Xiao's ears, and it was all moist and unpleasant.

Listening to his green tea-style speech, Ji Xiao rolled his eyes in front of him.

Ji Qingyun said every sentence of selflessness, but every sentence pushed Wei Qingyu into the perverted torture of the original owner.

The original owner has been pampered by Ji Qingyun, and since she was a child, she has absolutely relied on Ji Qingyun's paternal love.

Now that I heard him say that he would share his love with other people's children, the crazy possessiveness in his heart does not allow the person who wants to fight for his father's love to exist.

So the more he makes the original owner "broad-minded", the more he will resist.

And the more the original owner resists Wei Qingyu, the more severe Wei Qingyu's isolation and torture will be, and the better it will be for Ji Qingyun in the future.

It's so shameless to the extreme.

Ji Xiao was scolding Ji Qingyun in his heart, and a host walked onto the auction stage in front of him.

After briefly introducing the rules of this auction, a picture of the red brick villa of the Wei family appeared on the screen.

"This red brick villa, located at No. 05, Yanlu Lane, is a German architect of the last century..."

Listening to the host's detailed introduction, Ji Xiao couldn't help but sigh for the profound historical heritage of the Wei Qingyu's house.

She glanced at Ji Qingyun, who was attentively posing next to her, and her eyes were full of: trash you are not worthy.

"The reserve price is 83.9 million, and the price increase is 200,000. Now we are bidding."

As soon as the owner's voice fell, a woman in the first row held up a sign, and a man in the fourth row also held up a sign.

The price of the house went from 83.9 million to 93 million among the signs raised and dropped in people's hands.

Ji Xiao listened to the price, and looked at the man in the front row who was bound to win, Ji Qingyun in the corner of the room unexpectedly raised the sign.

In one stroke of his brand, it was an amazing price: "One hundred million."

"This gentleman directly mentioned the price of 100 million. 100 million is not a small amount. It seems that Mr. Ji is bound to win this old friend's villa." The host praised Ji Qingyun who was sitting in the audience. She also gave her a nod of approval.

The auction venue fell into silence after the voice fell, and those who kept raising their hands began to think about it.

Ji Qingyun is bound to win, and he is also a top-class person. Offending him for a villa, is it worth it?

The bidder's heart beat back, and Ji Xiao's hands on his legs were also slightly clenched in the corner of Ji Xiao.

Wei Qingyu, who had always been calm, became unusually nervous.

Everything Ji Xiao knew was settled, and it was unknown in this girl's eyes.

She didn't know if her family would fall into Ji Qingyun's hands, and she didn't know if Chen Linji would break his promise.

At this moment, some exclamation came from the audience in the back row, and the eyes of the host standing on the stage also flashed astonishment.

In the back corner near the door, a man in a black trench coat and black sunglasses raised the sign in his hand.

The host couldn't believe his eyes and reminded: "Since Mr. Ji has raised the bid price to 100 million, our next price increase will be 2 million. This gentleman, are you sure to increase the price?"

The black leather gloves reflected a cold light, and the sign in the man's hand was always held, silently expressing his confirmation.

Ji Xiao watched from a distance, and Wei Qingyu's tight expression in Yu Guangli also relaxed at this moment.

She knew that this mysterious person was Chen Linji.

When the host saw this, he took a breath and said: "This gentleman, bid one hundred and two million."

Upon seeing this, Ji Qingyun raised the sign in his hand not to be outdone.

Moderator: "Mr. Ji, one hundred and four million."

Chen Linji was also sure to win the house, and steadily raised the sign.

Moderator: "One hundred and six million."

Everyone could not help taking a breath as they listened to the astronomical figures read from the host population.

When gods fight in the sky, mortals can only look up on land.

Seeing that the price was about to exceed 200 million, Ji Xiao hurriedly held Ji Qingyun's hand, "Dad, what are you doing to buy a dilapidated house with so much money?"

Ji Qingyun took his hand out of Ji Xiao's hand while saying: "Xiaoxiao, you don't understand, this is for Qingyu."

"I don't understand, Dad, you are too partial to Wei Qingyu, right! Who is your biological daughter?!" Seeing Ji Qingyun's decision, Ji Xiao asked angrily.

Ji Qingyun: "Of course it's you."

"Then why do you always treat Wei Qingyu so nicely?" Ji Xiao asked, she even cried when she was ready for a long time, "I start to hate Dad. I hate you for being fair and practical. Love is not fair at all!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Xiao's dry eyes were forcibly squeezed out a few drops of tears.

The crystal liquid fainted in the eye sockets, dyed the end of the eyes red, and looked extremely wronged.

Ji Qingyun was stunned when he saw Ji Xiao’s expression. He saw Ji Xiao for the first time because he looked at the girl like his life. Because he divided his love into red eyes, the five poisonous heart was broken in an instant. Up.

He hurriedly dropped the sign in his hand, and drew out his hand to shed tears for Ji Xiao: "I'm sorry Xiaoxiao, it's my father who was wrong, and my father knew it was wrong. Don't hate my father, okay."

Ji Xiao endured the nausea of ​​being contacted by Ji Qingyun, and pretended to be angry, don't ignore him so as to delay time.

Ji Qingyun lived up to what Ji Xiao had expected, coaxing her softly, and he had forgotten about the auction.

"One hundred and eighteen million one time! One hundred and seventy-eight million two times..."

"One hundred and seventy-eight million three times!"

"make a deal!"

The host’s infectious voice sounded amid Ji Qingyun’s apology, and Ji Xiao instantly stopped her pretentious performance.

"Congratulations to this gentleman, you bought this villa for 178 million three yuan, please sign at the notary office after the auction is over, and we will handle the handover procedures for you as soon as possible."

Ji Xiao listened to the host's reminder to Chen Linji, knowing that the following time would be a chance for Wei Qingyu and Chen Linji to meet again.

She slapped Ji Qingyun's hand on the back of her hand, pretending to be reassured, and said to Wei Qing on the side: "You, go buy me a bottle of drink."

Wei Qingyu didn't refuse when he heard the words, and silently stood up from his position with the phone and walked towards the door.

The door behind him opened and closed, and the host's voice sounded and disappeared instantly.

Standing in front of the vending machine with changing lights, Wei Qingyu's mind was full of Ji Xiao's red eyes.

The smell of peach brandy blossomed on her shoulders, and the weak pink peach blossoms were dipped in the wine, strong and delicate.

She had never seen Ji Xiao look like this, the softest part of her heart was pinched by her nails.

The long, dull pain hovered in her heart, so that she had forgotten that she had to meet with Uncle Chen.

She said she hated Ji Qingyun, and hated his love that was fair but unfair.

Is it because of this that she has been torturing herself more and more in the past six months, and she now wants to understand...

"Miss Wei."

At this time, a low voice interrupted the girl's thoughts.

Following the bodyguard, Chen Linji walked towards Wei Qingyu with a steady pace.