The incandescent light brightened the quiet corridor, and the heavy footsteps of the man echoed.

Wei Qingyu looked at Chen Linji who was walking towards him, as if he had seen the belated hope.

"Uncle Chen." Wei Qingyu nodded slightly.

Chen Linji: "Miss Wei, it's really been a long time since I saw you."

Chen Linji's voice was as strong as ever, and Wei Qingyu listened a little more relieved.

She nodded, thinking it was really a long time since she saw her. Even at the funeral of her parents, she never saw the uncle whom she used to see when she was a child.

Chen Linji explained: "I'm really sorry Miss Wei, I only contacted you half a year later. At that time, I was far away from the branch of Y country. When the Wei family had an accident, the company there also encountered some difficult things and had to delay it. Up to now."

Wei Qingyu didn't blame Chen Linji from beginning to end.

She understands that under the shadow of the Ji family, those who have been close to the Wei family in the past will inevitably be suppressed by him. Chen Linji, who is second only to Ji Qingyun in friendship with the Wei family, will inevitably be acted in the dark by Ji Qingyun. Especially for.

Wei Qingyu looked at the vicissitudes of Chen Linji's face, compared to half a year under Ji Qingyun's constraints.

However, since he has contacted himself now, and spent nearly 200 million yuan to photograph the villa of the Wei family, it shows that he has now survived the crisis.

This is already very good.

Wei Qingyu smiled slightly at Chen Linji, and said: "Uncle is really too polite, you should call me whisper."

Chen Linji nodded, "Okay. Whisper softly."

"Although Mr. Wei is no longer there, I always remember the kindness of the Wei family to me. Don't worry, I will definitely help you in the future. So now my uncle wants to ask for your opinion first, what do you have for your future? Planning?"

Wei Qingyu: "I want to take back what my parents left for me first."

Although the girl's voice was soft, her tone was firm.

Chen Linji nodded when he heard it very approvingly: "Well, this is what Uncle must do for you."

"It's just that Qingyun's methods in this season are too despicable. I have investigated. His title of occupying Wei family's property is a minor heir to the inheritance. He takes care of it as the heir's guardian."

Chen Linji said that a fire of disdain and anger appeared in his eyes. He did not expect to be able to do this by himself.

In the last second, I even talked and laughed with Mr. Wei and Mrs. Wei, with deep feelings, and in the next second, he turned his face instantly, revealing his true identity.

The friendship of more than ten years is inferior to monetary benefits. It is really despicable and shameless.

"I know this." Wei Qingyu nodded calmly. This was the first thing she was deceived by Ji Qingyun.

She looked at Chen Linji's hesitant and eager eyes, and actively asked, "So we can't act rashly, right? Uncle Chen."

"Yes." Chen Linji nodded, "I found out that Ji Qingyun had secretly changed the name of the company under the Weishi Group in the past six months, and packaged it into a completely different company, trying to weaken the weight of the legacy a little bit. Trying to make what comes to you in two years' time as an empty shell."

"But you can rest assured that if you speak lightly, although my company has experienced a serious injury on the surface, it is still very solid inside. Now Ji Qingyun is in the light and we are dark. Many things are easier to operate. When necessary I will make him fall short."

Chen Linji has also learned to play against Ji Qingyun in the past six months. He didn't disturb anyone this time when he returned to China.

Even his identity at the auction is a reliable friend of him who has absolutely no intersection with the upper circle of city a.

Chen Linji wanted to repay the Wei family, who was kind to him, and wanted to put the dead at ease underground.

It's just that when he looked at the girl standing in front of him, the plan he had made in his heart got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't tell.

The warm yellow light of the vending machine fell on the girl's shoulder, and her slender arm was reflected on the ground like a newborn bamboo.

The abundance and freshness that I had seen a few years ago had disappeared on the girl's cheeks, and only the coldness that was not transparent was left in the cyan eyes.

Chen Linji pondered for a long time and couldn't bear to preach to Wei Qingyu: "So Qingyu, uncle needs you to be patient for the past two years. In the current situation, uncle can't pick you up from Ji's house."

Wei Qingyu nodded when he heard the words: "I understand."

She is not someone who knows that she has a backer and will forget about it for a while, she has this maturity beyond her peers, and understands the truth of being bold.

Looking at Wei Qingyu's sensible appearance, Chen Linji couldn't help but feel a lot of distress and helplessness in his heart.

He rubbed Wei Qingyu's hair and said, "Qingyu, I'm really sorry for what happened in the morning, Binzi is indeed rash."

The man's generous palms landed on Wei Qingyu's head with the unique warmth of alpha, which reminded her of Ji Xiao.

Wei Qingyu shook his head and said, "It's okay, none of us were injured."

Hearing Wei Qingyu saying "we", Chen Linji raised a distracted look: "Whispering, there is one thing I still have to admonish. The Ji family is perilous, and you need to be very careful. Ji Qingyun is not a good person, and Ji Xiao is not a good person. You must never push yourself into the abyss because of your kindness in the future."

"Besides, Ji Xiao is a dastardly indulgent, frivolous bastard. Whisper, if you are really bullied by her, you must tell your uncle. Uncle Bin will definitely let you uncle Binzi to vent your anger."

Wei Qingyu couldn't help but frown slightly as he listened to Chen Linji's evaluation of Ji Xiao.

She knew that Chen Linji cared about herself and did not refute, she only nodded lightly: "Well, I remembered."

Chen Linji looked at Wei Qingyu's weak and windy appearance, but he was still worried, and said: "Qingyu, don't be afraid, uncle will never leave a trace. Besides, being able to hold Ji Xiao will be the same for Ji Qingyun in the future. One constraint."

Hearing this, Wei Qingyu's eyes made a wave of restlessness.

Uneasy came to her chest after Chen Linji proposed to move Ji Xiao without warning.

Wei Qingyu reminded: "Uncle, I know what you mean, but nothing can involve underage children. We are not Ji Qingyun and his ilk. It is better not to do this kind of thing."

She has a weak tone and can't hear her emotions.

After Chen Linji heard it, he thought about it and nodded, "Well... Uncle owes it to you this time. You are right, you really shouldn't."

Wei Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she nodded slightly, and said, "Uncle, it has been too long since I have been out. It would be bad for Ji family father and daughter to detect something wrong."

"Go back." Chen Linji nodded, and took out a note from his pocket, "This is my uncle's private number. If you have any needs, you can contact me, especially when you are in danger, be sure to be first. Contact me in time."

"Okay, goodbye, uncle." Wei Qingyu took the note handed by Chen Linji, bought a bottle of soda from the vending machine, and walked towards the way he came.

The corridor was silent, and the cold tiles reflected the incandescent light, making the girl thin.

Chen Linji watched Wei Qingyu go away, his eyes deep.

During the time Wei Qingyu left, the auction was still going on in an orderly manner.

The host’s passionate voice filled the venue. With Wei’s villa in front, the next few lots were sold at very good prices.

Ji Xiaobai looked boredly at the staff on stage doing the finishing work for the last exhibit, and Yu Guangli saw Wei Qingyu coming back.

She secretly looked at Wei Qingyu's face which was much more relaxed than before, and the heart that had just been hanging finally fell.

When Wei Qingyu finished his skirts and sat down, Ji Xiao held his cheeks and spit out dissatisfaction: "I'm back? Did you go to the factory to produce a bottle for you to buy a bottle of water?"

"I'm not proficient at the vending machine over there. I have encountered some problems." Wei Qingyu explained calmly, and handed her the soda in his hand.

"I'm so stupid, I can't use the vending machine." Ji Xiao's mouth is not forgiving, but the bottle that Wei Qingyu handed over is gentle.

The iced soda water sticks to the palm of the hand to condense a thin layer of water, and the slight coolness also contains the palm temperature of the person who has just taken it.

Ji Xiao unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip. In an instant, he was forced to listen to Ji Qingyun's thousand-character apology and his heart was calmed down.

At this time, the last lot on the stage is also ready.

The host stood in front of the microphone and announced to everyone: "The following will be the last lot of this auction and the final piece."

"The snow sapphire brooch of the x royal family of the nineties of the last century!"

As the host's voice fell, the glass showcase on the stage that had been covered with red velvet cloth finally revealed its true colors.

A small rose-shaped brooch suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

A rare snow cyan gemstone is held on the exquisite white gold flower pedicle, and the bright diamonds are embellished on the side to make a match. It is beautiful and dazzling only when you look at it from a distance.

"...The price of this brooch starts at 2.2 million, with an increase of 200,000."

The host's voice fell, and the woman sitting on the far left in the first row raised her hand.

After that, people kept raising their hands to bid, and the level of excitement was even worse than that of the Wei family.

"Wow, this thing is more popular than the house." Ji Xiao couldn't help but sigh as he watched the lively situation.

"Whether it is gem cutting or jewellery inlay, this brooch is first-class excellent, even if it is now top-notch. The most important thing is that the color of this gem is rare. It is a faint purple, transparent and light. The fall is particularly beautiful. Last year, when the Feileng Cui Gems Museum went bankrupt, this gem was sold." Wei Qingyu sat beside Ji Xiao and explained softly to her.

Ji Xiao was a little surprised when Wei Qingyu took the initiative to speak to him, so he asked curiously: "How did you know?"

"I have watched the documentary, and I was fortunate enough to participate in the last exhibition of the Fei Leng Cui Gems Hall." Wei Qingyu whispered, with regret in his tone.

She didn't want to keep this brooch private, but she hoped it could fall into the hands of a pedestrian.

But she looked at all these people holding signs, no one really understood.

Listening to Wei Qingyu's words, Ji Xiao couldn't help but remember the brooch that she had also pinned on her chest when she went to Sacrifice not long ago.

Although it is not as refined as this one, it is fortunate to have a beauty as a lining, but it appears to be even better than this one.

What would it look like if Wei Qingyu wears this brooch?

Looking at the high-priced brooch that had been photographed by the woman in the first row of 3.2 million, Ji Xiao raised the sign next to Ji Qingyun's leg.

When the host saw it, he immediately said, "Miss Ji, three to four hundred thousand!"

The name that did not appear suddenly sounded, and everyone cast a surprised look at Ji Xiao.

Even Wei Qingyu's eyes were a little restless.

Seeing her daughter raised her hand, Ji Qingyun immediately asked, "Xiaoxiao, do you like this?"

"Ang." Ji Xiao answered perfunctorily, without seeing Ji Qingyun.

Only when Ji Xiao's anger towards him hadn't passed, Ji Qingyun immediately coaxed: "Then you do whatever you want. As long as you can get the photo, Dad will give you the money."

Ji Xiao raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and was finally willing to give this poor daughter slave two gazes.

She looked at Ji Qingyun's flattering and petting smile, her eyes curled, and said: "Then I would like to thank Dad in advance!"

Ji Qingyun, who hadn't realized the seriousness of the situation, smiled even more when he heard the words: "Just be happy Xiaoxiao."

At this time, the woman sitting on the side of the first row held up the sign when everyone hesitated again.

The host immediately said: "Miss Sun offered 3.6 million yuan."

Not to be outdone, Ji Xiao also raised the sign.

How could Miss Sun tolerate the jewellery that would have fallen into her own hands becoming her own, she also raised the brand after Ji Xiao.

When the two came back and forth, the auction price of the snow blue gem brooch was directly raised to nearly four million.

Everyone’s eyes were surprised, and the impatience in Miss Sun’s eyes got heavier and heavier, she raised her hand and said directly, “I’m out of 4.4 million!”

There was an uproar in the field, which directly doubled the original price of this brooch.

Wei Qingyu looked at the numbers displayed on the big screen in disbelief. She knew clearly that as the bidding price soared, four million had already exceeded the true value of this brooch.

"It's too high, it's not worth it." Wei Qingyu reminded beside Ji Xiao.

"Don't you think this thing fell into that person's hands, it's a pity?" Ji Xiao pointed to the woman sitting in the first row.

Wei Qingyu looked at the woman arrogantly, and fell silent.

Indeed, this brooch should not be matched with such a person.

"Nothing is worth it, it's worth putting the gem in the hands of the right person." Ji Xiao preached softly.

At this moment, the host in front knocked a small hammer, and Wei Qingyu felt that his heart was hit by the small hammer.

She looked at Ji Xiao's eyes blankly, and saw a word in the golden orange pupils: you.

Just when the host was about to strike the final hammer, Ji Xiao raised the sign and said directly: "I will give out five million."

Anyway, a lot of the money in her family is the inheritance left by Wei Qingyu's parents to her, and it can be regarded as a gift to the Buddha by borrowing flowers.

The audience was so shocked that no sound could be heard, and the host also hurriedly looked at Ji Qingyun for confirmation.

In order to make her daughter happy, Ji Qingyun nodded at the host with a strong smile even though her heart was dripping with blood.

Upon seeing this, the host immediately controlled the scene and said, “Miss Ji’s bid of 5 million is really a very expensive price. Is there any price increase?”

This was for the Miss Sun. She held the sign in her hand tightly, and did not raise it after hesitating several times.

The face full of pride just now is full of anger that has been cut off.

After three countdowns, the host banged the hammer in his hand, "Congratulations, Miss Ji, you got this precious snow sapphire brooch!"

As dusk descended, the sky at the end of the auction was shrouded in darkness.

Everyone witnessed the exaggerated spoiling degree of Ji Qingyun's daughter slave in the rumors on this afternoon.

The car that went back has been replaced by the driver for Ji Xiao's favorite Maybach. The dark body drove on the road, hidden in the night.

The inside of the car was extremely quiet. Wei Qingyu looked at the neon lights outside the car window, and once again saw Ji Xiao's face on the car window glass.

I don't know if I was tired of confirming a series of auction procedures, Ji Xiao leaned on the seat and fell asleep.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao vigilantly, and accepted the friend application that Chen Linji had just sent.

The car quickly passed a semicircular turn of the viaduct. Wei Qingyu felt that his body was leaning slightly to one side because of the centrifugal force, and then there was a feeling of heavy objects falling on his shoulders.

Ji Xiao fell asleep on Wei Qingyu's shoulder.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's sleeping face close at hand, his eyes darkened.

She didn't understand why she would protect Ji Xiao after Chen Linji made such a suggestion.

Obviously, not long ago, I wanted to kill Ji Xiao personally, and the scissors against her neck were still on the head of her bed.

The car turned steadily off the high speed, and the bright street lights broke into the dim car.

Wei Qingyu sat up straight again, but there was a sleeping Ji Xiao on his shoulders.