The dazzling car lights pierced the darkness at night, and the evergreen bushes on both sides of the villa area were illuminated green.

The sparrow hiding in the tree was dazzled by the light, and flew into the sky with sleepy eyes, and once again shook the few leaves on the branches of the tree.

The slow night wind blows in from the open window glass, and Ji Xiao smells the mint smell blooming on the tip of his tongue.

The world in the dream is an endless aquamarine sea, and the bright sunshine passes through the sky filled with white clouds, lighting up an endless wave of light.

Ji Xiao felt like she was immersed in sea water, and the surging waves supported her body and took her to swim in this mint-scented ocean.

Free and comfortable.

"Ji Xiao."

"Ji Xiao..."

Two soft calls came from the sky, Ji Xiao opened her eyes blindly, the bright light of the sun pierced her.

Then the white clouds in the sky dissipated, and the seawater that had wrapped the body faded away.

Ji Xiao looked sleepily at this somewhat unfamiliar and familiar environment, the smell of mint that had been lingering in her dreams still lingered on the tip of her nose.

She gently moved her neck, which was a little stiff asleep, and a delicate whiteness appeared in her eyes.

Like snow on the top of Mount Fuji, or white paper that is not stained with dust.

It's just that this piece of snowy white does not cover Ji Xiao's entire line of sight. The smooth and graceful curve separates this piece of white from the rest of the line of sight, slender and beautiful.

Ji Xiao looked up slightly, and saw the girl's cherry pink lips.

Like rose petals blooming on a snow-capped mountain, they are soft and thin, carrying a very light water.

Ji Xiao's pupils suddenly shrank when he noticed something.

This is not a pillow at all, but Wei Qingyu's shoulders!

"Are you awake?" Wei Qingyu lowered his gaze slightly, looking blankly at the girl who was throwing wild on her shoulders.

The voice was as cold as ever, and no joy or anger could be heard.

Ji Xiao stood up from Wei Qingyu's shoulders stiffly, and forced a calm "ang".

She pressed her lower lip lightly, and then asked, "How long did I... sleep?"

"Start from getting off the elevated highway." Wei Qingyu replied calmly.

Wordless is the carriage at the moment.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu sitting next to him, and his heart was full of wind and waves.

He actually slept almost all the way on Wei Qingyu's shoulder!

It's really young!

Thinking of the dream that he was almost intoxicated just now, Ji Xiao felt that his face was hot.

The cool mint taste is nothing but the pheromone on Wei Qingyu's body. She was even intoxicated and lingered.


Now Ji Xiao can't wait to find a seam to drill in.

What kind of death scene is this!

She got out of the car without saying a word, and quickly opened the door of the villa.

Then there was a gust of wind blowing in the room, and the servant standing in the living room rushed back to his room looking at her own lady as if being stimulated.

Aunt Wu’s hand holding the rag was stiff and stiff. She looked at Wei Qingyu who entered the door and asked, "What's wrong with Miss?"

Wei Qingyu looked at the flashing back of Ji Xiao in the corridor on the second floor, and an imperceptible smile flashed in his eyes.

She did not rush to change her shoes, and said to Aunt Wu: "She is sleepy."

Without the worms, the night is quiet and makes people unable to calm their minds.

Ji Xiao lay on the bed in a big font like giving up treatment.

How could he fall asleep on Wei Qingyu's shoulders?

Why didn't she slap herself off the shoulder?

Just thinking about it, Ji Xiao's phone under her body vibrated twice.

Qi Qi sent a message: [Sister Xiao, are you going home? I just sent you and Wei Qingyu's schoolbag home. 】

Ji Xiao looked at the news and noticed the schoolbag placed on his desk.

Tomorrow is the weekend. If you don't bring your schoolbag back, it will be terrible to meet with school homework on Monday morning, especially if she is still in the experimental class.

Ji Xiao thanked Qi Qi very gratefully: [Thanks. 】

Soon Ji Xiao received Qi Qi's reply: [Thank you, I haven't thanked you for Qiao Ni. If you want to thank you, I must thank you first. 】

Ji Xiao smiled: [It's nothing, it's all easy. Moreover, if you really want to thank you, you can tell Wei Qingyu. 】

When Qi Qi saw Ji Xiao mention Wei Qingyu, she sat up from her bed and said: [Speaking of this, come on, why are you hanging with Wei Qingyu again? 】

Ji Xiao frowned: [What is it called again? 】

Qi Qi nodded: [Yes, it should be. 】

Ji Xiao: 【……】

[She has something at home, so I just helped her by the way. 】

Qi Qi puzzled: [What can happen to her family? 】

Ji Xiao pursed her lower lip, and the sound of typing on the phone's keyboard became heavy: [Her house was auctioned today. 】

Qi Qi: [Ah...That's the only thing she can think of. No, there is really nothing left. 】

Ji Xiao couldn't tell Qi Qi that the direction of the house was still in Wei Qingyu's hands, so he pretended that he didn't know it and said: [Yes. 】

Qi Qi sighed on the other side of the phone: [Wei Qingyu is really weird. 】

Then she immediately knocked: [Fortunately, your conscience has found out now, otherwise she still doesn't know what will happen. 】

Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi's straightforward sigh, and was choked: [Although, you are right. 】

Ji Xiao looked at the two of them who were inseparable Wei Qingyu, the embarrassment just now clouded his head, and hurriedly changed the topic: [Hey, how is it with you, Qiao Ni, is she still awkward? 】

Qi Qi glanced at the wall shared between her room and Qiao Ni's room, and said: [She has been taking medicine obediently these past two days. 】

Then she hesitated for a moment, and typed three words a little frustrated: [Yes, it's okay. 】

Looking at these three words, Ji Xiao was a little bored, and then asked: [What about she and you? 】

Qi Qi: [It's still like that, half dead. 】

This time Qi Qi's emotions became more obvious.

The relationship between her and Qiao Ni is still as Fang Yiming described, and Qiao Ni has always been awkward.

Ji Xiao felt a little distressed for Qi Qi, and sent an expression: [[Hug]]

Immediately afterwards, Qi Qi also returned her one: [[达咩]]

She sat cross-legged, somewhat helpless and somewhat accustomed to fighting: [You don't have to comfort me, I'm fine. She is self-willed and self-willed, she still knows something. 】

Looking at these words, Ji Xiao couldn't help but ask: [She looks like this, presumably her father spoiled her before, right? 】

Qi Qi became angry when she saw these three words, and the words she sent were full of anger: [Don't mention her stupid dad. 】

[This idiot knows that after Qiao Ni split into oga, he didn't even pay this month's support. 】

Ji Xiao was really taken aback: [Huh? 】

Qi Qi explained: [He always thought that Qiao Ni would differentiate into an alpha, holding Qiao Ni in the palm of his hand. As a result, she split into an oga this year, and now she can’t get in touch anymore, let alone fighting for custody. 】

Ji Xiao's chin was shocked: [God, what new type of scum is this? 】

A scum like Ji Qingyun still knows to treat his children well, but Qiao Ni's father just played recluse because he didn't want to pay alimony?

Qi Qi sank for a moment, and then said: [But our family does not lack her father's alimony, just can't let Qiao Ni know. 】

[Yeah, I understand. ] Ji Xiao nodded, [If I let her know, I'm afraid that I will not want to accept her identity as oga even more. 】

[Yes, the disappointed look of others is enough to make her sad. 】Qi Qi sighed, 【I don’t know how Wei Qingyu came here at the time. 】

Seeing the three words "Wei Qingyu" again, Ji Xiao's mess suddenly sank.

Yes, she was in worse condition than Qiao Ni.

How many people are waiting to see the jokes after she split into oga, and how the original owner used her oga attributes to torture her in every possible way.

Qi Qi: [At the time, I didn't understand why you bought such a large box of inhibitors and inhibitor stickers for Wei Qingyu. Now I understand. 】

[I have watched a lot of news these days, and one of them is particularly impressive. That is to say, there is an oga, because the pheromone tastes like roast chicken with honey sauce, and it has been followed by an alpha for several days. The comments are all hahahaha, so funny. I don't think it is funny at all. 】

Ji Xiao rolled his eyes and said, [These people just have a problem. If things don't fall to them, they will never know it hurts. 】

Qi Qi nodded: [Yes. You said that pheromones such as roast chicken and roast duck are laughed at by our alpha, and it is really difficult to fall on oga. What other floral fragrances like rose, jasmine, and tea are more deadly...]

Qi Qi's feelings about watching the news these days were constantly coming from the phone, but Ji Xiao's eyes stopped on the "Tu Liaohua" she sent.

The scene of Wei Qingyu as a child crouching among the flowers, holding a bunch of Tumi flowers in her mind again.

"Do you know what flower this is?"

The childish voice of the little girl resounded in Ji Xiao's mind.

Why would she remember the words she asked the original owner...

At this moment, the phone in Ji Xiao's hand vibrated again, pulling her thoughts back into a dead end.

Qi Qi slumped on the bed and sent a voice to Ji Xiao: [Sister Xiao, you told me that I was hungry. I want to eat roast chicken, roast duck, octopus balls...]

Hearing Qi Qi's words like the name of the dish, Ji Xiao's stomach also gave an empty warning.

When she came back from the auction, she hadn't eaten anything, and she was hungry now.

Ji Xiao has a bit of resentment: [It is clearly you who started. 】

Qi Qi thought about something, and sat up from the bed awkwardly: [Should we go out to the night market to have some food? It's only half past eight, and there is no need to go to school tomorrow anyway. 】

Ji Xiao's eyes lit up. She hasn't visited the night market here since she came to this world!

[Okay, what do you eat? 】

Qi Qi thought for a while and said: [Go to Fang Yiming's and eat crayfish! The crayfish at her barbecue restaurant is a must. 】

Ji Xiao just saw the word "crayfish" and was about to drool, and said hurriedly: [Okay! Send a message to Fang Yiming, let's go now. 】

Qi Qi also got up immediately: [Oh! 】

Ji Xiao simply cleaned up, changed into light clothes and went downstairs.

It was almost nine o'clock, and the servants of the family also went to the servants' room to rest on time. The first floor was a little dim without the lights on.

Ji Xiao turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and went downstairs, only to see a dim light pouring out of the restaurant.

She walked to the restaurant with some doubts, but saw Wei Qingyu standing in front of the opened refrigerator looking for something.

The bright yellow refrigerator lamp illuminates this dim space, enveloping Wei Qingyu's thin back.

She had taken off the skirt she was wearing when she was only attending the auction, and put on a simple and convenient light purple hooded sweater.

The girl was looking for something simple and easy to eat in the refrigerator, and her toes rose slightly, which invisibly lengthened her already a little bit of the leg.

The loose-fitting sweater that covered her small half and slightly larger body was taken up, and a pair of dark black jeans loomed with her movements.

The warm yellow light dyed Wei Qingyu's cold white skin with temperature, and the delicate skin revealed a few blue blood vessels, slightly glowing with a peach-like pink.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but roll, she just remembered that Wei Qingyu, just like herself, came out of school after lunch at noon.

Maybe she didn't even eat at noon.

The discussion of oga with Qi Qi just now is still vivid, and Ji Xiao's eyes sink a bit.

She leaned slightly on the side counter and tapped the table with her index finger casually: "Hey, do you want to eat crayfish?"