The moonlight is nice tonight.

The last quarter moon is bent into a half bow and hung in the sky, bright stars haunt the clouds, and it does not appear to be lonely.

There are few pedestrians on the way from the villa area to the commercial street, and few people in the villa area go to the night market with a worrisome environment.

Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu walked side by side in silence, even the shadow cast on the ground behind him was separated by a long distance.

As we walked, Wei Qingyu heard a loud voice not far away, and the hand that was in the pocket of the sweater could not help but clenched.

She has never been to an overnight market, nor is she interested in eating crayfish.

It's just that when she saw Ji Xiao standing there and actively invited herself, she agreed with a ghostly trick.

After passing a crossroad, the brightly lit night market burst into Wei Qingyu's sight with the noise.

Hot oil was poured on the skewered snacks, the iron plate was pressed, and the smoke was mixed with the sound of sizzling, and the taste of barbecue also burst out.

"It's so fragrant, I'm hungry by smelling it." Ji Xiao muttered softly, and looked at Wei Qingyu beside him.

Her gaze also stopped on the iron plate squid, and her turquoise eyes followed the roasted crispy and fragrant squid's whiskers silently moving.

Upon seeing this, Ji Xiao took the initiative to ask: "Would you like to have a bunch?"

Hearing the sound, Wei Qingyu calmly retracted his gaze, "Didn't you mean to eat crayfish?"

Her tone was still calm, she didn't seem to be dazzled by these delicacies at all.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu, who continued to walk forward, with doubts in his heart.

Obviously, there was an expression of wanting to eat in her eyes just now, so why didn't she eat it after asking her now?

"Sister Xiao!"

Thinking to no avail, a familiar greeting came from a distance.

Ji Xiao hurriedly raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Fang Yiming and Qi Qi standing in front of a table on the barbecue square with a red background and white lettering, and waved with them.

Ji Xiao smiled, walked towards the two of them, and pointed to Wei Qingyu who was behind him: "I have brought another person, don't you mind."

"Of course I don't mind." Fang Yiming beckoned Wei Qingyu to come over and sit down, saying: "Then I will let the chef do it now. It's all good crayfish. I promise you will eat well tonight. support."

"Don't worry, we haven't said how many copies will be needed." Qi Qi said as soon as she heard the house.

"For four people, two servings are enough, skewers or something on the hour." Ji Xiao estimated.

"That's all spicy?" Fang Yiming asked.


Before Qi Qi said the word "ran", he was stopped by Ji Xiao, "One spicy, one garlic."

"Sister Xiao, have you changed your taste?" Fang looked at Ji Xiao puzzledly.

Ji Xiao pursed her mouth and gave Fang Yiming a heel: "You can do it if you ask you to do it, so much nonsense."

In contrast, Qi Qi is much smarter than Fang Yiming. She quickly reacted, and looked at Fang Yiming, who still wanted to ask questions, and clicked on Wei Qingyu who was sitting next to her.

Fang Yiming instantly showed an expression of understanding, and said: "Our garlic just developed a new recipe, you come try it out."

As soon as the room rang, he ran into the room, and the small space became quiet.

Qi Qi, who was sitting across from the two of them, suddenly felt that she was a bit superfluous. She stood up and said, "I'll go there to get some drinks. I can't drink alcohol. I drink iced juice!"

Now the small space is quieter. Ji Xiao didn't know what to chat with Wei Qingyu and looked at the crowd around him boredly.

People who have been busy for a day are still wearing their professional attire. They drag their tired bodies out of the office, and join the bustling fireworks this evening.

In fact, except for the abo attribute, this world is different from Ji Xiao's original world, and the other settings are basically the same.

There are bustling shopping malls and noisy night markets.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but think of the way he often sneaked out of school to go to the night market with other intern teachers during his internship.

I don't know how they are now, whether the boys in the class will miss themselves.

"Actually you don't have to accommodate me."

At this time, a soft voice sounded from the noisy voices.

Ji Xiao tilted his head to look at Wei Qingyu beside him, and knew at once that she was talking about ordering garlic crayfish just now.

In order not to expose himself, Ji Xiao arrogantly asked: "Which one of your eyes sees me to accommodate you."

Wei Qingyu's eyes were still faint when he heard the words, which made people look like she could see through everything.

Silent is better than sound.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but feel anxious, and then patched and said: "I didn't eat anything at night, what should I do if I have a spicy stomachache? Aunt Wu and the others will talk about it again when I know it, and I'm so annoyed. You, you are less. It's self-satisfied here."

Wei Qingyu listened, but still did not respond.

She hoped that she was passionate.

Ji Xiao shook his legs several times while sitting on the small bench.

She looked at Qi Qi, who had already picked up a drink and had no idea what to talk with Fang Yiming, and got up from the chair: "You sit here, don't run around."

Under the dark night, the bright and dazzling lights of the night market flashed, and the girl quickly sank into the crowd when she came.

At first, Wei Qingyu followed Ji Xiao's back with some curiosity, and then her mobile phone vibrated twice without warning.

Her friends have few contacts, and the only person who can send her a message is Chen Linji, who just contacted today.

Wei Qingyu glanced at Qi Qi and Fang Yiming who were still chatting, and opened the phone cautiously: [Uncle Chen: Qingyu, the procedures for the villa can be done tomorrow. If we are free on Sunday, we will meet at the villa. , Your Uncle Liu Hu and Aunt Liu Yue will also come. 】

When Wei Qingyu saw the names of Liu Hu and Liu Yue, his eyes trembled slightly.

Liu Hu and Liu Yue are a pair of elder brothers and sisters. Before Liu Hu became a bodyguard for her father Wei Lindong, he was a mixed-race elder brother, and he was the most loyal.

In the year when Liu Hu was admitted to Wei Linyu, Liuyue was a graduate student at the best normal college in city b, and under the sponsorship of Wei Linyu, he went for an internship at the best school in city b.

When Wei Qingyu was a child, he used to ride on Liu Hu's shoulders to play around. Liu Yue, who worked in other places, often visited her. The relationship between the three was particularly good.

After that incident, Liu Yue, who was teaching as far away as City B, suddenly couldn't get in touch. Then one day, Liu Hu, who had been guarding Wei Qingyu's side, suddenly disappeared.

Wei Qingyu always believed that Liu Hu and Liu Yue must have encountered something.

After they deal with it, they will surely meet again one day.

Wei Qingyu quickly knocked "OK" over with expectation.

Just as the new message was displayed on the screen, a figure fell.

Fang Yiming sat next to Wei Qingyu with a pot of crayfish, "Who are you chatting with?"

"No one." Wei Qingyu was shocked when he heard the words, and forced the phone to turn off the screen and buckle it on the table calmly.

Qi Qi and Fang Yiming looked at Wei Qingyu in this way, and they both noticed that Ji Xiao was not there, they smiled at each other, and joked: "Huh? No one is who?"

"Are you talking to xi..."

"What is it, can you stop spying on other people's sex?"

Before Fang Yiming could finish speaking, he was cut off by a big iron squid.

Ji Xiao took the squid he bought from the sizzling squid stall just now and sat back in his place.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who was sitting back next to him, and the nervousness that had just been ridiculed by the two men relaxed.

As long as Ji Xiao is there, I don't have to worry about being embarrassed again.

In Wei Qingyu's subconscious mind that he hadn't noticed, he didn't know when Ji Xiao had been silently drawn out of "Warning", and a seemingly non-existent line was secretly connected with the word "Security". .

Qi Qi looked at the things in Ji Xiao's hand, and asked curiously: "Hey, what did Sister Xiao Xiao just buy?"

"Grilled squid, a huge portion." After that, Ji Xiao distributed the luxurious iron plate squid in his hand.

Qi Qi and Fang Yiming looked at the delicious squid in their hands and instantly put aside their ridicule of Wei Qingyu, and said one after another: "Wow, thank Sister Xiao!"

The night was getting dark, and the night market was getting busier. Several girls happily ate the crayfish in the night breeze.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiaodi's share of himself, which was specially separated from the other bunches of abnormally spicy squid, with his eyes obscure.

Other people's are the most common squid, and only their own is squid whiskers.

It's the squid whisker that my eyes were stuck on the stall just now.

Wei Qingyu bit the tender squid whiskers and secretly looked at Ji Xiao who was sitting next to him, who was inhaling the crayfish in the storm.

She felt that Ji Xiao really seemed to be different from the past, but her behavior still seemed to be her.

Unfettered and unruly.

For a long while, Ji Xiao, who concentrated on sucking shrimps, felt that the corners of her clothes were always being tugged and tugged.

The speed at which she, Qi Qi, and Fang Yiming were robbing the shrimp was particularly affected.

The young girl looked down at the corner of her dress with some angrily being disturbed, but saw a finger hooked on her hem.

The light white and slender, like a carefully carved jade bone.

Wei Qingyu was pretending to eat the grilled squid whiskers casually, with the other hand secretly hooking his clothes.

Seeing Ji Xiao looking to her side, she slightly pursed her lips and took the initiative to move closer to her.

The wind blew across the barbecue square, bringing a gust of wind like a heat wave.

The girl's fine eyelashes dropped slightly, and she said beside Ji Xiao: "Thank you."

The voice was soft, and the simple words were as crisp as the impact of two glass balls.

I don't know if he was smoked by the heat of the red lobster, and his white face was still red with shame.

Ji Xiao was slightly startled.

This is the first time that Wei Qingyu has come to this world, and there is no disgust in his words.

With great joy in her heart, she was helpless and pushed the shrimp that she had just peeled to Wei Qingyu, "Follow, please, please eat the shrimp."

Wei Qingyu looked down at the crayfish pushed in front of him, and smiled calmly.

The night market is still the noisy night market, but some people's mentality has quietly changed.

On Sunday, the sky was clear, and it was a good day to go out.

Ji Xiao was leaning against the bay window lazily basking in the sun, and saw Wei Qingyu walking out of the house with his schoolbag on his back.

Today, she wore a very nice long skirt with cyan florals on a white background and a white cardigan on the outside.

The wind slightly moved the hem of her skirt, revealing a piece of white calf, even wearing the most ordinary white shoes, she looked elegant and magnificent.

Ji Xiao silently watched Wei Qingyu's departure, thinking she was going to the library to do homework again.

But where she could not see, Wei Qingyu got into the car sent by Chen Linji.

She went to Wei's house to meet Liu Hu and Liu Yue on this trip.

Yanluxiang where Wei's family is located is not far from the villa area where Ji's family is located, but within ten minutes the driver sent Wei Qingyu to the red brick villa.

The villa was completely different from what it looked like on the Mid-Autumn Festival. The overgrown yard was cleared out, and it looked extraordinarily bright.

The flowers and vines entwined in the small pavilion in the distance were also removed in order to save trouble.

Wei Qingyu looked at it from a distance. This was the first time she had seen it as it was since she could remember.

"Here is the whisper? Come in."

At this moment, Chen Linji opened the door from the house and stood at the door.

He has changed into the mysterious windbreaker outfit from the day before yesterday, a dark blue shirt over a dark brown waistcoat, and his sturdy trousers are properly tailored to outline his sturdy figure.

It looks like a successful returned overseas Chinese.

"Uncle Chen." Wei Qingyu politely greeted Chen Linji and walked over.

"I went through the formalities yesterday, and someone came to clean up in the afternoon, but only the yard was cleaned, and there was no movement in the house. I want you to come back to see the things inside, and then find a professional team to clean up and maintain. Come on." Chen Linji introduced and preached.

"Uncle Chen trouble." Wei Qingyu nodded slightly to Chen Linji, very grateful.

"It's nothing, whisper it softly." Chen Linji said, "Uncle tells me that you can trouble me, and your Uncle Liu Hu and Aunt Liu Yue. Although we are all in the dark now, there are people who support you. Don't. Afraid of trouble, we wish you would trouble us more!"

"Yeah." Wei Qingyu nodded in embarrassment.

She was accustomed to being cold-eyed by others, and her heart was always warm when she heard these words.

"Liu Hu just sent me a message. The two of them encountered something on the road. They will come later." Chen Linji glanced at his mobile phone and suggested to Wei Qingyu, "Why don't you just go around the house first? Okay, see if there is any change?"

"Okay." Wei Qingyu nodded, she also meant it.

There was a crisp heel knock from the quiet stairwell, and Wei Qingyu stepped on the mahogany staircase again after less than half a month.

She put her hand on the cool wall, and the bad things she had experienced during the Mid-Autumn Festival in her memory were surging little by little along the way she walked.

The bright light illuminates the dim corridor, and the door at the left end of the corridor has been closed.

Wei Qingyu looked at her room with lingering fears and turned her heels slightly. After hesitating, she turned and walked to the other side of her parents' bedroom first.

The huge rectangular floor-to-ceiling windows shone bright sunlight into Wei Qingyu's eyes as soon as the door was opened.

The girl held the cold iron handle, her turquoise eyes looked straight at the two single sofas of different shapes under the window.

On the glass round table was also her mother Xu Manlin's favorite white porcelain teacup, and her father Wei Linyu held a bookmarked book.

Everything was as quiet as the old, as if Wei Qingyu could hear the door opening downstairs in the next second, Xu Manlin would bring the little cake they agreed upon to ask herself to come down for afternoon tea.

Wei Qingyu looked at the group photo on the bedside table on the other side of the room, his eyes flushed slightly.

Even though half a year had passed, she still did not accept the fact that her parents had left her.

The girl gently picked up the glass photo frame that had been covered with a layer of fine dust, and shook her wrist slightly, but accidentally put a bottle of perfume on the side and touched it under the bed.

"Pop, grunt, grunt..."

The sturdy glass vial fell on the brown wooden floor that was not covered by the carpet and rolled towards the bottom of the bed.

Wei Qingyu hurriedly put down the photo frame in his hand and knelt on the carpet while dragging his skirt.

The light of the phone flicked in the direction where the small glass bottle rolled over, but Wei Qingyu's eyes stared at the bottom of the bed.

The bottom of the bed was not cleaned for a long time, and it was full of dust.

Next to the small glass bottle that was stationary under the bed, lying quietly was a small peach basket wearing an exquisite braided rope.

Two bright reds appeared in the girl's sight at the same time.

The little peach basket worn on the wrist made a "da" in this quiet space and kissed the dusty little peach basket under the bed.