The Roman clock hung on the wall reflected the warm autumn sun, and the golden hands moved silently to the Roman numeral "xii".

Wei Qingyu sat on the still soft bed, holding the hand strap that had just been taken out from under the bed in his hand.

The special hand rope braided is exactly the same as the rope on his wrist, and the rounded little peach basket looks the same.

It's just that Wei Qingyu's fingers gently rubbed the small peach basket taken out from under the bed, and he felt a row of fine traces.

She felt this imperceptible mark repeatedly, and put the little peach basket in her hand into the sun.

Small, irregular, small holes lay across the belly of the brownish-red basket, like tooth marks left by some animal.

Wei Qingyu's brows furrowed slightly, and the child's immature shouts from far and near sounded in his ears.

"Ahhhhhhh, run! It's about to catch up!!!"

A young girl wearing a brown protective | milk skirt and white shirt ran across the spacious concrete road of the village on a pair of soft leather shoes, her tiny hands clasped tightly with the slender palms of the young girl behind her.

At this time, the eight-year-old Xiao Ji Xiao was pulling the eight-year-old Wei Qingyu to fly on the newly built road at the east end of the village.

Behind him was a big white goose with a large piece of feather missing from its wings.

"Wei Qingyu, hurry up!" Xiao Jixiao took Wei Qingyu, who was gradually slower, and preached anxiously.

Xiao Wei Qingyu's face was completely flushed from the strenuous exercise, and his thin body moved up and down with strenuous breathing.

She stopped and preached out of breath: "No way, Ji Xiao, I can't go quickly..."

"What are you talking about, how could I leave you behind!" Xiao Ji Xiaoyi looked at Xiao Wei Qingyu sternly, and the big white goose that was chasing them all the way was flying towards the two men with wings.

It was too late and it was fast, and at the moment when the big white goose was about to attack the two, Xiao Jixiao kicked the big white goose's chest high.

The big white goose was kicked a tumble, flapped its wings out of control, and rolled down the dirt **** beside the road.

The scorching sun in the afternoon fell on this unmanned road, shining on Xiao Ji Xiao's body, a bit of a young hero's coolness.

Xiao Wei Qingyu looked at Xiao Ji Xiao who was protecting him, his heart beating even more intensely.

She gently grasped the skirt around Xiao Ji Xiao's waist, and whispered in her ear: "Thank you Ji Xiao."

The voice was soft and waxy, and it fell in Xiao Jixiao's ears as delicious as fermented rice balls.

Xiao Jixiao blushed slightly, and said, "Well, what's the matter. You have me to protect you, don't be afraid."

As the two talked, the temporarily defeated big white goose poked its neck and rushed up from the soil slope.

Its wings are a bit bigger than the ones just opened, and its entire width is almost the size of two nine-year-olds, and its sharp teeth are exposed, which looks extraordinarily oozing.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Ji Xiao couldn't help but guard Xiao Wei Qingyu and stepped back, trying to confront the big white goose with his eyes.

But the big white goose didn't give her a chance, new and old hatreds were superimposed, and screamed fiercely and rushed towards them.

Xiao Jixiao took Xiao Wei to run in an instant, and shouted as he ran, "Isn't it just plucking a few hairs out of you! Are you as good as you!"

"Goose! Goose! Goose!!" I don't know if I understood Xiao Jixiao's words, the big white goose chased after him, shouting in high spirits.

This time the big white goose learned to be clever. When Xiao Jixiao was not paying attention, it suddenly flapped its wings and rushed towards Xiao Wei Qingyu beside her.

Xiao Wei couldn't react in a light language, and watched the scary tines clamp her skirt. Fear spread in her heart, and the little girl cried helplessly in an instant.

It was at this moment that Xiao Wei whispered with tears in his eyes felt that he was being pulled away from the restraint of the big white goose by a force.

Before Xiao Wei Qingyu could react, he was embraced by a soft and familiar embrace.

She saw through her misty eyes, Xiao Jixiao stretched out her hand to protect herself in her arms.

The absolute sense of security covered her tightly, causing the anxiety in her heart to instantly dissipate.

No matter who protected whom, the big white goose was still attacking frantically.

The little girl's arm tied with a red rope aligns with the big white goose's attacking mouth.

But the big white goose retracted its neck in an attacking posture just one second after it lowered its mouth.

The row of thin sharp teeth was blocked by the little peach basket on Xiao Ji Xiao's wrist, and the stiff dog reached the teeth of the big white goose, and it wailed.

Temporarily out of danger, Ji Xiao looked at the big white goose with fluttering wings and howling with lingering fear.

I don't know if it was infected by Xiao Wei Qingyu's sobbing and weeping. She couldn't help herself, who had been bracing in front of Xiao Wei Qingyu, tears welled out of her eyes.

Isn't she afraid?

A big white goose so big, chased her all the way, still reluctant.

This was nothing more than a hard support leaning against Xiao Wei Qingyu.

"What are you doing after us!! Whispering just wants you to be a hairy!!! You mean, oooooooo!!!"

"You are so bad, oh oh... I hate you, I hate you!!!"

All fears flowed out uncontrollably, and Xiao Jixiao, who was protecting Xiao Wei's whisper, cried out of control.

She looked at the big white goose who wanted to retreat and leave with teary eyes, stretched out her hand to hold its neck tightly, and unconsciously retaliated against it.

Under the clear blue sky, I saw a ** year-old girl pinching the neck of the big white goose with one hand, and pinching its wings sharply with the other hand. Then, as if splitting into alpha in advance, he pulled the big white goose directly up like a mountain, and threw it out like a discus after a small half circle.

The pleated skirt that the wind blew over the little girl gave a burst of lightness, and the messy ponytail also flung out a chic arc.

Xiao Wei Qingyu stood not far away and stared at Xiao Ji Xiao in front of him blankly, and couldn't help forgetting to blink.

The big white goose was a little dizzy by Xiao Ji Xiao, fluttering its wings and fled into the distance.

But Xiao Jixiao refused to give up, ran over with a crying face and pulled the big white goose's neck for another round.

The sun silently hid behind the clouds, and the passing wind stopped.

That day, no one can forget the cries of grievances of the little girl and the heart-piercing screams of geese in the quiet east of the village.

The night slowly enveloped the entire B&B village, and a bright moon hung on the treetops, making the night quiet and peaceful.

The smell of rice wafted from the small yard of the hotel, and the meaty Corgi of Xiaowei Qingyu's family was lying on the ground and gnawing on a big bone.

At this time, Xiao Jixiao was already sitting quietly between Xiao Wei Qingyu and Xu Manlin, without much expression on his face.

She changed the jersey that she had just wrestled with the big white goose, and put on the white cotton skirt brought by Xiao Wei Qingyu.

There are many dishes on the large wooden table, but there is a large empty space in the middle.

The sound of cooking in the kitchen stopped abruptly, and after a while, Ji Qingyun trot over with a big iron basin.

"Come Xiaoxiao, roast goose with potatoes." Ji Qingyun put the stewed goose meat in the middle of the table, "Let’s get rid of this goose tonight! OK?!"

Xiao Jixiao looked up at the fragrant meat in front of him, and there was a little more flame in his unreacted eyes.

She picked up the rice bowl in front of her, and picked up a piece of goose breast. The fleshy little face was full of seriousness: "Hmm!"

"Xiaoxiao is a hero, eat more today!" Wei Linyu added a goose leg to Xiao Jixiao's bowl. "Xiaoxiao, you were really too good just now. Neither uncle nor your father were able to surrender that one at once. Big goose, you are amazing!"

"We Xiaoxiao have practiced Sanda after all, and it must be better to deal with a big white goose than us, a rough guy who has no tactics." Ji Qingyun praised without hesitation.

"That's why there are heroes from ancient times." Xiao Wei whispered and glanced at Xiao Ji Xiao.

Xiao Jixiao looked down at the smile that Xiao Wei Qingyu cast at him, a little embarrassed and lowered his head.

The little girl took a big mouthful of duck leg, and the corners of her pressed lips couldn't help but hook up.

"Yes, right, right, whispering is the most accurate!" Wei Linyi nodded while listening, and had a drink with Ji Qingyun.

The dining table was filled with a lively atmosphere. It was uncomfortable to push the cup and change it.

Xiao Jixiao seldom talked about and even made two large bowls of roast goose with potatoes and a salted goose egg that Xu Manlin had peeled for her.

The moon hung from the top of the low tree to the top of the highest tree. Ji Qingyun was talking and laughing with Wei Linwei, and the food on the table was exhausted, and the cups and plates were messed up.

Xu Manlin looked at Wei Linyu and Ji Qingyun, who were still talking at the dining table, and went to the kitchen to prepare some cold dishes for drinking.

Xiao Wei Qingyu also followed her as if he wanted to do something, quietly watching Xu Manlin making cold dishes.

"What? What do you want to do?" Xu Manlin had noticed her daughter a long time ago, and asked gently while mixing cold dishes.

"I want to make a fruit plate for Ji Xiao." Xiao Wei replied softly.

"Thank her for protecting you today?" Xu Manlin asked again.

Xiao Wei Qingyu nodded seriously, and the two bow knots on his head flickered.

Xu Manlin smiled softly, she put down the cold dishes on hand first, turned and went to the well beside her.

A rope was tied to the edge of the well, and a few watermelons that were not too big were picked up by her.

Xu Manlin cut the watermelon by a quarter, and said, "Is it OK to make a little piglet watermelon for my sister?"

"Okay!" Xiao Wei nodded happily, and took the ball scoop from Xu Manlin's hand.

As soon as the small ball digging spoon was in Wei Qingyu's hand, the white porcelain bowl next to him was filled with beautiful red watermelon balls.

Xu Manlin helped Xiao Wei Qingyu handle the difficult-to-handle corners of the watermelon. She carved pig eyes on the watermelon rind with a knife, and made ears and noses with the extra watermelon rind, and said: "Go send Give Xiaoxiao a piece, she will like it very much."

Xiao Wei Qingyu smiled happily, holding up the ready-made watermelon bowl, and dexterously surpassing the kitchen threshold that is still a little high for her now.

However, Xiao Wei Qingyu returned to the table again, but Xiao Jixiao was nowhere to be seen.

The sound of Wei Linwei drinking and talking with Ji Qingyun echoed in the yard, and it was lively and lonely.

Xiao Wei Qingyu was holding the watermelon and looked for Xiao Jixiao's figure in a daze, and finally saw Xiao Jixiao sitting there in a daze on the threshold of the gate.

The little girl's shoulders leaned lightly against the door frame, and the small one was extremely small under the sky of stars in the door frame.

She still seemed to be a little sad, and her stiff back collapsed in the past.

Xiao Wei Qingyu walked over, handed her the watermelon, and asked in a childish voice: "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm okay." Xiao Jixiao took the watermelon handed by Xiao Wei Qingyu and made a smile.

The smiling face was extraordinarily reluctant, it looked uglier than crying.

Xiao Wei Qingyu relentlessly broke through Xiao Jixiao, nodded her nose and said, "I said it was all right, it's ugly."

The girl's cool fingertips fell on the tip of Xiao Jixiao's nose, instantly making her lose her disguise.

Xiao Ji Xiao relieved his strong support, holding the watermelon and leaning on Xiao Wei Qingyu's shoulder as usual, and said: "Qingyu, I'm a little unhappy."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Wei asked softly.

"Hey." Xiao Jixiao untied the little peach basket he was wearing, put it in the palm of his hand, and said, "That big white goose bit it."

Xiao Wei Qingyu took the little peach basket in Xiao Jixiao's hand and looked closely.

Under the light of the gate, there is indeed a row of small, dense and uneven dots on the basket of the little peach basket.

In an instant, the appearance of the big white goose chasing behind him, poking and biting, appeared in Xiao Wei Qingyu's mind.

She still remembers Xiao Jixiao's bravery protecting herself at the time, and she can even more appreciate her fear when she was almost bitten by a big white goose.

"I hate big white goose." Xiao Jixiao preached in frustration.

The little girl's open jaw left a sensation on Xiao Wei Qingyu's shoulder and knocked it into her heart little by little.

Xiao Wei Qingyu looked at the little peach basket in his hand for a long time, and there were waves of light in his turquoise eyes.

She didn't want Xiao Jixiao to feel fear in her heart when she saw this little peach basket in the future.

After sinking for a while, Xiao Wei lightly said "harmed" in a particularly relaxed manner.

Xiao Jixiao immediately cast a puzzled look at her.

Xiao Wei Qingyu looked at Xiao Jixiao and said to her confidently: "What is it with you, I know a magical method that can make your little peach basket back to its original state!"


The girl's originally depressed back straightened in an instant, and her plain white face was full of surprises that were about to be lost.

"But this method can't be known to the second person, otherwise it won't be allowed." Xiaowei Qingyu cautiously preached to Xiao Jixiao, "You have to close your eyes later."

"Hmm." Xiao Jixiao nodded hurriedly, holding the watermelon, and closing his eyes tightly.

But there is no way in this world to restore the destroyed things.

What's more, Xiao Wei Qingyu was only nine years old.

She just untied the red rope from her wrist and quickly replaced it with Xiao Jixiao's.

The night is deep, the summer breeze is warm, and the bright moonlight reveals the tension in the girl's eyes.

Xiao Wei Qingyu grasped the little peach basket that he had originally belonged to him, took a lightly, and said, "Open your eyes!"

Xiao Ji Xiao opened his eyes with a nervous heart when he heard the sound, and took Xiao Wei lightly to look at his little peach basket.

Sure enough, the thin and dense large white goose tooth marks disappeared, and only a mellow light remained in the moonlight.

"Wow, it's amazing!" Xiao Jixiao looked at the little peach basket that was restored to its original shape in her hand, and her golden orange eyes were filled with excitement.

Xiao Wei whispered, afraid that Xiao Jixiao would show up like this, so he covered her mouth nervously, pretending to be mysterious: "Hush! Don't let others know, otherwise it will change back again!"

Xiao Jixiao immediately covered her mouth and nodded seriously.

Xiao Wei Qingyu looked at the joy on Xiao Jixiao's face, secretly hid the little peach basket on his wrist in his sleeve, and showed a satisfied smile on his face.


Wei Qingyu couldn't believe his eyes.

If the one at the bottom of the bed is the little peach basket that he lost in the past, who owns the one he is wearing now on his wrist?

An answer sounded in Wei Qingyu's heart.

Her mother had only made two small peach baskets, one in her own hand and the other in Ji Xiao's hand.

But I don't know since when, Ji Xiao didn't have this little peach basket on his wrist.

She always thought that Ji Xiao had lost this little peach basket.

But why did it appear in his own hands that day?

There is no answer to the question, and it is impossible for people to put it down for the time being.

Wei Qingyu got up from the bed and walked to his room with the little peach basket.

The cold silver-white doorknob was twisted open, and the chaotic smell of that day still remained in the room where the doors and windows were closed.

Wei Qingyu's brows were frowned because of the extremely low-quality musky scent, and she went straight to the window and pushed it open.

The wind poured in from outside the house, dispelling the unpleasant smell.

Wei Qingyu seemed to smell a hint of peach brandy in the subtleties.

It was inaudible, and there was a hint of peach scent in Ling Yu.

Little by little, it resonated with the missing piece of puzzle in her heart.

The girl's turquoise eyes trembled slightly, she looked at her messy bed, and touched the pillow on one side in a ghostly manner.

A figure sitting by her bed suddenly flashed into her memory.

Wei Qingyu suddenly realized that when he was in a coma, there was indeed someone taking care of him. There was no such thing as Ji Qingyun being forced to leave early when he received a call.

With her unique sense of security, that person took her almost out of control from the ground, comforted herself with the softest voice, and injected herself with inhibitors.

Then she hugged herself onto the bed, and her warm fingers passed over her waist, conveying the most secure temperature to her nervous and restless herself.

It was like Ji Xiao's soft voice comforting Qiao Ni that she heard that day.

It was like jumping off the wall that day, Ji Xiao was warm and reliable when he caught him.

Wei Qingyu's hands on the pillow couldn't help tightening a bit, and the turbulent waves rolled up in his cyan eyes.

In her heart, she felt that the vague person in her memory was Ji Xiao, and she kept denying it.

Reason reminds Ji Xiao of how hateful and cruel this person was in her brain over and over again, and how she would lend a helping hand to you.

But sensibility whispered in her ears, telling her that people will change. In the past month or so, she has not tortured you, and even helped you when Liu Meina's intentions were wrong.

There was a cool breeze from the slightly open windows, and the smell of peach brandy seemed to be like nothing. The wind blew over Wei Qingyu's shredded hair.

The little peach basket was pressed into the palm of her hand, and the memories of the girl who had tried desperately to forget were surging in her mind.

"Qingyu, we are back!"

The sudden voice from downstairs interrupted Wei Qingyu's memory.

Wei Qingyu knew that the voice belonged to Liu Yue, and had to put away the chaotic memory in a hurry.

She put another small peach basket into her pocket carefully, and walked downstairs quickly.

In the living room on the first floor stood Liu Hu, who was still burly and strong, and Liu Yue, who was still graceful.

Wei Qingyu looked at these two familiar people, only to feel as if it was yesterday.

Tears filled the girl's eyes, and she said before walking down the stairs: "Uncle Liu Hu, Aunt Liu Yue, you are back."

"Miss!" Liu Hu walked to Wei Qingyu one step ahead of Liu Yue.

"Miss, I actually came back at the beginning of the month. But I knew it was too reckless. Before Brother Chen was ready, I didn't dare to act rashly, so I had to protect you secretly." Liu Hu preached guiltily, "I'm really sorry, it's Liu Hu It's useless, it didn't protect you."

Wei Qingyu watched the burly man appear annoyed and blamed himself in front of him, shook his head hurriedly, and said, "Uncle Liu Hu, don't say that. If it weren't for you, I would have died on the day of the funeral."

"Miss..." Liu Hu choked up as he listened.

An alpha who wandered back and forth before the life and death barrier turned his eyes red because of the guilt of a little girl.

"Okay, don't blame yourself. At any rate, he's a boss with a bunch of bodyguards, so be more stable." Chen Linji patted Liu Hu's thick back and asked him to sit on the sofa and drink.

Wei Qingyu looked at Liu Hu who showed such a rare expression, and he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Liu Yue, who was standing aside, came over and hugged her as usual.

Wei Qingyu was a head shorter than Liu Yue, and was forced to bump into the pair again, which was tight and soft as usual.

The fragrance of freesia also bloomed leisurely from her body, gently falling on the tip of Wei Qingyu's nose.

It is hard to imagine that the pheromone of such a charming woman would be so graceful.

Even if it is smelled by oga, which involuntarily rejects similar pheromones, it feels refreshing.

"Let me see, how have you been in the past six months?" Liu Yue looked at Wei Qingyu carefully, frowning her eyebrows distressedly, "I'm thinner, right?"

Wei Qingyu listened to Liu Yue's words and shook his head: "It's not such an exaggeration."

"Why not so exaggerated." Liu Yue was dissatisfied and said again, "Is the little **** with the surname Ji bullying you? I can hear Liu Hu say that you are living with her now? Is this little bastard? Are you **** more and more bastard?"

When Wei Qingyu heard Liu Yue mentioning Ji Xiao, he couldn't help but think of what happened just now.

She smiled reluctantly and said, "No, we are still in a good relationship now."

"Don't be afraid, tell the truth to Auntie, and Auntie will go and clean her up in a few days." Liu Yue didn't believe it.

When Liu Hu Liuyue came to Wei's house, Wei Qingyu was already in junior high school. At that time, Ji Xiao was spoiled by Ji Qingyun and had already begun to become lawless, and her relationship with Ji Xiao was also a little estranged.

Therefore, Liu Yue didn't even know how good Wei Qingyu was with Ji Xiao in the past. His impression of Ji Xiao was always that of her brother.

Wei Qingyu knew that Liu Yue was always pungent. Although she didn't understand why it was "a few days later," she didn't want Ji Xiao to suffer unreasonable disaster, "Really not."

"Really?" Liu Yue was half-believing, and Liu Hu, who had eased his emotions behind him, let out an "Hey", blew out his nose roughly, and said, "I said, you have to force you to talk nonsense? Don't worry, that kid is still an alpha. Did you forget what I told you not long ago?"

Wei Qingyu's sensitive nerves tightened when he heard "not long ago", and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"It was during the Mid-Autumn Festival, after she gave her Lao Tzu a stick, she threw her Lao Tzu into the grove." Liu Hu preached briefly.

Wei Qingyu was startled instantly.

Is there any Mid-Autumn Festival not long ago, isn't it the Mid-Autumn Festival where I was almost taken lightly by Ji Qingyun?

Isn’t it the Mid-Autumn Festival when I woke up with the little peach basket I exchanged with Ji Xiao?

Wasn't it the Mid-Autumn Festival when Ji Xiao came back from the "fight" and was embarrassed with mud?

"Let me tell you Brother Chen, that little girl is really fierce, and I was sweating when I saw it downstairs. A baseball bat that is so long and thick, huh, the little girl gave it to it after it was rounded. Let her dad. Fuck, I'm so happy to watch." Liu Hu spoke with a tone of blessing, and spoke vividly to Chen Linji, who still didn't know about it, with an expression of admiration on his face.

Wei Qingyu listened to him in disbelief, and the girl's fuzzy face in his memory slowly looked at him.

She interrupted Liu Hu's narration and asked, "Uncle Liu Hu, did you mean that Ji Xiao was here?"

"Yes, I was about to go upstairs at the time, and the door was closed before she came. I thought to myself, yes, kill two birds with one stone. I will teach this father and daughter a lesson later, and see if they dare to dare in the future. You bullied you. As a result, the little girl robbed me and beat Ji Qingyun!" Liu Hu said with regret, "It's a relief."

"Is that the last time you asked me to erase the traces?" Chen Linji agreed, as if he was thinking of something.

"Right, right, right." Liu Hu nodded and laughed: "Technology hasn't expanded this kind of business on my side. It's all big bosses, but I can't play it."

The buckle of the memory made a click at this moment, and the missing piece of Wei Qingyu's puzzle also fell back.

The fuzzy back in his mind slowly turned back, and the pixels looked back, piece by piece to form the appearance of Ji Xiao.

The familiar corners of the eyes and brows appeared in Wei Qingyu's mind, and the gold-orange pupils were adorned with tenderness that she had thought she had never felt before.

"It's okay, you are safe now."

"Wei Qingyu, you are safe."

Familiar voice, familiar intonation.

She once thought that Ji Xiao would only give people other than herself a sense of security, so she had already had it...

"I said it's not too early, let's not go to the restaurant?" Liu Hu was a little hungry after talking so much, and proposed.

Liu Yue nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, okay, you treat me."

Just when Liu Hu wanted to refute, Wei Qingyu hurriedly said, "No need."

The sound was a little anxious, and all three of you were a little surprised.

Wei Qingyu instantly realized that he was a bit abnormal, and added hurriedly and tactfully: "Uncle, I left under the name of going to the library. I told Ji Xiao that I would go back for lunch at noon. If I didn't go back, I was afraid. She will be suspicious."

"It's okay, anyway, we've all seen each other, and it won't be difficult to see you again in the future." Liu Hu said immediately.

"That's right, there will be opportunities in the future, right? Old Chen." Liu Yue also said immediately.

"Of course." Chen Linji nodded and said: "I'll let the driver take you back."

"Then trouble uncle." Wei Qingyu nodded slightly, and got into the car when he came.

The noon sun fell on Yanlu Alley with the warmth that the autumn day hadn't dissipated. Wei Qingyu sat in the car and waved goodbye to the three people standing at the door, but changed his smile after turning the corner without seeing the three.

Wei Qingyu looked at the other small peach basket with heavy eyes, and the memory of living with her for nearly a year flooded in his mind.

She was perverted and dull, violent, and repeatedly tortured in a small black room. She exhausted all despicable means. She was the one who had sworn to avenge her return with tooth for tooth and eye for eye.

But in this way, she still speaks for oga, is not hesitating to help divided classmates, and has extended a helping hand to herself countless times in times of crisis.

He even gave Ji Qingyun, who loves her the most, a sap in order to save herself.

Wei Qingyu couldn't understand or see through.

She looked at the scene passing by on the street, and urged the driver in front: "Uncle, hurry up."

She had always been calm and calm, she couldn't hold back anymore, she wanted to go to Ji Xiao to ask questions.