The room was quiet, and the phone automatically dimmed the screen because no one was operating it, and the portrait in the line of sight also dimmed.

After hesitating, Wei Qingyu clicked the pass button next to his portrait just one second before the screen was about to go out.

"Ding Dong" sounded, and Ji Xiao, who was leaning on the pillow, sat upright.

She looked at the extra rabbit head in the empty list, and immediately took the initiative to say hello: [Sister, thank you just now. 】

Wei Qingyu looked at the message that Ji Xiao had sent almost instantly after he agreed, and replied briefly as always: [It's okay. 】

Ji Xiao looked at these simple words, and said, "Or go to school the day after tomorrow, I will invite you to dinner." 】

Seeing this proposal sent by Ji Xiao, Wei Qingyu, who didn't want to expose his identity, was nervous.

She hurriedly refused: [No need, just help if you pass by, don't worry too much. 】

Ji Xiao didn't follow: [How can I do this? We met you in peace as you told me, but you did me such a big favor. I must repay you. 】

Obviously across the phone screen, Wei Qingyu could see her sincerity and loyalty from Ji Xiao's text.

She never thought that Ji Xiao, who was arrogant and arrogant in the past and felt that the universe should revolve around her, would understand the reward of Entu.

This is far beyond Wei Qingyu's original impression of Ji Xiao.

Wei Qingyu tapped the screen lightly, and replied faintly: [I am just helping you without asking for compensation. I believe that this kind of thing will be done by others. 】

Seeing the person on the other side's indifferent reply, Ji Xiao felt as if he had heard this sentence from somewhere.

The girl's face reflected on the phone screen, Ji Xiao frowned and thought for a long time, but couldn't think of it anymore.

Then she looked at Miss Rabbit over the screen, and said: [Then, can I add you a q|q friend, it's a friend of you. 】

Wei Qingyu understood that Ji Xiao wanted to make a loyal friend of herself, but she really didn't want her to know what she did for her today.

Obviously it seemed that she could use her just now to explain that excuse to Ji Xiao, but there was an inexplicable guilty conscience in her heart.

It seems to be.

She did this for Ji Xiao this time, not just because of the uneven road she explained.

Wei Qingyu: [I don't play q|q much. 】

Seeing this reply, Ji Xiao crackled a line: [Sister, you are so mysterious. 】

When it was about to be sent out, she felt that this sentence seemed a bit unpleasant.

This mysterious Miss Rabbit has been rejecting her own blasting behavior since just now. Maybe she is really on the road and doesn't want to let herself know who she is.

So Ji Xiao quickly deleted that line and changed his way: [If this is the case, then do not add q|q, but I still want to thank you. 】

Wei Qingyu looked at the line of words sent by Ji Xiao, with a hint of joy in his turquoise eyes.

She took the phone and tapped "No thanks", but received another sentence from Ji Xiao: [Thank you for being willing to believe me and speak for me after knowing that I was such a bastard. 】

Wei Qingyu's hand stopped immediately. He was used to the words of Ji Xiao's "Miss Ben" and "Miss Ben" on weekdays, and suddenly seeing such sincere and sincere words, made her feel the opposite of whether this person is right? Ji Xiao's illusion.

The girl's turquoise eyes stayed on the text in the white frame for a long time, and the light flowed strangely.

What she said during the confrontation with Ji Xiao that day rang in her ears again.

"I...I just want to correct the evil, don't you give me a chance..."

Wei Qingyu suddenly realized that it had been a long time since he saw the perverted and sinister Jiao Jiao in those golden orange eyes.

It hasn't been a long time since she was thrown into the dark room.

After a while, Wei Qingyu deleted the "No Thanks" in the dialog box, hesitating to type a paragraph in a stranger's tone: [Ji Xiao, since that's all, I have something to remind you. 】

Ji Xiao couldn't help but sit upright when he heard this, with an upright attitude: [You said. 】

Looking at Ji Xiao's reply, Wei Qingyu hung his hands on the screen for a while, wondering where to write.

After sinking, there was another tapping sound in the room: [Since you have chosen to reform and rehabilitate, stop doing those things in the past. 】

Since she wanted to, then she tried to give her a chance.

[Don't let down those who trust you. 】

Ji Xiao looked at the two sentences sent by Miss Rabbit, feeling quite moved.

Although the original owner has done many bad things in the past, there are still people who are willing to believe in themselves.

Then it's not a waste of work.

Ji Xiao looked at the kind Miss Rabbit in the dialog box, his eyes slightly bent.

She did not expect that the first recognition she came to this world was given by her.

Ji Xiao nodded: [Well, not anymore. 】

Obviously it was a simple sentence, but Wei Qingyu felt like he had received a guarantee.

She looked at the portrait of Ji Xiao that hadn't been changed for a long time, and sighed softly.

I hope she can do what she says.

Wei Qingyu: [Then I'm off, and I still haven't done my homework. 】

Ji Xiao nodded hurriedly and replied: [Bye bye, big man. 】

Then Wei Qingyu's mobile phone also showed up a little penguin waving a colorful emoticon pack.

Simple, but naive, people can't help but smile.

Wei Qingyu glanced at Little Penguin more, then raised his hand and pressed the back button.

As a result, another message came in the next second.

[Xbsp; Ji Xiao felt that this sentence was ambiguous, and hurriedly added: [Here, don’t break the horse. 】

She didn't want to know who this Miss Rabbit was, but she felt that it was rare to have such a chatter in this world, and it was a pity to meet up in peace.

Since this Miss Rabbit is unwilling to blast a horse, she wants to be an internet friend with her, which is not a pity for today's meeting.

Wei Qingyu looked at the news for a long time without making a decision.

At the beginning, she just wanted to help Ji Xiao, but then she added her friends on the forum.

Originally, it was enough to stop here, but I didn't expect Ji Xiao to extend the olive branch of friendship to himself.

Did she know that user 190245 is herself?

Wei Qingyu's expression tightened, and then relaxed.

It should be precisely because she didn't know who the opposite person was that she made such a request.

It's like being a netizen.

Each does not know each other's real situation, all intersections only exist in the virtual code of the network.

Thinking of this, Wei Qingyu's entangled heart fell slightly.

She looked at this Ji Xiao, whose speech and demeanor was very different from usual, and her heart moved slightly.

[User 190245: Yes, but I do not guarantee that I can get back to you in time. Do not play forums often. 】

Ji Xiao's eyes lit up and nodded again and again: [Okay, go ahead and talk again if you have a chance! 】

As soon as the voice fell, Wei Qingyu's screen suddenly showed two emoticons, one white and one pink, holding each other's ass, with these three characters-good sisters attached to them.

Although she knows that this emoji is a sand sculpture that she often uses with Qi Qi and Fang Yiming, Wei Qingyu, who rarely uses emoji, subconsciously substitutes these two little things into her and Ji Xiao.

The warm wind at noon in autumn slipped into the window and fell on Wei Qingyu's body, touching the girl's skin with a burst of heat.

The plain white face seemed calm, but his ears were filled with red under the long hair that was blown by the breeze.

The chrysanthemums in the school’s flowerbeds bloomed quietly during the weekends, clusters of flowers, and the fragrance is fascinating as soon as the wind blows.

When Ji Xiao got out of the car, he saw Qi Qi and Fang Yiming walking not far away.

"Qi Qi! Fang Yiming!" It is rare for Ji Xiao to see them before Qi Qi, yelling, and trotting to catch up with them.

"Yeah, sister Xiao, in good spirits?" Qi Qi took Ji Xiao's arm and joked.

"Of course. The bad things are over, and now I am in a very beautiful mood." Ji Xiao preached with a smile.

"Hey, having said that, what is the sacred 190245? Like a sweeping monk, it suddenly appeared and disappeared. Do you know who he is?" Fang Yiming was reminded by Ji Xiao and asked curiously.

Qi Qi shook her head and looked at Ji Xiao: "I don't know, I will pay attention to it later, but I haven't seen him again in other posts. Sister Xiao, do you know?"

"I don't know." Ji Xiao also shook his head, "I added her friend on the forum that day, but people have been reluctant to disclose it. I feel like a good-hearted person who does good deeds and doesn't want to be named."

"Hmm? Did you add her as a friend? I didn't pass him when I added him." Fang Yiming heard the energetic, and hurriedly asked: "Then do you know how high she is? Male female, alpha or oga , Or beta? Where do you live?"

Ji Xiao laughed at Fang Yiming's dense questions: "You are checking your household registration. I don't know, I don't know anything. People don't want to say, I didn't ask."

Qi Qi heard this with regret and said, "Sister Xiao, why don't you ask, what if your oga is silently guarding you? God, save the hero, so beautiful... "

When Ji Xiao heard Qi Qi's words, he frowned: "You are too exaggerated? Shouldn't you tell me who she is if you like me? Why don't I ask others? That's a private chat between us. , It’s not a post on the forum."

"You are right to say so..." Qi Qi was persuaded by Ji Xiao for a second, and then as if thinking of something, he said: "What if she..."

When Ji Xiao heard Qi Qi's tone, she knew that she was about to start speculating and planning again.

Thinking of Miss Rabbit’s cute portrait and serious tone, Ji Xiao couldn’t help but interrupt Qi Qi: “There is no accident, there are so many accidents in the world. People are learning thunder, not doing good deeds. Leave a name."

Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi and wanted to retort again, saying, "Don't show mercy."

Qi Qi "cut" dissatisfiedly and turned to look at the passing experimental class.

Just as she was about to say something, she noticed that the weekend homework assigned by her class that hadn't been erased on the blackboard hadn't been erased.

Qi Qi looked at the math homework that had already assigned the exercise book to the next unit, and suddenly thought of something, she took Ji Xiao’s arm and said, “Sister Xiao, please be merciful and lend us the math study exercise book later. Look."

Ji Xiao looked at Qi Qi's winking eyes, not only was he not bewitched by her, but instantly understood her intentions.

The course progress of the experimental class is faster than that of the ordinary class. Qi Qi and the others completed the workbook homework of this week in the experimental class last week, and they don’t have to worry about borrowing their workbook for this week’s math homework.

Ji Xiao smiled and watched Qi Qi follow Fang Yiming, who was aware of it, and stopped at the back door, "Then you promise not to arrange 190245 things indiscriminately, and I will give it to you."

"Don't mention it, don't mention it, just a good-hearted person passing by, I have no interest in him at all."

"Who is 190245, why don't I know?"

One of the two shook their heads and the other pretended to be stupid, and expressed sincerity to Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao looked at them and smiled knowingly at them, and said: "This is pretty much the same, then come in and get it with me."

At this point, the classmates are basically there, and many of them even start to recite vocabulary before they even start their morning reading.

The three of them entered the classroom through the back door, just when Wei Qingyu, who had just arrived in the classroom, was holding a book in front of the back cabinet.

Bringing the fresh morning light through the glass beside Ji Xiao's desk, it fell impartially on Wei Qingyu's body.

The exquisite brushstrokes outline the girl's coldness and curvaceousness, so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off.

Qi Qi looked at the lowered voice and sighed in a low voice, "How do I feel that Wei Qingyu seems to be more beautiful after the sports meeting is over."

Fang Yiming followed behind and nodded in agreement: "Add one, add one."

Hearing this, Ji Xiao glanced at the two young girls who were discussing quietly behind him, and couldn't help but pause a little more on Wei Qingyu's body.

It was cool in autumn, and Wei Qingyu had already put on knee-length stockings.

Pure black drew a dividing line with cold white above her knees, and the soft lining of cotton wool products made the small square of skin exposed under the skirt more delicate.

It is indeed beautiful.

She is completely different and beautiful than she was at the end of summer.

With that in mind, Ji Xiao brought Qi Qi and Fang Yiming to her desk.

The morning light outside the window didn't wait for the three of them to stand firm, and then hit their faces, and the three small faces showed completely different surprises.

Just on the desk where Ji Xiao neatly lined up a stack of books was a small creamy yellow cake.

The simple packaging box is also marked with a bright yellow bow that was carefully decorated by the person who sent it, which looks particularly ambiguous.