The cool autumn breeze passed through the back row of the classroom, and the bright yellow butterflies printed with gold and orange were dancing with the wind.

Ji Xiao immediately understood which oga was secretly expressing his heart to himself in this way.

"Oh, oga will give you a secret look so soon? My sister Xiao deserves to be the top traffic last weekend." Fang Yiming looked at the little cake on the table and preached without concealing the volume.

Looking at the gaze in the class attracted by this ridicule, Ji Xiao unceremoniously hammered Fang Yiming's shoulder, "You keep your voice down."

Then she patted the back of the front table and said, "Sun Min, do you see who brought this thing over?"

Sun Min glanced at the little cake on Ji Xiao's table and shook his head: "I don't know, I saw it here when I came this morning. This little cake is not cheap, it's from xetr."

Sun Min's tablemate also turned his head and joked, "Sister Xiao, the popularity is good."

Ji Xiao snorted when he heard the words: "Don't talk nonsense."

She doesn't want such popularity.

"Sister Xiao, did you know that the cakes in this cake shop are not only expensive, but you can order them only a week in advance."

"Wow, that means this is not the peach blossom of your sports meeting!"

"Sister Xiao, your popularity is not ordinary!"

The wind engulfed the discussion of a few people by the window through the empty back row of the classroom, and Wei Qingyu's hand still holding the book noticeably paused.

Listening to Fang Yiming's teasing, she pretended to be indifferent, and slightly slanted her eyes to the center of the topic-the creamy little cake.

The particularly beautiful bow tied slightly swayed by the wind, like a small butterfly that accidentally landed on Ji Xiao's table.

The sun fell on it and there was a dark pattern floating on it, so exquisite that it made people want to collect it, but Wei Qingyu looked at it, but it was extremely dazzling.

Other oga gave her...

Thinking of this, Wei Qingyu's vision showed a slender hand with five fingers.

Ji Xiao knocked on the box outside this little cake and interrupted their discussion: "Since you all said this cake is expensive and delicious, then I will give it to you, eat it?"

Sun Min hurriedly waved his hand when he heard the words: "Sister Xiao, this is given to you by someone, so how can we be embarrassed to eat."

Sun Min echoed at the table: "That is, if the little girl knew that the cake was given to you for you to give to someone else, she would be so sad. You can just eat it."

"Yeah, Sister Xiao, this is given to you by someone else. How can you say that you give it away?" Fang Yiming stopped and seduced: "People oga are so proactive. You are an alpha. What. Don't you want to develop a sweet campus romance?"

Hearing the words "campus romance", the expression on Wei Qingyu's face couldn't help getting colder.

She looked at the pot of yellowish orchids on the top of the cabinet, and felt that her heart was covered with a layer of fog, and she became more and more depressed.

"How beautiful the campus romance is, there are not so many troubles of their grown-ups, young and ignorant, pull hands in the small woods behind..."

Fang Yiming's endless thoughts continued over there, Wei Qingyu neatly packed up the books for class later, and didn't plan to stay in this place.

But I didn't want to. Just when she was about to leave, Ji Xiao's call came from her ear: "Hey, Wei Qingyu."

The girl stopped when she heard the words.

She always had a gentle step, but this time she made a "da" sound of the heel hitting the floor.

Wei Qingyu still stood upright, and only a few minutes of his direct line of sight to Ji Xiao: "What are you doing?"

"Aunt Wu said that you went out without eating much this morning. I have small cakes here. Do you want to eat them?" Ji Xiao asked, and took the cake that was just on the book in his hand, looking at Wei Qingyu with extra sincerity. .

She hasn't saved her life yet, so why is she in the mood to develop a campus love? It should be strangled in the cradle.

The golden-orange eyes lit up in Wei Qingyu's aftermath, with a smile that was as bright as the morning sun.

The warmth dispelled the depression in my heart and made people feel comfortable.

It's just that the cake with a dazzling bow that appeared next to Ji Xiao.

It's really strange that Wei Qingyu has never reacted so much to any oga after being an oga for so long.

She looked at the little cake that didn't know which oga sent, hostility and vigilance inexplicably appeared in her heart, and piled on her chest with the unexplained depression.

"I think it looks pretty delicious." Seeing Wei Qingyu's long absence of response, Ji Xiao shook the little cake in his hand.

The bow on the top of the box was swayed slightly, and the curled ribbon dangled in front of Wei Qingyu's eyes.

It's not just a dazzling one to describe.

Wei Qingyu glanced sideways at Ji Xiao who was still smiling at him, and coldly missed two words and went over: "Don't eat."

After all, she left Ji Xiao's desk with the book in her arms without looking back.

In just an instant, Ji Xiao saw Wei Qingyu's bluish-green eyes filled with a bit of cold visible to the naked eye.

The mint wind blowing from the Siberian steppe passed over the back of her neck, causing the fragile gland to shiver involuntarily.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's far away back incomprehensibly, blinked twice aggrievedly, and muttered in a low voice, "What's wrong? Where did I provoke her?"

"In that case, it's better to give it to me."

Before Ji Xiao could understand, Qi Qi, who had not spoken until now, spoke.

"I didn't eat breakfast this morning and I was hungry." Qi Qi said again.

Ji Xiao didn't notice the strange flashing in Qi Qi's eyes. He was immersed in the joy that the trouble was resolved, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay, please help me eliminate it."

The afternoon sun fell on the patio of the teaching building with a bit of warmth, and the corridors were full of sophomore students bustling toward the small auditorium.

Ji Xiao was also walking in the crowd, her eyes fixed on Wei Qingyu, who was walking alone in front, with a gloomy expression.

Until the high-level and second-level department meeting after the second class in the morning, she did not understand why Wei Qingyu suddenly showed such an expression to herself at that time.

"Ji Xiao, can I sit next to you?"

Thinking of this, a sweet voice interrupted Ji Xiao's thoughts.

Ji Xiao raised his head slightly, and saw a petite oga standing in the empty seat next to her.

The little hand steadily held the seat, ready to sit down as soon as Ji Xiao nodded.

Ji Xiao could see what the little girl meant to herself, smiled and tactfully refused: "Sorry, I have someone here."

"Oh, that's okay." The little girl couldn't hide her loss in her eyes, watching the empty seat next to Ji Xiao reluctantly leave.

Relying on this rhetoric, Ji Xiao sent away several little girls in succession.

She looked at the few students who had just come in at the rear door, and leaned back in her chair with a sigh of relief.

As a result, before he breathed out, another shadow fell from the top of Ji Xiao's head.

She almost reflexively put out her talented rhetoric, before seeing the person clearly, she said: "I'm sorry, there are people here."

"Who?" But she didn't want Qi Qi's voice to fall from the top of her head.

When Ji Xiao raised his head, it was actually Qi Qi and Fang Yiming, the two late guys, who hurriedly closed their legs and let one of them in, "Oh, you two are here, let's sit down."

Fang Yiming sat on Ji Xiao's left and joked: "Did we both break your good deeds?"

Ji Xiao smiled bitterly: "Why, you two saved my dog's life."

"I said you really don't plan to find the oga that matches your pheromone highly among your many admirers?" Qi Qi asked.

"No." Ji Xiao shook his head and preached solemnly: "Minors, you can't fall in love."

"Is it just because of this? Isn't there any other reason?" Qi Qi asked in more detail as if to inquire about something.

Ji Xiao thought for a while, and said: "It's nothing, but I don't want to fall in love yet. At least wait until I am in my 20s."

If you can survive at that time, if you can still exist in this world at that time, you must find the one you love in this world.

It doesn't matter if that person is alpha, oga or beta.

"Wow, my sister Xiao, who has always been unruly and unruly and loves freedom, is so disciplined and law-abiding in her heart. She has to wait until she is an adult to have an adult love." Fang Yiming sighed quietly, and raised her eyebrows teasingly.

"Fuck you." Looking at Fang Yiming's exaggerated expression, Ji Xiao gave her an elbow.

At this time, the front podium was lit up, and the principal who Ji Xiao had met not long ago came up in a suit and leather shoes.

"Students, it’s about to enter November, and our exams are about to start. I still hope that everyone can review carefully and keep up with the rhythm. Today’s meeting will be taught by our newly arrived senior department. The head of the division is here to open it for everyone."

As the principal spoke, he raised his hand and stretched out to the left side of the podium. A woman in a narrow shirt and skirt walked into everyone's sight.

The seaweed-like curly hair floated calmly and gracefully with her steps, and a slight smile was pursed on her lips as thick as fire.

The students in the audience boiled instantly, and everyone was talking about the new director of the beautiful teaching department.

Even Wei Qingyu, who was sitting in the middle, couldn't help but surprise his face.

The woman and the principal nodded slightly, and then handed over and stood in front of the microphone stand: "I will introduce myself, my name is Liu Yue, I am an oga, and I will be the director of everyone's new teaching office for the next two years. , Has been with everyone until the college entrance examination."

"Damn, such a beauty is actually oga." Fang Yiming looked at his eyes straight.

"Yeah, I have never seen an oga with such a powerful aura... She is so beautiful." Qi Qi nodded in agreement, "Sister Xiao, don't you think?"

Ji Xiao looked at the woman on the stage and laughed dryly.

Yes, it is indeed beautiful.

Midea let her fight in two battles, almost wanting to go first.

In the original text, Liu Yue was the one who poured salt water on her bruised and bruised body. It was also Liu Yue who handed Wei Qingyu the knife that cut out her glands. Finally, he instructed the breeder to release the sharks and bite and kill him. Liu Yue.

How much Liu Yue loves Wei Qingyu this time, and how much she hates herself.

Ji Xiao never expected that the move of letting a lawyer report Director Liu would cause Liu Yue, who teaches in city b, to be transferred to city a.

He also became his own dean of teaching.

The butterfly flapping its wings in South America caused a storm in the Indian Ocean.

She Ji Xiao removed Director Liu who threatened Wei Qingyu's safety, and sent herself to Liu Yue's cutting board in advance.

"It's too difficult for me." Ji Xiao looked at Liu Yue, who was giving a mobilization speech on stage, with despair and fear in his eyes.

Liu Yueren is relatively new, and without Director Liu's stubbornness, the meeting ended soon with concise and concise remarks.

Ji Xiao watched as the crowd stood up, but stopped in the next second.

"Students in the experimental class, please don't leave yet, and sit in the middle of the class." Liu Yue said, with smiling eyes skipping the crowd, and smiling very softly at Wei Qingyu sitting in the middle.

Wei Qingyu also eased his surprise from just now, and smiled back at Liu Yue who was standing on the stage.

The girl looked at the familiar faces that appeared in the school, turning the isolation and helplessness of the past six months into the joy of relying on.

At this time, Feng Ming also walked over from the auditorium towards the rostrum.

As soon as he came on stage in the rare suit and leather shoes, he was booed by his classmates.

He looked at the students in the audience, waved his hand with embarrassment, and then said to Liu Yue next to him: "Mr. Liu, the classmates are all here, we can start."

Liu Yue looked at the hairspray that could hold a toothpick on Feng Ming's head, and smiled, "Okay."

The red lips touched Feng Ming's heart and he almost lost consciousness.

He hurriedly cleared his throat and said to the students in the audience: "You also know that your biology teacher, Mr. Zhao, is eight months pregnant. Because of the shortage of school biology teachers, there is no vacation. Starting today, Mr. Liu will be Taking over from Teacher Zhao as everyone’s biology teacher, everyone should listen to Teacher Liu, have you heard?"

"I heard it!" the classmates replied in unison, and several alphas were applauding.

Who doesn't like a beautiful teacher?

Except Ji Xiao.

Ji Xiao, who was sitting in the last row of the class, didn't want to attract Liu Yue's attention at all, but she didn't expect to be noticed by her.

Liu Yue: “I’ve already told you at the meeting that I will take the exam at the end of next month. I hope that the students in our experimental class will perform better than those in the parallel class. I can’t intervene in other subjects, but biology, my class does not Allow one who does not get a."

When Liu Yue spoke, she showed the smile she had just shown.

Only this time, everyone shuddered.

Beauty is beauty.

Master Yan is also Master Yan.

The classmates who were still laughing and laughing could not help but straightened up one after another, listening to Liu Yue's continued speech with anxiety.

"I've seen everyone's biological results, and I also have an understanding of the biological situation in the class with Teacher Zhao. I decided to set up a mutual aid group for the biological examination in the class, and implement a group of gangs, even the system. This helps the students. You can take responsibility better, and the students who are helped feel more urgency."

"Let me announce the list of students who need help. First, everyone can freely assemble, and finally I will adjust." Liu Yue turned to the last page of the speech in her hand as she said.

"Zhao Mingxing. Which classmate is willing to help?" Liu Yue asked.

"Teacher, me." A little girl raised her hand.

Liu Yue smiled knowingly, and said, "What is your name?"

The little girl blushed because of Liu Yue's smile, and whispered: "My name is Su Qianqian."

"Su Qianqian." Liu Yue looked at the score sheet as she said, and nodded to record: "Your biological performance is good, okay."

"Next, Cheng Qi."

"I, my name is Sun Yihang."

"Sun Yihang... well, yes."


In this way, the classmates who were not enough or unstable in biology were all assigned one by one by Liu Yue.

Sitting at the end, Ji Xiao did not hear her name for a long time, and finally realized what it means to be sitting on pins and needles.

She clearly remembered that although her biological grades were not very good, she was also high in the back swim, and she should have been read long ago.

Ji Xiao looked at Liu Yue, who was taking serious notes on the podium, and couldn't help feeling that she deliberately wanted to leave herself for the end.

Finally Liu Yue chanted the last name, and her voice also became a little heavier: "Ji Xiao? Is anyone willing to help her?"

"Teacher, I am willing."

"I can."

"Me, teacher."

"I can also help classmate Ji Xiao."

For a while, it was like bait being thrown into a fish pond.

Just now it was the 1v1 help and mutual election scene, and it was boiling all at once.

Looking at this situation, Liu Yue was a little misguided.

She thought that leaving Ji Xiao as a school boss until the end, there would be no students willing to help her, so she could "personally tutor" her.

This season’s little bully, do you like Oga so much in the class?

Liu Yue looked at Ji Xiao who was sitting at the back, and couldn't help asking in her heart.

"Teacher, I am the representative of the biology class. I think it is most suitable for me to tutor Ji Xiao."

At this time, the biology class representative in the class took the initiative to stand up and interrupted Liu Yue's thoughts.

"My biological scores have been stable at a since the first monthly exam in the first year of high school. My foundation is very good, which just makes up for the problem of Ji Xiao's poor foundation. If the teacher is not at ease, you can take a look at my scores. "

The initiative and sincere words of the biology class representative forced Liu Yue to proceed according to what she said.

She lowered her head slightly, looking for the results of the representative of the biology class in the roster: "Jining..."

"Furthermore, Ji Xiao, my home is very close to yours. I can go to your home to give you counseling on weekends, saving you time in the library." Ji Ning added to Ji Xiao while Liu Yue was looking for results.

These words with ulterior motives spread to Wei Qingyu's ears, which had been irrelevant to the outside world, and the girl's calm eyes instantly caused waves.

She looked back at Ji Ning behind her, and clearly saw the naked and ambiguous cast of Ji Xiao from her eyes towards Ji Xiao.

Thinking that there would be an oga in his home on weekends, Wei Qingyu couldn't help but build up a small hill between his brows.

Looking at Ji Ning's indeed excellent results, Liu Yue couldn't say anything wrong, so she had to give up her plan and said, "That's the case..."

"Teacher, I can also tutor Ji Xiao."

A cold and calm voice suddenly sounded in the quiet small auditorium.

Wei Qingyu stood up from his position and interrupted Liu Yue directly.