It was late at night, and there was no more cicadas and insects. The surroundings were quiet.

Ji Xiao rolled on the bed twice, the bitterness remaining in her throat made her a little awake.

The comic book in his hand turned to the last page, and Ji Xiao ghostly took the phone beside him and clicked on the campus forum.

The recent forums have lost the excitement of last week, and the boring new posts that keep popping up will suppress the same old posts that have not caused much splash. Ji Xiao glanced at the homepage, and the posts related to Wei at the time were also gone.

But she didn't have much interest in searching for her own post, but clicked into the message box.

Except for a campus forum app's own advertisement in the empty message list, there is only Miss Rabbit with a pink and tender profile picture.

Ji Xiao glanced at the colorful head, and typed out four words: [Boss, are you there? 】

Moonlight fell through the window into Wei Qingyu's room. The girl was sitting on the bay window holding the heavy black book and reading quietly.

The loose cotton and linen pajamas skirt covered her thin body, showing only a small white ankle. It was well-proportioned and beautiful, enough to attract people's imagination.


Two vibrations broke the tranquility of this space.

Wei Qingyu picked up the phone from under him with the book in his arms, and raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw the message pushed to him by the push bar.

That familiar avatar jumped out, calling himself "Big Brother" unhappily?

Wei Qingyu was a little curious about what Ji Xiao would do for herself, and simply typed a word in response to her: [Well. 】

Ji Xiao could not help but give birth to many surprises when he saw the news from the mobile phone in almost seconds.

She sat up straight from the bed and said: "It's so late, isn't the boss still asleep? 】

[No, aren’t you? Wei Qingyu faintly turned back, and couldn't help but raise his head and glance at his watch.

It's almost twelve o'clock. Although tomorrow is Saturday, according to usual habits, this guy should go to bed at this point.

Wei Qingyu thought of Ji Xiao suddenly looking for a chat with herself tonight, always wondering if there was something wrong with her, so he asked again: [It's almost twelve o'clock, is there something bothering you? 】

Ji Xiao rolled on the bed for another half circle, holding her mobile phone as if complaining, and preaching to Miss Rabbit: [It's just that I took a mouthful of medicine just now, I feel so bitter, I can't sleep. 】

After all, there was a crying little penguin in Wei Qingyu's chat box.

She suddenly remembered that just now the girl had picked up the bowl full of Dangdang Chinese medicine on the head of her bed, and took a sip.

The mountains and rivers between the eyebrows are full of bitterness.

Wei Qingyu tapped the screen lightly, and asked calmly: [Why drink medicine? 】

[I am not drinking medicine, I am trying medicine for others. ] Ji Xiao explained.

After thinking about it, she added: [To show my sincerity. 】

Wei Qingyu was suddenly curious about Ji Xiao's true state of mind, and asked: [Why? 】

There was a crackling typing sound from the room. Ji Xiao explained to Miss Rabbit in words that were as simple as possible to understand: [Big brother, you know, what I did in the past was not a person, especially the person who gave me the test medicine. She was in poor health, so I asked the doctor to prescribe the medicine. I knew she didn't trust me, so I wanted to prove with my actions that I had reformed and would not harm her. 】

Wei Qingyu looked at this passage of Ji Xiao with a complicated mood.

From the very beginning, prescribing and testing drugs for himself was Ji Xiao's benevolent act from his heart.

It turns out that I really thought about it.

Wei Qingyu looked at the green plant at the door of the room, suddenly feeling more guilty in his heart.

She looked at the screen with obscure eyes, and asked tentatively: [Then do you think she leads your love? 】

Ji Xiao thought for a while, and replied: [This is not easy to say. But I don't know if it is my illusion, I think she treats me much better than at the beginning. 】

[This is great. 】

She really hopes to make up for the damage caused by the original owner to Wei Qingyu a little bit through her own efforts.

Then leave a complete gland to survive in this world until the finale.

I don’t know if I have reached this critical point, Ji Xiao continued to Miss Rabbit on the other side of the screen: [Actually, I don’t know if you believe it or not, do you think I’m making excuses for myself. But those things I did in the past were really not what I meant, and I think about it now. 】

Ji Xiao sighed as he spoke.

This place, which seemed to be almost the same as her original world, used creatures to cut a long gap that took a lot of effort to bridge her.

To many people, the number "190245" is just a random number with no meaning.

But for Ji Xiao, it was a bit of solace for her in this strange world.

Perhaps it was because she knew that this righteous lady rabbit was a trustworthy person, and she had no fear of meeting in the future, so it was easier for Ji Xiao to let go of some guards and vaguely tell the other party the biggest secret in her heart.

[But after all, it’s me who caused the harm to others, so just make up for it a little bit. 】

After all, Ji Xiao sent an emoticon pack of cat drinking to Miss Rabbit.

It's just that the fluffy kitten with beer should be cute, but Wei Qingyu looked at it and felt like a throat.

From the little black room to Liu Meina, to the little peach basket on her wrist, Ji Xiao did a lot as she said.

It's just that at that time, I was making bad speculations about her behavior, and I didn't want to really believe it again and again.

Wei Qingyu tapped the keyboard lightly, and said to Ji Xiao: [You don't have to be frustrated, she can see it. 】

[If you do it with your heart, the other party will definitely feel it. 】

Ji Xiao didn't know that Miss Rabbit on the opposite side was Wei Qingyu, only as if she was speaking comforting words to her dejected self just like ordinary people.

But Ji Xiao still smiled, feeling warm in his heart: [Well, I can't beat Ji Xiaoqiang. 】

That is to say to Miss Rabbit, but also to cheer myself up in my heart.

There was a breeze coming in from the window, Wei Qingyu's long hair floating around his temples, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Looking at the words sent by Ji Xiao, she always felt that there was a girlish depression in the text.

Wei Qingyu learned the habits of Ji Xiao and the others, fumbled and turned on the emoticon package function that comes with the input method, found a cute emoticon package of encouragement in it, and sent it over.

At about the same time, a gray and white rabbit jumped out of Ji Xiao's screen.

The picture does not have an ancestral patina. Although it has lost the soul of the emoji, it has been replaced by a bunny with a smart and soft hair.

It held a watery carrot in its high hand, and the words "Come on" were written on the top of its serious head, which seemed particularly energetic.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but smiled.

As expected of Miss Rabbit.

From the room came the sound of a sinking clock telling the time, and the antique clock sent by Ji Qingyun to hold Ji Xiao's house rang the bell of the new day.

Unconsciously, the time has come to twelve o'clock.

Ji Xiao worried that any more talk would delay Miss Rabbit's rest time, and said hurriedly: [It's not early, it's early in the morning, I won't bother you, the boss, go and rest. 】

Wei Qingyu was still a little bit unsatisfied, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes as he watched Ji Xiao's epilogue.

After sinking, she grabbed the end of the little tail and asked: [Is the mouth still bitter now? 】

A hint of surprise flashed in Ji Xiao's eyes when he heard that, it was rare that Miss Rabbit remembered what she had just said.

She smacked her lips lightly, shook her head and said: [It's not bitter, I've talked with you for so long, it's not bitter anymore. 】

Wei Qingyu looked at the line of words sent by Ji Xiao, his eyes bend slightly unconsciously.

The expression on her face relaxed, and she replied: [Okay, you go to bed early. 】

[Hmm, so is the boss! 】

After chatting with Miss Rabbit, Ji Xiao's depressed feeling about the world that had been hidden in her heart has alleviated a lot.

As she spoke, she raised her hand and turned off the switch that controls the room lights above her head, preparing to sleep beautifully.

Wei Qingyu sitting by the bed once again witnessed the disappearing light on another lawn.

She knew that Ji Xiao was going to sleep.

It seems that just talking with myself for a while, it really relieved some of the distress in her heart.

It's just that Wei Qingyu didn't understand, what is meant by "not what she meant"?

The girl frowned slightly as she recalled what Ji Xiao had just said.

Does she really have something unspeakable concealment?


There was another vibration from the mobile phone beside Wei Qingyu, which interrupted her thoughts.

A message popped up in the message box on the phone screen: [xwx: Good night. 】

The moonlight faintly passed through the window lattice and fell on the girl's face, and her turquoise eyes raised a slight smile.

The jade-like fingers fluttered happily on the screen.

The room was dark, and Ji Xiao, who slept on the bed, didn't notice that the phone on the bedside table turned on.

Like a lullaby floating in the dark, it flows into the girl's deep dream.

[User 190245: Good night. 】

As the exam approached, Ji Xiao was reviewing biology according to the timetable Wei Qingyu had planned for her. Even during the free activity phase of the physical education class, she sat in the iron hollow auditorium next to the playground, in an Do questions where people will be disturbed.

However, although the discussion of Ji Xiao in the forum has decreased, it does not mean that there are fewer omegas admiring Ji Xiao in school.

As soon as Ji Xiao sat down, a little girl holding a book of math study came up not far away.

"Ji Xiao, I don't know this question, can you help me explain it?" The little girl was soft, and the tone of voice in Ji Xiao's ear was also very soft.

Ji Xiao looked at the exercise book handed over by the little girl, and a red circle was clearly marked on the last big question.

She didn't even think that the young girl interrupted her thinking of solving the problem, and nodded in line with the professional qualities of a reserve math teacher: "Yes."

"Thank you, Ji Xiao." The little girl was overjoyed when she heard that, and she sat down next to Ji Xiao unceremoniously.

The breeze floated across the skirt of the girl, looking at the beauty of the youthful years from a distance.

It's just that some people are explaining the topic seriously, but some people are thinking about it.

From time to time, the little girl's timid eyes slipped from the exercise book to Ji Xiao's profile.

The black signature pen wrote the smooth formula on the paper, and the little girl's eyes traced Ji Xiao's outline in her heart stroke by stroke.

The full head is combed high with a black and thick ponytail, and the nose is very warped like a knife.

A few strands of broken hair hung on her forehead, casual and free and easy, it was the best-looking alpha she had ever seen.

"Do you understand now?" Ji Xiao put down his pen and asked again.

The little girl looked at the paper filled with Dangdang and shook her head, "I still understand a little too..."

Ji Xiao frowned upon hearing this.

This was the second time she had spoken, and in the end she still got an expression that the little girl didn't understand.

Ji Xiao looked a little bit distressed at the draft paper that had been written twice to solve the problem.

She didn't know what was wrong with her detailed and easy-to-understand teaching steps in the original world, and the little girl did not understand it after repeating it twice.

The originally planned biology problem was not done either, and she gave her career an exclamation mark with a sense of crisis.

"It's this step, I don't know how to reason it out, can you..."

The little girl looked at Ji Xiao's good-tempered manner, and wanted to trouble her to tell herself again.

It's just that he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I suggest you go and look at the derivation methods of these mathematical formulas."

Wei Qingyu stood on the lower step, staring blankly at the little girl sitting beside Ji Xiao.

The turquoise eyes were filled with cold indifference and coldness, unceremoniously.

"I..." The little girl wanted to refute Wei Qingyu.

But when she closed her S-grade omega eyes, she couldn't deny that she picked up the exercise book she had placed in front of Ji Xiao, hurriedly put down the sentence "I'm leaving" and quickly walked out of the audience.

Wei Qingyu looked at the back of the little girl who had fled, and went straight to the other side where Ji Xiao hadn't been sat on.

As she put down the book in her arms, she said: "Aren't you very good at stunned people in the past? How come you have learned to pity and cherish jade now?"

The girl's voice couldn't be heard, but Ji Xiao was a little guilty.

The appearance of being so patient with that little girl just now did not meet any.

Ji Xiao's brain was swiftly running, and forcedly explained: "Miss Ben...this is not because of the fact that the person is an outsider, so be polite."

"For you... and Qi Qi and Fang Yiming, of course you don't need to be so polite!"

When Wei Qingyu listened to Ji Xiao distinguishing herself from the "outsiders" she was talking about, he could clearly feel that his heart was smashed heavily by something.

Although she heard the names of "Qi Qi" and "Fang Yiming" one after another afterwards, the abnormal heartbeat never completely calmed down.

What's going on here?

"Okay, don't chat here. You've wasted fifteen minutes. If you can't finish the paper today, you won't be able to read comics on weekends." Wei Qingyu interrupted Ji Xiao and wanted to continue. , Also interrupted the abnormal beating in my heart.

Without the interruption of others, Ji Xiao sat on the stairs and did the papers according to the tasks assigned to her by Wei Qingyu, while the girl next to her also quietly flipped through the English newspaper.

The afternoon sun is not as scorching as noon, graciously passing through the dead branches that have not yet been trimmed, and falling on the auditorium.

Not far away came the sound of the rehearsal program of the Solitaire Club, mixed with the rustle of the signature pen across the paper.

Wei Qingyu never thought that he and Ji Xiao could have such a day to sit and study together.

She still remembered that when she was a child, her father pulled them two to practice handwriting. Even with the temptation of meringue, Xiao Jixiao just sat for two minutes and ran out to chase Corgi's tail.

The smell of peach brandy faintly swept over Wei Qingyu's nose with the wind, bringing a bit of autumn comfort.

Wei Qingyu secretly put down the English newspaper in his hand, and looked at Ji Xiao who was sitting aside.

The light and shadow flickered, and the girl focused on the complicated and difficult questions, with patience written in her gold-orange eyes.

I don't know if the light and shadows have fascinated her eyes, Wei Qingyu suddenly felt like Ji Xiao, who was studying hard in front of him, was not Ji Xiao.

"Classmates! Hurry down!!"

A rough and hasty shout came from not far away.

Wei Qingyu didn't have time to look up and see what was going on, but Ji Xiao, who was writing the question, responded more quickly than she could directly protect her.

For a time, the wind rose and fell leaves rustling.

The signature pen fell to the ground through the gap between the steps.

Wei Qingyu, who was protected by someone, lost the focus of his sight.

I could only smell the warmth of the peach brandy rushing over my face.

The author has something to say: Ji Zengcao: Grandma! I finally got one! ! !

Pigeon: Fireworks! Set the table! ! play music! ! ! !

Wei passed by indifferently.

Tell everyone about the update rhythm: the day is more certain, and the pigeons are cut off. Then it must be double-shifted or two-in-one on weekends, and double-shifted irregularly from Monday to Friday. The hand speed is relatively slow, and the daily double is not good.

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