The remote auditorium is inaccessible, and the iron fence blocks the basketball volleyball court in the distance, which seems to isolate the two worlds one mile and one outside.

Wei Qingyu raised his gaze slightly, and looked at the girl who threw himself in his arms in an incredible way.

Ji Xiao's face was rare and peaceful, and the golden orange eyes were filled with a sense of security that calmed his mind.

The taste of peach brandy swayed slightly in the wind, but the girl who had always been a little spoiled showed unparalleled reliability at this moment.

Boom, boom...

Wei Qingyu looked at the girl in front of him blankly, and could clearly hear the beating sound of his heartbeat.

"Classmates, are you all right?!" There were a few rapid footsteps, and people from the card club who had just been training not far away ran up one after another.

Ji Xiao got up from Wei Qingyu's body, about to shake his head, but covered his neck with his backhand.

The sudden pain tore at her nerves, and she couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath: "Hiss."

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu suddenly raised his head to look at Ji Xiao.

But in the blurred vision, I saw a touch of red sliding from the seams of the hands.

The scarlet line traversed Ji Xiao's neck and fingers, dyeing the pure white collar red.

It's like poppies blooming in the plain world, with her deadly smell infiltrating the heart of the girl.


A trembling preaching was given by a girl who was collecting cards from the members of the society who had just flew over in the audience.

The bright red blood was soaked in the stiff playing cards, the sharp edges glowed red, and they were always present to warn the people of danger.

The little boy who was the culprit was so scared that he clenched the president's arm beside him, and Wei Qingyu took a deep breath as he watched.

She pulled over Ji Xiao, who hadn't noticed the seriousness of the matter, and filled her always calm eyes with a little anxiety.

On the back of Ji Xiao's neck, a bright red hole suddenly appeared.

It was close to the Alpha gland and almost cut the fragile bump.

"Senior sister, I'm really sorry, he didn't mean it. This is the first time he has joined the group to play cards. He has been good before. He hasn't missed it once. I didn't expect a gust of wind. In fact, this can't be blamed..." Upon seeing this, the agency president hurriedly explained to Ji Xiao.

But before he finished speaking, Wei Qingyu turned his head to look at him, and asked coldly, "Can't you blame it? Because there has just been a gust of wind, can you use it as an excuse for your mistakes and shirk responsibility?"

I've long been accustomed to seeing Wei Qingyu, who shirks blame and avoids blame, and thinks he can face it with indifference a long time ago.

But I don't know if the red blood in her sight has infected the calm whiteness in her brain, and the voice that has been restrained again and again is full of anger.

"As the president, you shouldn't train here when you see people here. I remember, the northwest corner of the playground is the club activity area designated for you by the school, isn't it?" Wei Qingyu coldly looked at the card club. Long, asked rhetorically.

The calm restraint and frightening domineering that only appeared in the later period were fully displayed by her at this moment.

Everyone in the Solitaire Club didn't dare to find any excuses anymore, even Ji Xiao, who was a bystander, couldn't help but surrender to Wei Qingyu's momentum.

"Yes, we were wrong. We shouldn't try to travel less and train here." The president of the card club has recognized the mistake and repeatedly confessed to Wei Qingyu. "I'm really sorry, senior sister, I promise we absolutely There won't be another time."

Wei Qingyu: "You shouldn't say sorry to me, you should be to her."

Light and shadow portray Wei Qingyu's cold and lonely figure.

The girl's voice was still cold, but Ji Xiao felt a warm current in his heart.

This happened in the boiling water room not long ago.

Only this time, he was replaced by the person who helped to get justice.

"Sorry, senior sister, we knew it was wrong. I'm really sorry for causing you such harm."

"I'm really sorry, we will never have another time."

Ji Xiao, who had never accepted such a sincere and humble apology from others, suddenly felt embarrassed.

She looked at the members of the Solitaire Club whose faces in front of her were sorry, and then at Wei Qingyu's still cold side face, with a bit of courage, carefully hooked Wei Qingyu's fingers, and persuaded: "Okay. Now, I forgive them. Don’t be so fierce.”

Wei Qingyu was startled by the sudden intimacy contact.

She looked at Ji Xiao beside her, and her agitated heart beat faster.

The cool wind brushed the overlapping fingers, leaving dense numbness as current passing through.

The shallow peach brandy and mint hooked up with the soft little finger, childish but with a different atmosphere.

With some warmth in the girl's fingers, the taste of peach brandy fell into Wei Qingyu's heart.

Obviously it was a sharp and strong wine, but with the warm fragrance of peaches, she felt a little excited.

A strange feeling lingered in her heart, and Wei Qingyu couldn't find a suitable word to describe it for a while.

This feeling of being unable to see her true feelings clearly reminded her of what happened in the past few days.

Wei Qingyu, who has always been particularly transparent about his emotions, suddenly felt that he was a little out of balance.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu in a daze, thinking she was still thinking about how to deal with this matter, and then said: "It's really okay. You should consider me as a wounded person first, and accompany me to the school hospital, okay. painful…"

After all, Ji Xiao pulled Wei Qingyu's finger again.

The slight fluctuation caused the girl to regain her senses.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao, who was covering the back of her neck, and had no choice but to take back his messy mood and nodded: "Let's go."

I don’t know if it’s for convenience. The school hospital is very close to the playground.

Within a few minutes, Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao walked to the door of the school hospital.

The faint smell of disinfectant lingered on the first floor of the school hospital, and the illuminated sign at the entrance of the emergency room was still unfixed.

Ji Xiao stepped into the emergency room where he met Hao Hui with Wei Qingyu again, but this time she sat on a stool instead.

Hao Hui didn't know where to go, so the emergency room was replaced by an older lady doctor who was older than her.

She didn't seem to be very annoying. After slightly checking Ji Xiao's wound, she took out iodophor and a cotton swab with a straight face: "Little classmate, I'm starting to give you medicine."

"Okay." Ji Xiao nodded, feeling a little nervous.

The cold iodophor wiped the slender wound, and the dried blood was wiped off little by little, and the pain followed.

The girl's hand holding the ponytail couldn't help tightening a bit.

"Sigh... Can the doctor be lighter?" Ji Xiao frowned and said in a friendly manner.

She is not Wei Qingyu after all, and the original owner's body is exceptionally delicate, and a small opening can make her hurt for a long time.

But this doctor is different from Hao Hui. Even if Ji Xiao gave his advice, he still didn’t take the action lightly. Instead, he preached to Ji Xiao like a lesson: “Knowing that the pain is still so careless, this is already very light. If you take a long lesson, see if you dare to dare in the future. This is a gland, how fragile it is..."

The endless lessons came into Ji Xiao's ears, and the old lady didn't understand her explanation when she entered the door.

If Ji Xiao wanted to be the original owner sitting here now, he would definitely lift the table and leave. Before leaving, he would have to give this presumptuous old lady a fist.

But she can't.

She is now Ji Xiao, a good law-abiding citizen, not to mention Wei Qingyu beside her.

"It's not her who should teach me a long time. She was hurt to protect me."

A cold voice sounded in this small space.

Wei Qingyu looked at the old lady doctor blankly, and unexpectedly interrupted her chatter.

"Little classmate, what are you talking about?" The old lady's doctor's hand paused, her face sullen.

Those slightly pale eyes stared straight at Wei Qingyu, a bit dark.

Ji Xiao looked sideways and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Wei Qingyu was not at all intimidated by the look in her eyes, and calmly preached: "Please don't just teach people based on your own guesses. She said as soon as she entered the door, she was scratched by cards to protect me. ."

The old lady doctor looked at Wei Qingyu's cold eyes, pursed her mouth and turned her face back to the back of Ji Xiao's neck, with a very small "Oh" cry.

There was no sound of silence in the consulting room. The old lady doctor ate and stopped her endless chattering.

The window facing Ji Xiao spilled the outdoor sunlight unreservedly, making Ji Xiao's heart warm.

She secretly watched Wei Qingyu projected on the clean glass, with a smile in her golden orange eyes.

It was as if there was a mint rolling around in her heart, it was cold and sweet.

Was Wei Qingyu speaking for himself just now?

She actually helped herself to speak!

Sure enough, Miss Rabbit was right.

I did it with my heart, and she could see it.

Although there was still an unrelievable pain near the glands, Ji Xiao felt that his glands had never been so safe.

As long as you keep it well, then you can bring your glands to the finale just around the corner!

"Okay, it's done." The old lady doctor's voice was a little impatient, and she threw the cotton swab in her hand into the trash can.

She glanced at Wei Qingyu who was standing aside, pointed to the cut gauze on the plate, and said: "First let the wound dry. You will stick the gauze with medical tape for her later, and then you can go."

Before she finished her words, the old lady doctor did not wait for Wei Qingyu to answer, and left with the teacup on the table.

Looking at the back of her leaving, Ji Xiao couldn't help but vomit: "She's so jealous, and I'm not afraid that we will complain about her wage deduction."

"It's okay to rely on the old and sell the old." Wei Qingyu said and walked behind Ji Xiao.

Worried that the old lady doctor would avenge her private vengeance and did not give Ji Xiao the medicine, she carefully checked the wounds that Ji Xiao had been treated.

The brown-yellow iodine thinly covered the wound, and a thumb-long wound lay quietly across Ji Xiao's neck.

It's really too close to the glands, even if the cards fly a little more, Ji Xiao's glands will be scratched.

The warm breath fell on Ji Xiao's neck unexpectedly, and then she felt a soft thing sticking to her wound.

It was like a mint leaf falling on the wound, with some warmth in the cool, miraculously eliminating the pain caused by iodophor to the wound, making people feel extraordinarily comfortable.

"Does it still hurt?" Wei Qingyu asked in a calm voice.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Ji Xiao shook his head, pretending to be relaxed.

She looked at Wei Qingyu's shadow on the ground, as if she could see her frowning brows.

And she didn't want her to frown for herself from the bottom of her heart.

Wei Qingyu looked at the wound and exhorted Ji Xiao with a complicated mind: "Although the doctor taught you the wrong lesson, you really have to keep your memory, and don't do it again next time."

Ji Xiao was silent for a second upon hearing this.

Protecting Wei Qingyu under her body is not the decision of her brain, but the first reaction of her body when she hears danger.

The first reaction to death.

Will she do it if she will encounter this kind of thing in the future?

Ji Xiao thought, slightly raised his head and looked at the thin girl projected on the window.

The sun was faint, and she was calm.

The corners of the girl's eyes are tough in the brows, but there is a fragile feeling in places that are not exposed to light.

Ji Xiao calmly dropped her gaze again.

Although she didn't know why she reacted like this, she thought she would.

She couldn't stand on the sidelines at all, let alone that person was Wei Qingyu.

A bell rang outside the window, and students in the teaching building rushing to the playground sent the noise to the quiet emergency room.

Ji Xiao touched his pocket, and as expected, took out a few candies from it, and answered the sermon that was not asked: "Can you eat?"

Wei Qingyu looked at the little candy lying quietly in Ji Xiao's hand, and understood the meaning of Ji Xiao's words.

She couldn't tell her attitude towards Ji Xiao's choice, nor could she continue to ask her for a definite answer.

She only silently accepted the candy that Ji Xiao handed over, and the girl's barren and gloomy heart also quietly bloomed with a streamer-colored flower.

Like the only color in the ruined world, with its warmth, the scorched earth nearby was stained with youthful splendor.

"Hua, I also know about eating sugar, it doesn't look like the injury is serious."

Hao Hui copied her white coat pocket and appeared at the door, watching Ji Xiao who was eating sweets and joking with Wei Qingyu.

Ji Xiao glanced at Hao Hui and followed her tone of voice and said: "Hua, so you are still in the school hospital?"

"I just went to deal with other little classmates, I didn't run into you. I don't know you are here. I came here as soon as I finished my work." Hao Hui said as she walked behind Ji Xiao without any character." Why are you our director? I just came out and saw her, her face was drawn."

"Really!" Ji Xiao listened to her heart with excitement. She looked at Wei Qingyu, who was still indifferent, and explained: "It's just that she taught me without distinguishing the facts. Wei Qingyu refuted her."

Hearing this, Hao Hui smiled particularly admiringly and gave Wei Qingyu a thumbs up, and then said: "I have heard our director say. You are really lucky this time, you just stroked near the gland. If you stroked it. As for the glands, I don’t think you will be able to smile in the future."

"Isn't it missed..." Ji Xiao didn't want to talk about it anymore, hahadao.

Hao Hui snorted, "You are lucky."

Then, she glanced at Wei Qingyu who was standing aside, and said, "Classmate Wei Qingyu, you will be responsible for Ji Xiao from now on."