Wei Qingyu was stunned when he heard the words, and the calm heart thumped.

It shook like a bell tied to the fetters of the red rope, and let out a crisp jingle.

But Hao Hui didn't want to laugh again, and preached like a pant: "Since she was injured this time to protect you, you have to change the dressing for her wound."

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu calmly suppressed the heartbeat he had just lost before nodding, "Okay, I see."

The voice was as calm as ever, but a feeling of loss could be heard in the subtleties.

But what is so to lose?

Wei Qingyu couldn't understand.

"Hiss... Didn't you apply medicine to this gland last time? Why do you feel that your gland has become ugly?" Hao Hui said thoughtfully, holding up Ji Xiao's hair.

"No..." Ji Xiao preached with a guilty conscience, and unexpectedly met Wei Qingyu's pupils.

The two looked at each other, each with a ghost in their hearts.

After that time, Ji Xiao did not apply the medicine properly. The whole process was all the awkward application of her alone in front of the mirror.

The main reason was that she was even more persuasive than she is now, and secretly put the medicine in her schoolbag and didn't dare to trouble Wei Qingyu.

And Wei Qingyu hadn't cleared up her guard and doubts about Ji Xiao at the time. Seeing that Ji Xiao hadn't come to see herself again, she gave up on the matter.

Hao Hui watched her nose and nose, and she immediately understood the two people when she glanced at her.

As she said, she put down Ji Xiao's ponytail, and said dissatisfiedly: "You children, now are really disobedient. I promised it at that time, and I had a big idea to go back."

Ji Xiao listened to Hao Hui's serious tone to Wei Qingyu, and was about to explain, but was stopped by Wei Qingyu first, "I was really negligent last time, I'm really sorry, but I promise not to do it this time. ."

The girl was stiff, but her tone was apologetic.

Ji Xiao had never seen Wei Qingyu bow his head to anyone, and he felt a little distressed when he looked at it this way.

Seeing that Wei Qingyu's attitude was correct, Hao Hui did not continue to be held accountable, and said: "Don't blame me for being angry. Everyone's glands are very important. In case of infection, it is a very serious matter. This is only sixteen or seventeen, and there is still a long way to go. Since it has split into Alpha and Oga, you have to pay more attention to protect yourself."

"We know, we won't do it again." Ji Xiao hurriedly replied for Wei Qingyu.

The sunset was reflected in the consulting room, falling on the shoulders of Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu.

In front of Hao Hui, the two of them looked like two elementary school students who had done something wrong.

Jin Guangcancan, publicity and coldness are intertwined, creating two different images in front of Hao Hui.

It's just that these two paintings, which seem to be incompatible with each other, look extraordinarily well matched when they are next to each other.

Hao Hui pinched her waist and looked at this scene, and the irritation in her heart just diminished a little.

Turning to remembering that the two people had just been kidding each other, she seemed to feel that something had been knocked out.

"Da da da da..."

I saw that Hao Hui hadn't appreciated this picture for a while, and there was an anxious sound of high heels tapping the tiled floor in the corridor outside the door.

Within a few seconds, a hand stained with scarlet nail polish reached the door frame of the consulting room.

Liu Yue trot to the school hospital on her six or seven centimeter high heels.

She looked at the three people in the consulting room, walked straight to Wei Qingyu, took her hand and asked with concern: "Qingyu, how is it? Where is the injury? Let auntie have a look."

Liu Yue glanced at the people in the clinic, closed the door on one side with her backhand, and said, "Don't worry about whispering, tell Auntie, is there someone who pushed you to the front and hurt you? Solitaire Club I have dealt with it seriously, but why did that soft card hurt you? I tell you, don’t be afraid. Now my aunt has come to school, but if anyone dares to bully you, I will definitely not let it go. her……"

Hearing this, Ji Xiao couldn't help rolling his throat jerky, and the bench under his **** became more and more difficult to sit on.

How did Liu Yue say these words to Wei Qingyu? This is obviously insinuating. I am here to warn myself...

Wei Qingyu looked at Liu Yue, who was as impatient as ever, took his hand out of her hand, and softly corrected: "Aunt Liu Yue, who did you listen to, I am not injured..."

"No?" Liu Yue was stunned when she heard the words, "Then why did they tell me that someone scratched you with solitaire club flying cards?"

"It was not me who was scratched, it was Ji Xiao." Wei Qing said, "She was scratched by a card just to protect me."

As soon as the words fell, surprise appeared in Liu Yue's eyes.

She just came here after hearing half of her words. Wei Qingyu had nothing to do, but Ji Xiao was the one who was in trouble.

This little bastard, actually protected their family whispers?

Ji Xiao looked at the gaze cast towards him by the coquettish woman opposite, feeling a little inexplicable heart trembled.

The bottomless black pupils were like a desperate situation that would not be seen in the future. After several hardships, Ji Xiao squeezed a smile from his face: "Hello, Teacher Liu."

"It's really you...protected our whispers?" Liu Yue was still a little surprised, and asked Ji Xiao again.

Hao Hui, who had always felt like a bystander and inconvenient to speak up, couldn't help it.

Listening to the distrust in Liu Yue's tone, she retorted: "Teacher, if you don't believe it, come and see the wound on the back of the child by yourself."

As the words sounded, Liu Yue could easily hear the dissatisfaction in Hao Hui's words in Vanity Fair for so many years.

She looked up at Hao Hui with an unclear expression.

Unlike other people's tendency to follow the trend, Hao Hui is not afraid of the teaching director sign that Liu Yue hangs, and looks at her with justice and solemnity.

Justice was written in those clear eyes.

"With such a long cut, it almost hurts the gland, and a deeper cut requires stitches! Do you know how important a gland is to an Alpha."

Speaking of Hao Hui, she pulled Liu Yue and stood behind Ji Xiao's neck.

Just a little bit away from the gland, there was a scar that had just formed a scab. The white skin was stained with iodine and blood, and it looked particularly dazzling.

Is there a time when such a pampered and slutty devil is also injured?

And still to protect others?

Liu Yue looked at Ji Xiao's stiff back, wondering why she suddenly felt that her opinion of her for so long seemed to be prejudiced.

It was like what Liu Hu told her at the beginning, Ji Xiao, this little bastard...seems to have really changed for the better.

"I think it's better not to be questioned for protecting classmates, who are worthy of praise." Hao Hui said, letting go of the hand that brought Liu Yue over.

The cool breeze brushed Liu Yue's warm wrists just now, which made her feel a little ashamed, "This doctor, you are right, I accept criticism."

Then, Liu Yue sank, walked to Ji Xiao, and said, "Ji Xiao, I'm sorry, the teacher should thank you."

Ji Xiao looked at Liu Yue turning friendly gazes towards him, and shook his head, "It's okay, Teacher Liu."

She thought that if this allowed Liu Yue to avoid pouring salt water on her wounds, deliberately blunt the knife used to gouge her glands, or press the button to release the shark, she wouldn't feel wronged at all.


At this time, the sound of mobile phone vibration suddenly sounded in the quiet consulting room.

Liu Yue checked her phone and said hurriedly, "Oh, I have to go. There is still a meeting in the city center. It's already twenty minutes late."

"Then you are going to the east parking lot to drive?" Hao Hui asked hurriedly.

Liu Yue patted her forehead: "Damn, I forgot if you don't tell me."

The school hospital is in the west, and the attached high school is the largest high school in City A. It takes at least ten minutes to walk from here to the parking lot on the east.

Looking at Liu Yue's contrasting look, Hao Hui couldn't help but smile in her heart.

She shook the car key in her hand, and said, "If you don't mind if I take you there. I'm just about to get off work, and the car is at the door."

"Okay? Thank you so much." Liu Yue's face changed from just depressed to joy. While walking with Hao Hui, she reminded Ji Xiao half threateningly: "Also, You must take the exam well. Don't let our family whisper in vain. Did you hear that?"

Ji Xiao was taken aback, nodded hurriedly, and promised: "I heard it, Teacher Liu."

Gradually, the sound of high-heeled shoes disappeared, and once again only Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao were left in the consulting room.

Surprisingly quiet shrouded the room again. Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu looked at each other, as if they had something to say to each other, and it seemed that there was none at all.

The wind blew into the room from the screens quietly, bringing up the smell of disinfectant.

Wei Qingyu looked at Liu Yue still leaving the afterimage at the door, and spoke first: "She is my aunt, you probably haven't seen it before."

Ji Xiao didn't know that the original owner had seen Liu Yue, so he just followed Wei Qingyu's words and exclaimed: "Hey, there are people beside you that this lady doesn't know."

Hearing Ji Xiao's words, Wei Qingyu's heart felt a little more unstable.

The girl's turquoise eyes fixedly looked at the girl in front of her, and said coldly: "You took the initiative to alienate me."

It seemed to be a reminder, but with a faint resentment.

The slightly cool mint stuck to Ji Xiao's forehead, and the golden orange pupils trembled slightly.

She seemed to have stepped on Wei Qingyu's thunder accidentally.

The room was quieter, and the slanting sunlight cast a haze between the two of them.

Wei Qingyu looked at the gauze on the table, passed the twilight layer and stood behind Ji Xiao, "It's almost dry, let me cover you with gauze."

"Oh...good." Ji Xiao nodded slightly, and obediently held his ponytail in his hand.

The girl's finger didn't know if it was because of the conversation just now that she lost her usual warmth.

Seemingly rubbing the already sensitive skin on the back of the neck, leaving a little bit of coolness.

Looking at the shadow of Wei Qingyu projected on the ground, Ji Xiao suddenly remembered Xiao Wei Qingyu squatting among the Tumi flowers and talking to the original owner.

The relationship between the two of them was really good when they were young...

The breeze slowly blows into the room through the window screens, and the shadow of the dead branches projected on the ground shook slightly.

Ji Xiao felt bored when he thought that the original owner had such a deep bond with Wei Qingyu when he was a child.

As the dusk faded, the wind blew across the river and brought a golden ripple.

On one side of the concrete road, there are four shadows staggeredly arranged, laughing and talking endlessly.

Qi Qi looked at the medicine Ji Xiao was holding in her hand and talked to the gauze on the back of her neck, and joked: "Sister Xiao, why have you been so troubled these days."

Fang Yiming nodded in agreement: "That's right, I'll take the exam soon, or let's go to the temple and ask for an amulet for you to eliminate calamity and exorcise evil spirits, and bless you to succeed in the exam..."

Ji Xiao listened to Fang Yiming's calculation of these benefits, and said hurriedly: "Stop, this lady is not interested in this kind of feudal superstition!"

Don't let all the plagues and disasters disappear by the time, but put your own evil creature that doesn't belong to this body into ashes.

Fang Yiming didn't believe it, and pointed to the little peach basket exposed on Ji Xiao's wrist: "Then, how do you explain the little peach basket that Sister Xiao has suddenly added to your hand? I heard that this kind of thing is also used to ward off evil spirits. "

"Yes." Qi Qi nodded, as if suddenly thinking of something, and looked at the little peach basket on Ji Xiao's wrist and preached: "Hey! Why do I think this little peach basket is familiar? It seems to have seen it from someone else. It seems like..."

"What kind of familiarity, did you look at the string from another place?" Ji Xiao was startled when he heard the words, denying that he hurriedly swept Wei Qingyu beside his eyes.

The long-sleeved shirt was a little empty on the girl's body, and the slightly loose sleeves well covered her entire wrist.

The white mechanical watch exposed outside the cuffs completely jammed the small peach basket tied to it, and no trace was leaked.

The wind from the river brought the slight coldness of water vapor to the girl's long hair, revealing a small exquisite and cold profile face.

The thin, moist lips under the small bridge of the nose were slightly closed without showing any signs of shyness, like a fruit of condensation, crystal clear and alluring.

Wei Qingyu's hands hanging down from beginning to end, calmly followed everyone forward.

It seemed that from the moment Ji Xiao tied that little peach basket, she was ready for this.

Calm and powerful with insight into everything.

Beauty has become a decorative word in her.

"Ji Xiao!"

A panting call came from not far away, abruptly interrupting Ji Xiao's secret look.

The four people stopped in unison one after another.

The street lights illuminate the dim evening, and the figure of a little girl is gradually approaching.

Qiao Ni carried her schoolbag and rushed towards Ji Xiao excitedly.