As the sun sets, different emotions are reflected on everyone's face.

Ji Xiao's face was full of surprises that Qiao Ni would call his name.

Fang Yiming was surprised.

The expressionless Wei Qingyu couldn't help but feel a lot of resistance to the arrival of this mango-flavored Oga who called Ji Xiao's name.

Qi Qi was different from the four, and asked directly with an unclear expression: "Why are you here?"

Qiao Ni didn't have stage fright at all, stood between Qi Qi and Ji Xiao under the gaze of four people, and asked, "Can't I come?"

She raised the transparent plastic bag in her hand, turned her head to Ji Xiao beside her, and said, "I heard that Senior Sister Ji Xiao was injured, so I came to see Senior Sister specially."

The wind was blowing gently across the river, and Wei Qingyu seemed to smell the mango that made her chest tight.

She silently looked at the little bean in her sight, her brows frowned slightly.

Ji Xiao was a little flattered, but she didn't expect this arrogant and domineering little girl to be so caring.

She took the medicine Qiao Ni handed over, and said, "It's just a scratch, it's nothing serious."

Qiao Ni heard a full smile on his face, and Xingyuan's eyes were curved, like two lovely cashews.

She pointed to the medicine bag in Ji Xiao's hand, and said: "It is all the medicine I just bought for the senior sister. I heard that the effect is particularly good, and it is also effective for wound healing."

Ji Xiao looked at the medicine in the bag and said as he walked: "Thank you, it's rare for you to be so caring."

"Thank you." Qiao Niyang started, and said: "Senior sister Ji Xiao, forgot about it. I met you in junior high school."

The girl's tone was a bit proud, and she inadvertently passed Wei Qingyu's sight.

Show off was written in those bright eyes, as if telling Wei Qingyu that Senior Sister Ji Xiao and I had known each other since junior high school, longer than you.

It's just that Ji Xiao came in a book and didn't know what Qiao Ni was talking about.

She bypassed Qiao Ni and glanced at Qi Qi behind her, with a look that she didn't remember: "Is there anything?"

" is." Qi Qi looked at Qiao Ni in front of him, and nodded helplessly, "I beat that grandson so hard at the time, calling you to help me clean up the mess."

When Ji Xiao saw this, he hurriedly realized that: "Oh, oh, it was that time."

Seeing Ji Xiao, Qiao Ni remembered, and said, "I have never had the opportunity to thank Senior Sister Ji Xiao."

The little girl put her hands behind her as she spoke, and the dark green skirt floated slightly with her movements.

The slightly sensual face smiled with a flattering smile, and looked a little charming from a distance.

The sunset fell behind them, and Ji Xiao held the medicine Qiao Ni had sent with a gentle expression.

Two people standing together is like a beautiful picture of youth, so beautiful that Wei Qingyu feels dazzling when he looks at it.


The harsh horn interrupted the chat between Qiao Ni and Ji Xiao.

Oncoming a large truck pulling the muck drove from the distance of the concrete road and unceremoniously honked the horn at the five people occupying the middle of the road.

Seeing this, a few people hurriedly drew out of the two sides quickly.

Qiao Ni, who had been pulled by Qi Qi, wanted to stretch out his hand to pull Ji Xiaoya over, but there was a green hand in his sight.

Wei Qingyu expressionlessly pulled over Ji Xiao who hadn't reacted yet, and his skeletal hand held her wrist tightly.

In the dust, a strange light flashed in Qiao Ni's eyes.

The little girl noticed the red rope exposed on Wei Qingyu's wrist, with a small tan peach basket dangling on it, which was exactly the same as the one on Ji Xiao's wrist.

how so……

The cart drove past with a rumble, Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao beside him and asked, "Are you okay?"

The girl's voice was as flat as before, and the street lamp cast her thin shadow on Ji Xiao's shoulder.

Those soft fingers were tightly attached to her wrists, dripping warmth through the thin fabric.

Ji Xiao sniffed the mint smell close at hand, and shook his head blankly: "It's okay."

She didn't expect that in the situation just now, Wei Qingyu's first reaction was to pull himself to her side.

The girl's heart throbbed violently.

Yingying's incomprehensible emotions are like the smell of mint, lingering illusory and illusory beside her.

"My God, Wei Qingyu, you are too quick to react, right."

Fang Yiming, who had just been pushed to the side of the road by Wei Qingyu and hadn't stood firm, stood up from the ground, and his exclamation broke the unexplained atmosphere between the two.

I saw Wei Qingyu, who was slapping the dust on her body while looking at Wei Qingyu, who pushed herself to the side of the road with one hand, and said thankfully: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I will be caught by that unscrupulous muck truck. I bumped into it, thank you so much."

Wei Qingyu quietly let go of Ji Xiao's hand that he had been holding, and nodded slightly to her, and said, "It's nothing, you don't have to be so polite."

In fact, she didn't know how she could react so quickly just now.

Obviously, I was still wandering last second...

"This unscrupulous muck truck should really be reported." Qi Qi said and brought Qiao Ni over to join everyone.

Ji Xiao also suppressed the throbbing in his heart, pretending to be nonchalant and echoed: "Yes, it's too dangerous."

As he was talking, a headlight from a marshmallow stand not far away attracted the attention of several people.

The sweet and greasy aroma of saccharin floated in the wind, which comforted the emotions that had just been scared by the muck truck.

Qi Qi looked at Qiao Ni, who was a little bit disheartened, thinking she was frightened by the dirt truck just now, and asked: "Would you like to buy a marshmallow to suppress your shock?"

Qiao Ni took back her thoughts after hearing the words, glanced at the stall, copied her pocket and said proudly: "You buy and I eat."

Qi Qi: "Fan?"

Qiao Ni: "Yeah."

Qi Qi looked at Qiao Ni, who couldn't forget to eat, smiled and rubbed her head.

Then she walked across the road and said to the three Ji Xiao: "Wait for me, I will buy her a marshmallow."

Ji Xiao and Fang Yiming, who heard the conversation between Qi Qi and Qiao Ni just now, said in their throats: "Sister Qi Qi, we are also frightened, we also want to—"

Listening to the two people's artificial voice, Qi Qi laughed out loud.

She waved her hand and said, "Okay, my sister will buy it for you both."

Looking at Qi Qi standing in front of the cotton candy stall, Ji Xiao remembered what Fang Yiming had said to him.

——Only Qiao Ni can survive Qi Qi.

Just as she was about to tease Fang Yiming, she suddenly noticed that Wei Qingyu in Yu Guangli seemed to be staring at the marshmallow stall opposite.

It's just that long black hair hanging down on her chest, impartially blocking the young girl's face, making it impossible to get a glimpse of her emotions.

The street light behind him was dim, and Ji Xiao borrowed a bit of courage from Moonlight, and secretly looked at the girl beside him.

The revolving colorful lights were reflected in her turquoise eyes, and the white cotton candy inside was a big circle every time she blinked.

Wei Qingyu seldom expressed her thoughts, but Ji Xiao saw a bit of longing on her face.

I have always asked Fang Yiming and Qi Qi for marshmallows just now, isn't it the only thing she didn't have...

I don't know if he sensed the gaze of the person beside him, Wei Qingyu turned his head slightly to look at Ji Xiao.

The girl's golden-orange eyes couldn't react as much as she didn't avoid it, and she hit him just right.

"What are you looking at?" Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's eyes and asked suspiciously.

"No..." Ji Xiao hurriedly retracted his gaze, lowered his head and lightly coughed to cover up the embarrassment of being discovered secretly.

Then she copied her pocket and said to a few people: " are waiting here, I'll go see Qi Qi."

After all, Ji Xiao ran towards the marshmallow stall where Qi Qi was.

Wei Qingyu looked at her thin back, always feeling a little bit of desertion inside.

Wei Qingyu's eyes were filled with an unidentified smile. Before she could look at it, the girl felt that her coat was being dragged by someone.

Qiao Ni faded from her pride and asked Wei Qingyu in a low voice, "Senior Wei Qingyu, can I ask where I bought this?"

Wei Qingyu followed Qiao Ni's gaze, only to realize that the little peach basket on his wrist had been exposed.

She glanced at Fang Yiming, who was wandering nearby, and at Ji Xiao in the distance, she felt a little selfish in her heart.

This emotion pushed her, causing her to whisper to Qiao Ni, "You can't buy it."

Qiao Ni, who still doesn’t know the meaning of the little peach basket, still thinks it’s something from an ordinary temple, and asked: "Is it something that is difficult to buy? Tell me, OK."

The little girl doesn't know how to hide things, her eyes are full of expressive purposes.

Under Qiao Ni's gaze, Wei Qingyu touched the little peach basket on his wrist, and said, "This is my mother carved it for us two."

"There are only two in the world."

The girl's voice was still faint, but Qiao Ni heard the only fluke shattering voice in her heart.

Mingming Wei Qingyu this time is still the same as the last time they met in the classroom, she didn't say anything about the relationship between Ji Xiao and her. Qiao Ni can hear from her words that there is no substitute for outsiders between the two of them.

She suddenly felt that she had just brought the medicine to Ji Xiao and deliberately mentioned the slight fetters that she had had with her in the past, it was ridiculous.

Wei Qingyu looked at the silent Qiao Ni, without adding anything.

She thought that if Qiao Ni wanted to ask anything else, she didn't mind telling her what happened when she and Ji Xiao were young.

The breeze blew across Wei Qingyu's forehead, and the young girl's turquoise eyes were still filled with a hint of delight, and there was a moment of stagnation.

She looked at Qiao Ni, who was standing in front of her, with a complicated expression.

What are you doing?

Why would you want to do such a naive thing?

"What are you two talking about?"

At this time, Ji Xiao's voice came from not far away, interrupting Wei Qingyu's thoughts.

She raised her head to look at Xiang Ji Xiao, but saw that she was standing in front of her with two marshmallows larger than her head in her hand.

Wei Qingyu hadn't realized what Ji Xiao was doing.

However, there was a smile in the girl's eyes, and she held the slightly larger cotton candy and handed it to herself.


"What is this?" Wei Qingyu asked knowingly.

The girl's always calm voice was trembling because of the surprise in her heart.

"The cotton candy I bought for you, the original flavor. Take it quickly, my hands are sour."

With that said, Ji Xiao unceremoniously stuffed the marshmallow in Wei Qingyu's hand.

Just like the string of grilled squid whiskers that I stuffed myself last time, or the cup of warm milk tea.

The slanting sunlight overlapped the two shadows, and Wei Qingyu lightly took a bite of the pure white cotton candy under Ji Xiao's gaze.

The dense taste melted a little bit on the tip of her tongue, which was sweet that she had never tasted before.

Slowly sliding down her throat with the fine grain of sugar, and dotted with clouds like cotton candy on the girl's barren heart.

As night fell, a bright crescent was hung in the dark night, and the wind slowly blew over the already withered grass, and several fallen leaves were suddenly rolled up and down.

Ji Xiao, who had just taken a shower, walked out of the bathroom with steaming water vapor. The pure white bathrobe concealed the beautiful figure of the young girl, revealing only her slender wrists and ankles for reverie.


Two crisp knocks on the door sounded in the quiet room, and Ji Xiao combed his freshly dried hair and walked over.

Opening the door Wei Qingyu stood at the door as agreed, holding the medicine Hao Hui prescribed today in her hand: "I'll give you the medicine."

"Just right, I just finished taking a shower." Ji Xiao said, letting Wei Qingyu in. "When I took a shower, I specially cut a plastic film around my neck. As you can see, there was no wetness at all. ."

With that said, Ji Xiao sat on the bay window proudly showing off his achievements with Wei Qingyu.

The girl lifted her long hair with one hand, and slightly pulled off the collar of the bathrobe that was resting on her neck with the other.

Those slender fingers pierced through the wet messy long hair, and the white skin formed a sharp contrast with the black long hair.

You can see the intact gauze on the neck through the casual eye and nose peaks of the heroic air.

A gentle light fell from the top of Ji Xiao's head, and the steam-smoked skin was glowing with a slight pink color, which was a bit fragile as war-damaged.

Wei Qingyu was hit by the unexpected scenery, and rolled down his throat jerky, his hand holding the bag tightened a bit.

"By the way, I think the ointment Qiao Ni gave today is very good. I will use this later." Ji Xiao said, picking up the ointment placed on the small table and handing it over.

Wei Qingyu took the ointment that Ji Xiao handed him, only to find the simple and dazzling packaging with black letters on the white background.

The ghost in her mind began to replay the interaction between Qiao Ni and Ji Xiao just on the way home, and the inexplicable sense of resistance once again piled up in her heart.

Suddenly there was another gust of wind outside the window, making the pine trees and fallen leaves rustle outside.

Standing behind Ji Xiao, Wei Qingyu unscrewed the lid of the ointment in his hand, and drew the dazzling tin foil on it and waited for it to be opened.

"You said that this kid Qiao Ni is also very interesting. You bought me medicine when I knew I was injured." Ji Xiao talked to Wei Qingyu with great interest about going home from school this afternoon, without noticing that Qiao Ni was right. Her favor.

"It's just a bad temper, too arrogant, Qi Qi really has no temper with her. But think about it, if I have a step sister like this, I will grow up together. I usually play a little temper, but I can indulge... …"

Hearing Ji Xiao's words, Wei Qingyu's unpacking action stopped for a moment.

The soft fingertips swept across the sharp cone on the ointment lid, and he stubbornly refused to open it.

Unspeakable emotions lingered in Wei Qingyu's heart again, and those turquoise eyes looked at the girl in front of him obscurely.

Obviously they didn't move any of them, but Wei Qingyu felt that Ji Xiao was gradually moving away from him.

"Hey, does it feel better to see her today than the time we rescued her? I don't know if you saw it, she was pretty good when she talked to me..."

Ji Xiao's discussion with Qiao Ni continued, but behind her could not notice a very subtle "puff".

The tube of ointment in Wei Qingyu's hand that had been squeezed by her could no longer withstand the pressure given by the girl, and instantly broke through the sealed tin foil.

The pure white and twisted ointment, like a snake spitting out a letter, with its ferocious desire hung on the back of the girl's slightly stretched hand.

The wind outside the window stood still, and the yellow leaves lay silently on the lawn.

Wei Qingyu's mind gradually became clear in Wei Qingyu's mind that had only existed in the dictionary without emotion.

All the emotions that were beyond her control over the past few days are condensed in one place, and the purest drop is extracted thousands of times, and the most real emotions of the girl are injected into this jerky word.

The ripe fruit rolled down from the lush trees, and rolled to the feet of the girl with a thud.

This girl who disregarded human affection finally tasted this forbidden fruit called "jealousy" at the age of sixteen.