Some people say that the reason why the fallen angels rebelled against God was not because of being too proud, but because of jealousy.

God first created angels, and then created human beings whose abilities are far less than angels.

Angels travel around with God and are messengers of God's will, but God loves humans far more than angels, and even places humans in a higher position than angels.

So Satan bewitched the angels with jealousy, causing them to rebel.

Be an enemy of God and fall into a fallen angel.

Wei Qingyu listened to the words "Qiao Ni" constantly appearing in Ji Xiao's mouth. Fingers tightened slightly.

She was like an angel bewitched by Satan, and she also bit the fruit called "jealousy".

The sweet fruit brushed the girl's lips and teeth with a sinful fishy, ​​and only one bite was so unforgettable.

Perhaps the girl was forced to enter the world too early, which caused her to be extremely slow to react to all the emotions in this world.

Only now did she realize that she cared about Ji Xiao far more than hated her at the beginning.

The possessiveness who didn't know where it came from could not tolerate her to say something about other girls.

Wei Qingyu looked at the ointment squeezed out on the back of his hand, and calmly preached to Ji Xiao: "This tube of ointment is broken."

"Huh?" Ji Xiao looked back hurriedly when he heard the words.

There were many white ointments piled on the back of the girl's hands embarrassedly, and she was caught off guard against her cold white skin.

There are several micro-opened pastes hanging on the slender fingers, and the crystal skin floating on it looks a bit depressed.

Ji Xiao was not bewitched by this, and hurriedly took a few pieces of paper from the side, and while helping Wei Qingyu wipe the ointment on it, he asked: "Did it burst open suddenly? Are you not injured?"

As always, Ji Xiao's hand carried the irreplaceable warmth of others, and a layer of fine numbness was unwittingly lifted up on the girl's cool skin.

The smell of peach brandy exudes with her lowered head for herself, and her movements are filled with concentration and tension.

The turquoise eyes drooped slightly, and the red lips of the girl who wiped her fingers were clearly reflected in the pupils.

Plop, plop...

Wei Qingyu could hear the irregular heartbeat in her heart cavity.

When the jealous emotion that was written faded away, the girl didn't understand what the uncontrollable throbbing in her heart was called.

Satan taught her to be jealous, but there is no God to teach her to love.

Wei Qingyu blushed, and unnaturally withdrew her hand, his eyes flickered and preached to the **** the opposite side: "I'm fine."

Ji Xiao was taken aback, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the reddish earlobes exposed under the girl's long hair.

In an instant, Ji Xiao felt like an arrow shot in his heart.

She stammered: "I'm sorry... I was abrupt."

Wei Qingyu shook his head and said, "It's getting late, sit down and I will give you medicine."

"Okay." Ji Xiao nodded, and sat down with his back to Wei Qingyu again obediently.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao with his back to him, and picked up the ointment prescribed by the school hospital on the small table.

The pure white cotton swab was stained with creamy ointment, and Wei Qingyu couldn't help but think of the pure white sticking to his hands.

She still didn't hold back, and asked tentatively: "Do you think Jo Ni is good?"

"If she has always been as sensible as she is today, it's okay." Ji Xiao shook his leg, replied with serious thinking.

But just when she was about to say something more, a sudden pain came from the wound on the back of her neck.

Ji Xiao couldn't help tightening his leg, and took a cold breath in reflex: "Hiss—"

The cotton swab dipped in beige ointment was pressed exactly to the edge of the wound, and the soft skin of the girl's back neck was slightly sunken and there was no trace.

"Don't move around." Wei Qingyu preached to Ji Xiao lightly.

It seems that the "mistakes" just now were all caused by Ji Xiao's inadvertent movement when speaking.

Ji Xiao didn't connect Wei Qingyu's mistake with what he had just said, and he obediently said "Oh".

Then she folded her legs with both hands and sat more rigidly.

Time flew by silently like a night breeze, and the ointment formed a shallow protective film on the girl's wound.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao's profile reflected in the window, and said in a ghostly manner: "Then... what if Qiao Ni is compared with me?"

Hearing this question, Ji Xiao was taken aback: "Huh?"

The slightly twisted neck moved back in front of the girl's hands, and a beige trace wiped the smooth skin.

Wei Qingyu calmly broke Ji Xiao's head back, as if calmly explaining without any purpose: "Seeing that you had a good evaluation of Qiao Ni just now, so ask."

"That's sure she can't compare to you!" Ji Xiao replied without thinking, "Even if I think of her well, this is an indisputable fact."

Wei Qingyu didn't expect to get Ji Xiao's answer, and the turquoise pupils made waves of ripples.

The many unpredictable emotions that flashed in her heart finally condensed into a tone: "Huh?"

Ji Xiao, who didn’t notice Wei Qingyu’s emotions at all, pulled her legs up and counted like Wei Chuan: “Look, first of all, you’re better-looking than her, it’s all Oga. You are S-level, top level, she is A-level. And grades, you are the first in the grade, she is no such person..."

"Who are you, who is she, there is no comparison at all."

The last quarter moon emerged from the dark clouds, and the bright moonlight fell on the bright windows.

Half of the glass separated by the window lattice reflected a young girl's sideways, and the other half reflected the straight figure of another young girl.

Wei Qingyu quietly listened to Ji Xiao's endless talk in front of him. The expression on the clean, white face was as light as ever.

It's just that the thin red lips under the bridge of the small nose are slightly raised, seeming to hold a smile.

Wei Qingyu gently put down the used cotton swab in his hand, and said, "Do you really think so?"

"Of course." Ji Xiao nodded without thinking, "I think...everyone would think so."

Upon hearing this, Wei Qingyu couldn't help feeling like a glass candy ball was rolling in his heart.

The radiant sweetness filled her heart, it was a little joy.

As the girl rearranged the gauze, she whispered, "As long as you think so."

"Huh?" Ji Xiao didn't hear Wei Qingyu clearly. "What did you just say?"

Wei Qingyu was shocked when he heard the words.

She didn't expect that she actually said what was in her heart just now, and hurriedly shook her head and denied: "It's nothing."

Ji Xiao was sure that she had heard Wei Qingyu's words just now, and when she saw that she was unwilling to say something, she mumbled: "I have heard something..."

The girl's voice didn't have the strong persecution of the past, but instead contained some dissatisfaction that dared not speak.

The bushy eyelashes have a pair of eyes hanging slightly, and the little sensual face is full of grudges.

Ever since childhood, Wei Qingyu has never seen such a bewildered Ji Xiao.

With a smile in her eyes, she helped her re-apply the gauze, but she accidentally glanced at the slight bulge on the girl's neck.

It seems that it is the innate advantage of S-level Alpha, Ji Xiao's glands are much more beautiful than the model in the biology textbook.

Under the skin that can be broken by blows, there is a small gland dormant, and a thin layer of peach-like matte.

Wei Qingyu watched Ji Xiao's glands carefully, and remembered what Hao Hui said in the afternoon.

It was indeed because last time I didn't apply the medicine properly, there was a small point on the top of the rounded edge of the gland, which indeed looked a bit horrible.

Wei Qingyu sank slightly, and said, "I said, your glands are not ugly at all."

"Like a little peach."

The voice was delicate and not in line with her personality, and the mint-scented breath fell into Ji Xiao's ears.

In an instant, there was a tingling in her neck behind her ears like wildfire.

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu reflected on the windowpane a little at a loss, as if seeing a rare smile on her face in a daze.

Like a peach blossom blooming in spring, the sweet and refreshing peach scented mint blew into her heart.

In the girl's heart, she tiptoed up presumptuously.

The winter days were a bit monotonous. In November, the entire senior and second-level department was immersed in studying for the college entrance examination.

Liu Yue's warning to herself in the consulting room that day still lingered in Ji Xiao's mind.

Here comes the creature scheduled for the final day of the exam.

The warm sunshine in the morning poured into the girl's warm room, and the phone on the bedside just shook, and Ji Xiao turned it off neatly.

The girl had a nightmare that Wei Qingyu was instigated by Liu Yue and the others to cut off her glands, and she woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Throughout the breakfast period, Ji Xiao was a little bit distracted.

Even Aunt Wu accidentally painted her jam the same as Wei Qingyu's and didn't notice it.

Aunt Wu looked at the back of Ji Xiao carrying a schoolbag out of the house, and she glanced at Wei Qingyu with some worry.

Wei Qingyu also understood Aunt Wu's meaning, and nodded with her and followed Ji Xiao out.

The inside of the car was also quiet. Wei Qingyu looked at the slightly misty car window and asked for a topic: "It's snowing today, it's getting colder and colder."

Ji Xiao glanced at the windowpane perfunctorily and nodded: "Yes."

Wei Qingyu was very dissatisfied with Ji Xiao's reaction, cancelled the roundabout plan, and asked straightforwardly: "Are you nervous?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiao grabbed the strap of the schoolbag in his hand, pretending to be innocent, and said, "How can you tell that this lady is nervous..."

It's just that Ji Xiao's acting skills are inherently bad, and her tension makes her arrogance even more bluffing.

It's like a little panda facing the enemy with open arms trying to make the enemy retreat with a "huge" figure.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao like this, and gently pressed his lower lip.

Then she looked at Ji Xiao without changing her face, and said mercilessly: "Are you worried that creatures can't pass A at once?"

Ji Xiao was startled when he heard the words.

Boasting that she was a good cover for herself, she confessed in a low voice, "How did you know..."

Wei Qingyu didn't answer how she saw it, but said, "It's okay."

There is no beginning and no end to this sentence, and Ji Xiao is full of doubts: "Huh?"

"It can be passed at once." Wei Qingyu said again.

The voice was as calm as usual, but it was calmer and more determined.

As Ji Xiao listened, he couldn't help raising his head to look at Wei Qingyu.

The clouds floating in the air were pushed by the wind to release the sun behind them again, and the sun also re-illuminated the cabin at this moment.

Ji Xiao saw the turquoise pupils that Wei Qingyu looked at him reflecting the rising sun in the sky, which were as beautiful as gems.

The girl's originally nervous heart trembled slightly.

It was just that she was not confident that she was magnified by the creature, so she chose to avoid such dazzling, lowered her gaze, and said, "I hope it."

Wei Qingyu frowned slightly when he heard the words.

Seeing Ji Xiao's unconfident look again, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart as she did last time.

The street scene outside the window flew by, and the test center school was close at hand.

Wei Qingyu looked at the sky outside the window, as if thinking of something, and said, "Ji Xiao, let's make a bet."

"What are you betting on?" Ji Xiao was slightly curious.

"Bet on whether it will snow today." Wei Qing said.

Ji Xiao was puzzled when he heard the words, and just now was still talking about biological matters. Why did he get involved in the snow again.

She couldn't help but complain, and said to Wei Qing: "What is your bet?"

The girl's voice was a little bit like her past tone, and Wei Qingyu chuckled as he listened.

It's just that she still didn't explain, and asked as if she was agitated: "Don't you dare?"

The gene of reluctance in Alpha's bone pushed Ji Xiao to accept Wei Qingyu's provocation. Only then, the tension in his heart was transferred by this incident, and the girl's golden orange eyes burned with a little fighting spirit.

"Okay, just gamble. Those who lose the gambling must unconditionally agree to the wishes of the one who wins the gambling!"

With that said, Ji Xiao thoughtfully looked at the cloudless clear sky above the test center school, and said: "I think it will definitely not snow today."

The sun gradually rose above the sky, and the bright sunshine sent every student who came to the last exam into the teaching building.

Wei Qingyu watched the girl who walked into the examination room in the auxiliary building gradually slowed down.

Half a year ago, she would never have imagined that the person she hated would become the person she cares so much about.

I don't know if Wei Qingyu really got it right, or if she already has such strength.

Ji Xiao felt that the biographical papers this time looked very simple. She finished a one-and-a-half hour paper in only half an hour.

The lights spread evenly in the classroom, falling in the girl's golden orange eyes.

The tension dissipated and replaced with ease.

Ji Xiao thinks that her creature can get an A, and the bet looks like she won.

In this way, can I take this opportunity to make a wish with Wei Qingyu and make her swear that no matter what happens in the future, she won't gouge her glands?

What Ji Xiao did not expect was that when she came out of the examination room, the weather had changed drastically.

Only in the time of a biology exam, the cloudless sky was covered with snow.

The sky is still sunny and bright, but with many white accents.

The small snowflakes are like elves flying in the sky, covering the gloomy early winter with whiteness.

Surrounded by the students' joy about the snow, Ji Xiao stood at the door, but his eyes were written with loss and distress.

When the temperature is below zero, the snow will melt into water when it falls on the shoulders.

She didn't bring an umbrella, nor did she have a hat on her down jacket, and her hair would definitely get wet when she went out.

And she hates being wet the most.

Ji Xiao copied his pockets and sighed: "Oh."

At this moment, a burst of warmth came from behind her.

A thin shadow fell on her shoulders and palms, and a flash of black suddenly opened across her eyes.

Wei Qingyu held a light black umbrella and descended beside Ji Xiao like an immortal.

The slightly wet hair sticks to the side of her face, and her turquoise eyes smiled at the person under the umbrella and said, "I won the bet."