The trumpet's voice turned dexterously a few degrees, and the laziness and stubbornness with the band's logo released a sense of dynamism.

More than a dozen different scales hit Wei Qingyu's heart, and every note was written with the unexplained throbbing in the girl's heart.

It's like wondering what the person in front of me is joking.

It was also like being spied on by someone in the bottom of my heart that she didn't even know the secret tension.

Wei Qingyu held the glass in front of her, and the water hanging on the wall of the glass condensed on the skin of her palm.

The cold sensation penetrated into her brain from the palm of her hand, and it suddenly stimulated her again and again.

"What are you talking about?" Wei Qingyu forcedly looked at Ji Xiao calmly, and asked rhetorically.

Looking at the overly calm expression on Wei Qingyu's face, Ji Xiao instantly realized that his expression just now seemed a bit too vague.

She waved her hand hurriedly and explained: "It's not what you think."

"I want to ask you, do you like the taste of my pheromone? I heard you say just now that it seems that the higher the level of pheromone, the more aggressive. So I want to ask you, do you think of me? The pheromone is too aggressive, and then I don’t like it..."

"Why do you think so?" Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao with a calm tone.

I don't know why, when Wei Qingyu heard Ji Xiao's words, the tension in his heart instantly dissipated.

The turquoise pupils returned to peace without a ripple, and even the hand holding the cup was released.

Only the unquenched beating of her heart was left, which proved that she was so nervous that her arm was stiff because of this young girl's oolong words.

Ji Xiao lowered his gaze, looked at the steam in front of him, and said: "Because I have smelled the pheromones of Liu Meina and my father, they are both aggressive, but they are not good at all. I am afraid that my pheromones will be smelled by others. It smells bad."

"And only you have smelled my pheromone... I wonder if you like my taste..."

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu as he spoke, and swallowed the remaining half sentence: Will he want to gouge out the glands that release this flavor someday?

The mist hovered between the two of them, Wei Qingyu calmly looked at each other with Ji Xiao, clearly seeing the anxiety written in the golden orange eyes.

The girl's always cold heart was inexplicably poked into a soft place.

Wei Qingyu turned the cup in his hand and said softly, "No, your pheromone smells very good."

Ji Xiao felt relieved when he heard the words, "Really?"

In an instant, the anxiety suddenly disappeared from the girl's eyes and replaced with joy.

This guy's emotions were all written on his face as always, coming and going fast.

Wei Qingyu couldn't help but laugh with her in his heart.

I don’t know if it’s because I drank alcohol-mixed drinks, or if I had such bad thoughts in my heart.

Wei Qingyu raised his eyes slightly and looked at Ji Xiao who was sitting across from him. A faint blur and wickedness flashed across his turquoise pupils.

The girl's thin lips lightly opened, and proactively helped Ji Xiao to add: "It feels like a brandy carefully brewed from the plump and juicy peaches picked from all over the world."

The voice was soft, but it brought large ripples across Ji Xiao's ears.

She never thought that someone would describe the taste of her pheromone like this.

"Although the alcohol is lingering, it has the sweetness of peaches. Even if it is tightly wrapped, it won't make people feel difficult to swallow."

The girl's voice continued.

Passing through the mist in front of him, Ji Xiao saw Wei Qingyu sitting at the table with his skeletal fingers holding the straw, stirring the slightly melted ice in circles.

The crisp sound of ice cubes mixed with the sound of her being warmed by the heat, gurgling into Ji Xiao's heart.

As if there was a transparent hook, Ruoyoruowu was touching the most sensitive part of her heart.

Click, click again.

An unspeakable itch stirred up in her heart, and an invisible fire was set off.

But when Ji Xiao looked over again, Wei Qingyu was still sitting right across from her.

A few strands of the long hair that was loosely tucked behind his head hung down on the sideburns, decorating the delicate little face.

The corners of the girl's eyes and her eyebrows were written with peace, it seemed that she was really just describing the answer she wanted to know.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but cursed herself in her heart, thinking that she must be an adult thinking too much.

So she picked up the chopsticks and stuffed a large bite of meat into her mouth, trying to suppress it with spicy.

It's just that the results of using violence to control violence have not yet been revealed, and Ji Xiao's brows frowned in the next second.

A sesame pepper had been planned for a long time, and it was lurking in the meat roll and was caught off guard by Ji Xiao.

An instant numb and bitter feeling permeated Ji Xiao's spicy mouth, even if he vomited it out, the smell couldn't be reduced by half.

Wei Qingyu, who sat opposite, looked at Ji Xiao's reaction and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter with you?"

Ji Xiao drank his few drinks in one sip, and replied with tongue out: "Ma giao."

Upon seeing this, Wei Qingyu immediately took the cup that the two had put together, poured a glass of water for Ji Xiao and handed it over.

In the next second, a trace of astonishment flashed in the girl's eyes.

The situation was critical at the time, and Wei Qingyu had no time to identify which of these two identical glasses was which.

It was not until she put down the kettle and saw another dry glass on the table that the cup that was in Ji Xiao's hand was the one she had just used while waiting for the food.

"Wait..." Wei Qingyu just wanted to remind Ji Xiao, but watched her put the cup to his mouth.

The glass reflected the light above their heads, casting an ambiguous light in Wei Qingyu's vision.

The girl's red lips were pursing the wall of the cup, and following the regular rhythm of her throat, she was soaked by the water that others had kissed.

Wei Qingyu clearly heard the unbalanced beating from his heart.

It was exactly the same as the tension aroused by the oolong talk of the girl in front of him.

"Ah--" After drinking a glass of water, the bitter numbness in Ji Xiao's mouth was relieved.

Holding the life-saving glass in her hand, she said contentedly to Wei Qing: "Thank you."

"...You're welcome." Wei Qingyu forced the throbbing in his heart, pretending to be calm and replied.

The jazz music lingering in the store was gradually pushed to the climax at the end, and the first snow outside the window gradually ended.

The light was shining, and Ji Xiao put the glass back next to the glass that had never been used.

It's just that there is an ambiguous secret in it that only it and Wei Qingyu know.

As night fell, the windows projected the warm white light in the room on the snow-covered ground outside.

Bai Lan was sitting on his seat in the display cabinet with a cotton candy in his mouth, watching his field quietly.

There was a flushing sound from the toilet, breaking the quiet atmosphere in the room.

Ji Xiao walked out of the bathroom holding on to the wall.

She only knew that what Wei Qingyu had just said in the hot pot restaurant was not false, and that the original owner really couldn't bear the hot pot.

The boiling spicy is more intense than the spicy one I had eaten at Fang Yiming's house that day. Since the afternoon, it has been tumbled restlessly in her stomach. From 5 to 8 o'clock, Ji Xiao has been tossed to the toilet three times.

I don't know if it used up the energy stored in the whole body for the last time, and the feeling of losing strength came from Ji Xiao's limbs.

She supported the wall and walked on the way back to the bed, only feeling that every step was extremely heavy.

Finally Ji Xiao walked to her bed and threw her back into the bed.

The stomach pain continued, Ji Xiao put one hand on his stomach, and the other hand took out the phone from under him.

Clicking on the friend list, Ji Xiao found the familiar avatar, and said: [Help me find some medicine for diarrhea and send it. 】

After only one second, there was a shock in the next room.

Ji Xiao had no other people to ask for help, and could only ask Wei Qingyu for help.

Wei Qingyu looked at the news sent by Ji Xiao, immediately put down the pen in his hand, and said: [What's wrong with you? Did you have stomach trouble again? 】

Ji Xiao looked at Wei Qingyu's words that were more familiar with his own body than himself, and smiled like he said: [Yes, I still can't eat spicy food. 】

[Wei Qingyu: Wait, I'll go downstairs to get the medicine, and I'll come to you right away. 】

Not a second after the news came, Ji Xiao heard the sound of closing the door coming from next door.

She didn't know what was going on, she could even hear the light and fast footsteps of the girl in the corridor from near to far.

As if thinking of something again, Ji Xiao reopened the chat box and told Wei Qingyu: [If Aunt Wu found out, don't say it was me. 】

Otherwise, I will inevitably have a physical examination from Aunt Wu's friendly chatter and fuss with the family doctor.

Wei Qingyu looked at Aunt Wu who was standing not far away in the living room, sighed lightly, but still replied: [I know. 】

Seeing Wei Qing's words, Ji Xiao felt at ease inexplicably.

The hand holding the phone was thrown straight back to the bed, and the stomachache curled up seemed to be a little better.

Without the vibrating sound that would have sounded just now, the room became extremely quiet.

Looking at the clean and white roof, Ji Xiao suddenly felt that the light in front of him was extremely cold.

Everything in the room was still what she was familiar with, but at this moment the infinite sense of loneliness enveloped her from all directions.

The palpitations that had been lingering on her body just now were amplified, and followed her blood to her brain, chaosing her sobriety.

The beast that had been imprisoned for a long time in the girl's heart was curled up in chains, and whimpered in the gloomy cave.

The silent night sky has no stars or moon, and the silence under the dark clouds makes people feel alarmed.

Ji Xiao couldn't tell whether it was the stomachache or something else. A sense of loneliness and the empty possessiveness that was nowhere to be released ran around her.

The girl was like a helpless baby abandoned by others, recalling how she looked in her mother's body, and slowly curled herself up together.


There were two crisp knocks on the door, and Wei Qingyu's voice followed from outside the door.

"Ji Xiao, I'm here to give you medicine."

The girl's voice was still cold and calm, but there was a fire in Ji Xiao's anxious heart through the door.

The faint smell of mint floated in from the crack of the door, and she knew what she was going through almost instantly.

"Don't come in!"


Wei Qingyu saw no one responding in the room for a long time, worried about what would happen to Ji Xiao, and he held the door handle and opened the door to come in.

Ji Xiao also forcefully suppressed his inner heart, and got up from the bed with his body after he said, wanting to run to and hurriedly lock the door.


The silver doorknob passed Ji Xiao's fingers.

Ji Xiao came a step late, and the door of the room was slammed open by Wei Qingyu from the outside.

A cold night wind passed through the quiet corridor, and the door that had just been opened with a "bang" was suddenly closed back.

Almost the next second, the girl who had just appeared at the door was violently pressed against the closed door.

The pain instantly spread from her shoulder to her back, and a savage sense of restraint continued to spread from her white wrist.

"Ji Xiao, you really..."

This kind of pain caused Wei Qingyu's far-away memories to come again. She thought that Ji Xiao was completely exposed and looked desperately at the person who pushed herself to the door.

It's just that the trembling words haven't been finished yet, and the girl's cyan-green pupils, who have always been calm and calm, can't restrain themselves and tremble suddenly.

The overwhelming flavor of peach brandy rushed from above Wei Qingyu's sight.

The girl's long hair hung in her sight, and a pair of gold-orange eyes burned out of the middle with an unquenchable flame.

Ji Xiao's susceptibility period came when her body was most vulnerable.