The smell of peach brandy was steaming in this warm room, and the breath of Alpha wrapped the girl tightly.

Wei Qingyu was approached by Ji Xiao, and the violent heartbeat from her heart made her almost forget to breathe.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ji Xiao tried his best to restrain the restlessness in his heart and preached: "You shouldn't have come in."

Ji Xiao's voice was a little dumb, and it was accompanied by an uncontrollable tremor.

The hot breath scorchedly landed on Wei Qingyu's face and earlobe, which gave her a sense of oppression, and at the same time set a fire in her heart.

Wei Qingyu heard the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears, and couldn't help but clenched the medicine box in his hand, and said, "I didn't expect..."

The tempting mint flavor was continuously released with the girl's voice, from all directions into Ji Xiao's heart.

Oga's breath continued to tease her tight intellect, and only then did her gentle breathing become heavy.

Ji Xiao looked at the prey close at hand, fighting desperately against his own desires, and finally let go of the hand that was holding Wei Qingyu tightly, "Get out."

The sense of restraint in her hands suddenly disappeared, and Wei Qingyu subconsciously opened the door and left, but when she saw Ji Xiao's back, she hesitated.

The warm white light fell on the girl's profile, which made her pale.

Her long black hair was draped over her body in embarrassment.

Ji Xiao's stiff spine collapsed, and a few green veins protruded slightly on his slender arms.

The hand-made display cabinet at the door seemed to be close at hand, but it seemed out of reach for her.

Wei Qingyu clasped the doorknob tightly, and asked anxiously: "Then why are you..."

But I didn't want to. Before the words of concern were finished, Ji Xiao was savagely interrupted: "How can you talk so much! Put down the medicine and go!"

Alpha in the susceptible period will be restless, and the pheromone will be released uncontrollably.

It happened that the mint smell made her more sensitive at this time. Even if she controlled it again and again, she could feel the uncontrollable release of her uncontrolled glands under the loose long hair.

Want to own her.

Want to possess her.

I want to let the girl in front of me be contaminated with her own pheromone and become Oga who belongs to her alone...

Ji Xiao tried to avoid looking directly at Wei Qingyu, and walked to the side of the room without looking at her.

Even with the worst and indifferent attitude, she couldn't let Wei Qingyu stay here anymore.

The night sky was covered by dark clouds, without a trace of light.

The taste of peach brandy is also accumulating in the room, and the accumulation of desire seems to swallow the real Ji Xiao.

Wei Qingyu looked at the girl who was speaking badly at him, with various emotions intertwined in his turquoise eyes.

She never felt that she would be so uncomfortable because of Ji Xiao's words, nor did she feel that a doorknob could be so heavy.

Reason tells her that she can't stay in this place for long, and let you run quickly while she is still sensible.

But Sensibility is holding her back, reminding her that she is like this and you should stay and take care of her.

Alpha's out-of-control pheromone covered Wei Qingyu's chest, and his unbalanced heartbeat became faster and faster.

She looked at the back facing her, struggling a few times, and still pressed down the doorknob that was tightly held in her hand.


Suddenly, there was a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Wei Qingyu's motion of lifting his foot and leaving came to a halt with a sigh of relief.

Just before Wei Qingyu was about to leave, a spasm in his stomach hit Ji Xiao's fragile body unexpectedly.

Her legs were soft, and a stagger made her kneel on one knee.

The enlarged nerves during the susceptible period accelerated the spread of pain in the girl, and her perception was misplaced.

Ji Xiao couldn't tell where he was hurting, and only relied on the surviving will to struggle to get up from the ground.

A little bit of loneliness and helplessness swallowed Ji Xiao's heart.

This home is too big to be a bit empty, but she has no one to rely on.

"Ji Xiao!"

At this moment, a misty whisper brought the familiar and unfamiliar coolness of Ji Xiao to her arm.

Ji Xiao's misty eyes were full of consternation, and his uneasy heart fell as soon as he fell.

Obviously she had just heard the footsteps and thought she had left, but now she actually appeared in front of her again.

The bright light fell unreservedly on the girl in sight.

The white long skirts were stacked on the tan floor, and the long hair hanging on her shoulders could smell the mint scent that was enough to make people lose their minds.

She seemed to have the usual plain expression, but her turquoise eyes seemed to be filled with anxiety and tension.

Ji Xiao breathed slowly, blowing her heavy and scorching breath between the two, blurring her unclear sight.

"How are you, are you still suffering from stomach pain?" Wei Qingyu asked anxiously while helping Ji Xiao from the ground.

The warmth of the palms continuously flowed into Ji Xiao's body from the girl's hands, and the cool mint was very good to soothe the pain all over her body.

Ji Xiao is greedy for this comfort, but still has to choose to expel, "Didn't I let you go out...hurry out..."

"Come on, I'll help you to the bed first."

After all, Wei Qingyu seemed to have not heard Ji Xiao's words, enduring the continuous erosion of Alpha's pheromone to her body, and helped her walk towards the side of the bed.

Ji Xiao looked at the girl close at hand, somewhat puzzled and at a loss: "Wei Qingyu, why are you not obedient..."

Shouldn't you be the one who most hopes that I will experience the pain you have experienced before?

The air became silent, and it took a long while for Wei Qingyu to reply in a light tone: "...I don't know, maybe I don't want to listen to you."

Ji Xiao frowned slightly when he heard the words, "Don't be kidding."

"I'm not joking."

The girl's voice was replaced with determination and determination, and her stubborn eyes were no longer indifferent.

When she obeyed reason and made to leave this room, her heart was full of entanglement and regret.

She has always followed the best choice given by reason, but has repeatedly turned her back on her beliefs in matters related to Ji Xiao.

The warm light covered the crowded room, but Wei Qingyu saw the fragile girl in the center of the room.

Long messy hair was draped indiscriminately on her thin back, and the wet hair was filled with depression and embarrassment.

Just a glance, Wei Qingyu suddenly felt as if a knife had hit her heart.

Cut the piece of meat off her heart with one knife, and drop it to the ground at will, letting it roll to pieces.

So how did this Alpha enter the fever period?

So what if I am Oga.

It is impossible for her to let her be the person who sits on the sidelines.

As long as it was something related to Ji Xiao, she would definitely not be standing on the sidelines.

"You can save me again and again during my fever period, why can't I save you once during your susceptible period?" Wei Qingyu tried his best to conceal her emotions and asked calmly.

"You are Oga..." Ji Xiao repeated the warning she had given her repeatedly, reaching out to shake off Wei Qingyu, "I'm fine... I don't need you to help..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Xiao's body felt another stomach cramp.

The sudden pain made her grip tightly the hand she had to get rid of last second.

——The only hands she can rely on now.

The girl's strength was a bit sudden and violent, and Wei Qingyu also experienced less than one-tenth of the feeling from Ji Xiao.

She looked at the girl in front of her who was about to fall again and frowned, "You said you were all right!"

Xu was anxious, Wei Qingyu's voice became anxiously a little higher.

Also brought on a bit fierce.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but feel palpitations when he heard the words, and the tail of his red eyes trembled silently under the light.

Tomorrow, a person who looks so arrogant and domineering on weekdays, when he is wronged, some people can't help but feel distressed.

Wei Qingyu blinked unnaturally, and while holding Ji Xiao to the mast at the end of the bed, he restrained his emotions and asked softly, "Where is the inhibitor?"

The sound fell, and the room was quiet.

Ji Xiao didn't want Wei Qingyu to continue to intervene, but she also knew that it was definitely impossible to inject inhibitors into herself in her current situation.

She looked at the girl in front of her, and the gentle light gave her a gentleness that was different from that of coldness.

The faint mint incense pushed her, just as I hoped Wei Qingyu to trust him at the beginning, and chose to trust her: "Draw... drawers."

As she said, she struggled to raise her finger and pointed to the small cabinet not far away, "First, second floor."

"Okay, wait a minute."

After that, Wei Qingyu walked over to the cabinet quickly.

The night was dark, and the shadow of the tree fell on the grass in front of this white villa by the light projected from the side of the road.

Ji Xiao could hear the sound of snow falling on the branches and smell the mint aroma mixed with the slowly night breeze.

And right in the center of that misty sight, stood the source of that alluring fragrance.

The girl turned her back unsuspectingly, and her white pajamas was sluggishly hung on her body, and her slender stature was set by the stacking complicated lotus leaf decorations.

The long, supple hair poured down like a waterfall, and it lay on her chest because of the dazzling turmoil just now.

The hair was intertwined like a net under the light, revealing the girl's slender white neck in a shadowy manner.

Ji Xiao's feet were lightly touched to the ground, and the pupils of the eyes that contained a lot of owe were slightly narrowed.

Under the bright scorching light, she clearly saw the slightly moistened white restraint sticker under the girl's long hair.

Wei Qingyu had just prepared the Alpha inhibitor, a sudden warmth came from behind him.

A slender shadow fell in front of her, and the taste of peach brandy poured down her head without reservation.

Wei Qingyu was startled slightly: "Ji Xiao, why are you..."

It's just that she didn't finish her words, and another hotter breath fell on her shoulders.

Ji Xiao imprisoned her from behind her, with her round chin resting on her shoulders: "Do you know that your taste is your sin?"

The voice was low and magnetic, which was unique to Alpha, and Wei Qingyu clearly heard the alarm bell in his heart.

She calmly looked at the half of Ji Xiaotan's face, and said, "Ji Xiao, what are you going to do!"

But how could the girl who had completely lost her mind understood her intimidation.

Ji Xiao turned his head slightly, and the tip of his tall and small nose gently pushed Wei Qingyu's long hair behind his neck.

The scorching breath fell on the fragile and sensitive gland without reservation. The spirits were already intoxicating, and the mint taste began to be out of the master's control, and he wanted to break free under the restraint.


Wei Qingyu's voice calling the name of the girl behind him trembled slightly, and his heart was beating wildly with an unbalanced heart.

She clearly perceives what Ji Xiao is going to do to herself next, but the hands that are not imprisoned seem to have lost the resistance mechanism and have not been lifted and pushed away.

The heart hit Wei Qingyu's chest frantically, tension and fear intertwined in her heart.

The familiar smell behind Alpha caused her to give birth to another flower named Expectation in the corner.

I don't know since when she got used to the smell of Ji Xiao, and the smell of peach brandy that she always smelled in the air.

Wei Qingyu's back was tightly attached to Ji Xiaoyan. The light material couldn't resist the hot and ambiguous warmth, and the smell of peach brandy wrapped her tightly.

If you let this smell stay on her for a while, it's actually not unacceptable...

A violent pain suddenly struck Wei Qingyu's neck.

Ji Xiao bit the small square piece attached to the gland, and savagely tore off the last line of defense of Oga in front of him.

Wei Qingyu's fingers shrank suddenly, and the inhibitor he was holding tightly was also accidentally pushed out two drops.

The cold liquid flowed along the girl's fingers to the raised blood vessels in her wrist, and immediately awakened her who was almost lost.

What is she thinking...

Take 10,000 steps back, even if you acquiesce.

What about Ji Xiao...

How should you get along when she wakes up?

The warm breath touched Wei Qingyu's neck again, and the girl was unwilling to sniff lightly, and she pointed out her canine teeth greedily rubbing the territory that was about to belong to her.

The taste of peach brandy once again enveloped the girl's body, soothing the Oga who was about to be temporarily marked with the most gentle atmosphere.

Just when the fragile glands came again with the pain that the canine teeth were about to break through, Wei Qingyu had enough energy to hold up the already weak hand, and immediately pierced the needle with the needle behind him with his backhand. The slender girl On his neck.

The milky white liquid slowly pushed into the neck of the out-of-control Alpha, riding on the extremely excited blood to spread its calmness all over the body.

Ji Xiao, who was suppressed in his restlessness, looked at the girl in front of him who could bring him a sense of security with dizzy eyes, and collapsed on her body.

The lights are dazzling, and the footsteps are weak.

With the help of Wei Qingyu, Ji Xiao unconsciously lay back on the soft big bed that made her fall into the clouds.

The strong mint smell is like the most loyal guard in the cloud, patrolling her territory.

Then a coolness fell, which eased her sensitive nerves that had been tight.

The panic faded, and its original silence was restored at midnight.

Wei Qingyu sat quietly on the edge of Ji Xiao's bed, but Yu Guang couldn't help but look towards the small cabinet.

The inhibitor package that was hurriedly opened was thrown on the ground casually, and the toppled decorations lay on the cabinet crookedly.

A small white square piece dazzled the brown-red floor, and a round tooth mark was printed on the wet corner.

The smell of peach brandy still remaining in the air evoked memories in Wei Qingyu's mind.

The scenes of what had happened just now crazily traced back in her mind, and her face that had always been calm became slightly hot.

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao who had fallen into a deep sleep, and his heart beat quickly again after a little calm.

The clock hung on the wall had already turned to the number "1", and Wei Qingyu suppressed the inexplicable throbbing in his heart and prepared to leave.

"Wei Qingyu..."

Just as Wei Qingyu was about to get up, the voice of a girl who was babbling in a dream sounded in the quiet room.

"I'm sorry..." Ji Xiao still closed his eyes tightly, and then spit out these three words after the name of "Wei Qingyu".

There was guilt in that weak voice, as if she was really apologizing for her loss of control.

Wei Qingyu, who had never heard these three words from Ji Xiao's mouth, couldn't help but stunned.

Before it was too late to digest, the girl's hand hanging beside her body was held by another force in the next second.

As if noticing that the person who can bring him a sense of security is about to leave, Ji Xiao subconsciously raised his hand and clasped Wei Qingyu's hand tightly.

"Don't go."

Ji Xiao's eyelashes quivered slightly in response to the voice, struggling to open his eyes in the chaos of the susceptibility period that had not completely faded away.

The gleaming eyes reflected the faint starlight outside the window, as if to drown Wei Qingyu in this sea area specially woven for her.