The moon showed a crescent of light from the dark clouds, spreading in the dark night.

The wind blows through the snow-hung pine trees downstairs, and the rustling sound becomes the only accompaniment to this winter night.

Wei Qingyu looked at the girl who cast a pleading look at him, his heart softened in an instant.

She took back the steps she had just taken, and sat down on the chair by the bed again: "I'm not going."

Only when the voice fell, the girl's squiggly eyes were still watching her.

The smell of peach brandy floating in the air writes the anxiety that will only be exposed during the susceptibility period.

The girl was afraid that after she fell asleep, the person who could bring her own sense of security would disappear, and she lingered to close her tired eyes.

Wei Qingyu even felt the reluctance from Ji Xiao in his palm.

She sighed lightly, and patiently said to Ji Xiao: "I really won't leave."

There was some unparalleled warmth in the cold voice, like snow that had just melted in the spring, and the coolness of mint slowly flowed into Ji Xiao's chaotic body.

The girl's barely supported eyes flickered, and one after another star fell from the thick eyelashes.

The light pouring softly on her pale and feeble face, and finally the vast ocean area that only existed in Wei Qingyu's sight returned to the silence of the night.

Ji Xiao's face fell into the soft pillow again, and with that mint-flavored security, he clasped Wei Qingyu's hand and fell asleep again.

As the night darkened, Wei Qingyu watched Ji Xiao who had fallen asleep without any intention of pulling out his hand.

She leaned gently on the back of the chair behind her, and Wei Wei's empty mind couldn't help but replay the topic she discussed with Ji Xiao during dinner at the hot pot restaurant this afternoon.

The higher the level of Alpha pheromone, the higher the purity and aggressiveness, and the higher the ethnic status in primitive society.

At the same time, the negative state brought to them by the susceptible period will be more difficult to control.

Wei Qingyu thought, and then looked at Ji Xiao who had already fallen asleep.

The long black hair was wet with sweat, and was gradually dried in the warm room, and it was stuck to her face in locks, and there was a trace of embarrassment in her behave.

The flat quilt was crumpled by her while sleeping on her side, and the undulating outline could tell her curled up body.

Alpha's rare fragility and sensitivity were rubbed on her body this evening, but it didn't feel inconsistent.

Wei Qingyu watched, the ghost messenger stretched out another hand that was not held by Ji Xiao and gently lifted a lock of long hair that lay on the half of her face, and put it together with the other long hair hanging on the side of her face. Don't be behind that tiny ear.

Now, the girl's face appeared completely in Wei Qingyu's sight.

The flush that hadn't faded still dyed the corners of her eyebrows, and even the tip of her nose, which had just wiped her skin, was flushed.

The small face on the pillow was covered by the long hair under his face, and the looming sensuality suddenly flashed back Wei Qingyu's memories.

Her gaze from top to bottom was the same as she was in that dilapidated factory building when she was ten years old.

When the childishness in the memory faded, the heroic spirit that belonged to Alpha gathered at the peak of her eyebrows and nose.

The green but mature body was slightly rising and falling with the unsteady breathing.

It was just different from that day, the breath that the girl in front of me slowly exhaled was no longer weak after being "warned" by others.

It was with the ambiguous scorching heat that hadn't completely faded away, what caught Wei Qingyu's gaze unpreparedly.

The taste of peach brandy brought the spirit of spirits across Wei Qingyu's throat, leaving the sweetness of peaches on the tip of her tongue.

And the lips of the root of evil are red and soft, slightly bluffing, and they are like freshly picked fruit from the mountain.

Wei Qingyu looked at him, and couldn't help rolling his dry throat jerky.

There was a blush on the cold face, and the ghostly approached the sleeping side face.

The breath was ambiguous, and a heart throbbed in his chest.

Only when the pink tongue just wiped the lip of one side and left a decadent crystal clear, Wei Qingyu was stunned.

In the quiet room, the gears clicked and turned, and the pupils that were watching Ji Xiao became obscure.


Why do I have such an impulsive reaction.

Why did she choose to stay after she unconsciously pleaded.

Why did she compromise when she almost marked herself just now.

As if really expecting her to mark herself...

Then she squeezed out the true desire from the depths of her heart and dripped it on the girl's barren wilderness, and gave birth to a delicate and fragile flower.

The stamens trembled in the wind, shaking off a heart-pounding scent.

I like it...

The night wind blows through the quiet night, and the snow hanging on the dead branches is blown off the ground by the wind, and a small snow is set off in a small area.

Wei Qingyu looked at the sleeping girl in front of him with blinking eyes, his thoughts were a little confused and tangled.

What is like?

Appreciation, love, admiration... These emotions can all be said to be like.

So what is the liking that stems from admiration?

When you start to feel jealous and hostile towards Oga who appears next to her, it means that your liking for her is no longer pure.

Should I allow myself to like someone who once pushed myself into the abyss?

Silence entered Wei Qingyu's brain from the quiet room.

Even Wei Qingyu didn't know how to answer this question.

It was like the first reaction when he entered the door just now and was back pressured by Ji Xiao.

She didn't have the confidence to make her heart believe that the nightmare that had been with her for half a year would not happen again in her own body.

Wei Qingyu raised his head and looked up at the sky outside the window.

The dark clouds are divided into many parts by the window lattice, and the moon hides in the uppermost frame of the sky and does not want to come out.

She thought, if her "like" is true.

She wished that the sleeping girl could give herself more confidence.

If it's fake...

The wind blew silently across the dark sky, pushing the dark clouds that had been shrouded in the middle of the night to leave.

Jiaojie embedded a layer of gold on the dark cloud, and the stars scattered into the girl's sight, embellishing her dark and confused heart.

If it is fake.

She hoped that her judgment was true.

The metal damp and rust smell came from all around Ji Xiao, and the feeling of suffocation pressed against Ji Xiao's chest, and every breath of her was extremely heavy.

She felt the pain from her body, but it was different from the paralysis in the susceptible period. The pain was really like a wound in the place where the pain was felt.

"Ji Xiao, are you okay..."

A cold voice came from Ji Xiao's ear with anxiety, but with some tenderness.

She felt the voice very familiar, and struggling to open her eyes from the chaos.

The girl's cold and lonely face became much smaller in her eyes, and she was full of the lovely sensuality of a young girl.

She was looking at herself anxiously, teardrops in her turquoise eyes, and a lot of embarrassing gray on her clean little face.

Ji Xiao couldn't figure out the situation, but involuntarily raised his hand.

She saw blood stains on the indigo sleeves, and the delicate material was torn apart for some reason.

Ji Xiao felt that her body was aching every time she moved, but the immature voice was pretending to be strong: "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all..."

Xiao Wei whispered as he listened, clear tears fell from her eye sockets uncontrollably.

A particularly clear and dazzling tear was left on the gray face.

Ji Xiao looked at it and couldn't help putting his raised hand on the side of Xiao Wei Qingyu's face. While helping her wipe her tears, he exhorted: "Also, you are Ji Xiao and I am Wei Qingyu."


Xiao Wei whispered something else, a burly man suddenly appeared in Ji Xiao's sight.

He was covered with smoke, and with a ferocious expression, he pulled Xiao Ji Xiao off the simple cot with just one hand.

Ji Xiao felt something cold against her temples, and the heavy pressure pierced her nerves fiercely.

She could see the broken expression on Wei Qingyu's face, as well as the squat of the special police officer standing in a hidden corner behind the broken window. A heart that was plopping was about to fall out of her throat.

"Your mother's little bastard, your father told the police that I can't run away. I'm going to crash you now!"


The man's voice sounded at the same time as the gunfire, and a lot of scarlet blood was splashed in Ji Xiaoyuan's open eyes.

The little girl's slightly opened lips were stained with the man's violence, and they were red like poppies in pale and dead |


Ji Qingyun's nervous and trembling voice rushed from a distance, and Ji Xiao suddenly opened his eyes when he saw the chaotic situation in front of him.


Obviously it was just a dream, but Ji Xiao truly experienced the fear in the heart of the original owner at that time.

The girl's body undulated violently with the panting breath, and there seemed to be blood sputtered by the man who had been killed just now in her throat.

The mint wandering in the air seemed to have noticed the anxiety on the girl's body, and as Ji Xiao's breath fluctuated, it fell on her.

The taste was soft and gentle, with a faint morning light, which made her feel filled with anxiety and gradually calmed down.

Looking at this strange room, Ji Xiao couldn't help but remember the dream after fainting during the susceptible period last time.

She seems to always look back at this key memory remaining in the body when her consciousness is most fragile.

But what kind of key are these dreams to the original owner?

The chaos of the susceptible period has not faded, Ji Xiao leaned on the soft pillow on the bedside and couldn't understand.

The girl sighed in distress, and the refreshing smell slid down her tongue to her brain.

Cool but hot, like the ambiguity that didn't go to the end last night, stalking Ji Xiao's heart that finally calmed down.

She felt a large piece of mint on the tip of her tongue, and suddenly remembered what she had done to Wei Qingyu when her consciousness became confused last night.

The girl's slender neck appeared in Ji Xiao's mind, and a large piece of white snow fell from the torn dress.

The mint is obviously cool, but when the tip of the tongue is rolled up, it feels as delicious as honey.

Ji Xiao felt that his throat was as hot as burning, but when he was about to raise his hand, he found that his arm seemed to be numb and unconscious.

She looked in the direction of her arm strangely, and there was a small head with beautiful long hair in her sight.

Wei Qingyu was lying on his arm and fell asleep peacefully.

Unlike the gray, uneasy and desolate look in the dream, the girl's slightly sensual little face was written with ease.

The slightly open lips were light pink like cherry blossoms, and they looked very warm and soft.

The flat sheets were caught by the green hands, Ji Xiao slightly straightened up and fell down in Wei Qingyu's direction.

Slowly and carefully exhaled his breath with the blazing heat that the susceptibility period had not yet faded, the gold-orange eye pupils wrote a vicious thought for that unsuspecting lip.