
Two knocks sounded abruptly in the quiet room, and Ji Xiao continued to lean down and stopped abruptly.

In sight, the girl's body lying on the bed moved slightly, as if she was about to wake up.

"Miss, it's already seven o'clock, and you will be late if you get up." Aunt Wu stood outside the door and preached cautiously.

Before she finished speaking, Wei Qingyu's alert and sharp hearing aroused her brain.

Ji Xiao didn't have time to put away her thoughtful thoughts. The girl sat upright and thrilled to skip her face.

The long black hair wiped Ji Xiao's lowered lips, leaving behind a touch of warm fragrance and mint in the girl's hair.

Plop, plop...

It was a violent heartbeat than ever before.

Ji Xiao sat on the bed blankly, her fingers twisting the sheets could not help but tighten again.


But before Ji Xiao came back to his senses, Aunt Wu pushed the door straight in when no one responded to her in the room.

However, Aunt Wu froze at the door before the word "Sister" was spoken.

Put aside the mess in the room first.

Wei Qingyu and their young lady appeared in the same room early in the morning, and they were still on the bed and the other beside the bed. They were so close to each other, it was very abnormal.

This...what happened last night? !

Aunt Wu would not hide her emotions, her face was full of astonishment.

Ji Xiao saw it clearly, and said with a guilty conscience: "Why did you come in without asking you to come in?!"

"I..." Aunt Wu held the doorknob tightly.

She looked at the anger on their young lady's face that she didn't know whether she was getting up or really angry, and bit her head and explained: "It's almost time for school, I'm also anxious..."

The trembling explanation ended, and Ji Xiao's guilty conscience also disappeared.

Knowing that Aunt Wu was unintentional, she sank and reminded: "I won't respond to you after waiting five minutes next time, you can enter again."

"Yes, I remembered it." Aunt Wu hurriedly nodded, "Breakfast is ready, so let's go down as soon as the lady changes her clothes."

While speaking, Aunt Wu held the doorknob to exit Ji Xiao's room.

After a second, Wei Qingyu stopped him, "Wait a minute."

Aunt Wu raised her trembling heart again. She watched Wei Qingyu replied respectfully, "Miss Wei."

"Yesterday your lady had a stomachache in the susceptible period. Today, prepare her breakfast lightly." Wei Qing said.

Aunt Wu's face instantly became tense when she heard that, she rushed into the house, and the old mother started to care about Ji Xiao like: "What, miss, you have a stomachache, did you eat a lot of spicy food again? When you were a child You can't eat spicy food...Why are you still susceptible? Are you okay! I've been with you long ago..."

The chattering greetings and instructions once again fell on Ji Xiao's head. Listening to Aunt Wu's endless words, she hurriedly reached out and stopped: "I'm fine now!"

"Yes, you remember to clean up the room today."

The light flickered in Aunt Wu's sight, and at this time, she noticed the Alpha inhibitor that had been dropped on the ground.

After reminding Wei Qingyu and Ji Xiao, there was a reasonable explanation for this messy room.

"I will remember this, but miss, your susceptibility period must have been tossed out last night, do you want to ask for leave today..."

Aunt Wu wanted to continue, Wei Qingyu, who had been sitting next to her, stood up.

She faintly scanned the girl who was cared by Aunt Wu beside her, and calmly preached: "Then I will go first."

The voice was calm and cold, exactly the same as usual.

Just with a trace of the dumbness that Ji Xiao noticed when he first woke up.

The light fell impartially on the girl's thin back. It was obviously only one night, but Ji Xiao felt that the loose pajamas became more and more empty.

The faint smell of mint swayed away from her, strewn with words stating that she hadn't rested well last night.

Ji Xiao pursed her lips and recovered a bit of her original owner, she said to the girl's back: "Wei Qingyu, or you can rest at home today. I didn't sleep well last night, and she was covered by two blacks. Is it embarrassing to go to school with eye circles?"

The voice was a bit savage and willful, but not the usual anxiousness.

The cautiousness hidden in the tone, as if caring about himself calmly.

As Wei Qingyu listened, there was a little more inexplicable warmth in his heart.

She finally understood Ji Xiao's awkward words, and gently shook her head and said: "No, I'm fine."

The girl spoke and looked at Ji Xiao, her clear eyes as if she wanted to see the girl's thoughts clearly.

Ji Xiao was a little guilty, and said stiffly: "Who is worried about what's going on with you..."

Hearing this, Wei Qingyu gave an unexplained "um" and turned and left Ji Xiao's room.

This attitude made Ji Xiao even more guilty. She looked at Aunt Wu and asked emphatically: "Am I?!"

"Of course not." Aunt Wu shook her head quickly, but finally knew where the sense of violation in this room came from.

Wei Qingyu stayed in the same room with her young lady last night during her fever period.

But one of them is Oga and the other is Alpha.

As we all know, Alpha in the fever period is the most uncontrollable...

And their lady is still the top S-level Alpha...

Aunt Wu looked at Wei Qingyu's back, without leaving her eyes for a long time.

The shocking scene when she just walked in the door surged in her mind.

In fact, from a certain point of view, their young lady and Wei Qingyu are somewhat compatible.

Childhood sweethearts, two little no guesses, the attributes after differentiation are still S grade...

"I know what you are thinking."

Ji Xiao's slightly low voice suddenly sounded in Aunt Wu's ear.

For some reason, she felt particularly uncomfortable looking at Aunt Wu's eyes staring at Wei Qingyu's back.

Ji Xiao: "Please put away your incorrect thoughts."

Aunt Wu thought that Ji Xiao had seen through her thoughts that she matched Wei Qingyu, and her heart trembled.

She hurriedly dispelled the idea of ​​knocking on CP, picked up her professional ethics, and said, "Yes, miss."


Aunt Wu simply cleaned up the messy things in Ji Xiao's room, and then stepped back.

The rooms that had just been crowded were empty again.

Ji Xiao stood in front of the mirror and tied herself with a school uniform and bow tie, but her gold-orange eyes were a little loose.

The girl's finger faintly pressed her lip, and the soft lips were still full of a light mint fragrance.

If Aunt Wu didn't break in at the time, would you kiss it?

And why do you want to kiss her again?

The early morning sunlight passed through the window glass in the cloakroom, reflecting the mirror in front of Ji Xiao very brightly.

The girl looked at herself reflected in the mirror with heavy eyes, somehow she couldn't see through her heart for some reason.

The winter days are always a bit monotonous. The dry branches and the cold air make people look forward to the festival.

So in the last month of the year, Christmas Eve came as expected in anticipation.

From the way to school to the class, the elements of Christmas are used to the fullest.

Ji Xiao walked into the classroom with Wei Qingyu carrying her schoolbag, and at first glance she saw the big Santa Claus painted on the window next to her seat.

"Damn!" Ji Xiao couldn't help sighing. She tugged at Wei Qingyu beside her, "Look, it's a Santa's head!"

Wei Qingyu said "Yeah", copying his pockets unmoved, and his expression on the Santa Claus was a little cold.

The painting style of this Santa Claus is different from the paintings of other windows in the class. At first glance, someone specially painted on this window...

Wei Qingyu was thinking, a shy little girl in the class came over, "Ji Xiao, do you think it looks good?"

"Of course it looks good." Ji Xiao nodded frankly without noticing anything, "I don't know where the squad leader got it from."

The little girl smiled shyly when she heard the words, and whispered to Ji Xiao: "I painted it, you like it."


Wei Qingyu frowned as he looked at the little girl standing next to Ji Xiao.

She pursed her lips, just looking for an excuse to take Ji Xiao away, but she didn't want to be interrupted.

"Wei Qingyu, someone is looking for it." A girl who had just walked into the class patted her shoulder, and pointed to a boy outside with something.

The boy saw Wei Qingyu look at him and greeted her very friendly.

Wei Qingyu almost immediately knew what he was looking for.

She wanted to refuse and took Ji Xiao away.

Turning his head, he found that Ji Xiao had been dragged to the window by the little girl.

The two of them stood with their backs to Wei Qingyu, and the light and shadow of the huge Santa Claus head painted them together.

Even if the little girl has no intimacy and Ji Xiao is keeping her distance, Wei Qingyu still feels very dazzling when she looks at it.

An inexplicable emotion came out of her heart, pushing her up and heeling the boy who came to look for her and walked out.

It's just that Wei Qingyu didn't know.

The second after she walked out with the boy, Ji Xiao turned to look at her.

There was a heavy snowfall last night, and the trees in the patio were covered with a thick layer of snow.

The patio was cleared out of a small road, revealing a winding red brick and white snowy road, with small brown leather shoes lightly knocking on it.

The heavy skirt of the winter school uniform hangs under the girl's knees, and the black tube socks outline a pair of beautiful ankles.

The length of the top student did not reduce the girl's height, but made her cold and well-behaved.

The noise around him was blurred in Ji Xiao's vision, Linglong World Baixuehongmei, looking very beautiful.

It would be better if Wei Qingyu didn't have the obstructive boy beside him.

"Ji Xiao, the old class said that the last class of our class is not available for self-study this afternoon. Can I ask you to go to a movie?"

The little girl Nuonuo's voice came from Ji Xiao's ear and interrupted her thoughts.

She looked at Wei Qingyu, who had disappeared with other boys, and felt a little uncomfortable, let alone something that she was not interested in.

She shook her head and turned down an excuse, "I'm sorry, I have an appointment with someone tonight."

"Okay." The little girl said, just like every Ji Xiao would reject people, showing some pitiful frustrated expressions of Oga.

But Ji Xiao didn't feel soft about her expression. She nodded to the little girl again and sat back in her seat.

The classroom where the preparation bell was ringing became quieter, but Ji Xiao sat in the last row but couldn't calm down.

Her gaze stayed on the "urder" at the very edge of the vocabulary book, but the empty seat in Wei Qingyu was all around her.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding~"


The sound of chairs across the ground rang at the same time as the early self-study bell.

Ji Xiao poured out the water in the cup in front of the classmate who came to inspect the morning self-study, and walked out of the classroom with an empty cup grandiosely.

A few seconds ago, the teaching building was still noisy, but now it has become orderly.

Every time Ji Xiao passed by a classroom, he could hear Lang Lang reading in unison. She looked for the direction where Wei Qingyu had been with the boy and walked towards the water room on the west side of the teaching building.

"Why can't I accept it, it's just a holiday gift."

The boy's voice came from the open space behind the water room, Ji Xiao slowed down in an instant, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

It's been five minutes, why are you still giving gifts?

Ji Xiao sneaked out a pair of eyes and looked in the direction of the sound.

The boy stretched out his hand and always wanted to give Wei Qingyu his gift, but Wei Qingyu's hand was always on his side, and the words on his cold and frosty face were all thousands of miles away.

As soon as the boy's voice fell, Wei Qingyu relentlessly refused: "Sorry, if there is nothing wrong with the senior, I will be out of company."

Saying that Wei Qingyu raised his foot and was about to leave, the boy was reluctant, and flashed to the road in front of Wei Qingyu, saying: "Don't, you just told me to make me feel better, just give me face."

Wei Qingyu frowned slightly as he watched the boy's rude behavior: "The class bell has already been rang, and I want to go back."

"Hey! You didn't hear me, did I prepare for you for a long time? Don't be so ignorant of good or bad."

Said that the boy was about to stretch out his hand to pull Wei Qingyu who was going to leave after passing him.

Wei Qingyu's energy response was not as good as that of a boy, and he watched as his hand was about to pull himself.

There was disgust in my heart.

"What do you want to do."

Just when Wei Qingyu felt that she couldn't dodge, an exceptionally cold voice came over her head with the smell of peach brandy.

Wei Qingyu looked up in surprise, only to see Ji Xiao holding a water glass in one hand, and holding the boy's hand toward him in the other.

Alpha's extremely oppressive anger burned in those golden-orange pupils, and he firmly protected himself behind him with absolute possession.