As if it had already been prepared, the red greeting card with a delicate Christmas tree read: Merry Christmas.

Wei Qingyu's chic fonts are exceptionally beautiful under the light.

The sweetness of the apple flows into her heart cavity along the tip of Ji Xiao's nose, and it fills up her empty heart cavity just now.

She never thought that she would be honored to receive Wei Qingyu's Christmas gift. This is simply a milestone success on her way to survival!

Ji Xiao looked at the red apple in his hand, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised with indescribable joy.

It seemed that in addition to the joy of success, there was another sweet emotion lingering in her heart.

I can’t tell, I don’t know.

It seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and I couldn't see clearly.

But since Wei Qingyu gave himself a Christmas present, does it mean that he can also give Wei Qingyu the Christmas present he prepared for her?


As soon as Wei Qingyu walked back to his desk, before sitting down, there were two more brisk knocks on the door.

As if she had expected something, her heart could not help but beating nervously again.

The girl pushed the door of her room open, and the beam of light that had been thrown into the corridor in the next room had just been retracted.

An apple that was a circle bigger than the one she had just sent appeared in her sight.

As if deliberately learning his own way, a greeting card was placed under the apple.

The three words "Wei Qingyu" at the end of Merry Christmas are extremely powerful and show no signs of smudging.

It looks like it was ready long ago, but it hasn't been sent out yet.

Wei Qingyu clearly heard the sugar ball named "Joy" rolling in his heart.

She has never thought that after rejecting many gifts, she can feel that way too when she is given a gift.

The girl gently sniffed the peach brandy remaining on the card, and sat back in her chair.

The phone whose screen had been turned off flashed with a breathing light.


[XwX: The boss should be asleep, sorry that something happened just now. 】


[Good night, boss. 】

Wei Qingyu held the beautiful red apple and walked to the window with the phone.

The warm yellow light in Ji Xiao's room was also projected on the pure white snow, and a small shadow of the girl was looming in front of the window.

If you can, Wei Qingyu really wants to draw this moment of time as an infinite symbol.

In this way, she doesn't have so many worries, and she doesn't have to worry about so many unknowables from the future.

Feelings of temptation can repeatedly squeeze the sweetness from this apple, secretly blooming the most beautiful flowers.


The dull voice of the clock downstairs faintly came from outside the door, reminding Wei Qingyu that time is still running.

The screen of the phone has gone out, and she secretly replied in her heart: Good night.

The rest of the day was peaceful. On the way after school in the winter, Ji Xiao and Wei Qingyu walked on the right side of the group of four with this little ambiguity.

The sunset cast their shadows diagonally in the snow, and walked forward quietly with their shoulders touching slightly.

The Lunar New Year came as scheduled amidst crackling firecrackers, and the entire city of A was shrouded in a sea of ​​red during the Chinese New Year.

After noon on the fifth day of the day, a particularly lavish black Porsche Cayenne stopped at the door of Ji Xiao's house, followed by a nanny car.

Ji Qingyun sorted out his newly changed black and purple suit, got out of the car, and was greeted by Aunt Wu and went straight to the living room.

Ji Xiao, who was the all-night liver copy, just woke up, and the pace of going downstairs was still a little light.

"Ah...Daddy, why did you come so early."

"It's getting late, Xiaoxiao, I have asked the styling team to come with the dress and the makeup artist. You can try the dress and make a make-up. It will be eight o'clock in a while."

As Ji Qingyun said, he clapped his hands with ease.

The people waiting outside walked into the living room mightily with their dresses and makeup cases, and the fluffy dresses and skirts piled up in front of Ji Xiao instantly.

She almost forgot, there is a very important party tonight.

People from the upper class will all be there, and Ji Qingyun intends to take his divided self to meet the world.

While Ji Xiao was picking up her dress, Ji Qingyun looked at the closed door on the second floor and asked: "Why whisper? Why didn't you see her?"

Upon hearing this, Ji Xiao immediately stopped looking at their eyes showing the dress to herself, and asked vigilantly: "What? Dad wants to see her?"

"I didn't see her even during the Chinese New Year, and I was a little worried. After all, this is her first New Year without her parents..."

As he was talking, the door of the hallway was opened.

Wei Qingyu came back from studying in the library with her schoolbag, and when she walked in, she heard Ji Qingyun's polite words.

"Uncle rest assured, I'm fine." Wei Qingyu said coldly.

Ji Qingyun was not at all persuaded by Wei Qingyu's cold attitude, but asked more diligently: "Qingyu, I still go to the library to study in the New Year? Is the library not closed?"

"Closed in the afternoon." Wei Qingyu replied.

But Ji Xiao knew that she didn't actually go to the library at all, but went to Wei's house under the guise of going to the library.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiao suddenly thought of the party they were going to attend later.

Since there will be a lot of people in the upper circle at the party later, it is okay to take Wei Qingyu to brush her face and pave the way for her to return to the top in the future, right?

Ji Xiao: "Dad, why don't you take her with you later in the party?"

Ji Qingyun was a little surprised when he heard this, "Xiaoxiao, are you saying you want to bring a whisper?"

"Yes, can't it?" Ji Xiao asked back.

The original owner is already domineering and not a person who likes to explain, which also lacks Ji Xiao's tongue.

"Of course it can." Ji Qingyun said, the smile on his face even worse when he saw it.

With the incident at the last auction, Ji Qingyun had originally thought that it would not be necessary to make Ji Xiao unhappy for the New Year, and there was no daring to mention Wei Qingyu with all kinds of things.

As a result, I didn't expect that this time, Ji Xiao actually took the initiative to mention it.

Ji Qingyun quickly ordered: "Aunt Wu, help Qingyu to put the schoolbag."

It's just that Aunt Wu walked up to Wei Qingyu, but Wei Qingyu didn't even mean to pass her schoolbag.

She looked at Ji Xiao who was standing not far away, wondering what she meant by this action.

She clearly knew that she didn't like to get along with Ji Qingyun.

Seeing that Wei Qingyu was still suspicious, Ji Xiao pretended to preach dissatisfiedly: "That's a rare upper class party, so many big guys, can't you please?"

Wei Qingyu didn't know if Ji Xiao's words had any ulterior motives, but she was slightly moved after such a reminder.

This is indeed a good opportunity to show his face in the upper circle and show that the Wei family is still there.

She nodded, handed the schoolbag in her hand to Aunt Wu, and agreed: "Okay, I'll go."

"It's pretty much the same." Ji Xiao smiled slightly from the corner of her mouth.

She looked at the girl who was still standing in the hallway, and a little golden light outlined the perfect figure that she had been spoiled for.

Thinking of everything Wei Qingyu had enjoyed before, Ji Xiao wanted to make up for everything she had lost now.

So, while walking towards the second floor, she said to the stylist on the side: "Go help her and give her a beautiful look."

"Okay, Miss Ji." The stylist nodded and promised respectfully.

So when Ji Xiao came down from the second floor, Wei Qingyu had already changed his dress and made a look.

The light pink silk satin dress poured down from her cold white skin, but the simple design vividly set off the coldness and nobleness of her original temperament.

Maybe she was like this.

It is a flower that never needs too much decoration. A little clear dew can evaporate her beauty.

The silky long hair is braided into a pair of beautiful scorpion-tail braids on the side of her face, and the long hair interspersed with light pink and white ribbons is lowered behind her head.

The slender ribbon hangs slightly behind the slightly raised slender neck, and it only takes a single stroke to draw the calm and graceful expression from the bones.

Ji Xiao held on to the handrails of the stairs and couldn't help forgetting to raise his foot down the last step.

The girl staggered, and rushed down the stairs from Wei Qingyu's sight.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wei Qingyu hurriedly walked towards Ji Xiao carrying his skirt.

Ji Xiao waved his hand hurriedly, sorted out the hairstyle he had just made, and a square black velvet box appeared in his hand.

She licked her dry lips lightly, and the lip balm that hadn't worked for a long time still had a refreshing mint smell.

Ji Xiao handed the thing in his hand to Wei Qingyu, and said, "Open it and take a look."

Wei Qingyu didn't know what was wrong, and his heart beat quickly and tightly.

The black velvet box opened in the girl's soft hands, and the familiar smoky purple brooch suddenly appeared in her sight.

Ji Xiao: "It was just delivered during the Chinese New Year. I never found a chance to give it to you. Now it belongs to you."

Wei Qingyu still remembered the staggering price of this brooch, and his voice trembled, "This... is too expensive."

"Is there anything expensive or not, good things should be worthy of someone who understands them." Ji Xiao smiled slightly and took out the brooch from the box. "You can't let it stay in the box all the time. , Don't you see anyone?"

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Xiao, who was very close to him, and his heartbeat, which was already somewhat unbalanced, became faster.

She had never thought that Ji Xiao would still remember this thing she was about to forget.

The sharp needle pierced the Jinbo on the chest with the gentle light above her head, and Ji Xiao's round head reached below her sight.

The taste of peach brandy once again leisurely fell on the tip of Wei Qingyu's nose, which stirred up a burst of excitement in the girl's heart.

Wei Qingyu couldn't help but rolled his throat, pretending to be calm, "Thanks...thank you."

Just before Ji Xiao could answer, Ji Qingyun's voice came from not far away.

This man was holding a wine glass in a very small hand in his white gloved hand, leaning on the sofa beside him with a well-dressed appearance: "Hey, are we Xiaoxiao, are we wearing a brooch for Qingyu?"

Ji Xiao's gentle expression just became colder: "Yes."

"Can you help Dad tidy up his tie? Dad finds the tie a bit uncomfortable."

Speaking of Ji Qingyun, she looked at Ji Xiao with a look of expectation.

Ji Xiao looked at it from a distance and knew that he couldn't justify not doing it. After all, the one opposite was her father in this world. All of her enjoyment still belonged to him, and it was impossible to cut the seat with him.

"Okay." Ji Xiao nodded, buckled the pearl pin cap of the brooch, and walked towards Ji Qingyun.

The night casts a magnificent color on this prosperous city that never sleeps. Sitting in the back row, Ji Xiao is a little absent-minded looking at the neon street scenes flying by.

She always felt as if she had forgotten something, and she was a little worried about how to relax.

The top-notch hotel in the city center is lit with all-over lights, and it looks magnificent from a distance.

A European-style fountain draws extravagant elegance in the night sky, and the deserted winter is even more set against this place full of precious pine trees

While opening his eyes, Ji Xiao was preparing to pack up her pure black dress.

But he stopped when he saw the silver-gray vintage old car parked in front of the front porch.

A well-dressed teenager in a suit and leather shoes followed his father slowly into the lobby under the greet of his attendants.

The girl's golden orange eyes trembled slightly.

Ji Xiao finally remembered what would happen at this seemingly unwavering party today.

As the male protagonist, Jin Nanfeng will notice for the first time that the female protagonist Wei Qingyu, who has been left out in the corner without any attention, will be noticed.