Ji Xiao sat in the car and looked at the figure that went further and further away, hoping that he had read it wrong.

For some reason, she had a lot of resistance to the male protagonist she liked very much when she was reading novels.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you looking at?" Ji Qingyun asked curiously when he noticed Ji Xiao's gaze that hadn't been taken back from the window for a long time.

Ji Xiao looked at the sight of Ji Qingyun looking back, and could only ask him about this kind of thing.

He pursed his lower lip, and asked in a gentle voice: "Dad, is that person... the eldest son of the Jin family?"

"Are you talking about the person who got off that silver Rolls Royce just now?" Ji Qingyun asked with confirmation.

"Yes." Ji Xiao nodded as he looked at the car slowly driving out.

Hearing this, Ji Qingyun nodded: "Yes, that's Mr. Jin and his eldest son Jin Nanfeng."

When the words "Southern Jinfeng" passed through Ji Xiao's ears, the girl felt her heart was jerked.

In my mind, I wanted to confirm with others that there were totally two feelings, and that faint trace of luck was erased by Ji Qingyun.

She had hoped that the stories in this book would proceed faster and faster.

But when the south Jinfeng wind really appeared, Ji Xiao felt that he was not happy at all, and even felt uncomfortable in his heart.

She almost forgot that there was another person in this world who had a destined relationship with Wei Qingyu.

In other words, her subconscious mind is controlling her to ignore and avoid this matter.

"Why, Xiaoxiao is interested in him?" Ji Qingyun asked, looking at Ji Xiao who was a little absent-minded.

Hearing Ji Qingyun's words, Wei Qingyu couldn't help but turn his attention to her.

But when he saw Ji Xiao shook his head thoughtfully, there seemed to be concerns in his voice: "No."

It didn't look like she denied it at all.

Wei Qingyu was faintly grudged in his heart, and slowly got out of the car after the attendant opened the door while carrying the skirt.

The pink silk and the black pile of yarn touched each other, and she whispered in Ji Xiao's ear, "What's the matter with you?"

Ji Xiao's sight was not far away from the Jin family father and son, but a familiar voice came from his ears.

She couldn't help but feel a little more bored in her heart, but she had to pretend to be innocent and asked, "What's wrong?"

"that is…"

"Brother Jin!"

Before Wei Qingyu could say anything, he was interrupted by Ji Qingyun's loud voice with a smile.

This man thought he was in Ji Xiao's favor and shouted to stop the Jin family father and son walking in front. The two of Xian Ji Xiao quickly walked towards the father and son who stopped in front of him, looking very familiar.

Ji Xiao's heart was immediately picked up.

She was still entangled in her heart whether to create a chance encounter between Wei Qingyu and Jin Nanfeng according to the plot in the book, or... to obey her current selfishness and keep Wei Qingyu by her side and not be noticed by Jin Nanfeng.

In the original text, it was because of the shock of the night of this evening party that Wei Qingyu directly left an indelible impression in Jin Nanfeng's heart, and indirectly prompted him to transfer to the attached middle school in the third year of high school.

I don't know if it's Alpha's original impulse or something else.

When Ji Xiao thought of pushing Wei Qingyu to Jin Nanfeng according to the plot later, he was very resisted.

In his sight, the Jin family's father and son were talking and laughing with Ji Qingyun. The young man named Jin Nanfeng looked very aura even if he stood between two well-maintained middle-aged Alphas.

The huge crystal chandelier casts a dazzling light on him, giving Alpha, who has always been known for its publicity, an image like a gentle jade.

Really deserves to be the hero.

Ji Xiao sighed in her heart, but her gold-orange eyes were filled with gloom.

Suddenly she wanted to watch Jin Nanfeng take something precious from her.

However, in the original text, Wei Qingyu originally belonged to him.

Instead of yourself.

"Xiaoxiao, come here soon." I don't know what the few people were talking about, Ji Qingyun turned around and beckoned to Ji Xiao, interrupting her thoughts.

At the same time, the Jin family's father and son followed Ji Qingyun's actions towards Ji Xiao's side.

This is the distance between close and far, although he can't see the facial features of the two clearly, but it makes Ji Xiao nervous.

If Wei Qingyu was passed with him in this way, the story would definitely follow the original text.

Jin Nanfeng will definitely fall in love with Wei Qingyu at first sight, and Wei Qingyu will meet him again in the near future.

It is said that the more in a crisis, the more clearly a person can see the decision he has to make.

Ji Xiao looked at Jin Nanfeng's gaze toward him, and hurriedly fluffed the long hair in her ear.

The soft long hair covered Ji Xiao's ears with ear clips, and also covered her slightly nervous eyes.

While looking at the ground, she said to Wei Qing beside her: "Ah...My earrings are missing. Go to the car and find them for me."

The young girl's acting skills were as clumsy as ever, so clumsy that Wei Qingyu glanced at it and felt that the action she looked down for was a little unnatural.

Those green fingers pinched the black pile of yarn, stiff and tight.

Just looking at Ji Xiao's anxious look, this is another occasion, Wei Qingyu didn't go any further.

She gently said "Okay" to Ji Xiao, then carried the skirt and asked the attendant to take herself to the parking lot on the side.

The cold winter wind seemed to be weak even if she was wearing a light pink Diaoqiu.

The wind lifted the hem of her skirt, and the precarious satin was wrapped in Ji Xiao's sight.

Ji Xiao just stood there, staring for a long time at the girl who was tricked by herself to look for the non-existent ear studs.

The center of the kumquat eye pupils was filled with indescribable guilt.

Feel sorry…

Forgive my lies and be selfish.

Ji Xiao watched as the only light pink in the cold world disappeared, and his hands gripping the skirt became tighter.

She sorted her emotions, and stood beside Ji Qingyun with her skirt in her hands: "Dad."

"Let me introduce you." Ji Qingyun said, "This is your senior uncle Song."

"Hello, Uncle Jin." Ji Xiao asked politely.

Jin Changsong heard the words, showing a kind smile just like in the book, and said: "Hello, Xiaoxiao."

"This is the son of your Uncle Jin, Jin Nanfeng." Ji Qingyun said again.

Compared with just being polite and well-behaved to Jin Changsong, Ji Xiao's attitude towards Jin Nanfeng is much colder.

She only slightly nodded, and did not extend her friendly hand to this peer: "Hello."

Upon seeing this, Jinnan Wind had no choice but to slightly nod to Ji Xiao: "Hello."

The voice was cold and magnetic with Alpha, which was particularly conspicuous in this not-quiet hall.

Ji Xiao sounded a little more worried about the Alpha in front of him, and he was still not confident.

Jinnanfeng is also an S-level Alpha, and his family is less decent than his own.

Compared with him, his S-class Alpha, which is not like Alpha, is as small as dust.

"I remember, Xiaoxiao should be sophomore in high school this year, right?" Jin Changsong interrupted Ji Xiao's thoughts and asked as he walked.

Ji Xiao nodded obediently when he heard the words: "Yeah."

"How are your grades?" Jin Changsong asked.

Ji Xiao couldn't help but his eyelids twitched.

Sure enough, adults are like this.

Even in the upper class, as long as you bring a child, you can't help but ask about her grades.

It’s just that before Ji Xiao could answer this time, Ji Qingyun was ahead of her, showing off the usual preaching: "We Xiaoxiao entered the experiment in the placement test this year, and passed the top ten at the end of the semester."

Jin Changsong's eyes lit up, "Xiaoxiao's experimental class in the attached middle school, that's really good. I know the attached middle school is the best high school in city A, and I'm also considering whether to transfer Nanfeng from Yuhua Private School to the attached middle school. . I’m just worried that the pace of this teaching will be different from that over there, and Nan Feng will not adapt to it.”

After hearing this, Ji Qingyun continued: "Actually, I said Brother Jin, since you have returned to City A now, you just need to get your child over. Nanfeng is a clever boy. Even if he goes to the attached middle school, I believe he can I'll follow up soon."

"That's true." Jin Changsong nodded, "Nan Feng, what do you think?"

"I think it can be tried." Jin Nanfeng replied, his voice as cold as ever.

Jin Changsong looked at Ji Xiao thoughtfully when he heard the words, and discussed with a gentle face: "Well, Xiaoxiao, you can introduce your school to Nanfeng, and let him do some more consideration, okay?"

When Ji Xiao heard the stubborn words being thrown to her side, the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Sure enough, it is blessed to protect the heroine.

God really loves her, and handed such a good opportunity to her.

Later, I will say more about the school's badness, so that the root cause of the possibility of the transfer of Jinnan wind to the attached middle school can be cut off?

So Wei Qingyu won't have any emotional intersection with him?

Anyway, there is his own support, and he is not bad for this male protagonist.

We, Wei Qingyu, can still take the route of no cp heroine!


Thinking of this, Ji Xiao's eyes were filled with smiles, and he agreed very readily.

Jin Changsong looked at the brilliance in the eyes of the little girl in front of him, and nodded twice with unknown meaning.

Then he picked up the champagne on the table beside him and said to Ji Qingyun beside him: "In this case, the old things that we two don't understand shouldn't disturb their young people, Brother Ji."

"Hey, okay." Ji Qingyun leaned respectfully and took the wine glass in Jin Changsong's hand.

As he followed Jin Changsong to the social circle on the other side, he couldn't help but turn around and told Ji Xiao: "Xiaoxiao, don't drink."

"I have a count, Dad." Ji Xiao said, then looked back at the Jinnan Wind on the side.

She pretended that she had a pocket in her skirt with a pile of yarn in one hand, her neck was held up slightly, and the dude preached to him: "Let's go?"

The retro and exquisite European-style wall lamp exudes brilliant and dazzling light, setting the whole banquet hall with splendor.

The slightly raised head hung down the long hair blocking her neck, and light and shadow outlined her slender neck.

The girl's gold-orange eyes read a bit stubborn and unruly, like a jealous black swan.

Jin Nanfeng looked at the person in front of him who had a completely different atmosphere from this coquettish, and there was an imperceptible ripple in his eyes.

"Okay." He followed Ji Xiao in a flat tone.

The heavy door of the banquet hall was opened from the outside, and Wei Qingyu, who could not find the pearl ear clip, was led by the attendant to the banquet hall.

As soon as the girl came out with her light pink dress, everyone nearby looked at her.

Miss Wei's family, who had disappeared for more than half a year, stood in the center of everyone's eyes without any disposition, her cold face full of calmness.

The bright light hit her face, it was as dazzling as a pearl even if it fell in the family.

It's just that this pearl didn't pay attention to the sight cast by the people around, she held her head slightly up and looked for her girl in the crowd.

But the moment she found her, the pupils of her eyes were slightly stagnant.

Wei Qingyu saw Ji Xiao and the boy named "Southern Jinfeng" in a corner deck with a big blind spot.

The light covered this beautiful young picture with a layer of ambiguity, which made her feel particularly dazzling no matter from which angle she looked at it.

"Whisper." But Ji Qingyun stopped Wei Qingyu, who was about to go forward, and waved at her like an amiable elder: "Come here."

Wei Qingyu looked at Ji Qingyun and Chen Linji around him instructed her to pay attention to people she had contacted through text messages, and was forced to lift her foot and walk over.

But the line of sight still glanced towards Ji Xiao.

She saw Ji Xiao's black skirt accidentally falling on Jin Nanfeng's legs, and there was a red lip print on the glass in her hand.

The long-lost melancholy feeling in the girl's heart came back again, and it was being enlarged a little bit.